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tv   CNN Saturday Morning  CNN  August 29, 2009 8:00am-9:30am EDT

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yourself. to get more information go to my podcast, and also check out our website at call and twitter at sanjay gupta cnn. remember, this is the place for the answers to all of your medical questions. i'm dr. sanjay gupta. stay tuned for more news now on cnn. hello everyone from the cnn center this is cnn saturday morning and it is august 29th. we are almost done with this month. wow. the year has flown by. good morning everybody. thanks for joining us. >> hey there. to give you an idea of what we're covering, it's 8:00 a.m. in atlanta, 7:00 a.m. in new orleans. we'll be talking a lot about new orleans this morning. it was four years ago today hurricane katrina hit new orleans, hit all up and down the gulf coast. we'll be talking to a very familiar face from that time,
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who was a big part of the city's recovery. >> they call him the john wayne dude. we'll find out what's been done, has enough been done, and what's to come? in the meantime, spectacular and a space shuttle launch of "discovery." always an amazing sight to see. it is carrying seven astronauts to the international space station on a resupply mission. also carrying a treadmill named after steven colbert. we'll get details of that a little later. it's kind of interesting. in the meantime we do want to tell you about this. the funeral for senator ted kennedy is coming up a little later this morning, about two hours from now, two and a half hours. >> we will of course have live coverage here at cnn. it's coming to us from our lady of perpetual help basilica in boston. our correspondents standing by all over the place with all the angles for us today. dan lothian is at the church right now. also deb feyrick is on location.
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and also we're at arlington national cemetery where senator kennedy will be laid to rest later today. we want to start with dan lothian at the church in boston. we know the president actually giving the eulogy today. he's been working on it. he's been on vacation at martha's vineyard working on it. what do we expect to hear from the president today? >> that's right. the president has been working on the remarks he'll be making along with a speechwriter. i'm told by senior administration officials that that eulogy is expected to last for about 15 minutes or so and will be a very personal message where the president will talk about someone who was not only a counselor but also a friend, a colleague, someone he really relied on. we've been talking about this over the last few days about what senator kennedy meant to the president when president obama then senator obama went to capitol hill. one of the first people he sat down and met with was senator ted kennedy. the senator looked at mr. obama and saw something there, knew he would become something, and he
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really wanted to help him out, shepherd him, show him the ropes in washington and so that friendship began then and then later on it really solidified when senator ted kennedy endorsed then senator obama for president and then when he became president obviously it was someone who the president relied on to get a lot of advice about a number of issues, including health care reform, which senator ted kennedy has been pushing long before anyone really took up the cause. so these are some of the stories, personal stories that we'll hear from the president today although we're told there won't be a whole lot of different sort of, this is ted kennedy and what we did on this day or that day. it's going to be broader, about what ted kennedy meant to him in a broad sense and not only to him but what kind of impact ted kennedy had on all americans. >> one more thing, as opposed to what we saw the past couple days at the jfk library, the general public got to go by and pay respects and his body did lay in
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repose and also at the memorial service yesterday. today is different. this is not open to the public. >> it isn't. i mean, this is a private funeral mass, 1550 people are expected to attend here, a number of senators, 40 plus will be attending here. the vice president will be here. the president and the first lady as i mentioned will also be here. but this is really a private moment. the public really is being kept away. in fact, barricades have been set up. some people who live in the area can look out their windows and come to the perimeter and look in but won't be allowed to go in. they've had their chance over the last few days to see him, whether it's during the standing along the road as the long motorcade came by or whether it was going to the jfk library, tens of thousands who were able to parade past the casket there. but today really will be a private moment for only invited guests and in fact a few minutes ago we saw a bus pull up in
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front of the church and some of the guests started arriving. that service by the way beginning at 10:30 this morning lasting for two hours. >> dan loathe yann, we'll be checking in with you. thanks so much. >> ted kennedy's body lay in repose at the library in boston before being moved to the church and about 45,000 people walked by to pay last respects. that's before the public memorial service was held last night. we're at the jfk library where that service took place. deborah, you know, today a lot of people looking at this funeral procession and the funeral itself and just reflecting on ted kennedy and his legacy. >> reporter: you know, absolutely. it's so interesting because when you look at the casket there, the senator's body lying in repose, that room is so different when you're inside. it's very, very quiet and very serene. the military honor guard has been standing there since the body left hyannis port thursday afternoon but also look at that. those windows look out at the dorchester bay so you get a
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sense of light and water and just serenity. that's what's so incredible about that particular room. i can tell you everything is very, very, very wet. it is a gray, rainy day. the funeral home does have its various cars lined up. there are some limousines. the hearse is in place. we're expecting buses for the congressional delegation that will include senators and congressmen to come in about 8:30 today. they will have 30 minutes in which to sort of pay their final respects to the senator in a quiet way. this will be one of the final quiet moments with these folks, these public figures have a chance to speak. last night during the memorial service what really impressed many people is just the sort of humor, the celebration, the sort of larger than life figure who many people just still can't believe is gone. vice president biden spoke yesterday.
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>> in death like his life as we all know, overcoming pain and loss with a sense of dignity and pride that is amazing. he met his death in the same brave generous terms that he lived his life. >> many family members were here yesterday, not inside, not removed. they were very much part of all those who came to honor him. for example you had the senator's widow working the line here basically greeting people, welcoming them, thanking everyone for coming. you had his nieces, nephews. max kennedy was there. they had the memorial for condolences at the other end of the parking lot. people were putting down thoughts and remembrances about that. now, what we're going to see a little later on is that we're expecting the casket to come out the front door. it will be put in the hearse and then taken over to the basilica. there will be both honorary pall
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bearers who will greet guests as they arrive -- the pall bearers themselves will be members of the kennedy immediate family, ted kennedy's immediate family. again, right now, quiet, serene, a little bit rainy. a day to say good-bye. betty? >> all right. deborah feyerick joining us live from the kennedy library. >> senator kennedy of course being remembered in washington today as well. he served more than 46 years in the senate, the third longest tenure of any u.s. senator. kate, what's the plan? what do they have on tap at the capitol today? >> reporter: hey there. this afternoon senator kennedy will be passing by in a motorcade, really to bid farewell to the institution as you mentioned he served for basically 47 years and the hundreds of people that served for him and with him here today. his casket is expected to arrive
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at andrews airforce base around 3:00 and around 4:30 we're told a motorcade will pull up and pass by the senate capitol steps you can see over my shoulder. basically it's open to anyone but specifically we've seen an invitation to his current staff, alumni, congressional staff in general, the general public. when you just take a look at his current staff and alumni staff that's hundreds of people. and michael is a former intern, former press aide and judiciary committee staffer. listen here. >> he inspired such a fierce loyalty among his staff. mostly i think because he would always work just as hard if not harder than you would. if you were up until 11:00 at night working on something chances are you'd get a phone call from him at 11:30 from him saying what about this? what about the that? you didn't answer that question.
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he drove us really hard but in the end you knew you were part of something extraordinary. >> reporter: the motorcade will be pulling up and it's a brief moment for people to say good-bye, maybe a moment of silence and prayer for the senator and the motorcade will then head to arlington national cemetery via the national mall so he will be passing by that historic, very much a washington landmark. there really aren't any firm estimates of how many people could turn out but i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't quite a crowd, i mean this really is one of the only public memorials, public viewing areas here in washington and really the only chance for many people to bid farewell and say good-bye to the senator who everyone has a story of seeing him walk through the halls being -- having his name on historic legislation, also being with two of his best companions, sonny and splash, his two dogs often accompanying him on capitol hill. >> what you've already seen this morning and early this morning about 5:30 a lot of his colleagues heading over to boston. we were told and we're showing pictures here now but you can walk us through this. we were told about maybe 40 of
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his senate colleagues but it seems like the number is a lot more than that. >> reporter: what we were told as you're seeing these pictures from earlier this morning, right around 5:30 a group of a delegation of about 60 to 65 senators loaded into the four buses and headed out. they're heading to andrews airforce base to fly to boston to be there for the private funeral service this morning. many republicans, democrats, current and former members of the senate are also going to be joined by many other members of many other congressional members that many people find in their own way to travel to boston. spouses were with them and some of kennedy's staff also on the buses to make it up there in time for the funeral. >> kate bolduan at the state capitol. thank you. later today senator ted kennedy will be buried at arlington national cemetery near his brothers john and robert. explain exactly how this burial
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service will take place. >> reporter: well, first of all, we should tell you we're waiting for the gates here to open any minute now really at arlington national cemetery and just in the last two minutes i have to tell you we've been seeing visitors arrive, a couple people lined up just outside of camera range. this was a place very familiar to senator kennedy, the place where his two brothers are buried. 200 some acres here. we had a chance to talk to the arlington cemetery superintendent and he said yesterday that in fact the senator really was no stranger to this place. he would often come here, sometimes unannounced, and spend some time visiting the graves of his brothers in quiet reflection. take a listen. >> senator kennedy was here all the time. he came on the anniversaries of the derkts on the anniversaries of the births if he was available. he would just come. sometimes he would announce
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himself. other times we'd be up here doing maintenance and we'd find him up here. if he came to the funerals of one of the soldiers from his stated' also before he left the cemetery also stop and have a prayer or quiet visit. sometimes he would spend five minutes, other times talk to the people until they quit talking to him. he'd spend a half hour, 45 minutes just talking to people and visiting with his brothers. >> reporter: now, this will be a closed service today. the superintendent says they are expecting about 200 invited guests. of course family members to attend that private service and cardinal theodore mccarrick, the retired archbishop of washington will be presiding over the burial service today. >> all right. elaine, remind us once again why senator kennedy is eligible in fact for burial at arlington national cemetery. >> yes, that's right. a lot of people may not realize this, that long before ted kennedy actually began his career in the senate he was actually an enlisted soldier in
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the u.s. army for a couple of years in the 1950s. he was stationed in europe and because of that and as well as the fact that he was an active serving member of congress, a u.s. representative, elected by the people, for both those reasons he is eligible to be buried here and he's going to be receiving military honors and what that means is that there will be a volley of gun fire and also "taps" will be played during his burial service today. >> all right. elaine quijiano joining us live. thank you. >> cnn's special coverage of ted kennedy remembered, a celebration of life, continues throughout the day with live coverage of the funeral beginning at 10:00 eastern including president obama's eulogy. you're seeing a live picture this morning on the inside and outside of the jfk library where of course the body of ted kennedy still is and will be taken there over toward the church in short order. you see people starting to gather on the outside of the left as well, all of this happening at the library this
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morning. the coverage of the burial at arlington national cemetery will start at 4:00 so you can stay with cnn throughout the day for live coverage. >> all right. we do want to give you a look at a few other stories we are covering this morning for you. in fact, the state of emergency has been declared in california because of several wildfires just burning up and down the state. >> one of those the fire in the angeles national forest, one of the largest going right now. more than 700 firefighters trying to contain what so far has been a 5,000-acre fire. hundreds of homes have been evacuated and the cause is under investigation right now. the coroner in los angeles has now ruled michael jackson's death a drug-related homicide. the coroner says the drugs propofol and a few others actually were the primary drugs but four other prescription drugs were also found in his body and, again, this is the report we've been waiting on. the coroner's office says the full report is kept on security hold to allow police to complete their investigation. a lot of people are shocked by the details of this story, a
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case of a california woman found alive after being abducted 18 years ago. a sheriff admits his office missed a chance to find jaycee lee dugard who was living in concealed buildings in the back yard of the kidnapping suspect's house. three years ago a neighbor had made a report about people living in tents but a deputy who went to the house never looked in the back yard. authorities say the suspect phillip garrido fathered two children with dugard. garrido was arrested earlier this week after a police officer saw the two girls with him during school hours and felt something just was not right. garrido and his wife, well, they faced 29 charges in this case and, in fact, garrido spoke to cnn affiliate ktra from jail. >> wait until you read that document. my life has been straightened out. wait until you hear this story of what took place at this house. and you're going to be absolutely impressed.
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it's a disgusting thing that took place with me in the beginning but i turned my life completely around to be able to understand that you have to start back and you'll find the most plausible story coming from the witness, the victim. if you take this a step at a time you're going to fall over backwards and in the end find the most powerful, heart-warming story. >> we'll see about that. dugard, now 29, has been reunited with her family and she is said to be in good health but guilty about developing a bond with garrido over the years. garrido, who has been a registered sex offender since 1977 is now under suspicion in the unsolved murders of several prostitutes in the 1990s. well, finally off the ground after three delays this week space shuttle "discovery" got off the ground just before midnight last night. >> and the seven astronauts are headed for the international space station on a 13-day mission to deliver seven tons of supplies. just look at this liftoff.
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always an amazing sight. one of the items they're delivering will be a treadmill in fact named after comedian steven colbert who won an online contest. now, in all honesty that contest was in order to name a room on the space station. >> a bigger deal. >> a big deal. right? colbert won. but nasa said, uh-huh, no, i think we're going to have to change the rules of this momentarily. how about a compromise? you get a treadmill. >> they were a little embarrassed. kind of an online campaign going, all the votes were coming in and sure enough he pulled it off. it was nice of them to make a compromise. they could have said no to anything. >> but it's a contest and you won fair and square. >> they wanted something sweet. >> a treadmill? interesting. >> it's an important piece of equipment up there. >> you have to stay in shape. >> all right. a lot of live pictures we'll have for you throughout the day and the morning here as well that we've been showing you of the funeral events surrounding senator ted kennedy.
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here is a live picture this morning from the jfk library in boston where his body has been in repose the past couple of days and will be taken in short order over to the church. >> a little later this morning we'll take a look back at the senator's sense of humor. >> where was george? where was george? where was george? where was george? where was george? >> which he sometimes used to taunt his political opponents. and at other times, to poke fun at himself. >> love that picture there of him and his two brothers. also, of course, this morning you can always share your thoughts on cnn saturday morning and find betty and i of course on facebook, on twitter, also our blog and also at weekend
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welcome back. look at these live pictures coming to us from our affiliate kabc out in california where wildfires have really wreaked havoc on this area. this is the kenyatta area and just north of los angeles and can't see exactly what's burning but according to wire reports a lot of this is forest area. i know, reynolds, you've been watching this. any chance they'll get any kind of relief from the weather? >> not a prayer. no chance. not this time of the year. usually the rainy season in parts of southern and central california happens during the winter months, late december into january, february. sometimes into march. but usually this time of year you have what they refer to as
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like a giant door of high pressure that sits off the coast, dries everything out, great conditions for raising wine grapes but horrible for putting out fires. this has been happening for millions of years out in this part of the world. mediterranean, very dry foliage. winds that begin to pick up. it fans the flames. the flames will spread. it will be a huge issue. over 10,000 acres have been burned. expect the flames to accelerate later today. let me show you something else on the cnn weather wall. this is kind of interesting. we're going to expand the view for you. this area that you see off shaded in red includes placing like monterey county, san louis obispo county, santa barbara county, all areas that will have fire issues. when you have the strong upper level winds moving in this direction, check it out. all the way in places like back towards utah we have fire issues not from the fire directly but the smoke is crossing over parts of the mountains. we're talking the san gabriel mountains and of course into the sierra nevada mountains and then back on parts of i-15 this
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morning people have respiratory issues, you can actually be dealing with some of the smoke coming all the way from california carried by the strong, upper level winds. now speaking of strong winds let's not forget danny. this is a storm that continues to weaken. winds at 35 miles an hour, gusting to 45. it's about 8 a miles centered from cape hatteras. it continues to fall apart, just at the same time an upper level low is moving in from the carolinas and really absorbed quite a bit of energy from danny. the storm expected to march its way from the north to northeast as they get into sunday and then say monday. the storm is expected to pass boston and expected to remain off the coast. still, rip currents can be expected for much of the mid-atlantic states and possibly making landfall as a tropical storm into nova scotia as we get to sunday afternoon. we can expect scattered showers and storms in places like boston. expect rain drops also in places like new york. even in philadelphia. philadelphia, a city known for all kinds of great history, great restaurants, and also happens to be the site of this
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weekend's getaway. philadelphia is a national treasure for the entire family. there are so many kid friendly attractions in philadelphia that you will not run out of things to do at the museums. there are science centers. if you want to get up close to the animals you can do that at the philadelphia zoo. >> you can run on a hamster wheel, explore mosaic labrynths and don't miss a beat at the franklin institute. it's a two-story, walk through heart and actually represents the size of a heart of a man who's 220 feet tall. >> philadelphia has plenty of modern fun mixed with history. >> the liberty bell is probably one of the most famous icons of freedom. independence hall is one of the most beautiful buildings you'll see and of course this is where the founding fathers adopted the declaration of independence. it is really in every sense of the word the birth place of
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america. and of course as we've been mentioning and covering this morning showing you live pictures of the events surrounding the funeral and burial service for ted kennedy. there you see the live picture of the kennedy library in boston where his body had been the past couple days. people have been paying their respects. the body will be taken from there over to the church where the funeral service will take place scheduled for about two hours from now, president obama giving the eulogy. we will have special live coverage throughout the day. also, a little later the new look of the lower 9th ward. >> it has been four years since hurricane katrina leveled the neighborhood so how has it changed and is it even becoming more eco friendly? we'll talk with retired general russell honoree about this. he'll be joining us shortly.
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a sex offender had pleaded not guilty to 29 counts related to the 1991 kidnapping of an 11-year-old girl. authorities say phillip garrido kept jaycee lee dugard who is now 29 in buildings in his back yard. you're seeing some of the pictures there. garrido also accused of fathering two children with dugard. authorities now looking into whether garrido is connected to other crimes. a wildfire in the los angeles area has forced hundreds of people to leave their homes. take a look. more than 5,000 acres of the angeles national forest have already burned. there are some live pictures for you. investigators are searching for the cause of this. the fire is one of several which have prompted governor arnold schwarzenegger to declare a state of emergency. his name is adam goldstein. he's been found dead in his new york apartment, a very popular celebrity dejay, 36 years old.
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you may remember the name dj am coming up a year ago because he was in a plane crash in south carolina that killed four other people. he survived along with travis barker. goldstein, well known for his relationships with reality tv star nicole richie as well as actress mandy moore. we are remembering ted kennedy today and in doing so bringing you two live pictures right now, one outside of the jfk library in boston on the left-hand side. people are already starting to come in and it is a rainy day there. on the right on the inside where you can see the senator's body lying in repose and several people have already arrived for that viewing. his honor guard is there, been there all night watching the casket. a little later today the actual funeral will take place. that will be at 10:30 eastern this morning and of course we
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will bring all of that to you live. president obama is going to be speaking, giving the eulogy. in fact, several dignitaries are going to be there including three past presidents, of course, some 60 members from the senate, congress. they have boarded buses this morning in order to make the trek to our lady of help basilica. that is where the funeral will take place today. we are watching it very closely as you know. many people will be attending and as of yesterday to give you an indication of the legacy senator kennedy leaves behind some 45,000 people came by to give their last respects and that was even before the ceremony took place last night, the memorial service where another 25,000 showed up. >> we have been told some members of the kennedy family have begun to arrive. you see those long lines of limos there. a lot of people, a lot of dignitaries are going to be showing up today but some members of the family we're told have arrived. also you know this city and
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around the church today really locked down. security a major issue because you do have three former presidents showing up. you have all these members of the senate. you have the president of the united states showing up, as well. so really a lot down there in the city. a lot of people told to just stay out of the area and the best place to get a view is at home on your television. of course with cnn you can stay with us and we'll be covering that live throughout the day today. there is a no-fly zone around the church today as well. so security is a major issue but a lot of people want to be there and have to be there to pay their respects to senator kennedy. i want to bring in now someone who knows an awful lot about the kennedys, that studies them, the professor of american history and social science at boston university. we're going to keep up some of these pictures while we have a discussion here with you. good morning to you, sir. are you with me? >> good morning. >> all right. sir, put this kind of in perspective for our viewers.
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we've been talking so much about what this man has done over the years, his legacy and his legislation but does this symbolize the end of the kennedy dynasty as we have known it? he really the last and with him goes this dynasty that this country has seen for decades? >> i really do think that. i think at this point the kennedys like the dynasties of the past, dynasties like the tafts and the lodges are going to recede into the mifts of history. >> i have to jump in here. you stand by for us but we're going to hand it over to our wolf blitzer and anderson cooper who are going to continue our live coverage right now in new york. guys, take it away. i apologize to our viewers. i was told to head up to new york but i know those guys are standing by. we'll continue with our
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discussion and keep the live pictures up. we're watching this here of the jfk library in boston where the body of ted kennedy sits right now. people are starting -- they're gathering in boston for the funeral mass of senator ted kennedy. you're looking live at these pictures, buses arriving at the john f. kennedy library right now, a congressional delegation, senators and members of the house of representatives coming to pay their respects. we welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer reporting. anderson cooper is here. anderson, let's walk through a little bit. we've got the best political team on television, what we're about to see beginning with the arrival at the library before they move over to the church for the mass. the senators, his colleagues,
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and friends are coming to say good-bye to their colleague. >> this really will be the last sort of moment, personal moment they'll be able to have to reflect and have some time with senator kennedy. you saw the casket there a moment ago. the senators and congressmen arriving in some very unpleasant conditions. there will also be a funeral mass which will be taking place in about an hour and a half or so. >> about 10:30 a.m. eastern. it'll abtwo-hour mass that will take place. the president of the united states, barack obama, will be delivering the eulogy. but before we get there, anderson, let's just walk through a little bit. that's the basilica of our lady of perpetual help. that's the neighborhood church where the mass will take place. but there's nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house of representatives leading the delegation in the house. but i think there are at least 50, maybe 60 senators who got on planes early this morning, very
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early this morning, to come over to the library and you're looking at the body, the coffin as it lies in repose, continuing at least for a little while longer before that body is moved to the church. dana bash is our senior congressional correspondent. do we have a final count of how many senators are coming to the church for this mass? >> there was an official congressional delegation that did leave andrews airforce base outside washington and took senators on that plane. 58 senators, 21 former senators. now the current cabinet secretary salazar and six officers of the senate but that does not include many senators who made it to boston on their own. we saw many at the service last night. so we have at least a hundred, probably more senators and that doesn't include house members. there are at least 50 of those. >> much more than a quorum that would be necessary for the senator. it's an extraordinary event that's unfolding, david gehrigens. do you remember a time when a
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senator, a united states senator has been sent off like this? >> we have more of those funerals than we would like to count but this is the first. i do think it brings back a lot of memories of bobby and has some of the same elements. that was a shock of course. this was anticipated but dreaded. this is remarkable. it's almost like a state funeral. >> we know that in about an hour, about 9:30 a.m. eastern time, the body of senator kennedy will leave the viewing area where it is now and head towards the basilica. the service there will start about 10:30. the funeral mass, our lady of perpetual help basilica a church which had great importance for senator kennedy over the years. >> it's where he went to pray for his daughter who was suffering from cancer and he went and on an almost daily basis we're told to go to this
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neighborhood church and they were surprised wednesday morning early wednesday morning when they got the call saying this was where they wanted to have the funeral mass. and it's going to be a beautiful, beautiful service. the celloist yoyo ma will perform. the tenor placido domingo will perform and the president of the united states will speak. it will be a very traditional catholic mass. >> later on today around 4:30 the body of senator kennedy will be brought by the senate staffs, and then enroute to arlington national cemetery where he will be laid to rest. >> that will be an emotional moment. a lot of colleagues, friends, staffers, will gather on the senate steps to say good-bye before the motorcade and the casket continues across the potomac river to arlington national cemetery. >> that's one of the few public areas in washington where people will be able to see the senator one last time.
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>> john king, our chief national correspondent is over at the basilica. john, set the scene for us where you are. first of all, how's the weather? >> reporter: the weather, wolf, is rainy, a bit raw this morning even though late august a bit of a chill in the air. that is complicating the arivals and of course the security arrangements. it's a relatively orderly proceeding. you saw so many congressional vips going in. the hero of the civil rights movement walked in. martin luther king iii was in the security line. you just mentioned the formal title of the church but in this neighborhood it is called the mission church. the mission hill neighborhood for years has been one of the immigrant, blue collar communities of boston, irish at one point, now more latino and asian. you mentioned when kara kennedy was being treated for cancer. just behind the church just down the hill is what is called the longwood medical area and senator kennedy had so much to do with the federal money and other assistance that brought
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dana farber, children's hospital, harvard medical school, there was a string of elite medical institutions that defined boston's medical community just down the hill from there and because he was so close when his daughter was being treated he would come here virtually every day to pray, receive communion, and the priests here say if anyone recognized him he would pause and say hello and so he formed a bond with this church during his daughter's fight with cancer and it is why he made this selection. also, a reminder on this day. this is a complicated man we are saying farewell to today and even as he has this funeral mass in this church, remember, this is a senator who at times despite his very deep faith was at odds with his church, a supporter of abortion rights, a very public and messy divorce, yet he would constantly come back to the church despite those political tensions and personal tensions and this church in particular if you ask friends or family members they say it deepened and in many ways redefined and strengthened his faith as he watched his daughter successfully fight that cancer,
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wolf. >> and she is going to be here, his family, anderson, and i think all of our viewers by now are very familiar, son suffered from cancer, survived. daughter suffered from cancer, survived. he lost three brothers including his oldest brother joe during world war ii in combat. two brothers, a president and a united states senator and this senator ted kennedy has gone through a lot. >> yeah. we saw last night the celebration of the life of the senator which was really fascinating to see. we had john mccain speaking, vice president biden, orrin hatch, caroline kennedy. there was often more laughter than tears. >> you had a sense that if all the tv cameras weren't there the stories would have gotten a little more raucous about ted kennedy and, you know, i think there's a true sense of the, just the openness to this man's heart and how he reached out to everybody. you heard senator chris dodd say
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at every important moment in his life, happy, sad, the first call, senator ted kennedy. orrin hatch talking about that. all of them, caroline kennedy talking about her uncle being the patriarch of the family, the pied piper who insisted on taking all the children on field trips and so you got a sense of this man beyond the legislator that we know him to be in the united states senate. these were people speaking from the heart about somebody who had actually touched their lives in so many ways. joe biden, the vice president, making the point that he would not have stayed in his senate seat after a terrible car crash in his family which killed his wife and daughter had ted kennedy not convinced him to remain in the senate. >> james, a lot of your friends are there at that church service this morning. they were there last night.
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this is the passing of an era. i think we can fairly say. >> yeah, you know, i was sitting here thinking, are we overdoing this? and that's always the question you ask. you think back through his life and everything that he meant and the answer is, no, we're not. this is not a case where we're -- where people are -- this is a man who every tragedy he had, every try uiumph, proba the most accomplished legislator since world war ii. the answer is i think the country is grateful for it and to see this and this is a man who is deserving of this sendoff he's getting. in addition to the current president and the vice president, they will be attending the church mass, the president will be eulogizing senator kennedy, three former presidents will be there as well -- jimmy carter, who was a rival back in 1980 when they were both seeking the democratic presidential nomination, george w. bush, the immediate past
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president, and bill clinton will be there as well. the first president bush unfortunately will not be able to make it. >> this is the most significant man in politics over the last 45 years. he was polarizing but the great thing about last night, you know, you always want to end your life surrounded by friends and first and foremost this guy was a friend. you could see that by the outpouring and many other candidates for president. your family, your friends, and your faith. this is a man who you said had struggles at the end of the day and we all hope at the end of the day we can make our peace and i think he has made his peace. obviously this is about friends, family, and faith, and i think his friends so overpowered the polarization that may have taken care of and i think the key thing is anybody who knew him loved him. those who didn't love him obviously the politics which james and i can attest to there are people who may hate you who don't know you and you try and balance that off by people who love you and he certainly did.
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>> david gergen how was he able to get a john mccain, an orrin hatch to be a friend and a colleague whenever possible? >> i think chris dodd, the senator who i thought gave a really excellent speech last night summed it up well when he said the secret to his success was that people liked him. he just was very friendly but he had that laugh and you had a sense of tragedy that went with the laughter that made him enormously magnetic person and i think what i've been struck by all along here is how much this family is struck by tragedy but they kept finding the laughter side of it. john kekd famously sent a gift to his friend david powers, and on it had an inscription that said there are three things in life that are real -- god, you and folly, and laughter. the first two are beyond our comprehension.
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we must do what we can with the third. >> roland martin is here as well. i know you want to weigh in. he was a significant figure in many respects including in the civil rights era. >> absolutely. again, you look at the legislation. they cover civil rights, deregulation, trucking industry, airline industry. any number of things. i thought why it was so important last night is because there are people outside of washington, d.c. who have no understanding of the relationships that exist off the stage, out of the camera view. when the congressman was killed in the plane crash i was interviewing congressman jack fields. he said, here i am, a white conservative guy, black liberal. he couldn't play basketball. i could. we were the best of friends. and so the nation got an opportunity to understand republicans, democrats, playing jokes amongst one another, having those kinds of relationships but also admitting that when it came to politics we
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were simply at odds. that was important for america to see that this is not just i hate republicans. i hate democrats. they're all terrible. there are relationships. >> and, unfortunately, and i'd love everyone to weigh in if they want, we're seeing a lot less of that right now. >> absolutely. >> sadly, that's disappearing. and i think you could almost hear that in the eulogies last night. >> last night saying senator kennedy took the long view and a lot of people have talked about, david brooks wrote a column about how he was willing to negotiate. he was willing to compromise. he wanted to make achievements and was willing to do what it took to get them. >> and he was willing to learn from his mistakes and willing to wait to make legislation better. if you pass a piece of legislation that wasn't perfect, he knew he could perfect it five years down the road. that doesn't happen anymore. you have politicians who come into washington. they term limit themselves. they're elected in very partisan districts. they don't take the long view
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anymore. and when you hear them telling stories about a back room meeting with republicans and democrats where they all ended up getting along trying to figure out what they could do and what they could not do, that is fast disappearing in the senate. >> it absolutely is. i see it every day and that was why when you saw groups of senators like ted kennedy and john mccain and orrin hatch get together, it really -- you really did get a different feel in watching them from watching other senators these days. it just is a different place. the senate has always been known as a club and still is in many respects but because of the age of television, the age of cable, now the age of blogs, it's in that and just kind of a different sense it's just not the same so i think with the passing of ted kennedy, you are also kind of passing that generation where people just got along regardless of their politics separate from the legislation. just on a personal level. >> and they don't see each other as much because they all go home every weekend now. so they used to have some kind
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of social connection that helped in legislation and that is totally disappearing. >> the last 20, 25 years in washington, the combination of negative television that came about really in national politics about 1978, the '80s, there still was some with reagan and tip o'neill and others even though the friendship may not have been quite what people portrayed it to be, still partisan, but really the '90s shall the era of gingrich, et al, it became a very partisan place. the last place that was still a club was the senate. that is diminishing by the way, too. >> what really struck bheet last night is it was not orchestrated and it was much more about senator kennedy the human being than senator kennedy the senator. it was a lot of stories about him. there was some sort of talk oh, it was going to be like a political partisan event or something. it was anything but. and i don't know -- i mean, the sense that he affected a lot of lives other than the people that
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knew him. some very poignant and beautiful speeches but it was really much more about him and his individual humanity, the way he treated individuals other than his accomplishments as a senator. >> at the end of the day when someone passes away that is what you take away. >> right. >> the reality is the senate is going to continue. there is going to be a replacement for senator kennedy. >> people loved him and wanted to talk about their love for him and their relationship. >> we're seeing the senators walking in. you saw senator leahy of vermont, senator specter of pennsylvania. you see their colleagues. they're coming in. they'll be paying their respects as senator kennedy's body lies in repose and then the body will be moved over to the basilica to the church for the funeral mass. the senators will be walking by and are continuing to walk in, many getting up so early this morning to fly out of washington, d.c. to come to boston to pay their last respects to this senator. john king is over at the
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basilica at the church with paul begala and i know, john, paul was there at the celebration of life last night. >> he was, wolf. let's just turn to paul and i'll show you this headline in "the boston globe" a time to remember. it is striking because you see the young image of jack kennedy, bobby kennedy, and ted kennedy, the youngest of the three brothers of course. the oldest brother, joe kennedy killed in world war ii. teddy was the one we saw grow old and gray, paul. and i think that was what was touching in all the stories last night tracing back his life. >> it was. and then to watch that next generation, vice president biden addressed the children and the grandchildren. he talked to the nation and the world but was mostly talking to the next generation of kennedys and it was interesting to see, telling them you have the same capacity, the same commitment to service, and sort of exhorting them. i think by extension all of us to step into that breach and a lot of people are wondering now,
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who can step up? not in the sense of liberal kriflism but who's going to be the next generation of leaders in america? >> it is an interesting conversation, a great subject of conversation especially here in massachusetts which for 60 years has had a senator kennedy from massachusetts. i was talking to bobby kennedy, robert kennedy jr. about this and i asked if vicki under pressure take the appointment? would joe kennedy run for the seat? he laughed and smiled and said i don't have a clue. he said, look. we will serve. we may not run for office but we will serve. he's an environmentalist. his sister is involved in human rights efforts. just how we serve, we'll think about this as we reflect on teddy. >> i think bobby is probably speaking for the whole generation. joe kennedy and caroline of that generation spoke last night powerfully and joe particularly very personally. it was striking to me, james was talking about how they talked about senator kennedy the man and here was his nephew publicly
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thanking senator kennedy's wife and children for sharing this man with him. of course, one of nine children left by senator robert kennedy when he was killed, president-elect's two children, knowing a few of them, he was very much a father to them and that was an incredibly personal moment for that family to share with the whole world and i think that's what's been such a wonderful balance. i was hearing ed and james talking about the lack of partisanship in him. i think it's also a testament to orrin hatch and john mccain, though. they rose above partisanship and were really wonderful last night. >> and, wolf. as we throw back to you and anderson in new york another interesting thing, we've seen all the v.i.p.s, supreme court justices, members of congress. so many people who have worked for senator kennedy over the last 47 years. what they will tell you is just like joe biden they got the notes when they were in the hospital or had a kid having trouble and one of the interesting things about senator kennedy as a politician is he kept in touch with his staff and became as much a friend and mentor, too. >> all right. we're looking at these live pictures from inside the john f. kennedy presidential library.
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the widow vicki kennedy is personally receiving all of the senators who are there. they're walking past her. some emotional moments just a few seconds ago when she was hugging arlen specter who himself has been suffering from cancer. all right. we'll continue to watch what's going on. our special coverage of the life and times of ted kennedy will continue after this. (mom) i'm not going to be able to see her every day. or sit on her bed and talk about her day. but she's ready. thanks to walmart's unbeatable prices, i was able to get her everything she needed. as well as what she wanted. letting go?@imom! (mom) that's the hard part. set them up for success, for less. save money. live better. walmart. special interest groups are trying to block progress
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filing past the coffin, the casket of senator ted kennedy over at the john f. kennedy presidential library. you're looking at the widow, vicki kennedy, receiving all the special guests, dianne feinstein the senator from california getting a hug right now. both of them obviously very, very sad at this moment but also remembering ted kennedy who was
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a very good friend. anderson, it a's now the offici list. 58 senators, 21 former senators, secretary of the interior ken salazar who was a senator from colorado. six officers of the senate. this is an extraordinary outpouring of support. there's john warner one of the former senators from virginia. >> an extraordinary collection of the power of this country, senators and congress people and former presidents. >> isn't it, though. isn't vicki, the widow, a remarkable figure in all of this? she's so poised. a lot of grace and she is greeting each one of these people and she seems to know each person who's coming through the line. >> she's an established figure in her own right. she was a highly regarded lawyer before she and ted kennedy fell in love. >> this is something that tells me something about the kennedys. they brought people together in their house in washington.
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they hosted the senate while the senate may not be full of the comity it once was ted kennedy never really stopped so the people she's hugging are people she knows quite well as friends. it's not just acquaintances here. >> came from a remarkable area of louisiana which produced the former governor of louisiana and an array of families -- >> are you suggesting she could wind up in the united states senate? >> it would be natural for a woman from crowley and would actually -- it's a remarkable place in south louisiana. she is a remarkable woman. she really is. >> we're talking about orrin hatch and you see he just greeted vicki kennedy now. he's right behind her. i think when people are watching and wondering, you know, why ted kennedy was many people's -- many people remember him as an
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extremely polarizing figure so a lot are scratching their heads wondering why there is so much of an outpouring especially among his colleagues. i think orrin hatch did sum up very well last night because he made very clear that he was one of those people who hated the kennedys. he came into the senate as, you know, a conservative with fire in his belly actually determined to do battle with him and it was not until he actually met him and talked to him that he realized what a different person he was and i think that is really kind of what we are seeing illustrated over and over again. i think orrin hatch is the ultimate illustration. >> and governor patrick last night said when he was headed to the confirmation hearing and shook the hand of almost 60 senators he said it's harder for them to demagogue you if they've looked you in the eye. it is very easy for people in the public when you read these blogs and you see radio talk show hosts who never met these people and never talked to them, never had any conversation with
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them so they attack and demonize but then when they meet them it's like wait a minute. a pretty good guy. so it changes your perception of an individual. i think that's -- >> it is also remarkable just the change senator kennedy had over the course of his time in washington. i mean, the man who first went to the senate is a completely different man. >> he always talked about, you can look at it as an ark of redepgs if you will. people are celebrating the humanity of this imperfect man who came to the senate, people believed he was a young kid who didn't deserve it and got it because of his name and family. that may well have been true at the time. who knows? but this is somebody who decided after a period of making an awful lot of mistakes that what he wanted to do was be a legislator and that is what he became. >> and how much was the failure to be president and the realization that's not going to happen and is off the table -- >> that was it. that was a gift to him.
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in a way i think losing to jimmy carter in those primaries, he had to make a decision about what he was going to do with the rest of his life and he made a decision that the senate was really the place that he could thrive and make a difference to the country and that's what de. >> is there a lesson here that in life when somebody makes a mistake and they're young that, no, they got to be kicked out because they can never serve again, well, redemption, redemption and look how much the country benefited from it. >> do you think that would have happened today? >> again, if people stood up now and say look at senator kennedy's life, do we really want to run this guy out of the united states senate because he made a mistake? this is something that people who say, who believe in redemption, this is a great story. >> anybody in particular you're talking about? >> you never know. but i do think the real lesson here is life is redemptive and
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he showed us that and we should take that and learn from it so the next time someone gets into trouble or does something we should say maybe we ought to let this person stick around a little while. >> not to diminish that point because it's very important, the senate is a totally different place. when kennedy went there his brother was the president but it was a southern-run entity. and the senior, democratic party was a southern party. the republican party was a western party. in the course of his lifetime all of that has changed with the exception of states like ohio and pennsylvania, still swing states. talking about 60 votes now to cut off, it was 67 in those days to cut it off. the civil rights debate went on for 81 days. senator byrd spoke for 14 hours in a filibuster. you know, every southern senator voted against civil rights. it was dramatic changes in our country during that period. he was a leader in a lot of them. >> dr. king talked about if you're going to be a ditch digger be the best ditch digger you can. a lot of people focused on,
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well, he could have been president. i think the lesson also is, you can change the nation just where you are. and so even though he was in the u.s. senate, the kind of impact that he had, it's not always just about who is sitting in the white house. it's how can you change america in the particular job you have? i think he typified that. >> the growth that we -- anderson, you referred to and senator kennedy, which was enormous, i think it's to a significant degree also a tribute to the family, to joe and rose kennedy and the way they raised these kids. it was always, you know, rose in particular stressed education and their family dinner table conversations were always asking questions about public affairs and challenging each other. what you saw in ed rollins who started his career back with the kennedys, interestingly enough, i think what ed would also agree is that all three kennedy brothers who lived to maturity grew. jack kennedy as president came in and he stumbled in the bay of
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pigs. he wasn't on top of the job but a year and a half later with the cuban missile crisis he was masterful. bobby kennedy, you knew, and he changed enormously in the last three or four years of his life and grew enormously. >> ted kennedy suffered at first because of course he was compared to these perfect brothers whom we remember and memorialized in such ideal ways. and there was ted kennedy, the baby, with all the humanity and all of the flaws and he suffered in comparison at first. >> ted kennedy was vilified by the right. we're talking about the son of bipartisanship and everything, i mean, more people have said more things to me, this stuff that you see -- >> orrin hatch said it. >> he shared this. this wasn't when he, when his political battles oh, teddy is a great guy, we just disagree philosophically.
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that wasn't really the way it was back then. i promise. it would be well if we kind of remembered that. these town halls we see today, a lot of this origin is sort of kennedy hating if you will and we can't escape that. that's part of our history and we shouldn't deny it. >> deb feyerick is over at the library and i want to set the scene for the viewers who might be tuning in. you're looking at live pictures from inside the john f. kennedy presidential library, the body of senator kennedy lies in repose. just for a few more moments. it will then be taken over to the church not very far away, the basilica of our lady of perpetual help, the mission church as it's called, in boston. you're looking at live pictures of where the funeral mass is scheduled to begin around 10:30 a.m. eastern, a little more than an hour and 15 minutes from now. but around 9:30, the senators and everyone at the john f. kennedy library will begin making their way over to the church and we'll watch that as it unfolds and then they'll all be walking inside the church and
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the president of the united states and three former presidents will be attending the funeral mass. deb feyerick, you're there at the library for us. tell us what's going on outside because we see the pictures inside of all these members of the senate and other distinguished guests most of them comforting the widow, vicki kennedy. >> reporter: absolutely, wolf. we see the honor guard about to go in. there are dogs checking under the limousines that are going to be carrying members of the families as well. it's so interesting. as somebody who has seen a lot of the people who came to honor him yesterday, you see all these very famous politicians inside and you have to remember that these were ted kennedy's buddies. they were his friends. they were his foils, his frenemies and vicki so composed when she was greeting people the same exact way she is greeting those famous folks inside the building right now. you teresa heinz kennedy, a friend of hers, said she was doing
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okay. the senator felt they were so lucky to have that year together and they were able to do things they wanted to do. there are reports they watched james bond movies and they watched episodes of "24" and they ate ice cream together. so you'd get a sense that she's just so down to earth, greeting these very famous people, and things started right on time. we were told that the congressional delegation was going to be arriving about 8:30. that's exactly when they arrived here. senator harry reed, nancy pelosi, and what's also striking to me, wolf, is that the younger kids, the kids that we -- we don't even recognize the grand kids. they're the ones here and i think that they, too, understand just how big this is and just how serious this is. everybody recognizes ted kennedy and his siblings, you know, people are having a little more difficulty putting names to the other generation and even the younger ones pass by and nobody really knows who they are but they still have that sense of
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responsibility of what is expected and what's to come. a very interesting dynamic here, wolf. >> we're looking at live pictures from inside the john f. kennedy library. vicki kennedy is receiving distinguished guests, barbara boxer the senator from california now walking past. there's a lot -- she has been doing a lot of this, anderson, over the past couple days. she spent hours in -- at the library receiving just the public asz they walked past that casket. she's been very, very gracious and in her outpouring during these sensitive moments. >> standing by the senator in death as she did in life. it is really a remarkable, late in life love story of these two. it was unexpected. and yet it came at a very critical time for senator kennedy. >> there's a really powerful story about that love affair on the front page of the "new york times" this morning if you haven't read it. >> she changed his life and enabled him to achieve all the
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more. >> it's an amazing story. and i come back to this because i sense enormous pressure on her roland martin to step up and continue that tradition now for more than 50 years of having a kennedy in the united states senate. >> there is going to be amounts of pressure but as one whose wife was a pastor and certified grief counselor she needs time to grieve. this is a widow. this is someone who has lost the love of her life and so frankly and i'll say it, politics is secondary to her grieving process. and i think people need to give her that space and the time to grieve as a widow. >> by the way, we're also getting pictures over at the basilica at the church and i think that's walter mondale the former vice president walking in right now. he was at that celebration of life at the lake last night as well, the guests are beginning to come in to this, not a big church. i think they've made arrangements for about 1500
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guests to come in and participate in this mass. >> walter mondale was sitting with president kennedy on inauguration day when he had a seizure and he collapsed and they took him away. i remember talking to him afterwards about how traumatic that was for everybody sitting there, that it was that day of celebration we all remember, obviously, the inauguration of barack obama, and we had that reminder that this, unfortunately, was probably going to be not too far away because senator kennedy did collapse and have that seizure. >> barney frank, the congressman from massachusetts. there had been talk at one point that he might be interested in that senate seat though i think he backed off. he's got a significant role as chairman of the banking committee in the house of representatives. there are a few other delegate representatives in that massachusetts delegation. i don't know, who might want to throw their hat in. >> not to argue democratic politics for massachusetts, it's
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not my place, but mrs. kennedy would be an incredible choice. she would -- could calm the waters. any of the rest will be a very polarizing battle. joe kennedy, barney frank, not that a democrat can't win there but she could basically go there and continue the kennedy legacy for a period of time. >> caroline kennedy. we know she wants to be a senator. >> we know there is a history of kennedys going to new york and running for the senate so the governor makes -- maybe vicki doesn't want to be senator for any number of reasons so she agrees to let somebody else hold the -- to hold the seat and let somebody else run. massachusetts is a lot different than new york state. i'm just saying here, trying to think of something a little different. >> a name that's been thrown out on the interim basis is of course mike dukakis, a former governor of the state. but i was told by someone close
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to the family that when this discussion came up there was some sense that vicki kennedy might be interested in the interim seat but she didn't want to get involved in a kind of a political football here that it became and so she withdrew from that idea. if everything calms down and maybe it would calm down if her name were thrown into that, maybe it would be different. but right now she doesn't want to talk about it. >> you know what? i just want to point out in the middle of the screen you see the white haired joe kennedy, the nephew of senator ted kennedy, the son of the late robert kennedy. he was a congressman for many years. i think six terms. he spoke last night. john king, you've covered boston politics, massachusetts politics, national politics for a long time. i'll throw out the name joe kennedy. would he be someone who could come in and step in and fill that senate seat? >> would he be someone who would be a formidible candidate if he decided to make a return to elected politics? without a doubt especially
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because of course you're running in the context of his uncle ted's seat. a couple quick points. here in massachusetts the expectation is and quietly people have been making calls for months. a little distasteful but quietly making calls for months preparing for this moment to happen. the expectation is that two or three members of the massachusetts democratic house delegation will run, people in washington. not barney frank but perhaps steve lynch and one or two other democrats in the house delegation. the favorite among massachusetts political operatives, those who understand the state and have run campaigns here is the current attorney general martha copely because they believe in a race of four or five democrats she's a female candidate, has a good organization, and comes from middlesex county, an area of the state with a strong democratic base and it is loyal to her. if one of the kennedys got involved that would change everything. one quick point on that. yes, vicki kennedy has been focusing mostly on holding the family together and mourning right now but here is a very interesting footnote, wolf and anderson. she has been making phone calls to members of the massachusetts
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legislature including the state senate president who is among those who were reluctant to change the law and allow for an interim senator appointment. in making those phone calls i'm told vicki kenld mostly has said i'd like to invite you to the funeral. thank you for everything the state has done to help the family at this moment. by the way, she has said in those conversations, do you understand how important it was to my husband that you change that law so we could have an interim senator? if you talk to people involved in massachusetts politics they say in the last 72 hours the stars have alined in a way they are now voicing confidence when the legislature comes back in a week or so they'll quickly hold hearings and most believe quickly pass that law to allow an interim senator and then the special election next january so you would have if that law passes somebody appointed to three or four, maybe four and a half months. in that dynamic there would be extraordinary pressure on vicki kennedy the senator's widow. she has said flatly no. i checked with close friends. they said no. i saw her brother last night.
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he says no. but after the period of mourning would there be a pressure on her to come down for three or four or five months and cast those votes in the health care debate? you bet. >> quickly, john, is it a done deal you think for all practical purposes that they will pass that legislation necessary for an interim senator from massachusetts to be seated until the special election which probably will take place sometime in january? >> i would not call it a done deal but an increasingly likely probability. when i landed here the other day people were saying 50/50. now they are saying 75/25 in part because the key players including the senate president who initially said, you know, this would be distasteful maybe to go back and change this law just for senator kennedy, she has now told her deputies be prepared to hold hearings when the legislature comes back into session. once you start the hearing process, if you talk to the people who are veterans of lobbying the legislature here, veterans of campaigns in massachusetts, again, 72 hours ago they said 50/50. you ask them this morning they
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say 75/25 and maybe 80/20. >> i think we could listen briefly to see what's happening inside the library right now. >> followed shortly thereafter by the family and we'll begin the celebration of the mass. at this moment, a friend of the kennedy family, pastor of st. charles parish in arlington, virginia. >> let's begin with a prayer that jesus gave us. our father who art in heaven, halo wed be thy name. thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. lead us not into temptation but
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deliver us from evil. for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory now and forever. i am the resurrection and the life. if you believed in me you shall never die. belief and conviction were the foundation of sorts of ted kennedy's life and work. may the same faith bring him the fullness of life and joy in the kingdom. as we honor him today in life and liberty send your angels to bring him safely home to rejoin his brothers and sisters and all of the kennedys and fitzgeralds who have gone on before us. on the cross, jesus said into your hands i commend my spirit.
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we never know whose hands he's talking about -- god's hands, our hands, your hands? we could ask the spirit of this great and generous friend be commended to the creator who gives life to all living creatures. his beloved dogs -- all creation. and the creator who sustained ted kennedy's life from the very beginning. and while we commend his spirit to the creator at the same time we garner a full measure of that same courageous spirit for ourselves. we pray that the spirit of edward moore kennedy will abide with us to enlighten our vision and brighten the dream, for the
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dream will never die. in his name we pledge to continue his quest for a world where spears are broken, the stranger welcome, the sick receive the oil of compassion, and the poor man is no longer outside the gate. send your spirit to keep this family always in your tender care. ted, may the angels lead you into paradise. may the road rise to meet you. may the wind be always at your back. and in your sails. until we meet again, may the
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lord hold you in the hollow of his hand. may you go in peace. >> thank you, father. >> the congressional delegation.
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>> the congressional delegation is now going to get into buses and head over to the church not very far away. that was father jerry krieden a long-time kennedy friend and one of the sell bracelebra flchlt t funeral mass. the kennedys lived in mclean, virginia for a long time and a very close friend of the kennedy family. you see now i guess some 60 members of the united states senate, current and former getting ready to head out together with other family members. a lot of representatives from the congress are there with the kennedy family. and, anderson, i think all of our viewers know by now that kennedy family is a pretty large family. >> a number of members of congress wanted to touch the casket and flag one last time before it is taken out of the room.
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>> the young kids just saying good-bye to senator kennedy. this is going to take them a few moments to get over to the basilica of our lady of perpetual help at the church there. you see it right now about 1500 invited guests will be inside for this two-hour mass and the president of the united states will be speaking, president obama came in last night from martha's vineyard where he's been vacationing and he's going to be delivering the remarks. three former presidents will be there as well, jimmy carter, george w. bush, and bill clinton. you see folks walking into the church right now. we'll continue our special coverage of ted kennedy remembered right after this. and unlock the freshness of the outdoors...
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here goes the good old steam. [ pfffft! ] whooa!!!! [ female announcer ] let bounty help... because it cleans the mess with less than the bargain brands. it's thick and absorbent. and really durable. in lab tests bounty absorbs twice as much as the bargain brand. [ steam hisses ] why use more when you can use less? bring it. with bounty. the thick quicker picker-upper. and try bounty napkins. now with new prints. this is the eternal flame over at arlington national cemetery. later this afternoon that's where this funeral will take place not far from that eternal flame right near the grave of president john f. kennedy senator kennedy will be buried. we want to welcome our viewers
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in the united states and around the world. this is going to be a day, almost every moment, anderson, has been very, very carefully selected because they've got a lot of work between now and 5:30 p.m. eastern when the burial at arlington takes place. >> what is taking place, soon the casket with senator kennedy will be leaving the jfk library, heading over to the basilica where the service we believe will begin if everything begins on schedule around 10:30. there's already an awful lot of people inside the church. security has been very tight. we'll talk about some of that ahead. a lot of dignitaries there, members of congress and the senate. former presidents as well. >> governor corzine of new jersey walking in right now. we saw eric holder the attorney general inside the church already. there he is right there. >> the service will be about two hours. we'll of course bring all of it to you live. president obama is expected to
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speak as well then the counsel will be brought back down to washington where it'll be driven by the senate then on to arlington national cemetery. >> that's the outside of the church. the special guests. tom foreman, i hope you can walk us through this day. tom's been carefully studying what the organizers plan. >> yeah, wolf. really, we showed the perpetual flame a moment ago at arlington. take a look at this trip. it's going to be quite remarkable. d.c. down here, boston up here. take a look at the lay of the land right now. this is the jfk library down here where we've been watching all the activity last night and saw the ceremony going on there. the people there at the moment. about four miles away, where we come to our lady of perpetual help basilica, the mission church here, once the service is done which i'm sure will be very impressive, then they will travel over toward the western side of boston to the airforce baer


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