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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 2, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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afghanistan, belief in god is in decline. when we under appreciate faith, family, freedom, that causes the social ills we face we talk on the couch every day. >> great reminder, when things are the toughest we lean on god, and we are going to go through tough times. we have to be ready. >> we can find serenity in the storm. >> congratulations, we cannot wait to read this book. thanks to everyone. here is "america reports." >> sandra: thank you, ladies, we are watching the selloff on wall street, dow off over growing concerns, first republic the third major american bank to collapse in a matter of weeks. three more banks are selling off sharply.
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>> yesterday said u.s. banking system is safe and sound. katie pavlich, robert wolf in a matter of minutes coming shortly. >> sandra: waiting the white house and the pentagon at this hour. we are each expected to brief reporters within the next hour as president biden takes major steps towards sending u.s. troops to our southern border. hello, welcome, everyone. sandra smith and surprise on this tuesday, william hemmer. >> bill: i'm in for john roberts, hope you are doing well at home. the 1500 active duty troops deployed for three months, initially, anyway, to help border agents handle the expected tens of thousands of migrants to cross once title 42 ends, which is about nine days away. the timing of the decision
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likely to be scrutinized. president heeding republican calls to try and restore some level of operational control one week after launching his re-election bid for the white house. >> sandra: in order to keep his job, the president will likely need to alleviate voter concerns over the handling of the crisis that has seen millions of migrants and record amounts of deadly fentanyl pour over that border. >> bill: our fox team coverage begins 1:00 on the east coast. how democratic mayors are lashing out as texas is sending more migrants to their city. >> sandra: any reaction, griff, from border officials to the pres president's big move, expected to be announced at the 2:00 hour? >> absolutely, sandra and bill. good afternoon. every agent on the ground is welcome news and they tell me look, logistics play a crucial
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role when it comes to migration surges we are in the midst of an unprecedented one. you can see here, this is camp monument, sandra, set up just a week ago from, in brownsville, ground 0. you can see the migrants being lined up, there is the tent there and the bus to the right of your screen. the bus is coming and going all day. in the last 24 hours, sandra, there were 2100 plus migrants just in this specific area. more than 2800 in the entire sector of the rgv, that's why when they hear more troops will come, even if they are administrative transport role, any hand logistically is very, very welcome news. now, we can show you, by the way, we have been down the river which is less than a quarter mile from where this is set up, and you can see the children, injured migrants, a gentleman had a fractured leg coming
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across, and they are coming in droves. yet the white house, karine jean-pierre who we are going to hear shortly, saying yesterday illegal immigration is down 90%. >> as we listen to those very misleading numbers coming out of the white house, i think what they are doing is just as the drug cartel is instructing those migrants to do. p they are coming across the border and they are claiming asylum which means those border patrol agents will have to process them. however, we know that most of those folks, they are taken into the united states and never to be seen again. >> the data contradicts jean pierre. sources sharing with fox news, this time fiscal year through may 1st, we are up 136,000 migrants. now, back out here as you can
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take a last look at the drone, you can see these are numbers that are increasing, a massive uptick, screening processing and transporting out has accelerated with the higher numbers, but in nine days, expect 10,000 a day instead of the 2,000 this area, that is what everyone is bracing for, all hands on deck. >> sandra: remarkable, top of the 2:00 hour with the pentagon briefing, we'll be listening for that. >> bill: texas bracing for the expected migrant surge, saying democratic led cities can expect for migrant busses on their way. comes after receiving heated pushback from mayors eric adams in new york and the former mayor, lori lightfoot in chicago. new york city mayor implying abbott is being racist by using the migrants to "hurt black-run
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cities." that drew some reaction, too. alexis mcadams, did the mayor adams have more to say about that feud with abbott? >> yeah, he did. earlier today, new york city mayor eric adams talked in a press conference and wanted to make sure he never used the word racist but wants to know why migrants are sent to five democratic cities that all have black mayors. >> governor abbott sent asylum seekers to new york, black mayor. to washington, black mayor, to houston, black mayor, to los angeles, black mayor, to denver, black mayor. he passed over thousands of cities to land here. >> bus loads of migrants, bill, have been showing up in cities across the country for months. texas governor abbott said the bussing program never stopped, just slowed down during the winter months and says until joe
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biden steps up and does his job, texas will bus migrants to sanctuary cities to provide relief to the overwhelmed border towns. adams says he playing politics with people's lives, and says the cities should not have to carry the burden here. lori lightfoot called the bussing inhumane and dangerous. governor abbott firing back releasing this statement saying in part, mayor adams along with bowser, lightfoot and kenny, were proud to tout sanctuary cities until they started getting the busses. new york city reportedly spending nearly $5 million a day on this, bill, adding up to $2 billion a year for the migrant crisis. governor abbott warning things are only going to get worse when title 42 expires. bill. >> bill: alexis, thank you.
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the manhunt intensifying for the armed and dangerous illegal immigrant accused of killing five neighbors north of houston, texas, including a 9-year-old child. now an $80,000 reward. schools in nearby montgomery county went under a brief lockdown yesterday when police thought they spotted the suspect but he was not found. apparently he was contacting people he knows, could be friends, could be family members, could be both. we know the manhunt is out there. some say it's a question of time. let's hope that's the case for the u.s. marshals. >> sandra: we'll be watching that. tom homan and morgan ortagus later in the show and a whole lot more. >> the supreme court should step up and fix this themselves.
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for years they have refused. because the court will not act, congress must. >> it's about an effort to destroy the legitimacy of this conservative court. >> they are not getting their way so they want to change the rules. not only is this democratic proposal unconstitutional, it is unnecessary. >> sandra: today marks one year since the draft opinion of the abortion case was published by politico, sparked months of protest outside the homes of the conservative justices and even included an assassination attempt on justice brett kavanaugh. the biden administration and democrats on capitol hill are not concerned about getting to the bottom of it. instead, holding hearings on ethics reform. mike emmanuel has more from our washington newsroom. mike what's the latest on all this? >> dick durbin defended.
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>> american people have confidence judges cannot be bought or influenced. and that they are serving the public interest not their own personal interest. >> one of the expert witnesses called by the democrat majority suggest the justices adjust the way they operate. >> principle point in my testimony, i think the court needs greater transparency. >> democratrs are pushing for the court to be held to a higher standard of ethics that the justices and their families, most notely clarence thomas, have benefitted from luxury gifts and other benefits. others say it's all about politics. >> the danger isn't that rogue justices are operating without ethics. it's that democrats aren't winning every fight and they find that reality intolerable. >> chief justice john roberts declined to today today. he noted testimony by the chief
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justice of the united states is exceedingly rare due to separation of powers concerns and preserving judicial independence. a form attorney general under president bush took aim at court critics. >> if the public thinks they are damaged, there is unfair criticism and justices. >> critics call it an ethics assault on the supreme court. >> sandra: mike, thank you. and as the u.s. moves closer and closer to defaulting on a debt, now deadline quickly approaching, possibly even june some say, president biden has invited all four congressional leaders next week to discuss how they can avert the looming crisis. as that happens, there is anticipation of a continuing rising interest rate environment that is making home loans, auto loans, credit card payments more and more expensive in this country to try to tame
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inflation. there are market fears over what happens next with that and the looming banking crisis. dow off 463 points today. katie pavlich is here. what do people need to know about the debt ceiling debate. most people say every time we have gotten here, they have gotten it done and we go on with our lives s. this any different? >> they should know in washington the only bill passed that actually does raise the debt ceiling was passed by republicans in the house of representatives. and white house has been thinking kevin mccarthy would not wrangle the caucus get together and pass legislation, now he has, and joe biden since saying in late january he was willing to come to the negotiating table to come to a compromise for months has said
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he's just not going to negotiate unless republicans only vote for a debt ceiling increase without any kind of spending cuts or clawing back billions in covid pandemic funding, for example. so now the ball is in the white house and the senate democrats, emergency letter by the treasury department saying we are going to run out of money in june, and president biden said ok, we have to come to the negotiating table. and senator klobuchar, manchin, even bernie sanders saying the president needs to come to the table and negotiate as we get closer and closer to the brink. and kevin mccarthy is asking for the meeting for months. president joe biden has refused to give it to him and now we are 4, 5 weeks away from the deadline of default without real negotiation on the table, but with a bill passed by republicans to lift the debt ceiling. >> sandra: add to that list of names, senator mitt romney,
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slamming the white house for the lack of urgency. >> i'm frankly a little appalled that leadership in the white house has not taken this seriously enough to sit down and negotiate in good faith and get something done on a timely basis. it's may 1st now, how about may 2, may 4. >> sandra: the democrats make the case that the republicans are holding the american people hostage with this. be clear, kevin mccarthy's plan, you know, is to avoid defaulting on our debt. janet yellen said it's our best estimate we will be unable to continue to satisfy all the government's obligations by early june. and potentially as early as june 1st, less than a month from now. waiting until the last minute to suspend or increase the debt limit can cause serious harm to
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business and consumer confidence, raise short-term borrowing cost for taxpayers and negatively affect the rating of the united states. urgency, we look at the dow off 470 points as we are anticipating another interest rate hike by the fed. why? to tame unnecessary inflation in this country as a result of out of control government spending and you see this show up in poll after poll. the american consumer does blame government spending for where we are today. >> absolutely. and look, republicans won back the house in november, president joe biden has prided himself for decades to come and bring different parties together. for the past three months his strategy throw his hands up and demand the only way to go is his way, raising the debt ceiling
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and american people blame government spending for inflation, and the bank failures, the white house tries to tell the american people the banking system is fine, everything is going to be ok. but when it comes to the strategy they are using and the interest rate hikes that continue that these banks did not plan for, people have a lot of fear about what's going to happen in the future, not just with their own personal finances but business and so there's really no certainty in the market with the economy that the white house is putting out there when they have been refusing to negotiate on a very serious issue of the debt ceiling and default, which is about four weeks away. >> sandra: i want to let our viewers know, as you can see in the bottom right corner of the screen, gearing up are fot white house briefing pushed back 15 minutes or so. we are told a second ago we are in for the two-minute warning. how willing he is to meet republicans on this issue, katie, affects every one of us as we watch markets for what's
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next for the federal reserve, blooming banking crisis after first republic went to j.p. morgan yesterday, the third major bank in a matter of weeks to fail. a lot to answer for. what do you expect the press will be digging into with the press secretary in a moment? >> the main question is, you know, the white house repeatedly said they want a debt ceiling increase. the republican bill, 1.5 trillion and cuts some spending, what the american people want. the white house is responding to this by saying this republican plan is attacking veterans healthcare, for example, that it will destroy the economy, and i think the main question also is what's worse, default in four weeks because the president has refused to come to the negotiating table with republicans who have passed a debt ceiling increase, or some spending cuts which the american people approve of and actually the economy needs if we are going to get this inflation under control. so, that is a main question.
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you know, the meeting is happening next week, speaker mccarthy was overseas, but it's a little late for the president to be bringing all these players to the table and the question is going to be whether democrats now push in this emergency bringing the negotiation up to the brink, so to speak, when they are going to say look, we are three weeks away, we have to pass this. we'll see what she has to say. >> sandra: katie, thank you so much. it's going to be an interesting moment. noting the selloff in the markets, looming banking crisis, don't know what's going to happen next. next big fed decision that is going to be happening. you have a debt ceiling deadline approaching, the press secretary stepping out here. we have been chewing on this. >> bill: trying to figure out what's beneath the surface, and announcement of 1500 troops. i assume will be the lead for the press conference here, dispatched to the u.s. border
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before the end of title 42, which happens on may 11. >> sandra: we are told she's addressing the debt ceiling at this moment. dip into the white house. >> time for the speaker and the maga republicans to stop the brinksmanship and act to prevent default, which would have devastating consequences on the economy and the american people. it is congress's constitutional obligation to act, not hold the full faith and credit of the united states hostage unless we allow them to make cuts to programs hard working americans rely upon. threatening to default and crash the economy unless the president degrees with speaker mccarthy's entire agenda is not just unreasonable, it's dangerous. that's why the president called each of the four leaders yesterday and asked that they come to the white house on may nine to discuss the urgency and importance of avoiding default.
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in his calls he was clear. it is congress's constitutional duty to prevent default. this is not an issue that we will negotiate on. the debt limit was increased three times under president trump. it should be no different this time. given the limited time congress now has, it is clear that the only practical path to avoid default is for congress to suspend the debt limit without conditions. during his meeting with the leaders, the president will discuss initiating a separate process to address the budget and appropriations. because we have long side we welcome a conversation about spending priorities, but it's -- let's be clear about what house republicans default on america act does. it makes a series of deeply devastating and unpopular cuts to things like veterans health benefits. there is no constituency in this nation that is supporting --
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that supports threatening to kill millions of jobs unless the v.a. is gutted, except apparently extreme maga republicans, house republicans, even more specific. their bill would cut 81,000 jobs from the v.a., reducing outpatient visits by 30 million, and increase the disability claims backlog by an estimated 134,000, more than two dozen veterans organizations publicly pleaded with house republicans to protect veterans from general budget cuts. republicans refused. republicans made last-minute changes to protect special interests, but they refused to include veterans in those protections. sadly, republicans are not attacking the very veterans group who raised alarm bells about these cuts to the programs veterans and families rely on. and that's not only -- not only -- that's not the only
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thing that they are doing. after pushing to repeal literally dozens of clean energy tax credits, house republicans are going out of their way to profess their loyalty to big oil, default in america act would be a boom for big oil, $31 billion in subsidies for companies already posting record profits to the tune of tens of billions of dollars, and they would be doing that at the expense of our nation's veterans, our school teachers, our police, our border patrol. president biden will not allow that to happen. with that, you want to kick us off. >> sure, i have a news of the day topics. first one, why was the mayor of prospect park barred from attending the white house celebration last night? >> under the purview of the secret service. i will say more broadly, i was in the room, the president was
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very proud to welcome nearly 400 muslim americans to the white house to celebrate eid yesterday. it was a meaningful event, an opportunity to celebrate a long muslim leaders from across the country who were here, nearly 400. this particular situation is under the pursue of secret service, and so i will leave it to them to speak to directly. >> can you say if the mayor is on the fbi terror screening data -- and reason he was barred? >> under the pursue of secret service. >> as of this morning, he was not told why he was barred. i get you can't talk about it. doesn't he at a minimum deserve an explanation why he was blocked? >> all i can tell you, it's under the pursue of secret service. >> and dod coming or has come or will come in 40 minutes -- obviously president biden has been a big critic of former
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president donald trump's immigration policies. isn't sending troops to the border another example where president biden has taken president trump's policies on immigration? >> my colleagues at the pentagon will brief on this at 2:00, less than 40 minutes, so make sure you take a listen and hear what they have to say. what i will say more broadly, dod personnel have been supporting cbp at the border almost two decades now, this is a common practice, if you will. these personnel will be performing administrative tasks, not law enforcement functions or interacting with immigrants or migrants. this will free up border patrol agents to perform their critical law enforcement duties. i will also add that this would not be necessary if congress would act, as you know on the first day of walking into the white house of his administration, the president
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put forth a comprehensive immigration legislation and so that we could have resources and so we could be able to help the men and women of border patrol to do their jobs. if congress would act and again, do their jobs and meet us halfway and do this in a bipartisan way, we would not have to do this. >> i know you said they won't be performing law enforcement tasks but as the administration prepares for the expected increase in the coming weeks, can you offer assurances that the migrants who would arrive at the border will be treated humanely? >> that's the president's goal. the president understands we need a system, an immigration system that needs to meet the moment that is modernized, and one of the things he's very clear about, he wants to do this in a humane way and do it different than certainly it was done in the last administration. certainly part of the president's goal. >> on the debt ceiling, can you walk us through the decision by
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the president to reach out to the leaders and hold the meeting now. and you have made it very clear his position has not changed. what changed his mind to now hold this meeting? >> a couple of things. president is very clear, not going to negotiate over avoiding default. this is congresses constitutional duty. he will have a conversation on the budget and appropriations, the president as you know put his budget out on march 9th, showed where his values were and how he sees the country moving forward as it relates to his budget. house republicans put it out on march 19 and passed it last wednesday. so we can't have a conversation on the budget and spending without a proposal from each side. they put forth their vision, their values for the american people. so just a few days after the
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house republican passed their proposal the president called the four congressional leaders to invite them to a meeting. once the house is back in session. and we have said over and over again this past week that we were analyzing what they put forth, and we have been very clear and also criticizing their budget as i did at the top here, but now -- now there's -- now after a couple days the president reached out and after analyzing what they put forth and we are going to have -- the president will have a meeting with them next week. >> if he's not willing to negotiate, what is he coming to the table with and does he see it as a conversation only about the debt ceiling and a separate meeting later that's about the budget? or kevin mccarthy and wants to talk about all of it, how -- what are the mechanics of the meeting, can you do it the same time over the coming weeks. >> sorry, i was trying to wait to see where the question was
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going to end, my bad. he's going to make it very clear in this meeting they are going to have next week how it is congress's constitutional duty to act. he is not going to negotiate on the debt ceiling. been very clear. that is not going to change. as i said from the top here, that he's willing to have a separate conversation about their spending, what they want to do with the budget, how they see the appropriations process moving forward, what they see with their spending. as we have seen from the vision plan they put forward just on march, on april 19th as i stated. so look, he's going to continue to make very clear that this is up to congress to act when it comes to the debt ceiling. it's a question for them. what are you going to do and how are you going to let the american people know you are not going to hold the american economy hostage? >> when you say a separate conversation, is that again only after the debt ceiling is raised or is he going to have that
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separate conversation on may nine at the same time when they are all sitting at the table together next week? >> so look, the president is going to make it clear to them how it is not -- that they have to avoid a default. constitutional duty for congress to do this. constitutional duty to the american people for them to do their job. and he will always -- he will -- he will also say, you know, we will have a conversation about the budget and appropriations. and that is something that he will be very clear about, we can have a conversation about that, but it is important to not default. we are not a deadbeat nation as you heard directly from the president yesterday in the rose garden. he's going to be really clear about this. we have been able to do this, make sure that we pay our debt as a nation for the past several decades. and so the president is going to continue to make that clear, he's going to bring them here, have that conversation and we certainly will have more to
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share as we get closer. >> continuing on the debt ceiling real quickly. so, did the president decide to offer this meeting this coming week after he knew about the june 1st deadline? when did he decide to call a meeting? >> so, i don't have -- >> sandra: hemmer, well, it appears there is no negotiation happening, but there is going to be a meeting. and the reporter was basically pressing karine jean-pierre, we'll get back in in just a minute, another question on the debt ceiling, we will not negotiate, standing firmly on what they have already said. so, it leaves one to wonder what's the meeting for. >> bill: he's not going to negotiate the debt limit, said it a couple times. while this was happening, senator john thune shot a tweet out, three months after his last meeting of kevin mccarthy, president biden will finally meet about debt ceiling legislation and concluded with it's about time.
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and jacqui heinrich forwarded this. don't believe anyone who says they are drachonian limits, we make sure the veterans are taken care of. they increased the debt limit to make sure the bills are paid another year, but they want a couple trillion in deductions off the federal deficit. that's where we are right now. >> sandra: the speakers agenda is dangerous, she launched with, attacked maga republicans, and taking with republicans on the issue including protections and loyalty to big oil. >> bill: so the meeting of the minds will happen, republican darrell issa joins us to react on this. thank you for your time. we want to play this from ten
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minutes ago, 15 minutes ago, sounds like a solid shot against house republicans. >> there is no constituency in this nation that's supporting -- that supports threatening to kill millions of jobs unless the v.a. is gutted except apparently extreme maga republicans, house republicans to be more specific. >> bill: your response on that. >> she was ok until she did the house republicans. there is no basis anywhere to not remember those men and women who have served and who we owe so much to, and the speaker's initiative, i voted for, does just that. we maintain levels that were extraordinary. adjust appropriately nor inflation. the fact is, they are using hyperbole rather than having a genuine meeting, they are claiming they will have a meeting but telling us it's not on the subject most important. i will say that. the speaker will go, the speaker will undoubtedly bring with him
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the facts of what we passed and that is the starting point until we hear or see the senate's action. >> sandra: congressman, thanks so much for joining us. so, we are all listening together, and there's a lot more to get to. but what do you want the american people to know, as we see what a clear standoff happening, you know, between the who us and the speaker of the house on this issue. we look at the markets selling off, this sort of looming banking crisis happening, we have a federal reserve interest rate coming, what do you want people to know about the discussions that are happening right now as republicans are making it clear. they are going to raise the debt ceiling but they want to tackle the spending, out of control spending that has got us into this inflation mess that we are in. what's your message on that? >> you said it well. the spending can lead to inflation, but the other part of the debt ceiling debate is one
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where the money that government borrows is money not available to be invested in the private sector and creating those jobs. so, with 31 trillion plus dollars in debt, we have to stem that or we will dry up the ability for americans to invest in america. and that's the reason the speaker is doing it, we have to get back to a balanced budget just so we don't steal from the next generation the kind of investments that we have had in previous generations. >> bill: do you think house republicans caught the white house off guard? >> i think they believe the speaker could not do it. but a speaker tenacious enough with a smile to go through 15 rounds of vote, is tenacious enough in the conference to bring us together and the right thing for the american people that's what we did and we are proud to the bill we sent to the president. >> sandra: i want to transition before we get back to the briefing to hunter biden and the ongoing investigation, sir. james comer joined us on the
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program yesterday. we asked him about this child support case with hunter biden in court yesterday. what it means for the ongoing investigation by members of congress. will it reveal any further details they can use. >> in communication with our witnesses and people cooperating from a subpoena standpoint we know they have been contacted by the attorneys for hunter biden. obviously their objective in my opinion is witness intimidation. we are going to ask for immunity for some moving forward and hopefully the department of justice and merrick garland will grant immunity. >> sandra: some are suggesting the child support case with hunter biden could backfire on him. now the judge wants him to reveal more financial details, that could aid in the investigation happening by republicans right now. can you tell us more about that,
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and are you confident that there is evidence of witness intimidation ongoing? >> any time lawyers contact our witnesses and talk to them about, you know, what could happen to them, that could be certainly seen as intimidation, or at least unethical and inappropriate. of the 12 members of the biden family that received money from now we know some from the chinese government, hunter biden, we are finding out the massive amounts he received, amounts greater than ever disclosed to the irs and that's what we are trying to find out, it's a very legitimate investigation. >> bill: the judge in the case is holly meyer, she decides the verdict, not a set of jurors. some believe she was stern yesterday and how she conducted herself on the bench. how do you think it went?
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>> well, look, she has an obligation t find out what the capability for child support is for this child of hunter biden and i think i hope that's what she's concerned about. but when you have massive amounts of hidden income, enough to have paid out 1.8 million in new taxes, you are talking about somebody who has clearly hidden a lot of money and the mother of this child has a legitimate obligation to get a fair share to support that child. i think that's separate from the investigation we are doing. we are interested in the influence peddling, interested in the cover-up by what is now the president's men, some of whom are in the administration who are trying to continue covering up items including the hunter biden laptop which disinformation told us was not legitimate when in fact it was. >> sandra: at what point do you come forward with more evidence on this, so much confidence
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based on the evidence you've seen, why not show it? >> you are going to see a lot it, including judiciary, some of the whistleblowers out there. but you understand, this administration is pushing back and using every tool to stop or to reduce our ability to get that kind of information. you know, personally, just one member, i think i've seen enough to know that there was wrongdoing by the president of the united states when he was vice president but for the american people to understand they need more and james comer and jim jordan, they are getting it and delivering it to the american people and that's our obligation. >> bill: i know you deferred on the last question, but when the attorney for hunter biden was asked yesterday about the laptop, the attorney would not even confirm it was his. he more or less said at this point i'm not capable of
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answering that question. >> you know, this administration just told you that illegal immigration was down even though 7 million people have come in because they redefined what illegal is. the fact is, it has been confirmed and the 51 people who signed saying it was not, it was disinformation now have all backed off of that while trying to defend they wrote it in good faith. i believe that we clearly have people from the administration and people who support the administration have said look, i signed on to the letter because i wanted the president -- the vice president to win his presidency and he did. that's the reason they lied about hunter biden's laptop, if the american people knew who was in it and correspondence, for example, between the now secretary of state and hunter biden and that the secretary of state had lied about having had emails between he and hunter biden, might have affected the
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outcome of the election, certainly would have changed the confirmation of the secretary of state, attorney general and people at the irs. >> sandra: some news from the pentagon top of the hour, biden administration has approved, congressman, sending 1500 troops to the u.s.-mexico border as title 42 deadline is looming. that's about to happen. tens of thousands of migrants waiting to pour over the border. do you support that decision, is that the right move? >> i would support securing the border. troops already misused, they will be used to facilitate truckloads of people bussed not country. they are not going to be used to secure the border. that's very clear. this administration has basically turned our border patrol into an uber service for people coming into the country and that's going to continue and probably accelerate. >> bill: so they are going to do data entry, warehouse support and administrative tasks, helps
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to free up the border patrol to do other matters. but title 42 is coming to an end, may 11 is right around the corner, sir. >> there's no question at all this administration wants people to come into the country that were previously pushed back. using every tool they can. they fought that way. you know, the statement of what the federal individuals will do in this case, active duty military, is not the doubt. the question is, should the border patrol secure the border or should they simply greet people at the border, accept false statements made about there being fleeing in most cases false about their fleeing from persecution, and then usher them into the country. that's what's going on at the border. we are now exceeding 7 million people who have come to the border. the vast majority brought in. of the few that were sent back will now return to the border and come in. >> sandra: congressman darrell
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issa, appreciate you joining us today. thank you very much. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: tom homan, former acting i.c.e. director and fox news contributor, and learning president biden paved the way for sending troops to the border by signing an executive order on drug enforcement last week. your thoughts on this move, tom? >> well, any help the border patrol can get will help them. they are already overwhelmed. most sectors 80% of agents are off the line for processing. if the soldiers provide administrative relieve so the agents can get back on the line it's a good thing. but it's not really a resource issue. if they would implement the remain in mexico program the federal courts have said was legally sufficient, it's a game changer. they can slow the historic surge down tomorrow. but they are refusing to did it.
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and mr. issa was right. process quickly and release quickly, no crowding, no crisis. >> bill: 2700 national guard troops on the border right now. the next 1500 deployed for 90 days at least. in your experience, is that extension granted beyond 90 days? >> yes, it's going to have to be. this surge is not slowing down. there is no consequence. no deterrent. you cross illegally, you go to the city of your choice at taxpayers dime. who would not take advantage of that. the more numbers that come across after title 42 ends, more agents pulled off the line, more fentanyl gets in, higher trafficking of women and children, more suspected terrorists crossing the border. more agents taken off the line to process the surge, the more
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negative fentanyl. migrant deaths at 1700 since joe biden is in office, historic record, and historic fentanyl overdose deaths will continue to climb because the border is open and agents are off the line. >> sandra: you continue to see pictures after pictures like the ones on the screen, the situation will grow and get worse. karine jean-pierre, the press secretary yesterday made these claims about immigration. tom, your reaction. >> the president put forth a comprehensive immigration legislation and that's to show how seriously he took this. when it comes to illegal migration, you have seen it come down by more than 90%, and that's because of this, the actions this president has taken. >> sandra: that deserves to be fact checked pretty quickly. here we go. southwest border encounters year to date, look at 2022 versus 2023, no doubt the numbers are growing, 10% increase, tom.
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to what was she referring? >> look, it's the same sing secretary mayorkas has done. i've never seen the administration, i've seen them spin it, but not out and out lie. anybody can go to and look under the data from the trump administration and here. and there was a short time decrease, and you know why, because they took 30,000 a month and brought them to the port of entry. they made illegal immigration legal to say the number between the ports of entry are down. that lasted just a couple weeks. we have historic two years of illegal immigration and this year we are going to beat both of those years. >> bill: darrell issa just said the administration is ok with open borders. do you have reason to suggest otherwise? >> no, this is not incompetence, it's not mismanagement, it's by
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design. they have the playbook. they know what worked four years ago. they know what policies worked ago and during the transition we had over 200 briefings with them. we told them what worked and what didn't work and the numbers prove it, but they are not taking any action. no consequence, no deterrent. they want to come to the greatest nation on earth because there is no consequence. >> sandra: we are about to see that happen and if you have the white house making those claims, how can they address what is the real problem at the border, many are wondering. we are listening for the briefing, very few questions on the announcement of sending troops to the southern border. she was initially she was going to refer to the pentagon, because they are holding a briefing about 14 minutes from now, but the press also is not really pressing this white house for answers as to how we are going to address this situation as it continues to worsen.
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>> the american people need to start raising hell. here is the issue. i don't care what your opinion is on illegal immigration. take 80% of agents off the line and even more when the surge of title 42 ends, that means what. instead of 178 suspected terrorists arrested, many more and 1.7 million got-aways. don't know who they are, where they came from or where they are at. but the border patrol from 171 different countries. many are sponsors of terrorism. if you don't think a single one of the 1.7 did not come from a country sponsoring terrorism you are ignorant to the data. regardless what you think of illegal immigration, the biggest national security failure since 9/11 and the american people need to stand up and demand the administration do their job and enforce the law and secure the border. >> bill: you can only do that if you vote. thank you for your time, sir. appreciate it. a couple news worthy events
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already, sandra. i think i'm good luck for you. >> sandra: on having breaking news? >> bill: 1500 troops, that's going to happen. the pentagon briefs in 13 minutes and the white house saying congress suspend the debt limit without condition. which means there are no negotiations on government spending. >> sandra: i think the tweet by chief ortiz, border patrol chief noting in the past 72 hours, bill, two agents assaulted, prosecution sought, 22,000 apprehensions, 806 pound of methamphetamine, marijuana, cocaine, firearms, two sex offenders, two tractor-trailer events, one convicted murderer, one gang member. that's the reality of what's happening at the border. el paso, obviously dealing with this every day, every hour of the day, deciding to declare a state of emergency there. a press conference on sunday announcing that as of monday, state of emergency there,
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anticipation of the influx as the lifting of 42 ends. this -- they are noting here, this is important. migrants sleeping on the sidewalks around the churches there, in the downtown areas, overflowing. the community centers there, the homeless situation is getting worse and worse. they are dealing with it firsthand every single day and they feel like they are being ignored. >> bill: and they are looking for hope. lawmakers on both sides working together on a major issue, pushing the social media platform to keep kids in america safe. >> sandra: ron desantis feud with disney raising his profile. is it helping or hurting him with the voters? new polling just ahead. ari fleischer will be here on that. hey, man. nice pace! clearly, you're a safe driver. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual.
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>> bill: parents across the country have been pleading with congress to do something to protect their kids on social media. now there is a bipartisan effort on capitol hill to do just that. republican tennessee senator marsha black burn, connecticut democrat richard blumenthal, reducing the kids' safety act. aishah, good afternoon.
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>> hey, bill, good afternoon to you. senators tell me this is going to give parents more control over what their kids see on social media platforms and they believe this time around it could become law. so, this bill is called the kids online safety act, require social media companies to default to stricter settings for users 17 and under. so all minors out there. also let parents disable features that are addictive and both senators in recent days have spoken to parents who have lost kids to suicide or recovering from mental health issues and they tell me that these parents are pleading with congress to do something. >> this is how they are meeting strangers, how they are meeting drug dealers. it's how they are learning about how to commit suicide and music to commit suicide to, and eating disorders, and it is just -- it
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is heartbreaking. >> there has been some pushback, bill. nearly 100 groups like the aclu wrote a letter to chuck schumer opposing the bill. they are worried it's going to limit a child's access to certain resources, so asked if leader schumer backs the bill today. >> the answer is yes. unequivocally yes. leader schumer is 100% behind protecting children. >> bill, they feel they have broad bipartisan support this time. >> bill: all right, we'll see where it goes, right? aishah hasnie, maybe we'll see it happen. thank you. >> sandra: breaking news continues. at 2:00, pentagon set to hold a news briefing top of the hour. we learn 1500 troops are heading to the southern border. will it work to handle the influx of migrants to cross once title 42 is lifted.
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douglas murray, robert wolf, ari fleischer and more as "america reports" heads into a second hour. my name is joshua florence, and one thing i learned being a firefighter is plan ahead. you don't know what you're getting into, but at the end of the day, you know you have a team behind you that can help you. not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody.
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where did that number come from? cbp is telling us the number is 136,000 people more this fiscal year. >> i'm about to tell you if the dramatics would come down a little bit. >> what's dramatic about asking a question about -- >> i'm going to answer. i was speaking to the parolee program, to deal with certain countries on ways we can limit illegal migration and the data has shown us it has gone down by more than 90%. that's what i was speaking to.
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>> i'm going to move, go ahead. i'm not sure who is speaking. >> on the -- may 11, plan to rehire anyone who is fired or voluntarily resigned under the policy, any sort of compensation, back pay, anything like that? >> sandra: addressed a moment we discussed earlier where the white house, through karine jean-pierre made the statement that the number of people crossing the southern border was actually down, peter doocy being asked to cut the dramatics while he asked his questions. >> bill: first reporter got four, i think peter got two and a half, and that's where it is. how you doing? >> sandra: i'm doing good. you know, this is a brand-new hour. it's great to have you here today. >> bill: good to be with you. >> sandra: breaking news hour, another one i should add. awaiting the briefing at the pe