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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 27, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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thinking it's full, but it's not. let's tyake a look. they studied 7,000 people and they weighed about 220 pounds. during the course of the year they lost 13 pounds. they went from 220 pounds to 207 pounds. that's a good weight loss, and their blood pressure went down and that cholesterol went down. doctors tell me this is good, but it's not, they still, many of them had more weight to lose. it didn't take cake of their obesity, necessarily. >> just to underscore the significance. this is the first time in like 13 years an obesity fighting pill has opinion approved by the fda. who was it approved for? how do you get it? >> you can do to a doctor and get it. the fda does give guidelines. they say doctors should give it to you if you're obese. obese is pretty big. if you're 5'6", obese is over
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180 or if you're overweight or sick. doctors are not supposed to give it to the healthy person that wants to lose five pounds. it's not for that person. doctors, i'm sure, will prescribe it to that person because doctors tend to do that. history has shown us that. it's only for obese or overweight people who are sick. >> you mentioned a test group. are there any side effects? >> it may be too early to know. we know from the 7,000 there was nothing horrific stood out. if history serves a lesson here, in the past diet drugs have been approved and it doesn't look like they call anything horrible and then you try it in hundreds of thousands or millions of people and then you see it does
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cause big problems. hopefully, that won't happen with this pill. >> cautious optimism. thank you, elizabeth. a fire storm of epic proportions is now burning through colorado. for the first time it wiped out homes in the colorado springs area forcing 32,000 people to get out of town, to evacuate. this is a picture. this is just unreal. this the the cover of the denver post, and there are other images like this. the fire here is just 5% contained blackening more than 15,000 acres and 65 miles per hour winds are only making matters worse. look at this, just the orange as far as the eye can see. waldo canyon is just one of ten plarj fi
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large fires burning. the governor said there are suspicions that someone could have started this. >> the question was asked about the possibility that the waldo fire down in colorado springs was set maliciously and it was not a lightning bolt or an accident, but some stupid fool going out and playing with fire. >> chad, let me just bring you in. we were talking about this yesterday and it was horrific. it was like this yesterday afternoon. i don't know if the denver post was in the evening time or morning time, but that really speaks volumes. flames coming out of windows. sdm what happened last night is a thunderstorm blew up in jefferson county. the wind that came down from the storm came down queens canyon and lit the fire back up. it was not contained but it wasn't crazy. around 6:00, it got crazy.
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homes were burning by 8:00 last night. we were on live with it on anderson cooper. we were showing these tremendous pictures of people's homes. there was nothing the firefighters could do with the winds blowing 65 miles per hour. >> i want you to stay right there. my next against is jenny stafford. she's a military wile with two young kids. her husband is deployed high pressure she's running the ship here and she has evacuated her home. thank you for calling us. i was reading a bit to how you were describing this fire and you used the word apocalyptic. can you explain. >> it was like nothing we have seen in our lives. as the kids and i were driving out we had a mandatory
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evacuation and we got a lot of notice. everything looked like it was on fire. that was probably about 4:45 yesterday afternoon. it's been pretty square ri here. >> as you are in your car, i'm assuming your little ones are with you and you're looking in your rear view mirror and you see your home, what are you thinking? >> i felt so fortunate that we were able to get out with our lives. we had our little cat as well. we've had so much support. we've been so blessed to have the support. right now our house is still standing. we believe if something does happen, we have so much love around us. truly, this is one of the
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scariest things we've been through. i'm a east coast girl. i've been in colorado springs 11 years. we knew this was something that was possible. we live right against the national forest. you think it's possible but you never believe it's going to happen until you see it with your own eyes. >> folks never think this is going to happen to them. i know your folks husband is aw. i don't know how you begin to explain this to your kids. jim, i see an umbrella. i presume it's not raining. is that water coming if helicopters. what's going on? >> reporter: it is raining a bit. you might think that ranin coul be a good thing, but they are expecting severe storms to come through this fire area. the problem is the rain barely makes it to the ground before it
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evaporates but it brings winds. it's going to bring erratic wind that could shift the direction of the fire in very unpredictable ways. because so much area has been burned out, it's like yair that's eroded, it could lead to flash floods. it's going to be another complex day. winds when it jumped that connon and raised into the communities, they called for re-enforcement from everywhere. there's a thousands firefighters on this fire. they are building up for this afternoon when the wind gets veer. >> it was a game changer. thank you. final thought with you chad. what were you whispering to me. >> it's going to happen again. there are thunderstorms firing west of colorado springs.
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think if you take a bucket of water and pour it on a table. it goes in every direction. that's the same thing. you can't plan what direction to try to fight this fire against. it just depends on where the storm is. the storm could go in any direction. there's new pre-evacuations and evacuations going on now because the authorities know the storms are coming in about two or three hours. >> thank you, chad. thanks to jenny for calling in. i know you feel for these folks as do we. if you want to help them go to we have different lists and organizations to help them. with that said, a lot more news coming at you. watch this. the countdown is on in less than 24 hours, president obama hears the fate of his biggest legislation. a law that changes everyone's health care and we're taking you behind the scenes.
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hollywood loses a queen of the romantic comedy but kept her sickness secret. you'll hear nora ephron in her own words. a bomb shell in the case of one woman's murder. a hitman and a sex dungeon. why police arrested her husband after charging their handyman. the news is now. great shot. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays,
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and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. vrjts they are the nine. the justices who will decide whether president obama's het care reform law lives or dies
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tomorrow. they are considered right leaning. four of them are considered left leaning, and then there's the man in the middle. he's justice anthony kennedy. maybe you saw him on the cover of the time magazine. he's called the decider. when he fellow justices are deadlocked, he often times is the tie breaker which makes him the key player in this ruling that will unfold tomorrow morning. stephen one clerked for the supreme court for justice kennedy. you should have some pretty good insight to this potential swing voting man. since he is so often the swing vote, how much do you think attorneys focus their arguments toward him? >> i think it's a common strategy. prior to justice kennedy assuming this position, folks talked about justice o' connor being the swing vote. justice kennedy has one vote like everyone else. >> when you clerked with him, did he talk about his poker
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face? how good is it? >> i don't think it's about a poker face. i think justice kennedy asks hard questions of government. he has hard questions to the challengers. he's trying to get at the answers here. he's not trying to hide where he is. >> poker face jokes aside, you worked for him. do you find it alarming that so many of the decisions come down to this one man, it seems? >> no. i think it's the way the court the balanced. there is an expectation that the court could wind up 5-4 on this. we don't know. we'll see that tomorrow. every nominee matters. >> we are expecting for justice kennedy to be a swing vote. i was talking to jeff toobin and he said, yes, he ripped into the federal government's council all of like five minutes in. what can we really glean from that. is it how he may decide?
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>> look, i think he did ask hard questions of the government. he said the government is doing something here that it's never done before forcing someone to enter the stream of commerce under the guise of regulating commerce. justice kennedy said he thought the government had a heavy burden to carry that. when he got to asking the challengers questions, he asked some fair and hard questions. you really only going to know how justice kennedy answered the questions tomorrow. >> i want you to take me into the room how this works. you have the nine justices sitting around a table. how many hours does this take to decide? how does that process work behind closed doors? >> the deliberations is relatively brief. they met in the conference room which is attached to the chief justice's chambers. i can't tell you how long they
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were there for. conference doesn't go for an hour or two to decide the cases on the agenda. they go down in order of seniority. they express their views of the case, and then they vote. the senior justice or the chief justice or the seep your justice and the majority will sign the opinion and the justices draft opinions. they circulate them back and forth. they get it right and when they are ready, they issue the opinions. >> i understand they can change their minds. nothing is official until it's read from the bench. is this the sort of thing what happens in the chief justice chambers, stays in the chief justice chambers or will we get to know the the decision making?
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>> they have to announce what they're going to do in writing. we're going to read how they feel about the case. we're going to read their consideration of the issues. it's probably going to be a lot to read come tomorrow. these opinions could be dozens of pages long. >> we're going to be tackling it. we appreciate it. we'll get the decision when it comes down tomorrow morning. the country's attorney general could be held in contempt of congress. republicans making a big move today. google takes aim at amazon and apple unveiling its own tablet. it costs less than 20 bucks. you can keep catching here on cnn. go to ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪ now we've turned the page again
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with the all-new rx f sport. ♪ this is the next chapter for the rx. this is the next chapter for lexus. this is the pursuit of perfection. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering.
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a couple of stories we're watching here. attorney general eric holder at the center of this election year showdown. also, google getting ready to join the tablet wars. it's time to play reporter roulette. want to go straight to the white house. dan, what kind of reaction from the white house are we hearing on speaker boehner's decision to go ahead with this vote tomorrow to possibly hold eric holder in contempt of congress? >> reporter: well, they are disappointed here. jay carney saying this is a wholly unnecessary vote pointing the finger at republicans saying they are just all about politics here. they are made a strategic choice to score some political points. they should be focused on the economy, putting more teachers
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in the classroom and making sure the interest rates stay low. not on this vote. >> i know it was the president who used the executive privilege last week. can the white house or doj do anything if it's this late in the game to hold off this contempt vote? >> reporter: that's such a good question because there were behind the scene negotiations that broke down, but white house spokesman jay carney, sounded a bit optimistic. sgh y >> you remain hopeful that common sense revails. you have to look at the beginning of the year when republicans announced that one of their chief legislative priorities was to investigate and damage the president politically. >> reporter: he is hopeful, but he would not say whether there were ongoing talks between the white house and members of congress and whether or not the president himself was actively involved in trying to make sure that something happened here in these final hours. >> all right. hope everything is okay.
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>> reporter: a little windy. >> thank, dan. we go to dan simon on the opposite side of the country. we're talking about this google tablet unveiled. it's the nexus 7. how does it stack up to the ipad on kindle fire? >> reporter: it's smaller than the ipad. it's a lot cheaper. $199. it looks to be like a good machine. the problem is if you're somebody who is heavily invested into the apple infrastructure, say you've downloaded a lot of music or apps, it might be a bit of a hard sell to switch over to the google system where you might have to buy that stuff all over again. we'll see how it does. it's a very competitive landscape. this is going to go on sale in mid-july. >> that's the nexus 7.
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then you have this thing called the nexus q. it looks like a little black orb. what is this? >> reporter: it's like the apple tv product. that set top box. it allows you to stream music and tv shows directly to your computer. you can control it with your phone or your tablet. same problem here if you're somebody who has bought a lot of c content using apple, it may be a tough sell. it looks to be a nice device. priced at $299, but a bit priziprize i pricier than the other products. >> thank you. that's your reporter roulette. i want to tell you about something that was unimaginable ten years ago, but it happened today. queen elizabeth shakes the hand of the man that led the group who killed her husband.
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you're going to hear what happened.
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i want us to just stop for a moment and watch a little history in the making. watch this with me. watch as britain's queen elizabeth walks into this room in belfast and she's going down this line and shaking hands. she's shaking hands and she shakes the hand of a man who was once a commander of the i.r.a., the irish republican army. we'll slow it down for a moment and see it again.
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this is the historic handshake. this is the deputy first minister of ireland. this comes 14 years after the i.r.a. ended its war against british rule. i want to go to our senior correspondent covering this. nick, did you ever think we would see this in our lifetimes? >> reporter: i don't think i did, and i don't think many people thought they would see it. why? because for 30 years, half of queen elizabeth's reign, martin was trying to kill her soldiers, kill her policeman, drive her government out of northern ireland and killed the queen's cousin, a very well-loved relative by the queen, must have loved by the queen. to see that she would shake the hands with a man many people see as responsible for that and that
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he would turn about from wanting to drive out the british government to shaking hands with the person, the one person who epitomizes everything about britain. i think that's why people didn't expect it to happen. it's very, very heavy on symbolism and the important thing that both of them trying to do to show people that it's time to move forward. you've got peace. now start to put behind you some of the baggage of the past. that was the message here. >> two little things i noticed when we watch this video a couple of times. of course, the obvious that she's wearing green and when you look at the line, this men bow except for mcginnis. he looks her in the eye, which protocol wise is a bit of a no-no. what do you make of that? >> reporter: he's trying to play to two audiences. he says after shaking the
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queen's hand, he said i'm still a republican, which in the context of ireland is i still want the british government to get out and unite the whole. he also said to the queen, he greeted her in irish and said good-bye in irish. those are statements. this is man who grew up speaking english. irish is a second language to him, yet he uses it as a first language to the queen. it's heavy on symbolism. what he is doing here, however, is really putting behind him once and for all that violence, the hard core roots. he's lost support from some of those people who are still building bombs and want to kill british soldiers and british policeman here and blow up parts of this city here. he is really put himself beyond
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these hard core republicans. he's still trying to stay faithful to that message. he's trying to broaden his political appeal and send this very big message of reconciliation here. >> thank you. let's show you some polls. they are showing president obama is leading mitt romney in three key battleground states. in florida president obama leading 45% to 51. in ohio, 47 to 38. one more bit of numbers here. obama ahead 48% to 44% in the poll of polls. that's an average of four polls taken over the past two weeks. justin bieber and selina gomez were on the house floor or their pictures were. an illinois democrat used the two stars to make a point on an
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arizona immigration law that would allow people to check their papers which leads to racial profiling. here he was. >> justin bieber and selina gomez have overcome their very different national origins and become a happy couple. i'm sure justin helped gomez learn all about american customs and feel more at home in her adopted country. wait a minute, i'm sorry. i'm not a trained arizona official. i got that backwards. actually, miss gomez of texas has helped mr. bieber of canada learn about his adopted country. when you perform in phoenix, remember to bring your papers. >> how about that on the floor of the house today. the show me your papers law was upheld by the supreme court. we're going to know how they
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rule on obama care. republican congressman ben quayle says it needs to be repealed. we're going to challenge him, next. ♪ how are things on the west coast? ♪ ♪ i hear you... ♪ rocky mountain high ♪ rocky, rocky mountain high ♪ ♪ all my exes live in texas ♪ ♪ born on the bayou [ female announcer ] the perfect song for everywhere can be downloaded almost anywhere. ♪ i'm back, back in the new york groove ♪ [ male announcer ] the nation's largest 4g network.
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covering 2,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. rethink possible.
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we have just learned, we've been talking a lot about these horrible colorado wildfires. we have learned the president will be traveling to colorado on friday to take a look at the damage in person and thank the responders for bravely battling the fire. you're looking at a picture. this is from the denver post
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today. you can look through all these images of damage as so many people are fearing for their lives. i was asking him, he was really hitting home the message that looking at the pictures makes his blood boil. he's wonder if there's any suspicion that it might have been started by an arsonist, he called them a stupid fool and an idiot. big day in washington. the day republicans have been waiting for is almost here. they have spent a lot of time and money, breath and patience railing against obamacare. it will be a huge victory for them if the supreme court strikes down that law tomorrow. ben quayle is one of the republicans rooting for that to happen. thanks for coming on. >> let's say and this is the what if game that we have to play today. let's say the supreme court
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grants your fondest wish totally striking down obamacare, what concrete plans to republicans have to put legislation in its place? >> the one thing that we're going to wait and see what he the decision is, but looking at some of the proposals and some of the things i would like to see is see a real market base reform. we did need healthcare reform, but i don't think obamacare was right. making assurances attached to the person rather than the job and allowing states to have pools with prepre-existing conditions. a number of proposals that will drive down cost. we'll see competition driving down the price and increasing the level of care. >> you do shave plans to pass legislation. you mentioned folks with pre-existing conditions to not discriminate against them. do you have a plan for that?
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>> i would like to see the state do that so they can put together a pool for people with pre-existing conditions or chronic conditions who can't afford health care but can go into a state level pool. we want to have the conversation with the american people. we don't want another 2,000 page bill to go out and not talk to the american people and tell them we have to pass it before they learn what's in it. >> we'll get a little preview of that conversation right now. the question is when, the timing of this. is it before the election, after the election? >> i think we're going to see what comes out of the supreme court tomorrow. we got 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. we'll see if they rule the whole law unconstitutional or pieces of it. we can't determine that. once we get that then we can take it to congress and see what we can do. i would like to see the whole law ruled unconstitutional so we get a clean slate to address the health care problems that we
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need to address. >> let me run through a few benefits. more than three million young people under age 26 added to parents insurance. more than five million people got prescriptions under medicare. if all of that, if you get your wish, you want the whole thing struck down. you want congress to have a clean slate. what then do you do for those people who are getting this help now? >> i think that we do push through legislation that actually abides by the constitution that will be market based in driving down costs and increasing access. i think they will allow the states to have more flexibility within medicaid. these are the things the republicans can get behind. we don't have one plan in place but we'll wait to see what the supreme court says. >> you don't have any plan in place? >> we don't have one plan. there's a number of different plans that are out there. once we see what will come out of supreme court then we'll see which plans will be working
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within the frame work that the court provided. we don't know if they will scrap the entire law or not, and then go from there. there's a number of plans out there. i was looking through different health care plans out there. there's close to 100 that deal with health care reform from the republican side. those are the things we'll look at put together a bill to reform our health care system so that it reduce costs and increase access. >> let me ask congressman qualye and immigration. i know romney is not giving up his plan. this is arizona, is that because he's weak on the issue, he being mitt romney? >> i think we should be talking about the fact that the president doesn't have the authority to do what he did. he's bypassing congress trying
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to write laws via nonaction on laws that are on the books. >> don't you wish, this is your state. you have an opinion. are you frustrated mitt romney really doesn't seem to at least publicly, it's been very vague. >> i'm just can state what i believe. i think all of us should be up in arms about what the president has done. what secretary napolitano did about taking way the cooperation with i.c.e. >> congressman quayle, i'm asking about mitt romney, not the president. >> i've said i would like the see governor romney come out and be more forceful on how the president went about this, went against the constitutional foundations that our country was founded on. >> he's running for president. let's take away what he thinks the president should do. shouldn't we hear concrete plans
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from him. >> when your talking about what the president did, everybody should be talking about it as well. if we have a president that just is going to basically make up laws as he goes along, we don't have a separate and equal branches of government anymore. this is a horrible precedent to set then you'll have a president to disregard congress and how the laws are made. >> the senate tried to pass the dream act in 2010, this was a piece of bipartisan legislation that got blocked. >> it got blocked under bipartisan basis, i believe. they couldn't get it through when they had complete control of the house and the senate. the dream act is fundamentally lawed. we do need to find a solution to these issues. that one is not the right solution. i think what the president has just done is just really just disregarded the constitution in separate and co-equal branches of government. that's not the right thing to do. i think everybody should be talking out against that.
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>> we'll see how the supreme court comes down on the constitutionality of obamacare. thank you. >> thanks. huge moment. the nation's first african-american marines. here is house speaker john boehner about to get the highest honor for any civilian. you're going to see it live. i've never slept better. [ male announcer ] why not talk to one of the six million people who've switched to the most highly recommended bed in america? it's not a sealy, a simmons, or a serta. ask me about my tempur-pedic.
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hill. house speaker john boehner getting a little teary eyed introducing about 400 african-americans who broke color barriers. more on this after a break.
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a group of trailblazers, look at these live pictures.
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they're being honored on capitol hill. if you don't know who the montford marines are, they broke the final color barrier. they went to montford point, this blacks only boot camp. they were shipped off to war in world war ii. they are finally being recognized. take a look. [ applause ] >> good afternoon. if i don't talk loud enough, let me know. for 167 years negroes were not permitted to join the united states marine corps to defend this country. that condition changed in 1941, and the entry did begin in 1942.
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unfortunately, it took a world war to make it happen, but it happened. on behalf of those who came forward, and said i want to be a marine, i welcome you to this occasion because you all were directly involved. at this very proud moment, and in this magnificent venue, i want to thank the honorable speaker of the house mr. john boehner for his kind invitation to each of us that are here today. [ applause ] thank the members the united states senate and the house of the representatives who supported the bill to honor the montford point marines with a congressional gold medal. and a particular thanks to congresswoman brown from
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florida. [ cheers and applause ] senator kay hz hagan from north carolina. national president of the marine association, chief officer and dr. james everhart united states marine corps. the past national president of the montford point marine association, our united states retiree. [ cheers and applause ] and joe carpenter, lieutenant colonel retired united states marine corps. [ cheers and applause ] i would like to personally thank the officers and staff of the marine corps special projects director colonel smith and her operations planning team. you guys did a heck of a job.
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heck of a job putting it all together. last but not least, on february 25th of last year at the camp joseph h. pendleton base theater -- i happened to be there, a gentleman said that this injustice, this nonrecognition of what montford point marines did, many of them who served through world war ii and on into korea and vietnam, a bunch of them are here, he said he was going to fix it. and he did. a man of his word. he made it happen. 35th common marine corps joe jam james. [ cheers and applause ]
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come on. [ cheers and applause ] like a guy who says something says he's going to do something and he did it. on a personal note, and i think i'm echoing the thoughts of many of us fortunate enough to be here, i don't think we imagine that anything like this would ever happen in our lifetime. it does sadden me that so many of our brothers are not with us today. the upside of it all is that we do remember each and every one of them. they're in our hearts and minds. and they shall never be forgotten. this day that gold medal -- that
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congressional gold medal -- excuse me. [ applause ] those out there saying suck it up, marine. i know. this gold medal is very much theirs also. i am happy for this event to take place because as an extension of it, i get a chance for me and my wife, brenda, to reunite with old friends, look forward to reminiscing a bit, might even let them buy me a drink or two. go around complimenting each other about how good we look. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, it is a privilege and an honor to stand
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before you and receive the congressional gold medal on behalf of yourselves and the almost 18,700 other brothers who served this nation and the corps with courage, commitment. this award belongs to them because collectively, ya'll did what some of us thought was impossible. once again, you've made history. thank you for being here. thank you. >> an emotional first sergeant retired william mcdowell accepting the nation's highest civilian honor congressional gold medal. we thank them, the head of the marines, general james amos sums it up best. i want to quote him "to me they were heroic for two reasons, they fought against the enemy during world war ii while they also fought for their civil
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rights and the respect for their fellow americans. it is fitting that we as americans honor their selfless service and sacrifice with a congressional gold medal and fully embrace their storied contributions to the history of our nation at war." thank you.
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for years and years health care reform has been a powerful political divider. but beyond the politics of health care, what does tomorrow morning's looming decision by the supreme court really mean to you and me? i want to bring in cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. while we're waiting here and it's supposed to come down around 10:00 tomorrow morning, the big decision, many americans say they worry the law would force them to adopt healthy habits. i guess kind of force them to be responsible for their own health? hello. how much though do individual habits really play into this country's health issues, you think? >> that's a funny thing. we're fortunate to be healthy.
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a terrible, terrible thing we're asking people to do. but, look, i'll tell you, about americans overall, obviously there are people who have significant chronic disease and illness and have been afflicted with cancer. they're just in a tough spot, brooke, sometimes. it's very hard for them to get health care insurance. very expensive even if they do. but leaving that aside, if you look at the country as a whole, there's so many things that we need to pay attention to help explain in part why our health care costs are so high. about three-quarters of the nation, 68% roughly are either overweight or obese. we talk about this, brooke, to the point where people's eyes glaze over. i get that. but there are consequences to that number. and because obesity is related to just about every chronic disease you can imagine. 20% of americans smoke. again, that's part of why health care costs are so expensive as well. brooke, let me make a larger point. >> yeah. >> something you and i have talked about, and that is just simply having health care insurance alone doesn't mean you're going to be healthy. health care insurance doesn't
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equate to good health. you and i both know people with terrifically good health insurance who are terrifically unhealthy. look at that. only half of americans got preventive care services prior to 2010. that's when you had about 80% to 85% of americans covered. so just providing the insurance is the first beat. but there's a very important second beat to this as well, brooke. >> that being the conscious choice to live a healthier life, right? >> that a choice to become a healthier america. i think becoming a healthier america accomplishes lots of things. people feel better when they're healthier, but it also helps bring down these costs. i don't know if this is so much forcing people to become healthy, but i think there are things within the plan that potentially incentivize people to become healthy. no co-pays for preventive services, things like that. people try and not get sick. >> right. there's so much else beyond the individual mandate. we're going to have all our questions answered tomorrow morning. sanjay, thank you. candy crowley, take it away.
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"the situation room" begins now. happening now, the countdown to a supreme court decision likely to ripple into every home in america. we're looking at the real world impact of tomorrow's ruling on health care reform. also, a historic vote looming in the house. will eric holder become the first sitting attorney general to be held in contempt of congress? and a colorado wildfire explodes overnight doubling in size and sending 32,000 people fleeing. one chief calls it a firestorm of epic proportions. wolf blitzer is off today. i'm candy crowley and you're in "the situation room." all eyes on the supreme court and congress with a potentially historic day on tap tomorrow. one that could be especially bad


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