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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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to say. >> i gave you a comment, spray jack daniels on them. it a nest the size the beatles. >> but you know that soil around the dmv area, district of maryland and virginia, it's very late. the indians used to make the pots. i can't get stuff to grow here. >> you tending flowers is yelling ftd siri in the backyard. >> i'm going to show more photos of my flowers thank you. thank you sam for the input. raymond, thank you. that's it for us tonight, follow me on social media. rose gate continues. thank you for watching. it is america now and forever and i can't wait to see what jesse and the gang say about the latest on campus. >> speaker-01: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight... [ crowd noise ]
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>> jesse: american universities radicalized. >> we are going to throw out biden and replace it with maganomics. >> jesse: trump hits the battleground put another challenger looms. rfk junior joins prime time. >> the fast money, the women, promiscuity, the social stature, the respect in the street. if we had to go to war we would go to war. >> jesse: they get it together series continues with a soldier from the latin kings. >> they thought i was dead so they felt like they did not have to kill me so they through my body in the hallway. >> jesse: plus... >> if being your pants is cool, instead of me miles davis. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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>> jesse: fox news alert, arab spring break is graduating into another subarctic summer of love. the campus caliphate spreading. riot police were on the scene in new york. occupying the square downtown after the nypd last night move them out of their mack a at columbia. [ crowd noise ] >> jesse: after police busted up the occupation of hamilton
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halal, the movement headed to new york university of new york where you could not really tell if you were in midtown or the mideast. [ chanting ] [♪♪] >> this is the new york city police department, you have been warned as per city college to leave the campus. if he refused to leave, you maybe placed under arrest. >> [ bleep ] >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ] [ chanting ] >> jesse: west bank, west village, same thing. american universities have been
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radicalized. seventy grand for a degree from sharia law school? no thanks. that's consumer fraud. hundreds of arrests last night. mayor eric adams that arab spring break has been taken over. >> there is a movement to radicalize young people and i'm not going to wait until it's done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it. this is a global problem. young people are being influenced by those who are professionals at radicalizing our children and i'm not going to allow that to happen as the mayor of the city of new york. >> jesse: arab spring break is awash with anarchists, anti-thought, sinister faculty and foreign influence. liberation zones have popped up across 25 universities -- antifa -- it's coast-to-coast. mostly peaceful riots erupted at ucla last night. [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ]
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[ bleep ] [ crowd noise ] >> jesse: reports of jews being beaten, chanting of go back to the gas chambers. yesterday jews were chased with tasers. jewish students having their ids checked and banned from moving freely on campus. these aren't your typical antiwar college protesters and just like hamas, after they attack, they ask you to give them stuff. they are requesting administrators send in pallets of humanitarian aid. you ready? begin dishes, and they must be
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hot -- a vegan -- and they must be gluten-free, but specifically no bagels. i wonder why. canapés -- canapés to prevent sunburn. no sunscreen, harmful chemicals. they want gloves for small hands and inhalers. gas masks, ropes and zip ties, helmets, shields and would. seems like they are demanding weaponry. that's like the palestinians asking for gluten-free mr ease and rifles. and if you don't meet their demands, this happens. >> shame! shame! shame! shame! shame! shame! shame! >> jesse: lovely woman. when college students protested the vietnam war, you knew exactly what they wanted, not to get drafted and to end the war.
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but what are these protesters wanting besides canapés and lotion? they want to fight on the side of hamas. >> we stand with the palestinian resistance and their heroic and brave action on october 7th! long live october 7th. we say today long live october 7th! hamas is not a terrorist organization, islamic jihad is not a terrorist organization. the popular front for the liberation of palestine is not a terrorist organization! hezbollah is not a terrorist organization! they are resistance fighters! these are our heroes. >> jesse: you hear that? after 9/11, if you through on a keep and screamed you stand with bin laden, you are under arrest. why is this any different? hamas is a terrorist organization that butchers civilians and holds americans hostage. if they are your heroes, that is
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treason. and if you are targeting jews in america like the klan targeted blacks, where's the justice department? merrick garland doesn't have anything better to do. biden expanded title ix for trans people but he won't protect jews? if a trans man waltzes into a ladies locker room and you say, no sir, you can't coming here here, biden sues you, but you can block a jew from going to class and tell him to get comfy in the oven? where's the president? >> how do you explain his silence this week? >> the president has not been silent on this issue when it comes to hate speech, anti-semitism, he started -- wait, he started -- he launched the first-ever anti-semitism strategy to counter anti-semitism, something that no other president did, no other president. >> a school building on an ivy league campus. >> and we called that out and said that is not peacefully protesting. >> jesse: wait, what's the
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biden anti-semitism strategy? because it doesn't work and no one's ever heard of it. the left prefers mob rule over the rule of law. they use street justice to get social justice. when they can't persuade you, they intimidate you. the occupy movement but everybody hating the wealthy so obama could raise taxes. the george floyd movements bullied local governments to defund the police. this is another antiwhite anti-cop anticapitalism anti-american movement with a different mask on. same and game. terrorize you got shake you down for power and play the victim. most of these radicals just want to scrap and burn it all down. biden is already giving in. over the last 24 hours he is signaling he will import thousands of palestinian refugees from gaza, payoff protesters student loans and reclassify cannabis to the same level as tylenol with codeine. he was going to ban menthol cigarettes but shelved it. doesn't take a detective to know
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why. bribes and bailouts, that's the biden campaign. and his base knows it. >> what will you guys do when the police come right in here and, you know, end up maybe handcuffing people and arresting them? >> we will do what we've always done, we will get arrested just like the criminals in the subway, they are always right back out in 24 hours. >> jesse: marxists are beating up jews, breaking into buildings and reason foreign flags. while biden says republicans are america's top threat. biden hasn't even made a phone call to the president of columbia. hillary is a professor at columbia but hasn't said a word. obama graduated from columbia, where is he? this country needs to get it together. >> to every college president, i say remove the encampment's immediately, vanquished the radicals and take back our campuses for all of the normal students who want a safe place from which to learn. [ cheering and applause ] >> jesse: former member of
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antifa writes me now. gabriel, you are looking at some of these black clad anarchists burrow into these windows and kind of take the leadership role of this movement. how does this work? >> well let me tell you what this movement is. this movement is just part of a bigger conversation when it comes to far left activism. as we know, they have a long history in america of violence, whether it be destroying buildings or attacking other people. one thing we need to consider is the fact that a lot of these people aren't even students. from my time in the movement i can tell you that a lot of my friends, they needed gas money to go to another city. i had a friend who used to train half to get around the country. a lot of these people are willing to work on a shoestring budget in order to get to these protests and in fact we saw at
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ohio, they arrested about 40 people in less than -- and less than half of them were students. it's a component we need to talk about that a lot of times these are professional activists that are trying to instigate chaos on our universities. >> jesse: so when you were in antifa, you are telling me that these people were poor and they would just act like parasites, they would glom onto whatever action was happening in the street and they would try to capitalize on it and it did not really matter what the action was, they just wanted chaos and destruction? >> particularly away a lot of the ideologies work, they see themselves as being on the side of the oppressed against the oppressor. this is just another example of that. when we had george floyd riots, you had black people the oppressed and oppressors were the police, here it's the same thing. they are saying the palestinians are the oppressed and they are against the oppressor but what ends up happening when they put this false dichotomy of good versus evil is that they start justifying their criminal actions in order to get their
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point across and look, on our america where i'm the director, we believe in freedom of speech. but in the first amendment, it does not protect you, your right to destroy buildings or assault other people, that should just be straight out of the gait not permitted anywhere. unfortunately a lot of school officials are just allowing it. at ucla we been seeing that they have told the police not to go and arrest those criminal actors and that's an incredible problem >> jesse: when you were a member of antifa, the money train, i know a lot of it comes from soros. when you look at the movement right now, it doesn't cost a lot of money but there's a stream flowing in. what do you see? >> what i can tell you is this, a lot of times from my personal experience, there were a lot of people who were not necessarily getting paid but what we do see is that the support they do get often comes from a lot of people who are giving in donations. when i was part of the occupy protest in 2011 i remember
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people would come up and drop pizzas, bottles of water, sodas, all these things, and then you also have a lot of different local businesses, they don't realize what they are supporting because they will support and give tense, food, all of these supplies and then within a couple of weeks, they are being vandalized and the riots. that's what we saw in 2020. many businesses in portland, they had to close because they supported these types of protesters. >> jesse: thank you for the insight, we appreciate it. let's check in with alexis mcadams who's live on the ground at nyu, what's going on there? >> reporter: hey jesse. this is a bit different than yesterday. there are some police here and stand by but we haven't seen any police and right gear moving in. this is near the campus of nyu. you can move into the crowd just a little bit and see what we are seeing on the ground. they have people chanting, people calling for their university to divest from israel they also have some signs that say stand with palestine and the
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occupation -- end the occupation now. and just the other day we saw they were doing some training here on what to do in case the police did show up or there were any injuries. most of the action usually isn't too far from here, also on the campus where we've seen some people also preparing to move in those encampments. it all started right over at columbia university but that's not the case anymore. this has moved across the country and across new york city. this is again a look at what we are seeing on the ground. we will try to check with some protesters as well. what do you think about the police arriving here and watching you guys? nobody wants to talk yet? okay. let's see. what do you guys think about nypd being around at this point? are you worried? are you worried at all? okay. that's all we have right now but we will continue to check back with you throughout the night. >> jesse: keep up the good work.
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rfk junior and the swami on the don. >> go home to your mom. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservision was easy. preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. i'm taking control like millions of others. -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way
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to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard.
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[♪♪] >> jesse: every wednesday president trump gets a day off from defending himself in court for a crime democrats can't name he used today's reset to hit two swing states were voters don't seem to care about the case. >> i am unmoved. the trial seems to be a kangaroo court and i don't take it seriously and i think few people do. >> it's not too glaring to me that it would stop me from voting for him or anything like that. >> jesse: trump having a little fun when he's not freezing in court, debuting a new wwe style entrance. watch. >> ladies and gentlemen, please
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welcome the next president of the united states, president donald j trump! [♪♪] [♪♪] ♪ i won't forget the men who died who gave the right to me ♪ >> jesse: it's exactly the same entrance has biden. >> jesse: the biden campaign knows it needs help. like crazy stage parents, they are recruiting the best help money can buy so joe can shine. biden hired steven spielberg to choreograph his contention because they need a better script, although it's not like joe can read it anyway. right now it's a comedy. >> you think biden can bend down like that? >> isn't it nice to have a
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president who doesn't need a teleprompter? not that he can read it anyway. >> think if i read my teleprompter and i'm going, well, let's see, because of the weakness in the economy i'd like to apologize, pause. pause. what was that? that's unbelievable. pause. i was watching it, i said that was weird. >> jesse: and there's always one heckler in the crowd. >> where did he come from? [ crowd noise ] >> all right. thank you, go home to mom. go home to your mom. say hello to mother. she's going to be angry because she's watching right now on television. she's watching on television, she's saying that's my son.
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>> jesse: after wisconsin, trump did another rally in michigan where he went heavy on policy and laid out his plans for a second term. >> on day one of my new administration i will seal the border, stop the invasion and sent joe biden's illegal aliens back home where they belong. they want to allow men to play in women's sports. on my first day back in the oval office, i promise you it will end immediately. >> i will deliver a trump middle-class tax cut the likes of which you have never seen before. >> jesse: and then he wrapped the blood bath hoax around joe's neck. >> we are putting tariffs on foreign cars, we are bringing the car industry back to michigan. the biden electric vehicle mandate will be an economic bloodbath. you know they like to use that word bloodbath now. when i said it, it was perfectly stated. they make it sound bad but it will be an economic bloodbath. rocha joe will rip out your auto
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jobs and send them immediately to china. that's why this november, the people of michigan are going to tell crooked joe biden, biden, you are fired, get out of here. >> jesse: former 2024 presidential candidate joins me now. it could not be more clear. i think joe biden's hired steven spielberg. how is that going to work out? >> i don't think it's going to work out particularly well for joe biden. i still think it's not out of the question that biden is not even going to be the nominee. the democrats have been consistently one step ahead and so my message to the republican party is as good as the current poll numbers look, as bad as the current u.s. president looks back and it's pretty bad, complacency is not an option. we have to offer our own vision and stand for it irrespective of the tricks the other side plays. this can't be a 50-point one election, it has to be a decisive landslide in a landslide minus shenanigans will
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still be a victory so that's what my focus is. i think it's where our party roots focus needs to be and it's good that president trump is able to have fun along the way, he gives us a competitive advantage as well. >> jesse: what kind of policies would you put front and center to have the most broad appeal throughout the country? >> i think it's a tale of two mass deportations. the first is anybody who's in this country illegally has to be returned to their country of origin and we will seal that southern border. whether you are on the southside of chicago or the inner-city of new york city or philadelphia, america first includes all americans and not these illegal aliens. that's the first mass deportation. the second is 3 million federal bureaucrats out of washington, dc so that we can actually really drain the swamp, got the administrative state and stimulate the economy. a tale of two mass deportations, that's how we get this country back and democrats and republicans and libertarians alike can get behind both of
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those. >> jesse: what about prices? prices are crazy, rates are too high. >> yeah. prices have gone up, rates up and hiked to keep up with the prices but wages have remained flat so you want to fight the national debt will stimulate in the economy, here's will you do it -- how you do it, drill, frock, burn coal, and brace nuclear energy, start getting the energy resources and stop paying people more money to stay home instead of going to work. that's all you get the economy back and how we win the election >> jesse: i'm sick of seeing up the buildings. i like a little more action around lunchtime. thank you as always. [♪♪] >> jesse: rfk junior is here. [♪♪] i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. i'm still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle. and i'm really, really happy with the results.
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[♪♪] >> jesse: every day rfk junior becomes more of a player in november. he just got on the ballot in california and is about to get on in new york so what to do the people say? >> rfk junior is running as an independent, not a republican, not a democrat, is that intrigue
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you? >> i think that would intrigue everyone. >> you have to pick a side. >> time will tell but we just don't want the wrong person. >> who's the wrong person? >> joe biden. he's too sick. >> jesse: we will have more tomorrow. kennedys polling around 10% nationally and it's 15% they say to qualify for the debate. imagine that. biden trump and kennedy live for 90 minutes. they don't need a moderator, i need a medic pick the latest battleground polls, rfk poles -- pulls more biden votes than from trump. emerson has trump winning all seven with or without rfk and trump and biden are both taking the gloves off. trump says he's a left-wing plant, biden says a vote for rfk junior is a spoiler for a dictator. but rfk it says biden is the spoiler because joe has no shot of beating trump. today rfk junior dared biden to sign a pledge. whoever has worse numbers
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against trump in october drops out. rfk junior says he's the strongest candidate one on one. >> for americans not to feel that they have to vote out of fear. that they feel that they can vote out of hope. and that is only going to happen if there's a two way race between me and president trump or between me and president biden. >> jesse: robert f kennedy junior is an independent presidential candidate. before we get to the politics, a lot of craziness going on, scary stuff on college campus, the president has been hiding. what is going on? >> i don't know. i mean it's very alarming. it's puzzling because it's happening on the private campuses, they have a lot more leeway for controlling this. i'm all for peaceful protest, for freedom of speech, but you can't threaten people, you can't
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intimidate people, you can't trespass, you can't prevent students from going to their glasses, you can't break private property, those are law enforcement issues. the private campuses can easily address this, they could end this. there are -- the schools that have already done it, they have a lot less we -- leeway because they are subject to the first amendment and the private campuses are not, the first amendment does not function on private campuses. all the private campuses want to have open debate but if people are being racist, being antisemitic, i've heard their shouts from the crowds and they are appalling. >> jesse: just absolutely disgusting. some of the tactics also pretty disgusting. we are hearing that the biden legal team is throttling you guys by the throat. what is the truth? >> you mean my campaign? we released a poll today. we did the biggest pulled it's ever been done at least in this
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presidential campaign. a typical poll has 2000 people in it. we did a poll of 26,000 people. the pool has a value of about 200,000, $500,000. we did every state. what the poll shows, if i go head-to-head with biden, i win 39 states and he wins 11. if i go head-to-head with president trump, i win. if i'm in a three-way race, i lose because people are voting out of fear because they think the other guy, you know, a vote for me is going to put somebody they hate in office. but if i go head-to-head with either of them, i win. >> jesse: if one of these guys drops out or doesn't run, joe biden, donald trump, rfk junior will be president according to your pole? >> yeah and all the polls that have done a two race have shown the same thing. our pole has virtually a zero margin of error.
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anybody who does that poll will end up with the same result. i beat biden in a landslide and i beat president trump narrowly in the electoral college. that is really what you want to look at, the electoral college, but i beat them both in the general election and in the electoral college. >> jesse: are you going to get on the debate stage with them, and if you do what is the strategy? >> well there's no compulsory debate. president trump has challenged president biden to debate which i think is a good thing. the debates are scheduled, there's three debates that are scheduled beginning september 18th. i should have a spot in those debates because my polling up until now has beat those metrics. but you don't know because neither of them, the law allows them to not debate, it's never been done before but. >> jesse: how would you do it? you got one guy over here, another guy over here, what are
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you going to say? it be like hey, it's my turn? >> i'm going to say what were the two of you doing when you ran up 34 trillion-dollar debt? you two alone run up half of it. we are now paying more than our defense budget to service the debt. within five years we will be paying 50 cents out of every tax dollar to service the debt. that is one issue. they both -- president trump said he would end the wars, president biden loves every war he sees but president trump last week gave a bearhug to biden and the speaker johnson, approved 61 billion to ukraine. there's all of these existential issues, neither of them can really deal with. one of those is the polarization we are in a more toxic polarization and division then any time since the american civil war and president biden can't solve it, president trump can't solve it, if either get
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elected it's just going to get worse because both of them feed on it. both of them are saying to hate the other guy and we need to have some common ground in america. >> jesse: you are saying you will unify the country. some dirty stuff is coming out. they are saying you were against voter id, rfk junior, you said voter id was racist. is that true? >> maybe. [ laughter ] >> look, i had a lot of positions. i go through an evolution like many people in the country. i said things years ago, i had positions years ago that i look back on and say there was nothing good about that. i think we, you know, listen, what i've said on the voter id issue is that i'm going to issue voter passports, passport ids to every american who can't afford them and that will end of that issue. >> jesse: you have to have
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voter id to have a clean election. >> and by the way, al sharpton and andrew young and other civil rights leaders have said that if i issue that id, they will stop their objection to demanding voter id at the votes. >> jesse: rfk junior, thank you for joining us. the latin king soldier joins prime time. these it mack
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[♪♪] >> jesse: in my book "get it together" people from all walks of life opened up to me. they shared their life stories, their deepest secrets, but just because we finished the book doesn't mean the series is over. today we are talking to a retired soldier for the latin kings. meet andy. he saw things no person should ever have to witness. an active participant in drug trafficking, robbery, extortion and things we can't even mention on national television. he did whatever he had to do to survive in the underworld. so how did he go from a prison king to an evangelical minister?
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rebirth joins us now. dandy, how did you get started in the gang life? >> so how long do we have on the show because it's a long story. do sum it up, just the wrong influences, listening to the wrong voices, just gravitating to the wrong things. >> jesse: did you get initiated? >> yeah, i was around 14, 15 years old. i let five grown men jump me. two i have to do to keep their friendship? it led to first-degree attempted murder, three count of aggravated assault, one count of aggravated criminal damage that was gang related. i was 16, 17, charged as an adult. >> jesse: what was your name and the gang? >> they used to call me paco.
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when i got out of the gang, when i went to prison, we started in out lock king blood nation when we joined the latin kings with the bloods and i was holding the flag in the prison, i was the president and they called me paco. ironically it was paco the pope of the streets. >> jesse: paco the pope of the streets. was there something that happened when you were in prison that made you think man did i go down the wrong path? >> it was my kids. watching my kids grow up in pictures, watching my kids, you know, not being able to come visit me because i'm a maximum security prison are put there's one time that's etched in my heart. i was fully restrained, the belt and the handcuffs were shackles in my it'll girl was almost two years old when i first got incarcerated. by this time she was about six years old. about five or six. about five years old.
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so i go and visit. i'm holding my beautiful little girl and she starts asking me all these questions, she grabs my handcuffs and she said daddy, daddy, what is this? and they were brand-new handcuffs so i'm moving them and going baby, that's my bracelets. you don't see daddy shining over here? she looks at me, she said what is this? she grabs my shackles and i started making their shackles jump like a jump rope. i said that's my jump rope. she looks at me again and she says you look stock. you look stock. -- stuck -- and she looks at me again and says what is this and i say handcuffs. she says what's this and i say shackles. she says why do they have have you like this? i said because daddy was being bad and this is daddy's punishment. and she looks at me and she says well daddy, promise me you are
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not going to be bad anymore because i need you home with me, daddy, i need you home with me, daddy. it killed me. but i'm looking at her and then she starts asking me questions like daddy, because she's mixed so she said daddy, what color are you? what color is mom? what color am i? it killed me because my daughters did not know her identity because her father wasn't in her life. and that's what i look at going on in society today, people do not know their identity because they are not in their father's lives. >> jesse: and you struggled with addiction too. did god help you recover from that as well? >> oh yes. that's really how i ended up getting sentenced to the church. i overdosed on heroin for the third time. the first time i overdosed on heroin i was in the project and they through my body in the hallway because -- and they should have killed me because all of the games i was playing,
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but they thought it was dead so they felt like they did not have to kill me so they just through my body in the hallway. i know now it was got that brought me back. fast-forward to the third time, i woke up in the hospital bed, the police officer was in front of me. i was trying to act like i'm sleeping, playing possum. i knew i had more drugs on me and i'm looking. i'm not cuffed to the bed but i have ivs out of my arm so the minute the police officer left to help somebody, the nurses with another guy who came in real belligerent that was intoxicated, as soon as i seen him move, i jumped out, i ripped the ivs out my arm and i broke out running. i made it through one door but the other door they have to buzz you out. it brings me to the scripture that god will close doors no man can open and open doors that no man can close and i thank god for that closed-door because i needed to get caught. >> jesse: you've gotten it together, congratulations. if you could tell america one word for them to focus on, what would it be? >> jesus.
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jesus. the bible says in the beginning was the word, the word was with god and the word was god. this is my life, my story, so i have to tell it, i have to share it and if god can do this in my life, what can he do in yours? >> jesse: i'm inspired, thank you so much for joining "jesse watters primetime" and thank god you got it together. >> glory to god, glory to god. [♪♪] >> jesse: time for watters cooler. let's bring in madison, glory to god. >> i'm actually crying. that was a roller coaster of an interview. beautiful. a gangster even after overdosing but he's really turned it around, amazing. >> jesse: he's gotten it together. >> i'm going to get it together now. >> jesse: first setting expectations higher and higher for men these days so if you want a woman to say i do, you have to know how to protect her.
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>> it's 2024, we have to start thinking long-term, can this man get you through an apocalypse, will he be the leader of your survival tribe because if you -- if not you need to bounce, you need to go. is he a two or ten on that natural selection scale? >> jesse: is this true? is this how you think of us? >> definitely not. what did she know that we don't know. why do we need survival tribe's. and also, that kind of sounds like a cult. is she in a cult? does she need help? >> jesse: she sees what's happening at columbia and she might wonder what's next. >> i mean okay, fair, the world is a little topsy-turvy but i think also survival today is a little different than yesterday. we don't need to be hunting. i think we need people that can do, organization and stuff like that. >> jesse: you think she might be overdoing it, all right. is a little different than she is. behind the scenes of prime time my producers asking the hard-hitting questions like how many days can you keep leftovers? one of my producers says he kept
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leftover pizza in the fridge for a month and he ate it. >> no! >> jesse: scott sanders. >> that's not true. >> jesse: that's true and that's why we are doing it on "primetime". >> i feel like this is us shaming scott because you should not eat pizza after a month. there is no debate here, jesse, a month is three weeks or two weeks way too long. >> jesse: he says he kept it in tinfoil in the fridge and that was fine. >> i guess if you don't see mold but it's pizza also. you can get a dollar 50 slice in new york city. are you not paying him enough, jesse? >> jesse: how much are we paying sanders? [ laughter ] >> jesse: double it. so the man doesn't get salmonella. back in school, if you had an accident it was humiliating. >> look everybody, billy pete his pants. >> of course i pete my pants, everybody my hp's their pants, it's the coolest be met really? >> yes! you ain't cool unless you're pants.
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>> jesse: but now it is cool. just like billy madison. the passion brand selling 600-dollar genes that make you look like you had an accident. >> i have no words. i think it's a bit of like emperors new clothing. if you say it's the coolest ropes were these are the coolest genes accu cell it for 600, they will buy it but it doesn't mean you should. >> $600. >> and you can diy it for free. >> jesse: that's disgusting. not as disgusting as sanders, but close. madison, thank you. our movement continues, be right back.
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i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. [♪♪] >> jesse: a violent storm devastated a stretch of the main coastline. this is a very special area for me, this is where i spent some time in the summers for many years. they are now trying to rebuild
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and any help you can show would be greatly appreciated. for more information go to rock the thank you so much. to some text messages. from alabama, some of those college protesters look like they are in their forties. how many years have they been in school? carol from florida, trump is heckling the heckler. biden could never. biden hides from them. sally from michigan, that interview with the former latin king was amazing. i was in tears. god bless. madison was crying. mark from new york, if a former latin king can get it together, so can we. that's all for tonight, dvr the show and always remember, i'm watters and this is my world. >> sean: welcome to "hannity", we start with this