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by The Hilanders

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The Hilanders perform "Yellow Bird" on episode 37 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the histories of diverse American and international...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, Trinidadian music, Hilanders Steel Band, Calypso music
Unsorted Television

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Have you ever experienced poor television reception?  Gareth has, and it almost cost him his family.  Luckily, I am on hand to set him straight.
Topics: Antenna, television, paracelsus, perfectionism, procrastination, therapy, caesar, pontine marshes
Unsorted Television

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En el programa de hoy, los cabilleros Daniel Lara y Nehomar Hernández inician conversando acerca de otro aniversario más de la muerte de Chávez. En honor a esto, Daniel Lara ofrece un minuto de carcajadas. También sobre el ex-presidente, comentan los oyentes por las llamadas telefónicas mientras la cadena de radio y televisión continúa.
Topics: Venezuela, Política