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Mike Pence
  Campaign 2020 President Trump Vice President Pence Hold Rally in Grand...  CSPAN  November 2, 2020 10:37pm-11:24pm EST

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don't wait anymore. drop it off. if you voted already, then you need to get your friends and family to the polls. and if you need to find out where, you can go to help them make a plan to vote. florida, you delivered for me twice. now i am asking you to deliver for all of us, and elect joe biden and kamala harris as the next president and vice president of the united states of america. now listen -- i got to campaign with joe over the weekend. it felt like the old days, and i cannot wait to see him back in the white house because for eight years he was the last person to leave the room whenever i faced a big decision and he made me a better president. he has the character and
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experience to make us a better country -- >> you can watch all of barack obama's comments online at we take you to grand rapids, michigan for live remarks from vice president pence, speaking to supporters ahead of president trump. campaign's trump final event before voters head to the polls on election day. ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> hello, michigan! congressman, to all of you who have been with us every step of the way, it is great to be back just 80reat lake state,
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minutes from election day when we reelect president donald trump for four more years. [crowd chanting "four more years"] it is really great to be with you all. a special treat tonight to be with my much better half. she's a military mom, been committed to helping our military families. lady,e, the second would you help me in thanking my wife karen pence. we are here for the same reason you are, for one reason and one
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reason only, and that is that michigan and america need four more years of president donald trump in the white house. [applause] it is on and the road to victory goes three -- straight through michigan. you all are great to be out tonight and i've got to tell you , i just spoke to the president. up int finished wisconsin, but he can't wait to get to grand rapids. [applause] it is great to be back here tonight. we'll never forget being in grand rapids. four years ago tonight. past midnight,d it was election day 2016. the president spoke until about 1:30 in the morning.
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he walked up to me after he walked off the stage and looked out at a crowd like this one and slapped me on the shoulder and said mike, i don't know about you, but that doesn't look like second-place. [cheers and applause] and it still doesn't. michigan did it before and i know mission is going to do it is going to doan it again. we are going to show america that michigan is trump country. [cheers and applause] all for coming out. what an incredible site and i know there are more people waiting to get in. you. incredible to be with would you join me in thanking two of the most principled leaders in congress, every step of the way. and billan molinaro
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huizinga. how about the next congressman from the third congressional district peter mayer? [cheers and applause] earlier, the president and i were with a friend of mine. he's a man of integrity dedicated to his family. he's a west point graduate, combat veteran, businessman, and the next senator from the great .tate of michigan, john jane we inherited a military that had been hollowed out by budget cuts, an economy that was failing to break out of the slowest recovery since the recession. assault. was on the
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in three short years, we rebuilt our military, we revived our economy, we secured our borders, supported law enforcement, and stood for life, liberty, and the constipation -- constitution of the united states. [chanting "u.s.a."] economy, after joe biden spent eight years in the white spendtrying to tax and and bayless back to a growing economy, donald trump created the greatest economy in american history and we are doing it again. how about those new gdp numbers last week? isn't that something? the american economy grew by
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more than 33%, shattering any previous record. the great american come back is of and with four more years president donald trump, we are going to bring this economy back bigger and better than ever. the great american come back is a testament to all of you, the character and resilience and strength of the american people, but it is also a tribute to a president and allies in biggest to create the economy the world has ever seen. a globaldst of pandemic, joe biden wants to raise taxes by $4 trillion. on friday, his running mate, kamala harris said -- booing]
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the first order of business is to get rid of the president's tax cuts. they've got a $2 trillion version of the green new deal but under president donald trump, where they are planning to raise your taxes, we cut taxes across the board. [applause] we rolled back more federal regulation than any administration in history, free trade, unleashed american energy and in three short years, businesses created 7 million good paying jobs, including 112,000 jobs right in the great lakes state. [cheers and applause] unemployment reached a 50 year low. wages are rising across the years.he first three they were rising most rapidly for hard-working blue-collar americans. the forgotten men and women of
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america were forgotten no more. when joe biden was vice president, america actually lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs. i come from just south of here in indiana, just like michigan. you know, we do two things well out this way, don't we? we make things and we grow things, right? the last president actually said -- the last president actually said after losing 200,000 manufacturing jobs, he said they are never coming back. remember, he said what magic wand do you have? [crowd booing] well, we didn't need a magic wand. we just needed president donald trump in the white house. 500,000 manufacturing jobs in just three years. back.cturing came roaring when it comes to trade, so
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important here in michigan, what we make and grow, we sell to the world. joe biden has been a chair leader of communist china all along the way. [cheers and applause] while they took advantage of the barriers tos, put their markets while we put in a two hours and closer to home when it came to our relationship with canada and mexico, joe biden likes to complain a lot about nafta, but never lifted a finger to fix what was wrong with it when we saw thousands of factories close and jobs shipped south of the border. and under president donald trump, we put china on notice. he said the era of economic surrender is over. we stood strong, imposed tariffs, and nafta is now gone and the usmca is here to stay. [cheers and applause]
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something you want to know about joe biden's running mate. i had a little debate with kamala harris in salt lake city a few weeks ago. thank you. some people think we did all right. know in thisve to hard-working state of michigan, despite the fact that usmca was a huge win for michigan, kamala harris was one of only 10 senators to vote against the usmca. [cheers and applause] kamala harris said it didn't go far enough on climate change. her radicalput environmental agenda ahead of michigan jobs and michigan workers. no wonder she was listed as the most liberal member of the united states senate last year. when it comes to trade or anything else, for that matter, i promise you president trump
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will always put american jobs and american workers first. [cheers and applause] energy, joe biden wants to crush american energy under a thatillion green new deal would raise the cost of electricity for every home and business in america. the president had to remind him he was for it in the first presidential debate. but he is. and kamala harris, she was the original cosponsor in the senate of the green new deal. the truth is, joe biden at kamala harris want to abolish itsil fuels, and fracking -- would destroy hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs. they said it last year over and over again. now, joe biden shows up in pittsburgh, i wasn't far from there today, and he's trying to convince people he is not for banning fracking.
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he actually said our president was lying about it. [cheers and applause] -- [crowd booing] it came up in the first presidential debate. how good it president trump do in the first presidential debate? that ball is still going. anyway, it came up in the presidential debate. remember, joe biden 90 minutes into the debate said "america needs to make a transition from the oil industry." [crowd booing] i love what the president said. he said "that's a big statement." by the next morning, joe biden was already denying -- even in the debate, he said showed the tape. so we've been showing the tape. [cheers and applause] men and women of michigan, look. no matter what joe biden at
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kamala harris are saying right now, you can take it to the bank. the radical left are going to abolish fossil fuels, then fracking, close down the oil industry if they ever get to the white house, but we are not going to let it happen. we are going to have more energy,, more american and energy independence for generations to come with four more years of president donald trump in the white house. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "four more years"] the choice we face in this election, it is a choice between a trump boom and a biden depression. there was an independent review of his plans last week, said joe biden's economic policies would cost this country 5 million
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jobs, and cut the average income bythe american household $6,000 a year. andy minute between now when the polls closed tomorrow in michigan, if you come across a family member or coworker or neighbor that is still undecided, i want you to say i was out at the airport, ran into mike -- [laughter] [applause] said if i ran into anybody who was undecided, just ask one question. look them in the eye and say who did you really think can bring this economy all the way back? am i right? a career politician who spent 47 years in washington, d.c. raising taxes, growing government, waving a white flag on international trade, or a
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proven job creator who's overseeing the fastest economic recovery in u.s. history? you ask them. if they are honest, they'll answer. this election really is about prosperity. it is about jobs. it is about our children's future. but it is also about national security, and i'll tell you what. i couldn't be more proud to serve alongside a president who cares so deeply about the men and women of our armed forces and their families. you might not know, the pe nces are a military family. my son, the united states marine and my wife is married to a navy pilot who is currently deployed. we couldn't be more proud of
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them. in fact, my daughter is a military spouse and while her husband is away, she's out campaigning a little with mom and dad. would you welcome my wonderful daughter, charlotte pence bond>? incredible navy spouse and a writer and a leader. so proud of her. when joe biden was vice president, we saw years of reckless budget cuts in our national defense, didn't we? days, you canfew go look it up, leading democrats in washington are talking about massive cuts in defense spending to pay for their big government plans. president donald trump, we rebuild our military. we restored the arsenal of democracy. president trump signed the largest investment in our national defense since the days of ronald reagan and with four more years, we are going to keep giving our sailors, soldiers, it
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are men, coast guard that resources and support they need to defend this nation. [crowd chanting "four more years"] it is not just about those who serve today. it is about those who did serve in the uniform. put your hand in the air if you are a veteran of our armed forces? let us thank you one more time. thank you for your service. [applause] thank you for your service. thank you for our freedom. biden waswhen joe vice president, america saw years of scandal at the v.a. that shocked the conscience of the nation. you remember that. we literally had some of america's veterans who were dying on waiting list, waiting to get the care they earned in
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the uniform of the united states. under president donald trump, those days are over. president trump signed the most sweeping reforms of the v.a. in 50 years. fired 3000 v.a. employees that weren't giving our veterans veteransthey need, and choice is now available for every veteran in america. [applause] for a strong national defense, for taking care of our veterans, let me just say, it is one more james iny we need john the united states senate. [cheers and applause] and when it comes to law and order, you all know, president trump has stood every day with the men and women who serve on the thin, blue line of law enforcement and we always will. [cheers and applause]
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the president and i know what you know. men and women who serve in law enforcement are some of the best people in this country and they deserve the respect of every american everyday. -- youth is, though remember the violence over this last summer and all joe biden ever talked about was peaceful protesters. the rioting and looting is not peaceful protest. burning businesses is not free speech. the truth is, but joe biden would double down on violence -- policies that led to violence in american cities. he explains it all by saying america is systemically racist. saynd kamala harris often they believe police officers have an implicit bias against minorities.
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[crowd booing] when joe biden was asked whether he would cut funding for law enforcement, he replied yes, absolutely. kamala harris recently praised the mayor of los angeles for cutting $150 million out of the lapd's budget. [crowd booing] but under president donald trump, i'll make you a very firm promise. we are not going to defund the police. not now, not ever. [cheers and applause] we are going to back the blue and we are going to back the blue for four more years. and we are going to have law and order in every city and every state in this nation for every american of every race and creed and color. [cheers and applause] it is about standing with people who protect and serve, but this resident has stood strong for all the god given liberties enshrined in the constitution
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and the hearts of the american people, like the freedom of religion. the freedom of speech. and the second amendment right to keep and bear arms. [cheers and applause] end, we've appointed more than 200 conservative judges to our federal courts at every level, and they are all men and women who will uphold the god-given liberties enshrined in our founding documents. that includes justice neil gorsuch, justice brett kavanaugh , and that includes the supreme court's newest, brilliant, justice amyoman, coney barrett. [cheers and applause] [chanting "acb"] isn't she great?
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and not just because she's from indiana. how much did you love it when one of the senators asked her, show me what you've got written down on that piece of paper. nothing. she's so impressive and she's going to stand strong for all the liberties we cherish. when joe biden was vice president, we saw a steady assault on our first freedom, the freedom of religion. the last administration used the power of the federal government to erode the conscience rights of doctors and nurses and charities. they even hauled a group of nuns into federal court to force them to compromise their faith to live under the obamacare. it is true. same religious intolerance happened when amy coney barrett was nominated to the court of appeals two years ago. do you remember? she was in front of the senate judiciary committee and the leading democrat on that committee said she was concerned about amy coney barrett's catholic faith because she said,
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and i quote, "the dogma lives loudly within you." [crowd booing] then hollywood elites started attacking amy coney barrett for her fate and they've never stopped. i've got news for the democrats in washington and their hollywood friends. that dog lives loudly in me -- dogma lives loudly in me. that dogma lifts loudly in you, and the right to live and worship according to the dictates of our faith lives loudly in the constitution of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] under president donald trump, we restored the conscience rights of doctors and nurses, stood strong for religious freedom, and did the assault on the little sisters of the poor, and we are going to stand for the
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religious freedom of every american of every faith for four more years. [cheers and applause] finally, where joe biden and kamala harris support taxpayer funding of abortion -- [crowd booing] all the way up to the moment of birth -- to bedn't be more proud vice president to a president who stands without apology for the sanctity of human life. [cheers and applause] in our first three years, we rebuild our military, revived our economy, stood for law and order stood for liberties in life. none of that would have been possible without the consistent support of michigan's republicans in congress. reelect,after you donald trump right after you send john james to the united states senate, the president and
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i need michigan to send bill huizinga, john moolenaar, peter mayer, and lisa mclean to a new republican majority in congress and retire nancy pelosi once and for all. [cheers and applause] out. was there 10ou, i years ago when we retire nancy pelosi the last time and i intend to be here when we do it again. [cheers and applause] when you look at everything we were able to accomplish with the republican majorities in the house and senate, i think there's only one way you can describe it. in three short years, we made america great again. right? and the 2020 arrived,
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coronavirus structural china. [crowd booing] the american people have seen this president's leadership up close. before there was a single case of community spread anywhere in america, president trump did what no american president had ever done. he suspended all travel from china, the second largest economy in the world. president trump put the health of america first. [applause] joe biden said that was xenophobic. essentially, it means he thought it was racist. he actually wrote that closing down travel in a global pandemic would make things worse. joe biden got it wrong, and president trump got it right. [cheers and applause] fromutting down travel china, president trump saved untold american lives because it offers invaluable time to stand up the greatest national mobilization as world war ii.
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it is true. theeinvented testing, manufacture of billions of supplies, medicines and therapeutics, and we are a matter of weeks away from having the first coronavirus vaccine with tens of millions of doses for the american people. [cheers] i want to promise the people of michigan, you can be confident. we are going to keep making sure those supplies are there. we are going to keep driving toward a vaccine until we put this pandemic in the past and we are going to keep opening up america again. [cheers and applause] mean, i know, i've got to tell you. amazing to think how this economy has gone back. the past five months alone, after losing 22 million jobs at the height of the pandemic, because of the foundation the president poured
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in the first three years, the unprecedented relief these congressmen made available to families and to businesses, we've seen 11.5 million americans go back to work, including 600,000 people right here in the state of michigan. again opening up america and michigan's economy is coming back. know, joeserve to biden is talking about shutting down our economy. [crowd booing] dealt? with enough here in michigan, right? newspapers are reporting there are countries in europe that are so you cantting down bet joe biden will lock down the if he makes ity to the white house. all your schools, churches,
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synagogues, places of worship. main street will be shuttered again. the americanmoment economy is getting back on its feet, joe biden said, and i quote, he would shut it down. joe biden is going to shutdown, going to shut down our economy and says we are in for a long, dark winter but under president donald trump, we are going to defeat the virus and the best is yet to come. [cheers and applause] the choice in this election has never been clearer. the stakes have never been higher. when you look at their agenda of higher taxes, open borders, socialized medicine, a green new deal, defunding the police, abortion on demand -- it is clear. joe biden would be nothing more than a trojan horse for the radical left.
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it is true. where bernie sanders and elizabeth warren are already angling for cabinet posts. you almost what is at stake. now, joe biden democracy is on the ballot. think our economic recovery is on the ballot. i think law and order are on the ballot. but i also think there are things much more foundational to who we are that are on the ballot, as well. you know, in this election, it is not going to be so much whether america ends up more republican or more democrat. more liberal or more conservative, more red or more blue. i think the choice in this election is whether america remains america. [cheers] it is whether we are going to chart a course, and michigan
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will play an outsized role in this decision, so here me out. it is whether we are going to chart a course based on our american heritage of faith, family, and patriotism, and freedom. whether we are going to let joe biden and the democratic party surrender our country to the radical left, shutdown our economy, topple our heritage of freedom and values into an avalanche of socialism and decline. so let me say to all of you from my heart. for everything that has always made america unique and exceptional and great, for the freedom that generations of americans have fought to defend, we've got to decide right here and right now that joe biden will never be president of the united states.
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we are to reelect president donald trump for four more years. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "four more years"] >> when i got the phone call four years ago to join this ticket, i said yes in a heartbeat. because i heard and saw in this president both the vision and the leadership ability to make this country great again. served alongside each other every day for the last four years and you know, some people think we are a little bit different. but i've got to tell you, we've gotten to be very close friends and i can tell you firsthand, when the lights are off and the cameras are off, there has never
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been a day gone by in the last four years that i haven't seen this president against unprecedented resistance and opposition by the democrats in washington, against unrelenting and unfair attacks by their allies in the national media, there hasn't been a day gone by that i haven't seen our president get up and fight to keep the promises that he made to the people of michigan. now, it is our turn to fight for him. it is on, michigan. [cheers and applause] it is time to bring it. time to do what you did four years ago. tell your neighbors and friends what four more years means. four more years means more jobs. four more years means more judges. four more years means more
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support for our troops. it is going to take at least four more years to train -- to draint swamp -- that swamp. [chanting "drain that swamp"] oh, we are draining it. a little deeper than we thought, but we found that plug and we are going to pull it tomorrow. [cheers and applause] i've got to ask you to do a couple of things. air force one is on its way in and before you know it, president trump will be in the house. [cheers] on all of our behalf, i want to ask you to do a couple of things. 47 minutesoremost,
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from now will be the election day. tomorrow morning, the polls open at 7:00 a.m., stay open until 8:00, so i'm going to ask you personally. i need you to vote, michigan. a vote to reelect president donald trump to the white house. [cheers and applause] friends don't let friends vote alone. aing a family member, bring coworker, bring a neighbor, and vote to reelect president donald trump for four more years. [cheers and applause] and after you vote, with a friend, number two. someone whyo tell you came out late at night, what
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you are here on this historic night in grand rapids. them allu to tell we've accomplished in those first three years with a president who kept his promises to michigan, about the choice we face and how we are going to set a course for this nation for generations to come. and iow, the president were on "60 minutes" the other night. [crowd booing] right. but he got a question during his interview and he gave an answer i'll never forget, because the reporter -- the reporter looks at the president and she said, so how would you describe your supporters? the president answered without missing a beat. she said "how would you describe your supporters? " he said they are people who love our country.
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so go tell your neighbors and friends that you love our country and we need four more years of president donald trump in the white house. him and this is from me and my family -- and finally, this is from me and my family. this is ae convinced freedom loving nation. and this is a nation of faith. inclined like are bow the heade, to and bend the knee, i would
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encourage you to do that. [applause] pray, pray with confidence. in these challenging times where it seems like there is more that divides us than in any time in to claimme, we ought those ancient words that have seen americans through much more challenging times than we could possibly imagine. the words of an ancient promise if his people who are called by his name will humble themselves and pray, and turn, always'll do like he's done, in the long and storied history of this great nation, he'll hear from heaven and he'll heal this land."
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this one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. so pray for america. pray for all the american people. it will make a difference. so thank you for the warm welcome today. thank you for giving my family such a warm welcome. i have to tell you -- myis the greatest honor of life to be your vice president but i want to be your vice president for four more years. [cheers and applause] i leave here today with renewed confidence. i'm telling you, standing were i'm standing, you would be confident too. wow. got off him up after i the plane, i called him on the tarmac and said "you are not going to believe it." i know he can't wait to get here, but i'm confident it all of us do what we need to do
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between now and 8:00 tomorrow in michigan, between now and when the polls close across this country, we are going to have a great victory. all across michigan, all across america. [applause] with bill huizinga, john moolenaar, peter mayer, lisa mclean in a new republican majority in the congress -- [cheers and applause] with john james in the united states senate -- with president trump in the white house for four more years -- [cheers and applause] help, we ares going to ge make michigan and america more prosperous than you can possibly imagine. we are going to make michigan and america safer than ever before. we are going to make michigan and america more united than
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ever before. we will make america great again, again. thank you very much, michigan. god bless you. god bless america. now let's go get it done! ♪ [brooks and dunn's "only in america" plays]
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