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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  June 1, 2019 9:00am-11:00am PDT

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god bless you. our prayers are with you and your wife and we continue to keep your daughter meadow's good soul and heart in our prayers, thank you very much. >> thanks, dave. >> the most emotional event anyone can ever go through and that's why we look out for the safety and welfare of our officers. i can't speak enough about the courage that police and forensics are showing in that building with the carnage that exists in there. >> you can hear the emotion in their voice, an entire community in mourning. virginia beach residents today starting to remember 12 victims of yesterday's mass shooting in the city municipal building. four other people were wounded and as always happens at times like this, we begin to hear the stories of courage, of those who
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ran towards the gunfire and saved countless lives. welcome to america's news headquarters from washington, i'm leland vittert. >> i'm kristin fisher. authorities confirming the identity of the gunman who were killed by police, but not commenting just yet on a motive. our mark meredith joins us live with the latest. hi. >> that's the big question at this hour, what's the motive that went into yesterday's shooting. we've learned more what investigators have pieced together overnight. we know the shooter who was killed after the incident was that he was a 15-year veteran working for the city here in virginia beach. he was an engineer, someone who had a job with the city at the time of the incident. there was speculation that he may have been let go, but police say he was still an employee as of yesterday afternoon. now, investigators have been out here yesterday afternoon. we saw the fbi combing together, piecing together what was available in the parking lot trying to see what evidence may have been left behind and also
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able to see police trying to piece together what families need to know about what happened. they also had the chance to speak to the media discussing what these public servants were doing on behalf of their communities and these lives forever changed. >> we want you to know who they were, so in the days and weeks to come. you will learn what they meant to all of us, to their families, to their friends, and to their co-workers. they leave a void that we will never be able to fill. >> this morning president trump tweeting about the matter and he's spoken with virginia's governor and added, quote, the federal government is there and will be there for whatever they may need. investigators have spent the entire night, as we mentioned, not only here at the crime scene, but also at the suspect's home. investigators say they have recovered multiple weapons, we knew there was one handgun that was recovered yesterday,
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immediately after the shooting. police say multiple weapons have been covered, but they're not going to say what the weapons were and whether or not they were used directly within the shooting yesterday. back to you. >> mark meredith live in virginia beach covering this horrible story, thank you. >> joining us were more, dea special agent and firearms instructor at dea in quantico. david as always, it's sad when we have to call on your expertise, but we appreciate it. initial reactions as i talked about in the beginning of the show, seems as though without the really brave and incredible response of a lot of police officers, in could have been a lot worse? >> oh, there's absolutely no doubt and once again, you have to understand that when the officers arrived, they realized as they entered, they're in a fight for their life and yet, they do it anyway, they proceed right to the scene where innocent people are being harmed and thank god successfully and
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thank god that officer was wearing a vest. >> exactly. talk to us more about the protocol. they ran into the sound of gunfire. what did they know? what didn't they know? and specific to that sound in terms of the fact that there was possibly a suppresser being used here? >> well, the whole issue with the suppresser is really interesting. two quick questions. was it a legally obsessed suppresser which requires an a.t.f. permit or homemade? the point with the suppresser is, this guy understands or understood when people hear been fire they try to act and flee and what they teach them to do. decided to use a suppresser, why? so people didn't get warning in advance. the officers come in and sound is not a reliable indicator for direction. when they entered they knew nothing, heard the sound and saw
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people running, figure out where the guy was and proceeded to the scene, but if he was, in fact, using a suppresser, it's troubling from a number of standpoints. david: real quick, what do you make now of the fact there's no comment on motive and he was still, at least as far as we can tell, an employee as of yesterday afternoon? >> well, they're probably still putting together exactly what happened. i will tell you these things are almost never, almost never come as a surprise. there's always at least some sort of concerning behavior. some sort of communication, things like that and now there's going to be a stressor, a trigger. maybe that stressor or trigger was with the determination proceedings and they release more information. >> we appreciate your expertise and thoughts in the meantime. david, we'll talk to you soon. >> thanks very much. >> all the best. well, federal prosecutors released the full transcript of a voice mail from one of the
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president's attorneys for attorney for former advisor flynn used as evidence in robert mueller's investigation. gillian turner has what it means. we've heard about texts and now it's a voice mail. >> pretty awesome to know they're out there. it started yesterday afternoon when federal prosecutors dropped this transcript. a voice mail of one of president trump's former lawyers, to michael flynn's current defense team. and this is one that robert mueller examined as part of the investigation as to whether president trump obstructed justice. something that mueller, we ultimately all know, declined to make a determination about. this was will once left by mcgahn to flynn.
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he understands flynn's compromised position and said it wouldn't surprise me if you've gone on to make a deal with, work with the government. and he asks for a heads up with the national security advisor intended to give mueller any information that could in any way hurt president trump. he writes if, on the other hand, there's information that implicates the president we've got a security issue, a national security issue, we need a heads up to protect all of our interests. he concludes with a friendly reminder, remember what we've always said about the president and his feelings towards flynn and that still remains. in any event, i appreciate you listening and taking the time. thanks, pal. >> and the conclusion of the voice mail in the special counsel's probe etal was politically driven.
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he says this is a baseless political document designed to smear the reputation of counsel and innocent people. all of this, a judge's order came earlier and instructed prosecutors to file a whole mess of documents, including a transcript of this voice mail. a last redacted version of a memo detailing flynn's cooperation with the mueller team, and then also a transcript of recordings of all of the phone calls with russians. so this is part of that. this is what folks have really latched onto because as we talked about earlier, it's pretty salacious. >> yeah, and it sounds like certainly more things could be coming out. want to correct something quick, you said don mcgahn earlier on in your live shot. it was actually john dowd, but there are so many names. >> i'm sorry, i didn't realize what i was saying. >> so easy to get it mixed up. >> got it. >> we want to make sure. thanks, gillian. >> this week, negotiators in the u.s. and mexico will meet here in washington to try and head
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off tariffs that would radically change the u.s. economy and what all of us pay for avocados to cars. and garrett tenney is out at the white house. this weekend, the president says he wants mexico to change how they deal with illegal immigrants coming across the u.s. border. garrett, any specifics from the white house on what they want? >> well, the biggest thing they want is to stop this flow of migrants commenting to the u.s. southern border reaching record levels, over 100,000 people for the last three months now. but his move to use tariffs and force this change is getting a lot of blowback, not just from democrats, but from members of his own party who are concerned that those actions could have significant negative impact on the u.s. economy and those concerns are shared by a number of business groups, including the chamber of commerce looking at potential legal action to block the president. >> that's exactly the wrong thing that our economy needs right now. and then to top it off.
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it does nothing to solve the very real problem at the southern border. they're using some emergency powers and we're still, frankly, trying to understand the legal basis that those can be invoked and how those can be applied in this instance. >> the white house is encouraging business leaders to take it to mexico. to take action to stem of flow of migrants coming to the u.s. southern border. sarah sanders says that president trump is being forced to address this crisis at the border because congress has refused to do it themselves. >> this is truly and even democrats are starting to admit it's a humanitarian and security crisis and it has to be dealt with. unfortunately the president is the only one stepping up and putting forward things to stop it. >> mexico is hoping to avoid a trade war, especially since they're trying to ratify this
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new one to replace nafta. and tariffs and threats are not the way to address this issue. >> all conflicts in bilateral relations must be faced and resolved through dialog or communication. the use of coercive measures does not lead to anything good. >> on wednesday, mexico's foreign minister will attend a summit in d.c. with secretary of state pompeo and senior advisor to the president, jared kushner to discuss the tariffs, it's worth noting, this is at latest in the long moves they've made for the southern border. >> and how much that jared kushner pushed back on the tariffs, at all, in the coming segments. garrett tenney at the white house. thanks. >> joining us now, republican
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arizona congressman and house judiciary committee member, let's talk tariffs, you've called them a drastic step, but you still support them? >> absolutely. and here is why. what is happening on the border is a totally national security crisis, it's a humanitarian crisis and a lot of these people that are pushing back on this, where have they been? they have not been-- they have not been in there offering suggestions. they've not been at the border or talking to the ranchers that live along the border or the border agents. we're talking a million plus people we are going to apprehend and another million coming in a year, this is amazing. and you know, we've been working with mexico taking the carrot approach to try to get them help out. they're letting people traverse their country. it's amazing what's going on. it's devastating what's going on to this country and in some way
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it's an existential threat to the country. >> congressman, a lot of people pushing back on the tariffs are your own republican colleagues in congress and warning of dire economic consequences. i want to show you what republican senator chuck grassley said. he said he supported most of the president's immigration policies, but not this one. he says, this is a misuse of presidential tariff authority and counters the congressional intent following through on this threat would serious jeopardize passage at the usmca, and what could be a victory for the country. are you worried about the impact it could have on the passage of that trade agreement? >> i think that trade agreement is it going to go through. i think they're going to work it out. remember nafta itself took a great deal of time and over 400 side agreements. this is going to have a bunch of side agreements, too, they're
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working on that. if it were not to work to ame ameliorate what we have. mexico already sent up an envoy to try to negotiate with this administration and arriving next week, that tells me how important they think this. the president says we've worked with the carrot side and we'll work with the stick side. what would you tell businesses near the border worried that their businesses might suffer because of the tariffs? >> i'm with them, i understand that and they're right. i would say this is a long-term issue we're trying to resolve and hopefully get through with as minimal pain for short a period as possible and i'm hoping we can avert the actual imposition of the 5% tariff, but we've got to solve this border crisis because it's a severe crisis and i think it's going to
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result in a resolution that will solve the problem and that is good for the country and good for the businesses in my district. >> so your message is essentially short-term pain for long-term gain. really quickly. >> exactly. >> i want to ask you one question about the special counsel, bob mueller after his big press conference this week. so much of his speech, the beginning and the end of it, so much of his remarks were focused on election interference. what happened in 2016 and what could happen in 2020. do you believe republicans are doing enough to keep that from happening again? >> well, i think we are. we're working on it and we've had this-- the president formed a national, basically a national commission. he asked for information from all secretaries of state to try to resolve what we can do to revent this kind of hacking into our election to prevent russian interference and other nation's
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interference such as china, iran and others who try to cyber hack and influence our election. we're doing some and we have to do more for sure, but i think that this administration is on top of it. >> i think that all americans hope that congress, the president, everybody in government will be doing more headed into 2020 to safeguard our elections. congressman biggs, thank you. >> and with that we bring in from california. >> do you agree with your fellow member the gentleman from arizona here that the administration is doing enough to stop interference for 2020? >> no, i don't agree with him. >> i took a shot. >> no, it is a shock, that's okay, we can have a difference of opinion, but engage in what to do for the american public. i want to button this up. you said in a statement after
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mr. mueller's public statement that the house should proceed with impeachment hearings and you come back in session this week. does that mean you're in favor of impeachment? >> yes, i've been in favor for many months. >> okay. so if the vote was held today, you would impeach the president? >> i have voted twice to send impeachment papers to the judiciary so we start the process. >> help me understand this, you said you've been for it for months. what is the basis of that if now everybody's hanging their hat on the mueller report? >> i just believed in my own personal case, from my personal belief that he may well be guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. as you know, voting to send the papers to the judiciary committee starts the process, then you have public hearings, and then you would come back to vote on whether you actually impeach him or not on the floor. i haven't reached that conclusion.
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i've reached the conclusion to start. >> to start, but haven't reached the conclusion of the floor. jerry nadler acknowledged that impeachment is a political process and should the president be impeached. democrats 70-20, and republicans 87% no. and independents 33% yes. 45% no. by definition impeachment is political. do you worry what impeaching the president means for the democrats come 2020? >> sure. but i think you have to adhere to the constitution. >> tell me about your worry. you said sure. what are the worries? >> well, you worry you overplay your hand, but having said that, i remember watergate and what changed the public, the people who defended nixon were those open hearings of the senate and the house, and when they heard that, then the public changed
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and it led to his resignation. >> on the other hand, bill clinton left office after being impeached as one of the most popular presidents ever. >> right. so there you go. [laughter] >> you can have it either way, but you've got-- the american public needs to hear the facts and they determine that and we represent them. >> this is an important quote. this is from congresswoman slotkin from michigan, one of about a dozen, a few more on that list of democrats who won districts that president trump won in 2016. impeachment is not what people are coming up to me in the grocery store and talking to me about. they want to know when we're going to lower the price of their son's insulin. when we're going to get federal dollars for infrastructure. effectively, reasonable people can agree, if there are impeachment hearings, no legislation's going to get done. >> i don't agree with that. we've been passing legislation through the house to protect health care, to-- >> there's no way there's going
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to be bipartisan, real legislation that's going to get through the house, get through the senate and then get to the president's desk for signature if you've got impeachment hearings going upon? >> on the other hand you have to adhere to your responsibilities under the construction. i don't think it's a zero sum game. i acknowledge you'll have a lot of focus taken away. >> interesting perspective. we appreciate it, sir and respect the oath you took, and your diligence to it. safe travels back from california, a little hotter and humid back here, enjoy the air while you can. >> i'm aware. thank you. >> kristin. >> the arkansas river reaching record levels and casey stegen is at conway at a dam. >> the dam is behind me, we'll show you in a second.
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the impacts of the flooding are widespread and they're devastating. why people are worried about the upcoming forecast in a live report when america's news headquarters continues. -we bought a house in a neighborhood with a lot of other young couples. then we noticed something...strange. oh, could you, uh, make me a burger? -poof -- you're a burger. [ laughter ] -everyone acts like their parents. -you have a tattoo. -yes. -fun. do you not work? -so, what kind of mower you got, seth? -i don't know. some kid comes over. we pay him to do it. -but it's not all bad. someone even showed us how we can save money by bundling home and auto with progressive. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents. but we can protect your home and auto. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents. give you the alrprotein you needin ensure max protein... with less of the sugar you don't (grunti)g i'll take that. (cheering) 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar ensure. for strength and energy.
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in some parts of arkansas there is water for as far as the eye can see. the arkansas river now past its banks into communities putting entire sections of towns underwater. this was shot by the arkansas national guard. it's hard to tell even if there's a river anywhere that's supposed to be around there. casey stegall, conway, arkansas, the water is high and only going higher, right? >> yes, the concern here. and when you look at the forecast for next week, more rain, and that exacerbates the situation and you take a look and see where the river normally is. it's typically behind the ferry lack and dam building there, but you can see the office is partially submerged, the water basically up to those garage doors. as we continue panning over this way you can see in the
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distance-- what you can't see is that the lock and dam is actually right there. but that's totally underwater and that's of course interfering with commerce because you have barges and traffic up and down the arkansas river delivering goods and things like that. clearly they're not out there now, but we want to talk about in the distance on the other side of the river, that's where you have homes underwater and one of our journalists just got back from a boat ride and we are going to show you some of that video coming up in the next hour. it's only reachable by boat. a lot of folks, mandatory evacuated or self-evacuated days ago, and all of that downstream from points of here and the aerial pictures show the scale of how widespread the flooding is. record water levels put extra pressure on the levees and the dams and the flood control systems causing a levee breach north of here in dardanelle and
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also down south of little rock. >> all that we ask for people to do, pray for arkansas, pray for these people that are fixing to lose their homes in water, you know? and the land. >> the governor of arkansas says about 500 homes statewide have been impacted by the flood waters, a number they feared would only rise as the waters continue it rise. by the way, a disaster declaration signed by president trump is now in effect for 16 impacted counts across arkansas, like the one you see back here. leland, kristin, back to you guys. leland: as you point out, as the water flows down to towns like little rock, they're knocking on doors and telling people to get out while they still can,
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thanks, casey. kristin: and border patrol agents detaining a thousand in a single day. we'll talk to an agency coming up.
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>> more than 100,000 people were apprehended at or near the border, they had 1036 migrants, the largest single group ever. and this as the president threatens tariffs if they don't slow the migrants into the united states. here is the chief of the san diego sector, douglas harrison. awant to warn you it's a time lapse video and they can't actually walk that fast. for folks who have never really
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been to the border, can you explain how something like this can actually happen? how can more than a thousand people get through at a single time? >> well, thank you for having me. you know, this year alon, we've had over 180 groups of 100 or more, and you can contrast that with two years ago, we had only two groups of 100 or more. so, we've got three quarters of the people we arrest at the southwest border came from either el salvador, guatemala or honduras and they're passing through mexico unlawfully, so we're going to continue to do everything we can to address this crisis and use every tool in our toolbox. kristin: pardon my ignorance here. how exactly does that many get through at one time? are they-- it looked to be a chain link
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fence, are they getting through with wire cutters and going through before the border patrol agents get there? >> they use a number of tactic and we arrested them right at the border. kristin: right. >> we don't have a lot of tools to impact them prior to arriving at the border and that's why we're asking for help from mexico to address this issue. >> let's take a look at the impact in your specific sector, the san diego sector. right now, the number of family apprehensions are up 678% over the last year. just a staggering number. what do you attribute that to? and just how badly is help needed in your sector? >> so, the families are coming because they know we don't have the ability to hold them beyond 20 days. this is why we're asking for changes to legislation, to enable us to detain people in a humanitarian setting, and ultimately remove them to their
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country of origin if their claims to remain in the u.s. are not valid. kristin: i only have about a minute left, chief. i have to ask you about president trump threatening to impose tariffs on mexico, on june 10th, just over a week away. do you think it's going to make a difference for you and your border patrol agents in san diego. >> as i said we'll take any help we could get. >> right now-- >> that would help, do you think? >> right now three quarters of the people we arrest comes through mexico's southern border, transit mexico unlawfully and attempt to enter the u.s., so, anything mexico can do to address that, to secure their southern border, will be helpful, yes. >> so president trump is clearly hoping that by imposing the tariffs the mexican governor will do more than it's done to try to curb this flow over the
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southern border, as you said, hopefully it will help, but a lot of democrats and even some republicans here in washington d.c. really aren't a fan of that proposal. so, we'll see if it works and see if they go into effect. chief, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. kristin: leland. leland: joe biden campaigns in ohio today, a state president trump won in 2016, but the obama-biden took in 2008 and 2012. he continues to lead the field of hopefuls and the president hit him on the 1994 crime bill. chicago tribune columnist said he should tout his role and not hide for it. i see no reason for biden to be defensive flawed as it is 25 years later. and we bring in jeff and good to
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see you as always. >> hey, leland, thanks for having me. leland: who is right, from the chicago tribune or charlie kirk, biden can't outrun this. >> i think he's caught because the crime bill in retrospect is very unpopular in the african-american community and donald trump is doing better in the african-american community than a lot of people give him credit for. so he just passed criminal justice reform, which i think is popular among a lot of african-american leaders. if donald trump can get 15, 20% of the african-american votes, he wins easily in 2020. so, i think there are going to be some changing dynamics in the race coming up. joe biden is going to defend a lot of what happened in the previous years where he's on record supporting a lot of things that he's now not supporting. leland: we've been through this idea picking out which candidates they're going to be able to pick off.
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i think back to this time in the 2016 time before donald trump came down the golden elevator. back then you and i were talking, maybe we were about jeb bush and scott walker and the various constituencies they could play to, thinking of bush in particular, the hispanic community. who are the democratic equivalents of them right now and why? >> you know, it's interesting. i think joe biden is sort of in the position that jeb bush was back then. joe biden is a presumptive run away leader, but what if somebody like mayor pete or somebody like possibility kamala harris can really catch fire with the progressive left. notice how, leland, joe biden is not in california today. joe biden is in another state, all of the hard left progressives are out there in california and the progressives are going to be determining who the democratic nominee is going to be in 2020. biden's got to walk a tightrope. leland: you're talking about the democratic convention out in
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northern california. we've got a crew out there, we are going to check with them a little later in the show. back to joe biden, who is trying to set himself up as, as you point out, the presumptive nominee, bide be versus trump. here is what bill maher had to say about biden. >> i have mixed feelings with joe. but if he's the one to beat trump i'm all in. but i do worry, joe doesn't look good. he looks like he's on a coin. leland: fair criticism? >> yeah, i mean, he's been in office 50 years, leland. he's been around for ooh years. the-- 50 years, he's 76 he looks older. he ran in 1988. failed miserably. and then he ran again for president and failed miserably. i'd love that race, biden versus trump and trump wins in a landslide. leland: give me two names you're scared of if you're okay with a
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biden-trump race. >> the possibility if kamala harris turned into a better candidate than now. she's had a rough launch and she's not doing as well as a lot of people thought she would, but the toe tension. leland: and elizabeth warren trying to restart her campaign. >> i'm not worried about her, leland. not worried about her at all. leland: all right. well, we now know, jeff up at night. we'll see you soon. enjoy summer in new orleans. be sure to tune in tomorrow night, 7 p.m. eastern, town hall with democratic presidential candidate new york senator kirsten gillibra kirsten gillibrand moderated by chris wallace. that mayor pete town hall was
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lit. >> and we will talk about the kim jong-un and president trump sum might in hanoi. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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♪ applebee's new loaded fajitas. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. we are focused on negotiations to achieve a final fully verified denuclearization of the korean peninsula. north korea remains a threat and requires vigilance. leland: that's acting defense secretary patrick shanahan speaking in singapore after reports of a purge by kim jong-un of parts of his inner circle. kristin: we're here to talk more about north korea is retired four-star general, and strategies, general jack keane. let's be clear here the u.s. government nor fox news has independently confirmed these reports. it's coming from a south korea newspaper, but the paper has been right before. to put it into perspective, it's
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like a u.s. president imprisoning a secretary of state and executing his top deputy. obviously that would never happen in this country, but it shows how high up it goes in north carolina, how high up the ladder. what does it say about the nuclear negotiations with north korea? >> certainly, it underscores and provides testimony for this oppressive regime and outrageous behavior and you've gottens of thousands of people in their own jail houses and he kills members of his family and other people opposed to him. he doesn't just kill them. he used an artillery weapon on a number of high ranking officials, which really is extraordinary. what happened here is kim jong-un expected at the hanoi summit to get sanction relief because they put on the table their research, nuclear facility to close down, as they had done with previous administrations, and always received sanction
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relief. they went home without it. initially he fired his chief negotiator envoy who had been in the white house and now it's reported he has indeed killed him. the reason he's done that is because it was a failure from their perspective. he came home and strong elites around them and nothing to show for it and that's why we've seen this systemic and quite deliberate escalation of weapons fire from anti-tank weapons to smaller rockets to larger rockets, small missiles to now a ballistic missile. that's all in an attempt to gain some leverage and get back to kim jong-un-trump summit. the united states position is we're not going back to a summit unless you put on the table at lower levels some actual definition of denuclear sayoizd you're going to have to give us something which they have not really done. >> headed to the hanoi summit so much hope that finally kim
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jong-un might be willing to change his ways. does something like this, purge at the top, essentially wiping out his entire envoy to the united states, does that mean that he's really not willing to even consider going down a different path? i mean, does that wipe out some of that hope headed into the summit? >> i think it tells you how important the summit is to him, how important the negotiations with the united states and particularly with president trump. i'm of a mind-- and the reason why he's been critical of ambassador bolton and secretary pompeo, our secretary of state, is because he wants to be able to negotiate with president trump who he believes he'll be able to get a better deal from. so, he truly wants a deal because of the actual impact of the sanctions. they're taking its toll on him. now, whether he's going to give up all of his nuclear weapons and all of his ballistic
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missiles, i think we have to have a healthy dose of skepticism about that. kristin: general keane, there are a millions things i want to ask you about, china, iran, d-day. we have got a busy news day going on. good talking to you. >> good talking to you. leland: we'll get to the anniversary of d-day this week. how do we keep the memory of those who saved the world alive? we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. we're the tenney's and we're usaa members for life. call usaa to start saving on insurance today. and we're usaa members for life. [music and singing in the background]
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>> and as we approach the 75th anniversary of d-day, a live look at world war ii memorial in washington. fewer and fewer of those who stormed the beaches are alive to tell us about it. the us a. schlusaa is working tt alive the poppy wall of honor. the vice-president of military afires, retired navy vice admiral john burke. >> june 6th will be the 75th anniversary of the invasion in normandy. on the world war ii panel we have a video that highlights two veterans telling their own stories about parachuting in behind the lines in support of
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the normandy invasion. >> the video is playing here, 75th anniversary of d-day usaa. give us a sense why this is so important. >> as you mentioned, they're dying and we're losing the veterans. hearing their firsthand account is wonderful, emotional and inspirational. these two men that truly are heroes speak of their fallen comrades. >> i can tell you 40 times at least that i shouldn't be here, easy. there was a hitler youth division sitting on that hill waiting for us and they opened up on us and i lost seven men that day. i was looking around for my buddy i knew always had my back. and i said where is smitty and the lieutenant looked at me and said, smitty is gone. >> what struck me most, one of the individuals asked, you're a hero. he said i'm not a hero, he said
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the heroes didn't come home. >> i did the job they asked me to do. i'm a survivor. no, no, the heroes never returned. >> you think about being able to tell the oral history which is now we lived. there were 116,000 who died in world war i and there aren't any veterans left to tell that story. >> no, and very few out of world war ii as you know, because they are getting very senior. >> they did not call them the greatest generation for nothing, and the humility of those moments. kristin: i was just thinking. leland: we've totally lost that. kristin: saying i'm a survivor not a hero. leland: sort ofdy my job and came home and built the america that we now all enjoy so much. kristin: 75th anniversary coming up and of course president trump going other there. leland: mark your calendar for incredible programming there, too. kristin: yeah, coming up. leland: we'll meet a couple of world war ii vets. kristin: that's right, coming up. and also coming up we have in
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you details coming up in the virginia beach shooting that left 12 people dead plus the gunman and police are identifying the shooter and saying they have recovered additional weapons at his home. mark meredith is on the scene with more. hi, mark. >> kristin, the fbi has been out here all morning working with local police trying to figure out exactly what happened at yesterday's shooting. we will have the latest on the investigation coming up at the top of the hour. stay with us. , tech, and retirement planning. the perfect retirement for me is doing the things that i want to do, not the things i have to do. unlike seattle, less than half of americans participate in their employer retirement plans. so what keeps people more engaged in their retirement? i want to have the ability to easily transact online, great selection of funds, great advice, everything in one place. ..
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>> virginia beach community in morning as officials investigate the workplace shooting that left 12 dead, four injured. welcome to america's news headquarters. i am kristin fisher. >> we learn about the victims and those who took gunfire to save more from being killed. police killed the shooter but don't understand why he opened fire. mark meredith arrived on scene last night as the investigation continues. >> reporter: investigators have been out all night and throughout the day. we've seen them here piecing together what happened in that public building. we have seen the fbi out here coming through the parking lot looking for evidence they have been left behind. the big question is what led up to the shooting. what was the possible motive?
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police decided not to speculate what was happening in the moments leading up to the shooting but we do know the gunman was a 15 year employee of the city who worked as an engineer. he was in good standing with the city. he had not been terminated. was still employed with the city. investigators have been looking into everything involving the suspect's background including what was happening at home or any weapons found. one handgun was found friday with an expanded magazine but they are trying to figure out what other weapons. >> nts is existing -- assisting us. we are looking for weapons at the scene and we uncovered additional weapons at the suspect's home. >> reporter: donald tempt tweeted about the massacre offering the full support of the federal government. we know he has spoken with the governor of virginia and local
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officials on the ground but one thing we have heard time and again as public officials as well as the city do not want attention focused on the gunman but on the 12 people who lost their lives. we expect to get additional information in the next hour or so and a news conference at 3:00. back to you. >> to that point, not only to remember but think about the 12 lives that were lost yesterday at a press conference authorities read the name of each one who was killed, they were killed last night. they read the names. >> works in public works for four years and she is a resident of virginia. tara gallagher who works in public works for over 6 years
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and served as an engineer and resident of virginia beach. mary louise gale who has worked in public works for over 24 years and serves as an agent and is a resident of virginia beach. alexander mikael gustav has worked for 9 years in public representatives a right-of-way agent and a resident of virginia beach. katherine nixon who serves in public utilities for 10 years as an engineer and a resident of virginia beach. richard nettleton worked in public utilities for over 20 years, served as an engineer, served as a lieutenant in germany in the 1/30 engineer brigade and is a resident of
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northrup. christopher kelly wrap who served in public works for just 11 months as an engineer and citizen, ryan keith cox served in public utilities for 121/2 years and is a resident of virginia beach. joshua hardy who served in public utilities for 4 and half years as an engineering technician and resident of virginia beach. michelle laying who served in public utilities for 12 years as an administrative assistant and is a resident of virginia beach. robert bobby williams who served in public utility for 41 years as a special projects coordinator and is a resident of
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chesapeake. herbert bert snelling who was a contractor and a resident of virginia beach. >> i'm so glad we did that and went and showed the faith and names of every single person that has been impacted by this shooting because when you hear about another mass shooting in the united states it has become some routine, americans initial reaction is another shooting and it has become almost easy to forget the people and families impacted by this. >> we remember waiting to see the pictures of those who had been killed, to talk about them and bury them before the political conversation happened. now if an event happened the political conversation happens without talking about that. we are glad we did that and hope you take a moment to think about those who were lost and think about their families whose lives have been changed forever.
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>> back to some politics now because we have high-level talks between us and mexican officials set to take place in washington as tensions between the countries escalate in the wake of donald trump's newly proposed tariffs on mexican goods. garrett tenney live with the north line from the white house with the latest. >> mexico is an tough spot because white house hasn't laid out specific goals or figures mexico needs to reach to avoid these tariffs. the only benchmark being once donald trump is satisfied mexico is doing everything they can to stop the flow of migrants to the southern border. the administration has laid out three areas, 3 steps mexico can take saying mexico can secure it southern border with guatemala, crackdown on smugglers who are moving migrants the country and change the asylum law a person
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has to apply in the first country they arrive in which would be mexico. the press secretary sarah sanders on friday. >> we are asking mexico to enforce their own laws to stop people coming in from central america. we see a massive influx of people coming from that region and they have certainly the ability of legal authority to deal with it and we are asking them to do that. >> the president getting blowback for trying to address the crisis at the border through tariffs. even members of his own party like chuck grassley are criticizing the decision. grassley said i support nearly every one of donald trump's immigration policies but this is not one of them. i urge the president to consider other options. ernst said the tariffs could threaten gratification of the new trade deal to replace nafta saying if the president goes there with this progress to get the straight agreement across the finish line will be stifled. i support the need for covering the border security and permanent fixed illegal immigration, this is not the right path forward. business groups are also very
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concerned how the tariffs end a trade war with mexico would hurt the us economy and american consumers. >> >> to top it off it does nothing to solve the very real problem at the southern border. the problems with migrants crossing the border have nothing to do with our trading relationship with mexico. >> silver mexico's president has not responded with any retaliatory tariffs saying he prefers to try to address this through diplomatic channels and negotiation in those talks will start on wednesday when mexico's foreign minister will meet with the secretary of state mike pompeo, senior advisor to jared kushner to discuss the tariffs and possible steps mexico can take to avoid escalating these trade negotiation and trade disputes over the immigration crisis at the southern border. a lot of questions how much progress they can make because the president will be out of the country. he will not be taking part in
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these initial talks and he is the one who wanted to enact these measures to use tariffs to curb the immigration crisis at the southern border. not many of his advisers support that idea. >> garrett tenney live wearing glasses. i have never seen you in glasses and i dig them. they look good on you. >> we will talk about advisers in a little while. one place they are watching very closely is michigan because of the auto industry. dan kilmeade, congressman from michigan and chief deputy whip of the democratic caucus of the house of representatives. it is good to see you. we appreciate it. how worried i your constituents over these tariffs? >> they are pretty concerned. we have an integrated economy and that is one of the things
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the new trade agreement is trying to rationalize. we can't ignore the fact the tariffs on mexico will impact americans. those tariffs will be paid by american companies and american consumers and will interrupt the supply chain. >> there has been very tenuous deal perhaps to get the new deal that was the redo of nafta that you were talking about between canada, mexico and the united states. it appeared there was a path for it. with this new set of tariffs coming is that path now gone? >> i don't know that it is gone. this is an agreement to get past in a way that makes clear that mexico is going to enforce its own law which ironically is a
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concern the president raises regarding immigration policy so i share the concerns that mexico does not consistently enforce its own law. we are trying to get that right in its trade agreement but i agree with senator grassley on this point. these tariffs are very unhelpful both in terms of the american economy but it really creates a lot of uncertainty around consideration of us mca. >> the split in the republican party is noteworthy, chuck grassley coming out against it. moving on, republicans are united about the issue of impeachment, we will toss up the latest foxwood polling, should donald trump be impeached? 70%, 20 republic -- republicans 87% know. independents 33% yes, 45% no. michigan is a swing state. how worried are you that if you all get pushed in and by you all i mean democratic leadership,
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into a impeachment debate and discussion that this is going to crush you guys in independents? >> something we talked about in the past, doesn't make people on either extreme very happy. i don't think we should make a decision about impeachment until we are completely sure we have gotten all the fact we need to come to that judgment. we need to pursue those facts. we have a lot of information from the mueller report so i'm not at the place where i think we should go there but i don't think we can take it off the table. >> reasonableness is hard to find and not too popular in washington. how hard is the chief deputy whip to keep the more liberal among your caucus in line to the thoughts you just laid out? >> this is one of those areas, only speaking for myself. even in my role as deputy whip, this is a question members have to come to their own conclusions
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on. i don't believe we should be considering the electoral politics of this. i apply what i call the caitlin and colin rule, my two grandchildren. i want to defend the decision i make today, 15 years from now when they ask what did you do during this period? this is not something we should do with political calculation being the driving consideration. >> some in your caucus have noted the political calculation of it, the rule you just laid out perhaps would be one we would all be wise to live by as we go forward for the next couple years. good to see you, safe travel back here to dc to the swamp it feels quite swampy right now with the weather here. thank you.
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>> reporter: floodwaters questioning parts of arkansas and the worst may still be to come. casey steagall is in conway, arkansas with the latest and as you said in your last reported is everywhere. hard to know where you should go because there is this water everywhere. >> you were telling me you both used to work in the local little rock arkansas markets back in the day so you know the state well. it is so pretty and people here are so nice and it is just devastating when you drive for miles and miles and miles and you see multiple communities impacted. there are states of disaster declared in 16 counties across the state of arkansas and the problem is getting worse further south because what is happening is all the rainwater that fell in oklahoma and arkansas over the last week and a half, two
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weeks is all coming down stream so you can see how swift the water is moving back here. the arkansas river well out of its banks, typically it is over on the other side of those buildings but those buildings are now either totally submerged or partially submerged. the green roof you are looking at where you can see those whitecaps, that is a picnic area where on a saturday someone would be sitting with their family enjoying a picnic but it is now underwater just about. the raging arkansas river has built its banks in so many places inundating the local bayous and the levee system and all the things that are designed to protect communities from flooding but unfortunately we have had some levee breaches and there's concern that others could breach in the little rock area north and south of their where some are already leaking.
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we got back from the sheriff's office and they took us to the hardest impacted areas where we saw homes taking on water, sandbags on roofs, most evacuations are voluntary a lot of residents choosing to stick it out to keep tabs on their property but despite the loss of the historic nature of this flooding, the community is pulling together and helping their neighbors. >> all we ask for people to do is just pray for these people that are fixing to lose their homes and water. >> the governor of the state estimates 500 homes have been impacted by the flooding. a number that could go up as the water goes up. >> i can't get over how fast the water is moving behind you. you can see how dangerous that would be.
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>> whitecaps over buildings. >> thank you for bringing us that story. >> that sums it up too well. casey is 30 miles north of little rock where they are already evacuating folks in north little rock and there is increased risk of severe weather and flooding across much of the country still today. with that we bring in adam from the severe weather center tracking at all. >> we are set up another day with rounds of severe weather. really highlighting an area from the great lakes back across the plains. all of this, the mississippi river delta, all that water is going to be flooding to the mississippi, anything we see today, here's your future radar. these are not huge storms but
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they could get to the level with severe thunderstorms being most likely, wents up to 60 miles an hour. heavy rain in any of these cells and even hail but this is the line we will be paying attention to, not as widespread as the last week but unfortunately in the week ahead there will be widespread rain. this is the forecast precipitation model taking you into next weekend, this is 7 days out but look where the rain is falling, you're getting widespread, 3 to 4 inches across the middle of the country. all of this running into the arkansas river, ohio river and mississippi river and that is why all these areas with flood watches and warnings, there is the arkansas river feeding into the mississippi, flooding and all these tributaries, the next week looks like more rain for the middle of the country. they will be doing this for a little while. >> thanks. >> let's bring in republican congress and steve womack who has been helping with these recovery efforts in joins us by phone. thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to us. >> great to be with you and let
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me say before we talk flooding as a former mayor how my heart breaks for the people in virginia beach and our thoughts and prayers are with them as well. >> hearts are breaking for folks in virginia beach and across arkansas. you have been on the ground touring the damage. what are you seen? how can people help? >> it is an epic flood and you made a comment a minute ago about the dam in arkansas. that is an hour and a half down from the van buren and portsmouth area but to give you some context, before this particular flood, the fastest flow that we had reported in history was about 400,000 ft. per second and inputs within van buren we have been checking that every day. we peaked that 570,000 ft. per second so we peaked at about 40 feet, a little over that the
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record was 38 so this is more water than we have seen in the history, recorded history of the arkansas river. the biggest concern right now is east of the area i represent in the portsmouth van buren area it is in the yale county areas, those familiar with that area, i spoke to the polk county judge, he said they walked 250 feet of levee in the polk county area and it is nothing but a big sponge. this river is carrying a lot of water for a sustained time and the damage and pressure on our levee system is beginning to take its toll. >> how is the levee doing? evacuations have been ordered. there was talk the levee breached and that was walked back saying it was close to breaching. how is it holding up? >> i am not close to north little rock so i don't know how it is doing but we have a levee
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breach in yale county that is threatening the city of darnell, arkansas. >> i've got to leave it there. i am so sorry. i used to work in little rock and the people there are so helpful. be right back. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer.
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giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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chloe, why is there a lamp shade on your head? shhh. my owner might have given me a little bit of catnip. uh. [ laughing ] that's great. listen... it is great, gidget. everything is grand. [ meow ] [ purring ] [ growl ] are you finished? [ cooing ] that was weird. oh sister it's going to get way weirder.
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>> fox news alert in virginia beach general hospital, the surgeon there who looked after the shooting victim is giving an update. >> prepare for the emergent response and receive the patients as they arrived. mobilized the trauma services, culture on call back up and prepared to receive an unknown number of victims because we were made aware of this when it was an active shooter situation. i would like to acknowledge the teamwork, the medical staff, the nursing personnel who had excellent preparation from first responders on scene, letting us know what was coming in and keeping us up to date on the situation. a horrible, tragic event moving
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smoothly as it can have gone. >> this event was well-managed. a lot of preparation from the standpoint of the administration down to different layers of divisions and excellent staff. the whole hospital was completely involved. not all went extremely well. >> the fourth victim. >> i will tell you about it. >> in that situation -- >> mass casualties, individually we had two or three.
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>> are you on ts when this happens? >> how does that -- >> it should be here. the position in charge of the scene, this wasn't so bad. outside triage, patients in the hospital, these are limited numbers. everyone came in. participating in trauma. each doctor, patients, the severity of the illness and injuries and the operating room and all the x-rays and don't have to rush to the operating
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room. >> of those that died, how outstanding was that? >> i am sorry. >> can't say how many they had. >> it was devastating. >> multiple injuries. i can say that. >> just like this. >> absolutely. i am not a military background but a military victim right there. there are monthly meetings that
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handle emergency disaster situations to prepare for this. local and regional -- plans to activate people and ready to go. it works out that way. we have done very well. and how to contact them and so on. >> nothing could prepare you for that. >> how did this happen?
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>> you have to sort of -- you can't get emotionally involved. you have to be professional. the five children in particular is a lot more -- we are going to meet sometime next week this time and debrief everything about what we did. >> the doctors in virginia beach who treated and helped save a number of the shooting victims speaking, telling us what they went through and how they save some and were not able save others. two people died at the hospital. two others still there recovering. >> you just think like the doctors were saying, you can train from his shooting event but never fully prepare for it,
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when the injured and dead start coming in. >> it is noteworthy as we see the increase in mass shooting starting with columbine and the way everything has changed, the way police deal with mass shootings is changed, the way hospitals, the way it played out, that training and that planning took a lot of people yesterday. >> we go from the east coast to the west coast. san francisco in particular where the california democratic party convention is underway. the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, is on stage right now. >> we passed legislation supporting our men and women in uniform. for the well-being of women and working families we pass the paycheck fairness act, equal pay for equal work and the strong long-term reauthorization of data for violence against women act. for the future of our young
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people, we restore net neutrality protections. we passed the climate action now act, recognizing the accidental threat the climate crisis poses to the health of communities in the future of god's creation especially in light of the president's denial of science in that regard. for expanding freedom in our country we took historic action to pass the equality act to end discrimination on the lgbt queue community. and next week we will pass the american dream and promise act for tps recipients and our patriotic young dreamers. the power of the gavel, we will continue to legislate, to make progress for the american people
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but we will also investigate to defend democracy to hold this president and his administration accountable. 6 house committee spearheaded by californians, two by californians, maxine waters. >> that is house speaker nancy pelosi speaking at the democratic party convention in san francisco. you heard her take a dig at donald trump on his environmental policies among other things and she's not alone. there are lots of 2020 contenders who will be speaking after her. rob: california becoming more important in the democratic nominating process. claudia cowhand standing by as democrats rally near san francisco. >> reporter: good afternoon. we are on the floor at the convention in san francisco. we have been hearing from nancy
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pelosi and other elected officials giving welcoming remarks before the delegates before the presidential hopeful, 14 candidates are here and that is the largest gathering of democratic contenders so far it anyone event. some like bernie sanders, and kamala harris, are well-known but others -- ten are pulling under 5% in california and this is their chance to get in the game. some held rallies with fundraisers for immigration forms in southern california. 6000 people showed up to hear elizabeth warren at a townhall last night. a dozen other candidates began this long day at a labor union breakfast. the 14 hopefuls will only get 7 minutes to make the pitch to delegates and party faithful's and hope what they say resonates beyond the detention hall. >> there are a lot of things they can talk about and they
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need to find something that separates them in an important positive way from everybody else. people are looking a lot of candidates and somehow you have to say or do something that makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd. >> reporter: one name not on the list, joe biden. ahead on the polls in double digits, he is something in ohio today. political observers say he is artie well-known here and as a centrist he avoids the risk of courting the largely progressive base with words that could come back to hunt him in states like iowa and wisconsin. a fund-raising blitz in california as soon as next week. at the convention center, 11 presidential contenders will address the convention today following 3 more tomorrow, the city by the bay is the center of the democratic world this weekend and without the front runner.
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>> it used to be when 14 presidential candidates and all the republicans, democrats combined, not this year. the applause continues for nancy pelosi. kristin has a lot more. >> we will do deeper into the democratic field and those calling for donald trump's impeachment. joining us this senate democratic minority leader and fox news contributor, let's start with the iowa word, to impeach or not to impeach, that seems to be consuming democrats on capitol hill and the 2020 contenders. should democrats move forward with impeachment? >> i have been consistent, at this point it is politically dangerous to go forward with impeachment. you are dealing with 240 some members of the democratic caucus in the house and of those,
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there's about 40 some advocating for impeachment. those individuals are in safe democratic districts. there is a whole group of democrats in the house that are not necessarily there yet, in swing districts and frankly i agree with what nancy pelosi said, doing impeachment will playing to donald trump's political hand by saying he is targeted and democrats are sore losers. we have to fulfill our constitutional application of investigating and continuing that process but we need to focus on important policies. that is what nancy pelosi was talking about. the number of things they cast. >> you mentioned 50 house democrats calling for impeachment. showing who it was. all those democrats and one republican, is calling for donald trump's impeachment.
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do they proceed down this road? >> impeachment is the least political thing democrats could do. with all due respect to my friend who i have known and adored for 19 years, everything i just heard was political. i look at this in one very clear way. you can approach this through a partisan lens, you can approach impeachment or a partisan lens or you can approach it through a lens as a good american. i will say i am not in california at this convention but i am here in texas and i have been talking to so many people think these are not just democrats, these are people who voted for trump, middle-of-the-road americans saying why is this man still president? our congress, our founding fathers put this response
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ability on congress to make sure no one was above the law. the president it sets for democrats and republicans to solely look at impeachment through a partisan lens is bad for america. we have to put politics aside and focus on what is best for the country which republicans have not been doing for the last two years. >> i agree, we need to focus on what is best for america. >> you agree but you disagree on whether or not democrats could proceed with impeachment. that is indicative of how the democratic party is. >> that is a great thing. we have a marketplace of ideas, people who disagree. that's not the republican party. >> fair enough. i got to leave it there. thank you. tune in tomorrow night at 7:00
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eastern for a townhall with democratic presidential candidate kirsten gillibrand, moderated by chris wallace. >> so much of this election is turning on the state of the economy with democrat james carville saying it is the economy, stupid and helped lead bill clinton to his 1992 victory. we bring in fox news contributor gary k. good to see you as always. if you had thought about the way the economy is going at this time in the 92 cycle, you would have said hw bush wins with a walkoff grand slam but bill clinton wins. does donald trump need to be worried about and democrats can exploit? >> most definitely. they have to look over there shoulder. massive debt and deficits, you never know when they will hit. you have interest rates sinking like a stone.
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the economy is accelerating today and talking 24/7 about these tariffs better we are told by the white house will be paid by china or mexico but they will be paid by the american business men who have to raise prices and hit the consumer also. they better be careful which way they go with this. >> this is how peter navarro was trying to spin things yesterday about the tariffs and how the bottom fell out of the market over the past few weeks because the china trade concerns, interest rate and mexico tariffs. i suggest to investors to look at this calmly. look at what we are trying to do. a brilliant move by the president get mexico at attention, to get them to help us. shockingly, wall street did not exactly by that. >> wall street is about earnings and interest rates. wall street thinks earnings are going to head south, the market
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will take a hit and i will promise you if you put tariffs on $380 billion here on products from mexico that will hurt corporate earnings, it will hurt the consumer, it will hurt the economy, it will hurt markets and it will be a vicious cycle. i think mister navarro bitterly listening up and google who pays for tariffs and what the repercussions for tariffs. >> that did not go over well. a question on the markets. the dow was down a couple hundred. this is not the bottom falls out of the dow like we have seen with fears of chinese trade wars. do you think the market is warning this is a bluff by donald trump? >> i don't think this ends up happening. i think the president knows if you put 25% on all these products all heck can break loose so i don't take it will
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happen. here is the good news. the market in the first four months of this year had 3 years of gains. all we have is a normal correction and normal pull back but i am seeing some things that are worrying, retail stocks being crushed. why is that happening and as i mentioned before when you have a 10 year yield, down 2.1%, it is speaking about a deceleration in the economy and that has to be watched closely. if the economy sinks in 2020 of the market thinks, i don't think the president holds on next year. >> they had an interesting explanation for the yield curve. we will get into it next time. >> newly released documents shedding light on what happened in the jussie smollett case but big questions remain. we will tell you about that next. [music playing]
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how prosecutors decided to drop the case against jussie smollett. he had been charged in connection with a fake hate crime and prosecutors really thousands of documents related to their decision-making. the big picture, don't you wish all your clients got the jussie smollett treatment from the chicago prosecutor's office? >> i wish each and every one of my client was being prosecuted by kim fox and her minions. it would be perfect. >> the big picture from all these document? >> it is horrifically embarrassing. there is a reason these documents were released on friday afternoon. they are devastating to kim fox because it makes it crystal clear a first year law student could have successfully prosecuted jussie smollett and they are embarrassing for her.
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lawyers telling prosecutors what to say in court the next day. in my 19 years of practicing law i have never seen that. it is horrible for fox and jussie smollett. >> that was about how to explain why the case was being dropped. this is what kim fox's chief deputy wrote when he saw the draft that had been put forth by the defense attorneys according to the chicago sun-times. off the top of my head this can be construed as a defendant being able to buy his way out of the case because he is a good guy. evidently joe maggot's dealings did not win the day. >> these are the prosecutors who are supposed to be aggressively prosecuting the case and they are acting as glorified defense lackeys for jussie smollett, it
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is embarrassing and cataclysmic we better reputation. >> where does this go from here? what happens to the next case? to defense attorneys like you use this against her or does everything happen in a vacuum? >> her office is prosecuting the are kelly case. if you are representing are kelly, thousands of defendants in cook county, it emboldens you to take her on and think her office is grossly incompetent and that is never a good thing when you are talking about a prosecutor. >> even more charges coming about the are kelly case. a lot of questions in terms of how that will go. we will have you back to talk about it. we have to run. we appreciate it. all the best. >> honoring the greatest generation with the 75th anniversary, joined by two world war ii veterans to discuss the lessons and memories he would
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like to preserve. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ applebee's new loaded fajitas. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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>> today here in washington the world war ii memorial honoring the six and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. joining is now world war ii veteran and colonel frank, think about so much as an honor to have both of you here today.
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as we headed to the 75th anniversary of d-day. i want to start with colonel, you are jewish refugee from nazi germany who ultimately fought in the u.s. army in order to, what was it like for you to go back to germany and fight for the u.s. and especially in the battle of the bulge? >> when i was leaving germany i was a victim. when i went back to germany i was no longer a victim i was in charge. that makes all the difference in the world. >> did you meet anybody you knew? >> no but they wouldn't tell me what to do anymore. >> when you're 15 years old you like about your age to get the service. people probably cannot do that anymore. has the world change, has a market change? >> definitely so. very differently so. i think it is changed so much that personally i wish to go
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back to the way it was. >> that is a great point. i love to ask you colonel, what lessons would you like if we hit this universe are, what lessons would you like to pass on to the younger generation, mr. miller i like to get your take on that as well. >> i talked to a lot of kids in school and i go around and talk to them about world war ii and i wish they would speak more lessons about nationalism, patriotism, the honoring the flag and so forth into the parents. >> is a wonderful point. thank you both so much for coming on. sorry we do not have her try. "america's news headquarters" ♪ ♪ what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens.
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>> a community in mourning after gunmen goes on a shooting rampage admissible lien in virginia beach told people were killed and four others wounded including a police officer. authorities searching for motive as investigation unfolds in just a short time ago hospital officials held an update on the latest tragedy impacting our nation. hello everyone and welcome to "america's news headquarters". >> hello everyone. it is a somber latter-day in virginia beach the community holding a vigil saturday morning. they remember the victims who were killed in the horrible


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