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Mike Pence
  Campaign 2020 Vice President Pence remarks at Rally in Tulsa Oklahoma  CSPAN  June 20, 2020 7:36pm-8:00pm EDT

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that's an honest tale set the helmsman to the mate about a woman delicious and a matter of fate ♪ big wheel's still rolling down on to me announcer: ladies and gentlemen, the vice president of the united states, mike pence. ♪ " being played] ♪ >> there she stood, in her seat
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smiling from her head to her feet i said, hey, what is this? what's your name, baby? maybe we can see things the same now don't you worry let's move before they raise the parking rates ♪ it's alrightbaby, now [applause] vice president pence: well, hello, oklahoma. [applause] -- tovernor kevin stitt, governor kevin stitt, members of congress, members of the incredible trump family,
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[applause] my fellow americans who have come from near and far, it is great to be back in the sooner state for a great american comeback. [applause] but i need to tell you, i am here for one reason, and one reason only. and that is that oklahoma and r more years ofu president donald trump in the white house. [applause] it's on, america. and the road to victory starts right here. [applause] you know, i'm here because i stand with president donald trump. [applause] when this president stands up for american jobs and american
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workers, i stand with president donald trump. [applause] stands uppresident for faith and family and the i stand with, president donald trump. [applause] and when this president stands up to the radical left and their socialist agenda, i stand with president donald trump. [applause] and when our president stands up for law & order and liberty and stand with all, we president donald trump. [applause] you know, four years ago a movement was born. and it looks like it is doing just fine tonight.
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[applause] the movement of everyday americans from every walk of life. here in oklahoma, you believe we could be strong again, you believe we could be prosperous to presidentid yes donald trump in 2016, and i know oklahoma is going to say yes to four more years of president donald trump in 2020. [applause] [crowd chanting] yearsr more four more years vice president pence: you know, the choice in this election couldn't be clearer, and the stakes couldn't be higher. on our side, you have a president who has done more for this country's economy and
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military and our constitutional rights than any president in my lifetime. [applause] he has delivered three years of action, three years of results, three years of promises made and promises kept. [applause] and then you've got joe biden. booing] [crowd chanting] >> sleepy gel. sleepy gel. sleepy gel. joe.eepy sleepy joe. sleepy joe. joe bidendent pence: wants to raise your taxes. president trump signed more laws
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cutting federal redtape than any president in american history. [applause] to bury ourn wants economy under an avalanche of red tape, like the green new deal. up toent trump has stood china and put american jobs and american workers first. [applause] biden wants to go back to economic surrender. biden cost america jobs. president trump created more than 7 million jobs in our first three years. and as we open america again, we
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have already seen 3 million jobs created in a single month, and set a record for retail sales. the great american comeback has begun and president trump is leading the way. [applause] and when it comes to our national defense, president trump rebuilt our military. arsenal of the democracy and this president signed the largest increase in our national defense since the days of ronald reagan. [applause] democrats,nd the they neglected our military, supported budget cutbacks and ignored threats abroad. you know, under this president,
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with our renewed strength, we have taken the fight to radical islamic terrorists on our terms, on their soil. [applause] sawknow, when joe biden isis overrun hard often one ground -- isis overrun hard-one won ground, under this commander-in-chief, america took down isis' leader without one american casualty. [applause] usa usa usa usa [crowd chanting] >> usa usa president trump: edward remember when joe biden sent pallets of ander terrorists and --
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remember when joe biden sent pallets of cash to terrorists in iran? well, president trump got us out of the disastrous iran deal and qassem solemani is gone. as the father of the u.s. marine, i couldn't be prouder to serve alongside a u.s. president who cares so deeply about the men and women of our armed forces. , on jobs,ice is clear on national security, this president knows national security starts with orders security. [applause] with border security. [applause] biden supports open borders, president trump is building that wall on the southern border of the united states. [applause]
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[crowd chanting] builds that wall. build that wall. build that well. build that wall. vice president pence: we are building it. you will see. this president has stood with law & order and stood with the incredible men and women of law enforcement at every level. [applause] you now, the american people the americannow, people know that most of those who serve in the uniform of american law enforcement are the best people in america. it's true. and we all know what happened to george floyd was a tragedy that shocked the conscience of the nation redundant justice will be served. -- conscience of the nation.
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and justice will be served. there is no excuse for what happened to george floyd, but there is also no excuse for the rioting and looting that followed. rioters were destroying property and cities across the country, joe biden issued a press release. president donald trump sent in the national guard. our nation's capital and called on every governor in america to do the same. [applause] and in the days that followed, you saw it. we quelled the violence. since then, we have been working with law enforcement and leaders in our african-american community to improve public safety and improve the lives of our african-american neighbors. we are listening. we are learning.
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we are leading. [applause] and we will find ways to move forward together. but one thing we are not going to do, we are not going to defund the police. not now, not ever. and when it comes to the rule of making plansn is to appoint activist judges who will legislate from the bench. trumpxt week, president --l appoint his 200 judge courts,dged our federal all conservative jurists who are upholding the god-given liberties enshrined in our constitution, like the freedom
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of speech, the freedom of religion, and the second amendment right to keep and bear arms. [applause] and with four more years, this president will appoint even more judges. and like we learned this past we need more conservative justices on the supreme court of the united states. and finally, while joe biden supports taxpayer funding of abortion and was just endorsed by planned parenthood, i couldn't be more proud to be vice president's for a president who stands without apology for the right to life. [applause]
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so for american strength, american jobs, law & order and liberty and life, we have got to decide right here and right now that we are going to defeat joe biden on november 3 and reelect president trump for four more years. [applause] [crowd chanting] >> four more years four more years four more years president trump: you know, because it is not just the record of success, it is about leadership, and the leadership this president as shown in one of the most challenging times any of us can remember. had au know, before we
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single coronavirus case in the united states, president donald trump closed down all travel from china? he put the health of america first. and with the president's leadership, we stood up a national response. we delivered hundreds of millions of medical supplies to health-care workers in all 50 states. we reinvented testing from a standing start and now we are testing almost 500,000 americans every day. [applause] working with american free enterprise, we manufactured medical equipment on a wartime footing. and no american who required a ventilator was ever denied a ventilator in the united states. that is a national accomplishment. [applause]
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all 50 states are opening up america again. worke are going back to and worship. we are getting back out to the stores and restaurants and the great outdoors. the transition to greatness has begun. [applause] and despite the fear mongering up some in the media, the truth is, across this country hospitalizations are down, our losses are declining, and every day we are one state -- we are one day closer to putting the coronavirus in the past. you are doing it, america. but i want to promise you we are going to remain vigilant. we will keep building supplies, keep developing medicines and
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vaccines, we will be ready for whatever the future holds and we will always put the health of america first. that is what leadership looks like. that is the leadership of president donald trump. americans, get ready. buckle up. it's on. we have a little more than four years to win four more for president donald trump in the white house. justt ready to bring it, like you did four years ago. bring the enthusiasm. keep voicing support. keep telling neighbors and friends all we have accomplished and what this president can do with four more years in the white house. think about it. four more years means more jobs.
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four more years means more judges. moremore years means support for our troops. and it does going to take at least four more years to drain that swamp. [applause] [crowd chanting] >> drain that swamp. drain that swamp. vice president pence: and when we do that, i believe with all my heart, over the next four years we are going to bring this country together. america will be stronger than ever before, more jobs and opportunities than ever before, and america will be a place where every american, regardless
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of race or creed or color or income can work and worship in freedom, choose where their child goes to school, find a good paying job and live the american dream. [applause] so thank you for coming tonight. to get on my way and let you hear from him yourself. [applause] it is the tell you, greatest honor of my life to be your vice president, and i want to thank you for the riblets -- for the privilege. and in all my travels across this country over the last four years, i can tell you firsthand,
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america is a freedom-loving nation and america is a nation of faith. [applause] as we open america again and reclaim the freedom that we were willing to set aside for the health of our neighbors, i can't we have comek into this year cherishing and depreciating our freedom even more. andvery day between now november 3, go out and defend the freedom that has always made this nation great. [applause] it, have you're doing faith, faith that in these challenging times, that if his people are called by his name, they will humble themselves and pray. he will do like he has always
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done through the long history of this land. he will hear from heaven, he will heal this land, this one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. so pray for america. for all the american people. [applause] gentlemen, president donald trump is the real deal. he is a man who says what he means and means what he says. he never quits. you never backs down. and i can tell you firsthand, he has never stopped fighting to keep the promises that he made to the american people. and the now, it is our turn to fight for him. and i just know that with your continued support and prayers, every day between now and november 3, we are going to have
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that great american comeback. oklahomaing to make and america stronger and more prosperous than ever before, and with president donald trump in the white house for four more wers, and with god's help, will make america great again, again. thank you, oklahoma. god bless you. ♪ ["only in america" by brooks & being played] ♪ >> sun coming up over new york city school bus driver in a traffic jam hering at the faces in rearview mirror looking for the promise in the promised land
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♪ of fame andms fortune rentid helps pay the up going to prison presidentight be ♪ america where we dream in red, white and blue only in america where we dream as big as we want to we all get the chance everybody gets to dance only in america ♪