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Lateral  11.2 (Fall 2022) Edited by Robert F. Carley, andré m. carrington, Stefanie A. Jones, Eero Laine, Alyson K. Spurgas, and Chris Alen Sula This issue features three regular articles and the first installment of a special section, "Crip Pandemic Life: A Tapestry," which builds on the “Cripistemologies of Crisis” special section, edited by Theodora Danylevich and Aly Patsavas, last year.
Topics: anti-Blackness, cultural studies, publishing, scholarly communication, pandemic, police,...
I've set up an FTP server to make my archive of DOS and Windows freeware programs available. The collection has accumulated over 20+ years and contains 90,000+ (mainly) freeware programs going back to the 1980's. There's also a download of a Garbo mirror with lots of interesting earlier DOS and Windows 3.1/95 programs. Includes a good selection of DOS side-scroll games and Doom, Heretic, etc. The archive files are contained in directories under the root "FTP_HOME". I've attached a...
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Topics: Freeware, DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10, FTP
Unsorted Television
by K4RCA

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Walkie Talkies - Ross model RE-999 - vintage with manual - 1966
Topics: Walkie Talkie, Two Way Transceiver, Ross RE-999, Vintage Radio, 1960's, crystal controlled,...
Unsorted Television

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INTER TV CABUGI 01.10.22 02.10.22
Topics: GLOBO, TV
Unsorted Television

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GLOBO 26.11.22 27.11.22
Topics: GLOBO, TV
Unsorted Television
by Cyber Group Studios

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50/50 Heroes is a French animated children's television series produced and distributed by Cyber Group Studios. The series follows Mo and Sam, half-brother and sister, aged 11 and 9. One day, these siblings find out that their great-great-great-grandma once dated a superhero, although it’s not very clear who he was. They both had a kid together, creating a potential hereditary “superhero streak” in Mo and Sam’s family. Up until now, almost everyone in the family thought it was all just...
Topic: 50/50 Heroes
Unsorted Television

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GLOBO SP 30.10.22 03.27
Topics: GLOBO, TV
Sports and Sporting Television
by Brenden Nichols

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This Cleveland Indians record log file from the MLB 2K11 Indians Franchise includes season outcomes, all World Series winners in the franchise, postseason outcomes, most cherished and notable players throughout the seasons, and much more.
Topics: MLB, 2K, MLB 2K, 2K Games, 2K Sports, Sports, Games, Baseball, Major League Baseball, Major League...
Unsorted Television

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GLOBO 29.09.22 30.09.22
Topics: GLOBO, TV
Sports and Sporting Television
by Brenden Nichols

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A list of all my favorite games I’ve played in 23 years of life. Anecdotes, game descriptions, and reasons to play these games for yourself are included in this file.
Topics: Favorite games, video games, NFL 2K3, Major League Baseball 2K11, Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft...