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  Salute to America 4th of July Celebration at the White House  CSPAN  July 5, 2020 2:18am-2:56am EDT

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being used to combat it. >> i have not seen a collaborative time in the science community of this ilk or stature in my life. that is very encouraging news. asngs have moved as fast they could possibly move. we could have for potential drugs including antibodies. comment on whether they work or not. or what settings they work on. sixill have about modalities to treat the inflammatory case of the virus. >> watched sunday night. president trump and first lady melania trump took part in the salute to america fourth of july celebration at the white
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house. the president's remarks were followed by an exhibition of military planes running over the event. ♪ corps] [rat-a-tat military drumming] [applause]
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[airplanes overhead] >> ladies and gentlemen, from the united states army golden knights, please welcome sergeant first class ryan reese. it is truly an honor to be here this evening. i would like to direct your attention overhead to the beatable sky behind us. our just dashed to the beautiful sky behind us and our distinctive bum body air -- but aircraft.mbardier the team leader is looking out the door the aircraft and the jumpers are out in the smokies on. we now have members of the army golden knights rapidly
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approaching speeds of 120 mile-per-hour. the initial part of the formation is the base. it forms quickly as the jumpers use their hands, arms, legs and shoulders to safely complete the formation. they now separate and perform our maneuver. thees and gentlemen, highflying black and gold of your very own united states army parachute team, the golden knights. [applause] the aerial demonstration you are seeing tonight is designed to showcase the maneuverability of the human body, as it flies through the air, and while under canopy. these jumpers are performing three separate maneuvers for you this evening. one, was a mass formation we witnessed. ewo will be a side by sid canopy formation.
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three, the 1200 square-foot drop flag. jumpers performing this evening are sergeant first class trey kollek. sergeant first class chad riddlebaugh. staff sergeant morgan george. and sergeant first class ryan or mark. -- orourke. and the difficult 1200 square-foot drop flag maneuver, the team leader of the demonstration team, flying the predominantly lack and gold canopy, sergeant first class roman grijalva. gold.k and [applause] at 1000 feet these jumpers can hear you very well. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, now our national anthem. drumming]
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♪ oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming. whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, or the ramparts we the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming. in the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there. star-spangledr banner yet wave,
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free, andand of the the brave. ♪ ♪ [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states. [explosions firing] [applause]
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pres. trump: wow, are you having a good time? members ofcongress, my cabinet and my fellow americans, the first lady and i are delighted to welcome you to the second annual salute to america. [applause] on this wonderful day, we celebrate our history, our our greatr heritage, american flag, and our freedom. everyone.of july to [applause] i want to thank that u.s. army golden knights for that truly inspiring display, true medicine talent.
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-- tremendous talent. the golden knights and the armed forces, you have earned the internal gratitude of our entire nation. 44 years ago in philadelphia, the 56 signers of our declaration of independence pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to boldly proclaim this eternal truth, that we are all made equal by god. [applause] to the courage of those 1776, then july4, american republic stands today as the greatest, most exceptional, and most virtuous nation in the history of the world. factories haver revolutionized industries and
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lifted millions into prosperity. our artists, architects and engineers have inspired the globe with transcendent works of beauty. american heroes defeated the fascists,hroned the toppled the communists, saved american values, upheld american principles. terroristsdown the to the ends of the earth. ofare now in the process defeating our left, radicals, people who in many instances have no clue. [applause]
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scientists,s, doctors and researchers have improved the lives of billions and billions of people all around the world. plantede astronauts, the american flag on the moon. and america will be the first nation to land on mars. [applause] today areans living the heirs of this magnificent legacy. descendents of the most daring and courageous people ever to walk on the face of the earth. we inherit their towering confidence, unwavering enthusiasm, their unbridled ambition, and their unrelenting optimism.
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this is the untamed spirit that built this glorious nation. and this is the spirit that burns brightly within the soul of every american. that is why we pay tribute to generations of american heroes, whose names are on our monuments and memorials and in the pages of history and in the hearts of a very grateful people. allow anyone to erase our history, to indoctrinate our children or trample on our freedoms. [applause] we will safeguard our values. traditions, customs, and believes. we will-- beliefs.
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we will teach our children to cherish and adore our country so they can build our future together. together we will fight for the american dream. and we will defend, protect and america. in 1492, columbus discovered america. jobs are coming back to work like never before. the power of tariffs imposed on have enabled us to make trade deals where there were none, tens of billions of paid by the same countries. hit bynd then, we got
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the virus. progress,de a lot of our strategy is moving along well. we have learned a lot. we have learned how to put out the flame. we have made ventilators where -- by the tens of thousands, to the point that we have far more than we need, and we are now distribute in them too many countries -- to many countries as a gesture of goodwill. likewise, testing. virus now we have tested almost 40 million people. -- s doing, we showcases
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99% of which are harmless results, that no other country can show because no other country has been testing that we have, not in terms of the numbers. we, like everything else, have become the manufacturer on record for ventilators. we have the most testing anywhere in the world. and we are producing gowns and masks and surgical equipment in forcountry, where here to it was almost exclusively made in foreign lands, in particular, where, ironically, this virus and others came from. tospread all over the world
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189 countries. and china, with respect to wellies we are now doing and are in deep testing on vaccines and treatments and therapeutics. i want to send our thanks to the scientists and researchers around the country, and even around the world. they are at the forefront of our historic effort to rapidly develop and deliver life-saving treatments and, ultimately, a vaccine. nation'sleashing our scientific brilliance. and we will likely have a therapeutic and/or vaccine solution before the end of the year. [applause]
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grateful to be joined this evening by americans. battling on the front lines to kill the virus, i want to say america thanks you. please stand. [applause] thank you very much. people. thesent are great and brilliant people. and brave people. [applause] liftingment is based on all citizens to reach their fullest god-given potential. never forget we are one family. and when nation. this rich heritage belongs to everyone, young and old, first-generation, american, we want to go from first generation to 10th generation, it matters
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we are are american, from the usa. [applause] tos great heritage belongs those of every background and of every walk of life, no matter our race, color, religion or america. and one we put america first. we will not allow anyone to divide our citizens by race or background. we will not allow them to foment hate. distrust, we will hold fast and true to the sacred loyalties that link us all as neighbors, as americans, and is patriots in every age.
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there have boys been those who seek to lie about the past in order to gain power in the present -- there have always been those who seek to lie about the past in order to gain power in the present. those who lie about our history or want us to be ashamed of who we are not interested in justice or healing, their goal is demolition, our goal is not to country on greatest earth, what we have built, the united states of america, to build a future. for every family is safe. where every child is surrounded by love. where every community has equal opportunity. and every citizen enjoys great and everlasting dignity. is not a burden to be cast away, not a miraculous
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foundation that will lift us to the next great summit of human endeavor, this incredible story of progress is the story of each generation picking up where the last finished links by time, fate, and the bonds of our affection. those who would sever those bonds would cut us from the wisdom, courage, love and devotion, that gave us everything we are today. and everything we strive for. tomorrow, we cannot let that happen. we will not throw away our heroes, we will honor them and we will prove worthy of their sacrifice. [applause]
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whome also say to the media label opponents as racist, who condemn citizens who offer a defense of american unity. that is what our people are doing. we want a clear and faithful history andmerican unity. these charges, [indiscernible] have even their lives for america.
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people more principled than you. the young men who raise the flag at a wargame a, and most --the young men who raised the flag at and those in the civil war who perished, and in .ther wars, their memory fought and we will not let the legacy be tarnished. the more you lie, the more you slander, the more you try to do the moredivide -- tr
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divide,to demean and the more we will tell the truth. andore you lie, demean, collude, the more credibility you lose. we want to bring the country together. taskpen media makes this an easy one. country united, what we all want -- what do we all want? education, law and justice,fety, equal liberty,- religious faith, family, happy and safe communities, great jobs.
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and we want to be respected by the rest of the world. we should all want the same thing -- how could be any different than those things? the more bitter you become, we appeal to love and patriotism. we rise above your hate to build a better future for every child in our great country, to celebrate america's majestic inheritance. i signed an executive order to , the nationalent guard and of american heroes -- the national garden of american heroes, and outdoor garden that will feature statues of americans. we will honor extraordinary
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citizens from every community and every place, and from every , great men nation and great women, people we can look up to forever, families will be able to walk among the statues of titans and we have already selected the first 30 andcies and 30 legends white we start with a man who has been very -- who to or three years ago, and especially five or six years ago, people would to disturb his legacy would have been impossible,
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george washington. thomas ross. alexander franklin.benjamin [applause] madison.s. james dolley madison. frederick douglass. [applause] abraham lincoln. [applause] harriet tubman. [applause] harriet beecher stone. -- stowe. joshua lawrence chamberlain. clara barton. daniel boone. davy crockett. [applause] henry clay
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susan b anthony. booker t. washington. wright, whowilbur are looking down and you are going to see some planes like you have never seen before because we built them better than anyone in the world,, the greatest air force the greatest fighters, the greatest everything, you're going to be seeing something, i just wonder what orville and wilbur would have been thinking if they ever got to see that, but they are looking, they are checking it out right now along with us. amelia earhart. [applause] athlete no matter where he went he was the best athlete, jackie robinson. patton. patton, general he did not know how to lose. general douglas macarthur. audie murphy.-
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the great billy graham. king.rtin luther [applause] president ronald reagan. [applause] christa mcauliffe. .nd antonin scalia a a few of the people we will be naming and things are subject to change but once we make that decision, those great names are going to be up there and not coming down. they have just been an incredible group. and we are going to do this in a very democratic way, frankly. we are going to take names and suggestions and have committees and pick the greatest people this country has ever known. the most respected people, the people that helped us the most
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and the people we can look up to and that our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren can look up to into the future and they can say, isn't america a tremendous place? so thank you, that will be very exciting. the patriots who built our country were not balance, -- not they were heroes whose courageous deeds improved the earth beyond measure. the beauty and glory of our constitutional system is that it gives the tools to fight injustice, to heal division and to continue the work of our founding fathers by expanding and growing the blessings of america. if you believe injustice, if you believe in freedom, if you believe in peace, you must cherish the principles of our founding, and the text of our
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constitution. as our founding in our , a foundation upon which progress is achieved. that is why our country is so strong. despite terrible things that happen over the generation. a number ofening heroes who risked their lives to uphold these values, and to keep our communities and our country safe, we are joined by the outstanding law enforcement officers who have been able to fight on the front lines protecting our cities, many of them facing assaults. moved to be joined by the of a fallen officer, 38
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year veteran of the st. louis police department, killed last month and the city he devoted his life to defending. [applause] the american people will always support law enforcement and nobody embodies that better than david. thank you very much. please. [applause]
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[cheering] and hes looking down now is so proud of you and he loves you so much, and thank you for being here. a great man, a great men. -- man. finally, tonight we will salute the greatness and loyalty and valor of men and women who have defended our independence for amazings, we honor the men and women of the united states military. [applause] never in history has the nation used so much power to advance so battlefields across the world's are marked with gravestones of young patriots who spent their final valiant moments on this earth to secure
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liberty and peace. -- battlefields across the world and here at home. the military heroes who fought and died to make us free, these are great people, here is indeed --great heroes indeed. immortalize for coming generations. our country even stronger long into the future. in a few moments we will bear witness to awesome aircraft, representing every major military conflict over the last 75 years. offe plans, once launched massive aircraft carriers, and the fiercest battles of world war ii, they raced through the alley,f korea's mig
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they carried american warriors into the fields of vietnam, a victory that was swift and sweeping in operation desert storm. a lot of you were involved in that. that was a quick one. [applause] to they have gone on dangerous missions all around the world to take out enemy terrorists and bring our soldiers home safely. killed,now, we have this last year, the two leading alrorists of the last years, suleimani.
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we worked to rebuild the armed forces of the united states. invested,ion we have all made in the usa. we have never had anywhere near that it equipment and power we have now. anywhere these aircraft have flown, they have reigned down the thunder -- raineed down thunder and fiercely defended every square inch of american sovereignty. and there still frames, broad rings -- wings and roaring engines we see america's soaring spirit and undying resolve. throughout our history our country has been tested and tried, but we have always taught victoryry -- fought to whenever our way of life has been threatened. our ancestors have responded. with the same resounding answer.
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azul's first patriots who fought for independence -- as those first patriots who fought for independence. we are americans and we do not back down, given or give up, and we will never yell defense of our nation, we love our nation never yieldense -- defense of our nation. we honor the glories of the founding fathers in the heroes of today, who keep us safe, strong and proud. and to keep us free. happy july 4 to all. our country is in great shape. many good things are going to happen, next year will be one of the greatest years we have had.
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i want to thank our men and women, they are so good, of the national park service, air traffic control, and the united states military, god bless you, god bless our heroes, god bless america. and now, let the flyovers begin. thank you very much. [applause] whistles] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome world-renowned airshow announcer robert ryder as he walks us through our salute of airpower from world war
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