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Unsorted Television
by ITV Studios Limited, ITV Studios

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Series 23 premiered on ITV1 on November 20, 2010 and ended on January 12, 2013 with the special episode "The Next Generation".
Topics: You've Been Framed!, Harry Hill, ITV Studios Limited, ITV Studios, ITV1, ITV2, ITV, ITV plc
Unsorted Television

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Series 22 premiered on October 10, 2009 and ended on November 13, 2010.
Topics: You've Been Framed!, YBFGold, You've Been Framed! Gold, ITV Studios, ITV1, ITV2, ITV, ITV plc
Unsorted Television
by ITV Studios Limited

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  Harry Hill presents more hilarious footage filmed by viewers.
Topics: ITV Studios Limited, You've Been Framed!, ITV2, ITV, ITV plc
Unsorted Television

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This montage about numerous objects hitting the camera was taken from Series 23 episode 20 and was reused in the Full Throttle special. I don't own the rights to the show. ©️ ITV plc
Topics: You've Been Framed!, ITV, ITV plc
Unsorted Television
by BBC

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ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: The BBC was founded 100 years ago by British and American electrical companies doing business in the United Kingdom. Licensed by the British General Post Office, their original office was located on the second floor of Magnet House, the GEC buildings in London and consisted of a room and a small antechamber. On 14 December 1922, John Reith was hired to become the Managing Director of the company at that address. The company later moved its offices to the premises of the...
Topics: BBC, United Kingdom, TV
Unsorted Television
by Joseph Mama

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There are 2 versions of the You've Been Framed! 2011 credits. The First one is taken from the Rides Again special. The second one is taken from the regular Series 24 episode. Both saved from YouTube. I own nothing. ©️ ITV Studios Limited 2011
Topics: You've Been Framed! (series 24), You've Been Framed!, ITV Studios, ITV1, ITV, ITV2, ITV plc
Dutch Television

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Description (Dutch): De politiek heeft de taak om duidelijk te maken dat het niet normaal is om de adresgegevens van bewindspersonen online te delen en hen thuis op te zoeken. Dat zei de kersverse minister van Justitie, Dilan Yesilgöz, na afloop van de eerste ministerraad.
Topics: NOS, News
Sports and Sporting Television
by Brenden Nichols

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This is the road series for the New York Mets against the New York Yankees in Season 7 of the MLB 2K11 Mets Franchise.
Topics: MLB, 2K, 2K Games, 2K Sports, 2K Baseball, Baseball, Games, Sports, MLB 2K, MLB 2K11, MLB 2K11 Mets...
Sports and Sporting Television

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This is the road series for the Cleveland Indians against the New York Yankees, who came in with a 24-23 record and lead in the American League Eastern Division. This was a highly competitive and challenging series for both teams, one in which could not be won, as both teams took two of the four games. ***SEASON SPOILER BELOW*** The New York Yankees would ultimately collapse and lose out on the division to the red-hot Toronto Blue Jays, who finished their season winning 37 total games in the...
Topics: MLB, 2K, 2K Games, 2K Sports, Games, Sports, Baseball, MLB 2K, MLB 2K11 Indians Franchise, Major...
Dutch Television

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Description (Dutch): Schipspotter Yörük zag voor de invasie de Russische oorlogsschepen al door Istanboel naar de Zwarte Zee varen. Turkije sluit die doorgang nu af, wat volgens hem op lange termijn de oorlogen in Oekraïne en Syrië kan beïnvloeden.
Topics: NOS, News, Oekraïne, Syrië, Turkije
Dutch Television

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Description (Dutch): Dat het kabinet niet zelf met een wet komt "is gewoon zo afgesproken" in de coalitie, zegt de minister van Justitie en Veiligheid.
Topics: NOS, News
Unsorted Television
by MeadowlandFan2004

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NOTE: This was Recorded Yesterday Evening on October 1st German Title: Rockstars zähmt man nicht
Topics: Movies, Comedy, Romance
Dutch Television

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Description (Dutch): De beoogd minister voor Veiligheid en Justitie wil pas na haar beëdiging iets zeggen over haar nieuwe taak en hoe zij daar tegen aan kijkt.
Topics: NOS, News