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Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-01-19. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Na de succesvolle zaak tegen Shell begint Milieudefensie nu een rechtszaak over klimaatschade tegen een van de grote banken. Het is... ING. (applaus) Hoeveel kans...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 248

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 17

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 17

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-09. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Niet alleen studenten, maar ook docenten keren zich tegen universiteitsbestuur na de ontruimingen en charges van de ME, gisteravond in Amsterdam. En ook: wat vinden...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 15

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-08. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Studentenprotest breidt zich uit naar andere universiteiten in Nederland. In Amsterdam heeft de ME een einde gemaakt aan de bezetting van een aantal...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 14

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 13

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-07. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Israëlische troepen nemen de grensovergang bij Rafah in in de Gazastrook. Maar het is nog niet de grote aanval, waar nu al dagen over wordt gesproken. En in...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 15

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-06. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: De laatste formatieweek is aangebroken. En die begint meteen met een formatiestuk dat naar buiten komt. Waar zijn de formerende partijen het inmiddels over eens?...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 54

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 12

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 136

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2022-05-02. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: De chaos op Schiphol is geen incident, maar een structureel maatschappelijk probleem. Als jouw vlucht wordt geannuleerd, waar heb je dan recht op? En er zijn...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 37

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-24. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: LIVEPROGRAMMA, ONDERTITELING KAN ACHTERLOPEN Goedenavond! Live vanuit Leusden zijn we hier in afwachting van het Musical Awards Gala 2024. Straks na het journaal...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 9

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-10. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Spanning rond het Eurovisie Songfestival. Doen we eigenlijk nog wel mee? Wat is er allemaal gebeurd? Verder in het nieuws vandaag: Burgemeester Halsema verdedigt het...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 39

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 33

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-14. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Een massale aanval van Iran op Israël. Maar een met weinig schade. Bijna alle Iraanse drones en raketten werden onderschept. Israël zegt dat Iran een prijs zal...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 8

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-11. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Joost Klein was donderdagavond boos omdat hij gefilmd werd. En daarom mag hij vanavond niet meedoen aan de finale. Joost is ontzaglijk verdrietig. Hij had zo graag...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 20

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-03. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Na de aanklacht zijn er nu ook de verhalen. Mogelijk chemische aanvallen door Rusland. Onze verslaggever in Oekraïne spreekt er met militairen over. Verder in het...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 14

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 9

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 13

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-05. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: De Amstel in Amsterdam is zo goed als klaar voor het 5 mei-concert. Het publiek is er al Op het speciaal gebouwde podium zit zo de Koninklijke Militaire Kapel Johan...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 18

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 43

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 5

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-12. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Het Songfestival werd dit jaar een editie vol onenigheid en teleurstelling overheerst. Ik denk dat gewoon de hele EBU moet opzouten en er een nieuw bestuur moet...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 28

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2019-07-15. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: 888 President Trump zet het immigratiedebat in Amerika verder op scherp met een - volgens sommigen - ronduit racistische boodschap aan zijn critici. Terug naar je...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Unsorted Television

eye 118

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Khalid & Sophie broadcast from 2021-10-15. Khalid & Sophie is a Dutch talk show from BNNVARA that is broadcast live on NPO 1 on working days. The presentation is in the hands of Sophie Hilbrand and Khalid Kasem. Transcription: KHALID: Het is vrijdag 15 oktober. Goed dat je kijkt. Hier is Sophie. LIVEPROGRAMMA, ONDERTITELING KAN ACHTERLOPEN Een hele goedenavond. Welkom. Henk Spaan wordt vrolijk oud en schreef daar een roman over. Wereldberoemd dj Joris Voorn en een studio vol muzikanten...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, BNNVARA, Khalid & Sophie, Talk Show, Sophie Hilbrand,...
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 28

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Unsorted Television

eye 39

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Broadcast from 2021-09-23 of Dutch late evening talk show 'OP1'. Op1 is a Dutch talk show on television that is broadcasted on the late evening on NPO 1. The presentation is in the hands of changing duos, each of which can be seen on a specific fixed day for a specific broadcaster. As a producer, TVBV is responsible for the core editing of the program and thus monitors the format. Discussions about current topics and a reflection on the issues of the day, with various guests and opinion makers,...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, OP1, Talk show
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 15

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-02. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Het Oekraïense leger raakt steeds verder in de problemen. Ze hebben nog altijd een groot tekort aan wapens en munitie. Straks een reportage van onze verslaggever...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 31

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 42

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2023-10-07. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Zeker 100 doden en bijna 1000 gewonden in Israël, na de onverwachte aanval door Hamas. Palestijnse strijders van de terreurorganisatie vallen Israëlische dorpjes...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Unsorted Television

eye 94

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Broadcast from 2021-08-09 of Dutch late evening talk show 'OP1'. Op1 is a Dutch talk show on television that is broadcasted on the late evening on NPO 1. The presentation is in the hands of changing duos, each of which can be seen on a specific fixed day for a specific broadcaster. As a producer, TVBV is responsible for the core editing of the program and thus monitors the format. Discussions about current topics and a reflection on the issues of the day, with various guests and opinion makers,...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, OP1, Talk show
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 16

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2019-12-30. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: 888 De jongen die vorige week in Drachten werd neergestoken is overleden De burgemeester van Smallingerland wil dat de politiek bekijkt... of het dragen van alle...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 19

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 70

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 3

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 14

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 87

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2017-03-28. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: 888 Embryo's kweken voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek. De Gezondheidsraad wil dit toestaan. Want onderzoek kan wel eens belangrijke kennis opleveren over En verder in...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 19

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-18. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Duitsland heeft twee spionnen aangehouden. Ze zouden voor de Russen aanvallen voorbereiden op militaire transport-routes. Hoe zit het met Russische spionage in...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Unsorted Television

eye 119

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Khalid & Sophie broadcast from 2021-09-24. Khalid & Sophie is a Dutch talk show from BNNVARA that is broadcast live on NPO 1 on working days. The presentation is in the hands of Sophie Hilbrand and Khalid Kasem. Transcription: Het is vrijdag 24 september, goed dat je kijkt. Hier is Khalid! LIVEPROGRAMMA, ONDERTITELING KAN ACHTERLOPEN Ja, goedenavond, welkom allemaal thuis en ook hier in de studio. Welkom, Erik van Muiswinkel, jij vertaalde de Disney-klassieker Aladdin voor een nieuwe...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, BNNVARA, Khalid & Sophie, Talk Show, Sophie Hilbrand,...
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 17

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 373

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2023-03-31. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Excuses aan de nabestaanden van Peter R. de Vries Derk Wiersum en de broer van kroongetuige Nabil B. Het kabinet geeft toe dat er vreselijke fouten zijn gemaakt bij...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 40

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-12. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Israël houdt er rekening mee, dat een Iraanse vergeldingsaanval nu snel kan komen een wraakactie na het bombardement van de Iraanse ambassade, in Syrië. En als-ie...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 107

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 23

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-03-08. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Spoedeisende Hulp wordt overspoeld door ouderen, die geen medisch noodgeval zijn. Deskundigen waarschuwen dat de zorg volledig vastloopt als er niets gebeurt. Maar...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 30

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 32

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2017-05-06. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: 888 Ook in Nederland duiken nu verhalen op over misbruik van voetballertjes. Deskundigen denken dat het er zeker meer worden. En verder in het nieuws vandaag. Ook de...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 27

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2021-08-06. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Gaat ook in Nederland de coronavaccinatie steeds meer een verplichting worden? Sommige reisorganisaties vragen een vaccinatiebewijs van hun klanten. In landen om ons...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 69

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Unsorted Television

eye 129

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Broadcast from 2021-07-05 of Dutch late evening talk show 'OP1'. Op1 is a Dutch talk show on television that is broadcasted on the late evening on NPO 1. The presentation is in the hands of changing duos, each of which can be seen on a specific fixed day for a specific broadcaster. As a producer, TVBV is responsible for the core editing of the program and thus monitors the format. Discussions about current topics and a reflection on the issues of the day, with various guests and opinion makers,...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, OP1, Talk show
Source: Digitenne
Unsorted Television

eye 151

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Khalid & Sophie broadcast from 2021-09-06. Khalid & Sophie is a Dutch talk show from BNNVARA that is broadcast live on NPO 1 on working days. The presentation is in the hands of Sophie Hilbrand and Khalid Kasem. Transcription: Het is maandag en de formatie duurt al 173 dagen. We bespreken de verantwoordelijkheid van Rutte met Tommy Wieringa, Natalie Righton en Yoeri Albrecht. Robbert van Heijningen en Hans de Borst maken gebruik van hun spreekrecht in de MH17-zaak. Het was het weekend...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, BNNVARA, Khalid & Sophie, Talk Show, Sophie Hilbrand,...
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2019-11-04. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: 888 Nederland is verantwoordelijk voor de dood van 70 burgers bij een luchtaanval in Irak, in 2015. Erkent nu ook het kabinet. We zijn natuurlijk verantwoordelijk...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2022-12-01. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Grote irritatie om strafzaken die niet door kunnen gaan vanwege te weinig personeel. Natuurlijk is het frustrerend voor politiemensen, maar vooral voor de verdachten...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-03-13. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Geert Wilders ziet af van het torentje. In ruil voor een rechts kabinet laat hij het premierschap los. Maar wie wordt er dan premier? Verder in het nieuws vandaag:...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Unsorted Television

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Broadcast from 2021-09-13 of Dutch late evening talk show 'OP1'. Op1 is a Dutch talk show on television that is broadcasted on the late evening on NPO 1. The presentation is in the hands of changing duos, each of which can be seen on a specific fixed day for a specific broadcaster. As a producer, TVBV is responsible for the core editing of the program and thus monitors the format. Discussions about current topics and a reflection on the issues of the day, with various guests and opinion makers,...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, OP1, Talk show
Source: Digitenne
Unsorted Television

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Khalid & Sophie broadcast from 2021-09-15. Khalid & Sophie is a Dutch talk show from BNNVARA that is broadcast live on NPO 1 on working days. The presentation is in the hands of Sophie Hilbrand and Khalid Kasem. Transcription: Wij zijn Welkoop. We zijn doeners. Altijd lekker bezig, met onze buiten- en beestenboel. We planten, oogsten en zaaien aaien, maaien, snoeien of sproeien... rapen en stoeien. We genieten van ieder seizoen. Voor ons is elk weer mooi weer. Bij New York Pizza maken...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, BNNVARA, Khalid & Sophie, Talk Show, Sophie Hilbrand,...
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2019-01-13. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: De Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel wil onderzoek naar het snelgroeiende aantal nagelsalons in Nederland. Er zijn signalen over witwassen, uitbuiting en...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2020-02-25. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: 888 Nieuwe besmettingsgevallen van het coronavirus. 1000 toeristen op Tenerife in quarantaine, onder wie ook Nederlanders. En nieuwe besmettingen ook, in en rond...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2021-10-14. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Hij stond hoog op de lijst om geevacueerd te worden maar hulp kwam te laat. Een Afghaanse tolk die voor de Nederlanders werkte is volgens zijn familie vermoord. Wat...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-27. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Gezelligheid, feest en vrijmarkten in Nederland op deze Koningsdag. De koning en familie vierden zijn verjaardag in Emmen. En velen gingen naar vrijmarkten en...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-21. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Grote opluchting in Oekraïne nu Amerika over de brug komt met een miljardensteun. Extra munitie en materieel om de Russische opmars tegen te houden. Hoe lang gaat...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2017-09-21. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Het nieuwe kabinet heeft serieuze plannen voor een kilometerheffing voor vrachtverkeer. Goed voor het milieu, maar de transportsector vreest het ergste. En verder in...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2020-06-18. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: 888 Geen nieuwe coronabesmettingen bij de anti-racisme-demonstraties ruim twee weken geleden. Er zijn twee mensen naar voren gekomen met klachten die niet het virus...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Unsorted Television

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Khalid & Sophie broadcast from 2021-10-29. Khalid & Sophie is a Dutch talk show from BNNVARA that is broadcast live on NPO 1 on working days. The presentation is in the hands of Sophie Hilbrand and Khalid Kasem. Transcription: Het is vrijdag 29 oktober. Goed dat je kijkt. Hier is Sophie. LIVEPROGRAMMA, ONDERTITELING KAN ACHTERLOPEN Goedenavond. Rocky Hehakaija, beroemd van het straatvoetbal EN het televisieprogramma Wie is de Mol, maakte een documentaire. Dounia en Souhaila spelen...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, BNNVARA, Khalid & Sophie, Talk Show, Sophie Hilbrand,...
Source: Digitenne