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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 10, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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car insurance with liberty mutual the. >> situation sure. i can
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stream floor van, llc, fluorine every step covered >> i'm caitlin polantz in washington and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by >> are firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now an arizona >> court's abortion in decision igniting a five-alarm or replicans one that could co thet just the white house, butntl of congress is there wa for the publican party or for donald trump to close paora's box. plus risking catastrophicailure. a whistleblower sayshat bong tookhortcu t
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manufacturintwo versions of its dreamliners, jets. >> andf a now, the fed's are better. investigating >> and we're trackinsevere weather acrosshe southn us. it's already caused damage and several towns and that may just be the beginning. we're following these major developing stories and many more, all coming in, right here. cnn news central >> just a short time ago, president den made his first public comments on this stunning arizona ruling that revived a vil war era abortionan. he says that if you don't like that law, elected me and not donald trump. the arizona supreme court's move this week brings even more attention to an already hotly contested battleground state democrats have pounced on this ruling, putting the blame on former president trump and framing this as an issue of individual freedoms the republican
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message, it's been muddled, especially in arizona. trump-backed senate candidate kari lake previously said this about the 800s, 64 law less than two years ago. listen >> incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that's already on the books. i believe it's ars 133603. so it will prohibit abortion in arizona, except to save the life of a mother now league says, quote, i oppose the ruling, and i'm calling on katie hobbs and the state legislature to come up with an immediate common sense solution >> that arizonans can support republican congressman david schweikert celebrated the reversal of roe versus wade. he co-sponsored a bill that would ban abortion nationwide at the moment of conception. but now look at this quote. i do not support the ruling from the arizona supreme court. this issue should be decided by arizonans, not legislated from the bench and republican
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congressmen, juan ciscomani, he has said that he's proudly pro life and that abortion policies should be set by the states but now he's calling this abortion ban. archaic, adding that quote, we must do better for women. and i call on our state policymakers to immediately address this in a bipartisan manner. a lot to discuss with cnn senior political analyst, mark preston margaret it, it's, it's as if the dog is chasing the car he's caught the car and now doesn't know what to do. republicans really opened a pandora's box with reversing dobbs and it doesn't seem like they had a plan for situations like this. they >> certainly didn't have a plan because they are getting what they wanted. they wanted the ability to restrict it in many cases, just flat out outlaw abortion and now it's being handed to them. but what they're realizing is that most of americans don't want to see abortion outlawed. in fact, if you look at some recent polling, you can see that the fact that it's about six in ten americans right now, and we're seeing this across
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multiple polls, believed that abortion should be illegal. and when you're going into this election, not just this, this congressional election, but this presidential election. it's going to be one of the top issues. >> there is a lack of consensus in the republican party about abortion restrictions. and where they should land. and i think the most evident case is with donald trump set aside his history before even running for president when he said that he was pro-choice to now where earlier this week after weeks of sort of hedging, he acknowledged that he believed that abortion should be up to the state's contrast that with senator lindsey graham, who is trying to court trump's support and backing this 15 week abortion ban and on a federal level, what do you make of this bouncing back and forth within the republican party? do they need a consensus >> well, they don't need a consensus. and the fact that there are certainly parts of the country right now where abortion folks want to see abortion outlawed. that is, for certain, i mean, we've seen it in states such as mississippi
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for instance, but we're also seeing in states such as kansas and kentucky, these are not democratic states who both rejected measures that would outlaw abortion. we started ohio, which again is not is not a democratic state, which also cited with abortion just a couple of years ago as well to voters did. so, republicans there are certainly taking a page from donald trump's book. say one thing a year or two ago, say something different now, because that's where the electorate is. he did publicly chide republicans who took firm stances on this issue, saying, let's focus on other things. let's not get explicit in the details about abortion restrictions can donald trump win the white house without arizona >> no no. i mean, look, we saw this happen just three years ago. we saw joe biden only when arizona by 11 thousand votes. this is still a very conservative state. the fact of the matter is this is going to be one of the states, including pennsylvania, michigan, georgia, that are all going to really decide who the next
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president united status. >> we played that sound from kari lake. that is going to be one of the pivotal races to determine control of the senate is there a broad path for republicans to take control of the senate if she loses >> it's very difficult because again, you want to look in some of these states where we are democrats are vulnerable, such as montana for instance, is abortion going to be as potent in that state as it is an arizona i don't know. but the fact is we do know heading into november that the congress and the presidency is really going to show where we are as a country, incredibly divided incredibly divided even within parties. mark preston. thank you so much for breaking that down. forrest brown >> our next guest is an arizona state senator who last month revealed to her colleagues on the state chambers floor her very personal decision having abortion. eva burch said the procedure was the safest and most appropriate option for her after learning her pregnancy was not viable, meaning the
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fetus it's had no chance of living and it was a pregnancy that she very much wanted. here's what she had to say after yesterday's ruling >> somebody gave me a procedure so they wouldn't have to experience another miscarriage the pain, the mess, the discomfort now we're talking about whether or not we should put that doctor in jail arizona state senator eva burch is with us now and i do want to talk about the politics with >> you, but it's personal for you, not the least is well, you're also a nurse practitioner. and this was a difficult process for you? as you put it a pregnancy, you very much wanted failing. i wonder if that had happened a month from now for you, what would you have done instead >> well it's really hard to say. we're very much in flux right now. and none of us can know with any amount of certainty what it's going to be like in arizona a month from
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now. what we do know is that two years ago when roe was overturned, abortion clinic shutdown all across the state and i had had a very similar situation happened at that time where i had a pregnancy that failed. this is the second time that i've had a procedural abortion because of a field pregnancy. and it was only two weeks before roe wind down that i had that procedure, hadn't happened two weeks later then i would have had to go out of state that would have been the only option available to me >> the attorney general here won't prosecute violators. that's been made clear however, planned parenthood and arizona is going to stop abortions this is once this old law goes into effect here in 13 days because there could be future ramifications or local ramifications. can arizona lawmakers do anything to stop it from going? into effect >> they absolutely can. not only can they now, but they should have quite some time ago. this has been available to us that we've been in session for months. we could have repealed this ban at any point
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in time, which really puts a little bit of a spin on it as we're seeing some of these republican legislators backpedaling now saying that they don't think this is a good idea. they could have done something about this a long time ago. what abortion clinics shutdown all across the state of arizona. they should have done something about it, then we have known that this ban is on the books. it's been well understood and it's been supported by a number of our republican legislators openly. they're not even hiding it. so well, i understand that, yes, there are things we we can do. we also have to acknowledge the fact that there are things we already should have done >> some of them supported it and now they don't. i wonder what you think about some of your republican colleagues who are now reversing themselves i think that it is transparent politically expedient, act of desperation that they have realized that there are >> political consequences to their actions. but i really don't trust them. i don't believe them. i think that they are lying. and the reason that i think that is because we have all the evidence that we need to to know that they're going
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to continue to chip away in a road if these rights they have been chipping away at reproductive health care for years and arizona, we can look at their voting records and we know where they stand. we can look at their statements in the past and we know where they stand. so if they want to play hero now and try to fix it's this problem now that it's become really a politically volatile situation for them that's fine. but there's no reliability that that's going to stand. it's the people of arizona who have to do something about this in november, the 15 week ban hinged on row, which obviously is now defunct. it's why the arizona supreme court said abortion law in the state now snaps back to this 18, 60 for error ban former president trump, who is responsible for appointing the supreme court justices who overturned roe said this today about the arizona decision when he was asked if the court went too far, let's listen arizona go to
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>> the governor and everybody else bring it back in taken care by the way. >> so he said there it's it's kinda tough to hear. he said the court went too far and that the arizona governor, who of course is a democrat, katie hobbs, will bring it to reason. what is your reaction? >> when you are the cause of the problem? you don't get to come back and say that now the democrats should clean up your mess. so of course i'm not surprised that that's what we're hearing. but i know that in the future they're going to continue again to chip away at these rights. so i really think that it's the same scenario that we're looking at with these legislators in arizona. they're backpedaling now because of the consequences not because they understand that what they have done is wrong. nobody is taking accountability for the fact that this is their mass. they are the ones who got us here in the first place. and have to hold them accountable to that. you can't just say, oh, well, this was wrong.
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let's fix it you have to say what i did was wrong. i made a mistake. how do we fix this? and that's not what's happening. there's no accountability right now at the state level or from the press presidency, or from the former president rather, we really have to hold the people who got us here accountable for what they did obviously a lot in flux in arizona, and we appreciate you taking some time to speak with us today. arizona state senator eva burch. thank you >> thanks for having me >> let's go to boris now with some breaking news for us exist in to cnn police in philadelphia are responding to reports of a shooting at a large crowd in philadelphia. this is live footage from a helicopter over the area we've seen a large number of police vehicles spread out over different intersection i'll sizable police presence there seen as athena jones has been following this story. athena's so far no word yet on injuries that's right what you just
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said, boris is about what we know, what we have confirmed so far there is, as you can see there on the ground, a large police presence there. we know that public transportation is also confirming that there's this activity going on. we understand this, what there was a shooting and a large crowd, but what we don't know is how many shooters were there, how many possible victims were there? we were not yet sure how many people may have been arrested, how many weapons may have been recovered. so there's still a lot of questions that we don't know the answer to. but we expect to learn more as time goes on our own reporter of cnn's danny freeman is heading to the location to find out more on the ground. there in philadelphia. but of course this is this is not good news ever to learn about shooting of this sort. and we know that philadelphia is like many other major cities, having to deal with gun violence on a regular basis. this is the latest example of that. but as of right now, awaiting war information from authorities as to what exactly went down at
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this now reported shooting that that police are investigating their their in filet boris >> please stand by and various more information when you get it we have former boston police commissioner, ed davis with us as well. i'm not sure if you've been able to see some of the images that we've been monitoring from the sky. it does not appear like there is an enormous urgency in the police response to this point. what do you gather from some of the images that you were seeing? >> well this is obviously a very serious incident on this holiday after ramadan. it appears from what i'm hearing that there was an event in the park. there >> it >> also appears from what i'm seeing that it looks like it's under control they're there is worried that there are people arrested in that would coincide with what i'm seeing with the police response. there. they're present, they're processing is
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but there's no active shooting from the looks of things right now. so it's tragic because this is in such an important day it it, it looks like it's under control at this point in time >> yeah. and and listen, it is iid. it is the breaking of the fast marking the end of ramadan. and we see people wearing traditional dress in some of these pictures, we do not know if there is any connection, but there does appear that there was some gathering in the area related to the holiday. there are a lot of details that we don't know at this point. ed just tell us what you're seeing is you're looking at these pictures. we see so many cars. it is obviously at a very busy intersection there. as you see it, it appears to be a commercial area and maybe as well or residential area >> yes, i'm told it's a park that the event happened in and
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there were several hundred people in attendance so when something this upsetting happens, they'll maintain a significant police presence there. but remember the responsibility of the police where they arrive at a scene like this is to assist the injured arrest the suspect if that's possible. and then process the crime scene. now, they also have to worry about just general upset among the people that are at the crowd. in the crowd, you have to treat them as victims. even if they've been psychologically affected by what's occurred. so there's a lot of assurance and responsibility on the police to make sure that people get out of this safely and are taken care of as best that we can after an incident like this. but really the responsibility to police right now secure their crime scene, grab all the evidence that you can secure a video from the area so that you can put a case together against who's ever responsible for this?
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>> as you were describing, investigators sort of combing through the scene just from the view of the sky and where the police presence is, it looks like it's very broad, spanning several different intersections, several different corners of this part of philadelphia. what's it like especially early on in the process to start going through a sizable scene like this >> it's very difficult and we've had seems like that in the police departments. i've run there are special considerations. first of all, it's a it's an area that is covered with grass, so it's not as easy to find spent shell casings and things like that. so they'll most likely bring in ballistics, dogs to run over the property to see what they can find the hidden in the grass. they'll also use strategies like line searches. so there's a significant number of offices there they set them up in a line and methodically
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walked the property so that they've got everything that's on the ground and they don't miss anything the other thing is sort of just keeping people out of the area that's another challenge in an open area like that, you need to have a significant number of officers on the outside perimeter making sure that no one gets in and affects the crime scene what to consider in this situation? >> yeah. we were actually broadcasting the last time there was a shooting at a large event. obviously, a much larger event than this and kansas city but these are events ed, that create specific complications. and quite frankly, i think we're sick of seeing this where people may be gathered and we're still looking for details on exactly how all of this happened. but the idea that you could even just be going about your day or that you could be gathering for what is supposed to be a happy event
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and this is something that might be happening. there or nearby correct a that's going to be something that they are workinthrougright now this is a significant religious event and there's been a gunfire occurring in the middle of this event. is this something that is driven by hatred? or is there an incident from nearby criminal activity that sort of spilled into the park when this event was occurring that's gonna be a big question for the police right now to try to determine exactly what this is about. there is a lot of shooting activity in philadelphia, west philly is a tough area in they have to kind of get witness statements look at video, look at the evidence to determine what the motivation was behind this. that's going to be a big part of what they are doing this afternoon. >> and we are working the phones right now with sources to try to get more answers as to the question of how this
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unfolded and what we're investigators are leaning. it's still not clear to this point that this was it's connected to the ramadan event. however, it very well could be. and we will wait for the reporting to bear that out and i'm curious from your perspective, because briana mentioned the super bowl victory rally that it was happening in downtown kansas city, and we were broadcasting as that was unfolding there have been significant steps taken in recent years to try to improve security at these so-called soft targets. >> i'm >> wondering if you can speak to that and if there are still areas where you think that as a country, we could improve >> absolutely. briana is right. there have been stepped up assignment of officers. you saw that in the last that's the incident and you know the the the police department tries really hard to to send the
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right number of people out to secure an event >> the >> challenge is and having run boston, a big city in the united states, there are multiple events every single day all around the city it's virtually impossible to send police to every single one of them so in a big event that's a rolling rally after a sports victory, you're going to have a hundreds of officers but in a small event that has maybe a couple of hundred people at it, you might get an area cruiser to sit there during the event, but it's not going to be heavily policed and if this is one of those, it's hard to say what happened in this particular case. there could have been offices right on seeing if there was an arrest that was made quickly, that could very well have been the case. but you have to remember that there are church services every day of all denominations. everyone has a level of threat of that they're working with right now. and it's impossible for the police to cover everything as you mentioned,
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it, it is difficult and this is the video we were just looking at that i'm glad just popped up again. we see police officers in a line. they're canvassing this park walking through it very slowly. you'd mentioned it's hard to find shell casings in the grass. tell us a little bit about what they're doing here >> well, they're doing that's called the line search. and oftentimes will go to the police academy and pull recruits out of the academy to do those lines searches over a very large area. >> but >> they're very carefully looking at every blade of grass, quite frankly in the path to, see if there's an abnormality. there is something that might be evidence of a crime. and so that's a very effective way to find any, any problems or any kind of vital pieces of information that you need to reenact and reconstruct the crime scene. so you're going to see this that's that
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area is most likely exactly where the shooting took place. and that's the area where there'll be looking for spent shell casing sometimes projectiles pieces of clothing, any blood droplets, things like that. remember, dna is a huge component of our investigations now so a lot of times suspects will injure themselves when they're firing a gun. and you'll get dna from both the suspect and the victim, at a crime scene like this. so they're looking for all of that right now. >> i do want to give our viewers and update on information that cnn has just learned. this is into cnn from john miller and mark morales. according to officials two victims were rushed by police to penn presbyterian hospital with gunshot wounds. one of them is considered a possible suspect and an important detail in this reporting, police currently believe that the shooting was not connected to the ramadan celebration. this is from law enforcement in philadelphia but obviously it did affect that gathering, given that we've seen people
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scattered throughout the area, we have juliette kayyem with us as well. let's yeah, let's go to juliette now, who is tracking this for us? your reaction, julia, to what you're seeing unfold and what we anticipate will soon come as officers canvas this scene your mood board is just make sure that everyone is fine and accounted for family unification. this is whether it's related to the ramadan event or as remember what we saw at the super bowl parade, there was something outside of the parade that made it seem like it was targeted towards the parade. if it's something on the perimeter, it's still going to have an impact on people who were not anticipating that they were at the highest religious service for their for their faith and congregating and so you want to make sure that family unification is done and that
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you get social services and other greeks services or just therapy services into something that will be quite traumatic for the community we are hearing reports of this had nothing to do with the e celebration that's the end of ramadan i'm not sure how they know that now, but how they know that should come out pretty he clearly in a press conference relatively soon. and then just following up on what ed was saying, if one of the suspects is also in custody, at least in medical custody. now, we'll be able to find out a lot more about what the what the meaning of this was and why, why and who in fact was the target? i want to say there's this for people in the community, this is going to proceed, be perceived, especially just given the atmospherics of the time with the war and everything going on in the middle east, this will be perceived as targeted against them. so the quicker that officials can come out and
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make it clear this was just either a whole horrible coincidence or or they were unrelated will be good for the community. there's lots of eats, celebrations around the country today and we want people who who practice islam to be able to practice safely yeah, >> no, it's such a good point and it is important to have that out there. we do have to point out though that the celebration very clearly affected by all this, right. this was supposed to be a breaking of the fast ramadan, and now has been completely affected by this shooting nearby. this is life juliette, that you can be having a perfectly lovely day the end of a holiday season just a nice de, the weather's pretty great here. on parts of the east coast right now. and it's shattered by something like this that it appears so random and yet we can count mount on this. here we are time and
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again. >> yeah. >> and this happens >> yeah. we call it i mean, now and i hate to say it, but mask and in literature and studies, people who are in the policy world, we call it the social consequences of gun violence. so we call a mass shooting someone who a shooting in which four people are killed not including the gunman we have we have technical terms for all this stuff, right? how many people are dead, how much? property is damaged. but the social consequences are sort of him measurable because they impact a specific communities. in this case a community of faith that during the end of ramadan, a city that does not want this reputations we will inevitably here the mayor and others come out and talk about how safe it is and then obviously the mental health issues and the impact it will
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have on people who are around or people who thought that they were celebrating these aspects aren't numbers, right? they're not. you can't say, well, there's four dead or tendon sounds. >> that >> sounds casual. me. i don't mean it that way. it just means that these are the social consequences that we can't even get our head around anymore because these are so common as you said we do have some additional insight into how this unfolded cnn's reporting is that police do not believe this was an active shooter situation, but rather an exchange of gunfire between two groups on the street police believe that an active shooter open fire during that dispute and that sent hordes of police to this area in philadelphia, leading to two people being rushed to the hospital with gunshot wounds. one of them, according to officials believed to be a possible suspect. we're going to keep an eye on this situation. we're going to take a quick break and come back with a very latest right here
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>> i want to make perfume >> so i meet barbers, new sagui counts by guaranteeing her maximum refund intuit turbotax >> i wanted 24 stanley cup play begin with 20 >> we're following breaking news here. a shooting in philadelphia in right now is we've understood at least one officer fired shots at a gunman according to a lawn law enforcement crissman official, there were two victims who were rushed by police to a hospital there in philly with gunshot wounds. one is actually considered a possible suspect this happened near a celebration marking the end of ramadan eid. however police currently do not believe that it was connected to that celebration. general, >> let's bring in cnn's chief
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law enforcement analyst, john miller. john, when you hear that there's a shooting near a celebration like this, given the political climate, given some of the islamophobia attacks that we've witnessed across the country. >> your >> mind goes a certain place, but you are hearing from officials that this was more akin to a separate group of people that had a confrontation and ultimately open fired and that impacted the crowd well that's right. and the shots broke out at 2:26 p.m. at 47th in girard, just about a block out from clara mohammed square, where the mosque is. this is the place where you've got 10,000 people in the streets the celebration at the end of ramadan at aid, they do this every year in the square. it's a popular event in the neighborhood, but also particularly with philadelphia's muslim community in that neighborhood. when the shots broke out, police were already on the
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scene because of managing the crowds in the event. at least one police officer reportedly discharged his firearm at one of the shooter's. this is possibly two groups of individuals on the street shooting at each other when this started. of course, that started the crowd running. the staging area was set up a block away while they tried to sort through what they have so far, what they have is one individual who was wounded, who is in custodat the hpital. otheindividual that was trorted by policfrom the enand th the hospital penn presbyterian hospital reports to police the three other dividuals walked in with gshot wnds,pparently self transported to the hospital by private conveyance. so it appears and we've got to underline. we're still very early in this the information is preliminary, will be hearing more from police shortly, but it appears that there was a gun
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battle between two groups of people, possibly that five people are wounded, that police fired at least one officer fired back at the shooter and that they are now in the midst of trying to sort out who these people were, what the shooting was about. but i think it's important to underline what we don't think right now based on my conversations with law enforcement officials in philadelphia, with federal officials who are tracking this. it does not appear to be an act of terrorism. it appears to be criminal activity in the neighborhood. it does not appear to be connected with the mosque or particularly through the ramadan event. just part of some dispute between two groups in the neighborhood that has struggled with crime and guns. >> yeah, here it is shattering this celebration of so many people, this popular gathering is you said john what should be an occasion to mark and can you just put this incident into
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context of the kind of gun violence and incidents that you have seen in philadelphia in the region well, philadelphia is a city like many american cities, but one that is in a particular struggle with gun violence it is a police department that is making gun arrests and doing stops on a regular basis there is the controversy of a district attorney who has been very progressive and has shown a hesitancy to go forward with criminal charges at the rate that police would probably like them to. so it's in a city that is in a struggle with violent crime in this case, when the shots were fired and midst of a crowd. and the police put in three separate calls for backup and assistance, and then other people on the scene using their phones called an reports of shots fired. this was translated into an active shooter event by the film well,
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adelphi polices response, rescue task force was sent by the fire department with bulletproof vest to render aid. they alerted the rapid response team and the emergency response team art and rita, to respond with all their units to the area and, it was a, while before they were able to get a lasso around this information to determine it wasn't an active shooter probably not an act of terrorism more likely connected to criminal activity between possible gang members or rival groups? >> i'm john miller. please keep us posted on what you are hearing from law enforcement. thank you so much for the update. let's bring in cnn, senior law enforcement analyst, andrew mccabe. andy, thanks so much for being with us your general response initially to what we're hearing from john and the reporting about what unfolded in philadelphia >> yeah. boris, i think
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tragically, this is the kind of these sort of situations that we can expect to experience and hear about. >> probably more often as carrying weapons becomes more and more ubiquitous in this country we struggle under a massive deluge of firearms we have 120 firearms for every hundred people in this country. >> so this is, it >> large outdoor events where you have crowds that essentially walk up to the event. there aren't there isn't a controlled entrance where people are subjected to magnetometers and things of that nature you are going to run the risk of having individuals in that crowd who are carrying firearms and when disputes and frustration dens or arguments or fights, breakout between some of those people who are carrying guns. we now have a significant risk that those moments of
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frustration and anger turned to gunfire so it's really a very logical progression as we go down this path of becoming coming more and more heavily armed, this is something we saw back in the summers of 2015 and 2016 with extremely elevated violent crime rates in places like chicago and other major cities around the country. a lot of what we were seeing were interactions between opposing groups gangs, any sort of criminal groups that in the years past would have culminated with in fistfights and things like that. now, really all finished with exchanging gunfire. so this is something that police and city officials need to think about as they schedule and plan for these large outdoor but but honestly from what we heard from john miller, just now, it doesn't sound like the police could have done anything differently. they were already on the scene, working crowd control at this preplanned celebration of the end of
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ramadan and it's just another instance of one of these things turning violent very suddenly yeah, you can see there in the square blankets that people have just left as they may have fled the celebration. and if you can stand by for us, we did just get found in from one of the witnesses to this. let's listen to it. >> we were just having a celebration for the eat something we do every year. we failed as with 30 days and then we have a celebration we were enjoying ourselves. the qizan on around, everyone was eating and about 2:30, we just heard shots everyone just started running and scatter around and you hear babies crying and people crying people want to brown >> it's crazy. it was crazy. and then about a couple of seconds later was like another round of shots going off and we were just running and running in. one of my family members got shot in the stomach. that's why we're here forgot what's going on
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>> so from what she's saying, maybe not related to the celebration, but certainly very much affecting the people who were there celebrating the end of ramadan. >> yeah >> it sounds like one of her family members was apparently shot in the stomach, at least two victims rushed to the hospital with gunshot wounds. one of them potentially a suspect as we heard from john miller has reporting indicating and others voluntarily and at their own apparent convenience, took themselves to get help. we're going to stay on top of this story and philadelphia and bringing the very latest as we get it multiple people injured there in a shooting. stay with cnn were back and just moments >> there's debris parents, husbands and wives. sky, i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow up space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn, i met
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claims he wanored. he was was ke out of meetings at times and threatened with physical violence at one point, l of tt foising these concerns about the shortcuts that you menoned tt he assembly of o anes, the ts the triple seven. the's a lot in this complaint, b part it is at he is alleging that the woers building those planes have been forcing together misaligned parts of the selage, the in body of the aircraft basically jamming those parts into place he ys the process to fl all of those tiny gaps in-between the different pies of e plane has not been donproperly, which could, he argues is laers gue at aot of the plane d potentially cause ose parts to come apart d in the air here's a bit of what he told us on a call >> boeing did nofoll its own engineering reirements
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instead, boeing hit the problem by pushing the pieces together with force to me to make it appear like that the gap didn't exist instead of solving the problem >> now, boeing is vehemently denyg these claims, saying that they are inaccurate and that the issues raised here as they put it, have been subject toigorous to engineering examination under faa oversight. keep in mind, boris, some of these allelegations we have heard before back in 2021, the faa actually halted because of simar issues with those gaps that are between the parts ofhe plane back then, boeingaid it fix the problem. e faa signed off on but the allegation here is that they never really fixed it gave >>e want a pivot now because you've beefollowing the collapse of the francis scott key brid ibaltimore and today, the ntsb ga new
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details about the focus of the investigation bring usp to speed on that >> it'a significant update, they a now focusing in on the enginem equipment that's onboard the dali, that container ship that you can see e key brid after . and collae experiencing some sort of power failure, a total blat as it was described in the days after, as it was approaching bridge. now, eyees from hyundai, the compa tt built that system acrding tohe ntsb, have arriv at the ship. they are downloading data from the elecical p systeand they'aking a lookt the circuit breakers on board. so we're hoping get a bette sense of what actually caused thatower issue. xu and that outage. buwe just don't know at this inanwe are also getting in new 3d sonar images of what this wreckage looks like beneath the surface, you can see it there. it paints the clearest picture of the heavy lift, both literally and figuratively for the crews that
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are still struggling to clear all of that wreckage out as they're still mapping the scene. you can see in that picture, especially on the left side, all of that pancake debris, not just the big chunks of the bridge, but all of the concrete and small pieces that are stuck at the bottom of the channel 50 feet down in the water. all of that in the coming weeks is going to have to be cleared out because they wanna make sure ships in the future don't scrape the bottom. it potentially not just causing damage, but maybe even another disaster, a plus they have to do this, boris very delicately, because three of those six construction workers who died in the collapse are still missing somewhere in the river. and the governor of maryland has vowed that they will recover those m gabe cohen. >> thank you so much for the update game. >> still ahead, >> storms have marched across the southeast. we've got tornado strong winds. >> a >> lotf rain, all a possible. >> this >> is the damage we've seen already in texas were live on the ground with an update and just moments there's new ally
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of kt cnn's rosa flores is there for us. rosa, we can see the damage behind you. what else are you seeing >> what briana people here counting there? blessings because this e f1 tornado hit in this area, which is a parking lot. thank goodness because there's a residential area right behind us, but i want going to show you the path of this tornado according to the national weather service, it probably came down at about the middle of the street that you're looking at. and then it moved towards for this parking lot, you can see that there's a flip trailer, there's a collapsed building and debris all over the place. some of the cleanup has started already, but this tornado moos through this parking lot and then stopped according to the national weather service, it didn't move beyond this area. and that is why people here are counting there blessings. there's a residential area just beyond the shopping center that you're looking at right now. but i want to take you through the area of this severe
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storm and the millions of people who have been impacted. and i want to start in kirby ville, texas where there have been multiple high water rescues their eight to eight, eight to 12 inches because of rain were reported in that area at one point, all major roads going through kirby ville were shut down. and now to new orleans where iconic streets like canal street great were completely flooded earlier today, officials, they're at last check had residents parking in the neutral brown that's just higher ground and that's two help individuals that are in that area, so there's the vehicles weren't damaged and then onto slido, which is north east of new orleans, just north of lake puncher train police. they're believed that a tornado hit and there are reports there of people hiding in their closet with their children. the police officer there describing the intense moments when he said that his vehicle was shaking and onto mississippi where they believe that this 0.1 death has
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occurred and we don't know the details of that death, but it's not over briana because as you mentioned earlier, there's a torn nato watch that has been issued already for alabama, georgia, and portions of florida as well, back to you. all right. we'll keep an >> eye on that, rosa. thank you so much for the report from katie texas. >> we're also going to continue to follow our breaking news on cnn out of philadelphia were multiple people are injured following a shooting near and events celebrating the end of ramadan. police do not believe the shooting is connected to that event or to a nearby mosque instead, they believed that there was an exchange of gunfire between two separate groups. >> please say that there were two victims who were rushed to the hospital. one of them is believed to be a suspect. and according to the hospital, three more people showed up with gunshot wounds after they transported themselves to the hospital. obviously, a lot of police response that we saw in that area and a very serious situation the lead with jake


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