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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  November 5, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EST

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ban happy meal toys. >> no more personal responsibility. >> sean: you agree with that mike? >> no. >> sean: that is all the time we have left. i'm going to mcdonald's to get a big mac. >> and i'm going to join you. >> sean: quarter pounder with cheese, french fries and coke and happy meal because they still have toys in new york. greta is next. thanks for being with us see you tomorrow night. >> greta: fox news alert: republican dino rossi just conceded defeat washington senator patty murray. this will be senator murray's fourth term. president obama campaigned for her twice before the election. stay with fox news for more out of washington state. >> tonight, if you thought the midterm elections were bloody, get ready, the nastyiest fighting might be coming soon. listen to mitch mcconnell.
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>> the formula is simple, when the administration agrees with the american people, we will agree with the administration. when it disagrees with the american people, we won't. this has been our posture from the beginning of this administration and we intend to stick with it. if the administration wants cooperation, it will have to begin to move in our direction. >> greta: senate majority leader harry reid says, democrats will work with republicans, but the gop better not try to block any legislation. so, does this mean more gridlock just got tighter? republican senator lindsey graham joins us live. good evening senator. boy, sounds like we are hearing two very different parties speaking, are we not? >> the truth of the matter is, we are going to extend all the bush tax cuts because a lot of democrats understand it is in their interests and the economy's interests not to
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raise taxes. when it comes to health care we want to replace the bill and start overand there's no negotiating there. growth -- over and start over and there's no nosh chaiting -- negotiating there. >> what are they saying? >> fired up, ready to go. good members coming in. we a chance to do some things early on to create jobs by extending the tax cuts. put the brakes on spending. but the truth if we are serious as a party and nation to getting out of debt we need to embrace brace entitlement reform. i hope some new members will be brave enough do that. >> greta: how do you get the two parties to speak? i know the president has invited everyone to the white house. we go through this period when president obama was first elected, we are told he said to the republicans,ive luck, i'm the president, i won -- tough luck, i'm the president,
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i won, now we hear we are going to do what the american people want. how do we end this gridlock? it seems quite a daunting task. >> same way you run a church, business or rotary club. you get in the room, talk to each other and try to work out differences. the president would be smart to talk to republicans more. i think a lot of democrats are looking for an opportunity to vote on extending tax cuts. this idea of talking to each other like every other american group, whether it be private sector or public sector. is a good place to start. i look forward to talking with the president. >> greta: what is some of the philosophy this business of income the united states senate, governing the white house, let's take a topic like health care, senator orrin hatch will be joining us in a moment. if more people in the united states want it repealed
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than don't do we repeal it because that's the will of the people or is the right thing to do what you think is right if it is something different from the will of the people? >> i don't think it is ever smart for a legislative body to change 1/5 of the economy on party line vote. message from health care reform debate is the process was sleazey. backroom deals, buying off senators. promised transparency, debate on c-span we the old washington. my message to my democratic colleagues is that the way and the substance was wrong. let's sit down and do it right. repeal this bill, get in the room see if we can find common ground on health care. there's a lot of common ground to be found without raising taxes and taking 500 billion dollars out of medicare to fix our health care problems. >> greta: president obama was certain the national health care was the thing to do and that bill was the right one.
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do you think after watching him yesterday in his press conference, do you think he will change his mind or bag down? he's a very confident man. >> i don't know if he will change his mind. he turned the health care debate over to the most liberal in the house it was partisan from the beginning there was no effort to find middle ground they had a big majority and they used it. the president would be smart and wise to talk to republicans. there's common ground on extending the bush tax cuts for two or three years. when it comes to health care we should repeal this bill and try find a way forward. there is a lot of agreement on health care. but the process we used did not allow that agreement. politics got off track and the president insists on keeping this bill intact there's going to be a fight between him and the republicans and the american people that go all the way to 2012 and it may take a presidential election to settle this debate. >> greta: what did you think after the president's press
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conference yesterday? it was a message from the american people. you are shaking your head no. >> i don't think he understands it was his policies that got him in this mess. president obama came in with a wave of hope. the american people picked in young man, they were hopeful he could change things and the policies from the health care, the process in passing health care was everything different than he said it would be. the stimulus package, the financial regulation bill, the amount of debt, the growth of government. people rejected his policies. he lost his own senate seat. illinois voted for a moderate republican. how much clearer message can you give to the president, the people in illinois who like him personally, saying you're going the wrong way we want to check and balance you. i don't think he under stands that it was policies not personality that got him in this mess. people don't love republicans. it wasn't like people in illinois woke up one day and said i've been a republican all these years and didn't
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know it. it is the obama overreach. >> greta: senator, thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: our next guest voted no on the president's health care law, jason altmire joins us live. i guess congratulations in order you won your election. >> thank you, good to be with you. >> greta: why did so many democrats lose? >> i know my district, what i heard time and again is thank you for standing up for us. thank you for listening and making the votes that your constituents wanted you to make. i represent a district where the two candidates on top of the ticket for governor and u.s. senate in pennsylvania, both democrats got crushed. lower level state senate and state house they voted republican as well. the difference with me is i think enough people were able to cross file and vote for me when they voted republican
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every other way if you represent a district where you vote the way they want you to vote, they send you back. i don't presume to cast judgment on any other member and why they if i had made some votes differently, i might have been one of those people too. >> greta: it is wild when you look at it. let's take summer of 2009 can all the town hall meetings and people were giving members of the congress and senate hell who were pushing for health care. they were unhappy with it. yet, members of your party still forged forward in light of the fact there was a lot of resistance. is it because they believed it was a small loud minority? what is the explanation? >> there's no question that i -- that there was some underestimate of what the public reaction would be given the time lapse between march and november. i think a lot people thought once people realize what is in the bill that maybe public
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opinion will turn around. in retrospect it was the opposite. the more time went on the more people learned about the bill. a lot of folks became more frustrated with the bill. again, i'm not saying that any other member in a different district, i don't though their districts as well as they do. in my district voting against the health care bill was the right >> greta: how is your life going to change now you in the minority? what difference is it going to be for you and your constituents? >> for me it doesn't matter if you have a d or r by your name, i can work with both sighs i look forward to working with the republican leadership and speaker designate boehner, i'm hopeful we will continue to move forward and do things for my district and certainly for the country as well. if democrat or republican has a good idea i'm willing to work with them, it doesn't matter to me >> greta: do you >>speaker:er pelosi to stay in the house, to seek a
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leadership position like minority leader and do you think she will get that? >> i don't know what the speaker is going to do. she has to ache that decision for her. i couldn't comment on what her plans are. >> greta: would you vote for her as the minority leader? >> i don't think it is likely that i would support her, were she to run for minority leader. i don't know who the other candidates is going to be if she is one, i probably won't vote that way >> greta: we hear republicans say repeal health care, i recognize your vote that you were opposed to the bill as the one that was passed. we hear the democrats want to say tweak it. the republicans say throw it out, start over is your prediction on where we are going? not how you feel, layout the map for me. >> i'm sure there will be a vote to previously the bill. there are things in the bill, for example the 1099 small business issue already been a repeal vote i voted to repeal
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!ç congress, a vote to tryrkrepealm n t democrat. harry reid is still the the majority leader over there. and president obama is still the president. so the likelihood of getting a repeal enacted is small to none. >> greta: when the president yesterday, i take it you watched or saw clips, what was your impression? >> it's pretty clear that the president, i think understands this was a rebuke to some of the things that have happened, the change that was talked about in 2008 and the change that took place over the two year period. i think the american people looked at that and said i think we are going a little faster than we would like. again, what you saw was 60 plus members losing their seats as a result of some of that change. i think the president has a decision to make on whether or not he wants to work directly
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with the republicans. i'm hopeful he will make a similar decision that president clinton made in the 90s, which is to work with both sides and try to get things done on behalf of the american people. >> greta: congressman, thank you. when you get back to washington, i hope we can do an interview in the studio together, thanks sir. >> thanks. >> greta: next, is he getting out of dodge or doing international diplomacy? president obama hits the international road. where is he going and why? liz cheney joins us next. >> when people start guessing the republican ticket for 2012, you hear palin, gingrich, santorum, huckabee, pawlenty. should we add donald trump to that list? >> sarah palin strikes again this time on youtube. what is she up to? you will see it t righ
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my professor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." "well, let's grow some algae." and that's what started it. exxonmobil and synthetic genomi have built a new facility to identify the most productive strains of algae. algae a amazing little critters. they secrete oil, which we could turn into biofuels. they also absorb co2. we're hoping to supplement the fuels that we use in our vehicles, and to do this at a large enough scale to someday help meet the wor's energy demands.
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>> greta: president obama is heading out of town on a four-nation trip to asia. is he getting out of dodge or conducting foreign policy? joining us liz cheney. let's talk first about the timing. why now? just a couple days after election. >> well, look i don't think it is right to begrudge any
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president overseas travel, it is critically important part of the job. i think this is a trip that he's been planning for some time. i'm sure there will be an attempt at some important work to be done here. i think it is important to watch what able to accomplish. i think you've got a situation where there are a lot of our allies in asia, particularly the japanese who are concerned about where does the united states stand? they are worried we may not be the rock solid allyñl we've ben in the past. i think it will be important to see what the president says about a common security umbrella in asia. it will be important to see what he says about china, about the relationship. about where we are going. look for him to work on issues related to a free trade agreement with south korea. there's real work to be done. what concerned me was in the press conference he talked about the private sector piece of this. he said he was gonna put the ceos on air force one and take them to asia and open up
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markets. it sort of once again sent a message that the president really believes that all business has to run through washington. that the president's -- that the president has a role to play in terms of the private sector, true. but it is not the case that we need the president himself opening up markets. that's not how the free market system works. >> greta: one other aspect of the trip which i think is a very difficult one. he's going to india. india and pakistan has been at each other's throats for 50 years and it is not getting prettier. every time we talk to india, pakistan gets suspicious and mad and vice versa. his trip to india, how does he navigate the perilous waters, if india, in light of the fact that pakistan is going to be necessarily annoyed? although he needs to go to both places, i understand that. >> i think our relationship with india is critically
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important. india is clearly a growing, rising power, democracy. it is an important relationship for us to encourage. i think that watching the president and the way that he operates there as well as in pakistan, and you know, i hope that with respect to pakistan, he's able to make some progress. we're not going to prevail in afghanistan unless we can make progress in terms of working with the government in pakistan. for them to begin to clear out some of those tribal areas, where the taliban and al-qaeda are taking refuge. i think you've got a real problem, the message that has been sent because of the withdrawal date the president has set in afghanistan. those in pakistan who want to stand with us, who want to stand against the extremists have got to be thinking twice about it, because they have to worry that we may be walking away from afghanistan. that would be devastating for the region not just for the united states but clearly for pakistan and the people of
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afghanistan as well. >> greta: how is your father doing? >> he's doing really well, greta. he's actually out on the road. he's been traveling, making speeches and he's feeling really good. look for him to be back in public soon. >> greta: we look forward to it and reading his book when it comes out. we are in texas getting ready to do our interview with president bush 43 on his new book. liz thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: is a health care tsunami coming? many republicans are zeroing in on the president's health care law. orrin hatch goes on the record, next. and part two of our interview with donald trump. admit it, you want to know is donald trump running for president? he tells you directly, minutes away. do not touch that remote control. ♪
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>> good evening. >> you're doing really good, i think. caller: thank you, sir. what's the plan with health care? i would imagine there are statements from the house side about what to do about health care. what do you think is going to happen? >> well, as you know, the minority leader in the senate, senator mcconnell said we need to repeal it and replace it. now, we all know, nobody has any illusions about that, if we could do that, the president would probably veto whatever we do. so if we can't get that done, we have to reform it and make
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serious changes. it's a boondoggle. i know what they are going to do, if president obama is re-elected, he's going to throw his hands in the air and say, we have to go to a single-payer system. he knows it is not going to work. just today, he said, one of the things we have been saying for months now is that we have to months now is that we have to 1099 reporting form, which is billions in savings. he said today, that's one thing we can work on together. there are a lot of things we can work on together if he is willing to do so. there are some good things in the health care bill. but the vast majority is big spending, earth-crushing bill that's not going to do the job, that's going to put us into bankruptcy if we don't change it. i would hope that we can find some good democrats to work with us in changing it so at least we
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would have a health care system that would work and be efficient. >> sort of the lynch pin, as i -- linchpin is the one the states are going after, which is the mandate, requiring people to buy it and they are challenging it in the court system. but if that mandate goes away and if on capitol hill, there is an effort to undermine it, if the mandate evaporates, there is no funding to pay for any of this health care. am i right? is that the key to this? >> you will notice i found two bills. one is to do away with the job-killing employer mandate. viraised these issues from day one. in fact, i think was the first for the vote the employer mandate, which will kill jobs. and the individual mandate is unconstitutional. if the government can force you to buy an insurance policy that you don't want to buy, this will be the first time in the history they could do that. well, that means that the government can do anything to you, anything it wants to. it can force to you buy anything it wants to.
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well, that just cannot be constitutional. if you knock those two aspects out of the bill, that's the structural underpinning for the bill. and frankly, i have no doubt that the president might try to even veto those two bills if we could pass them. but he would be very, very idiotic to do that. it would be a real mistake for him. i think instead he ought to say, look, orrin and other republicans, let's work together. let's get this done. as you know, the health care bill is passed on a totally partisan basis, both in the house and in the senate. not one republican voted for it -- good reason. it's a very bad piece of legislation. i was going to say it was a piece of crap. but that would not be fair to some people who are very sincere in trying to do what's right. but it is a really, very, very bad piece of legislation that could bankrupt the country while not doing the job. already people see that medicaid and medicare are going up. they are not going down. the costs are going up.
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premiums are going up. it is easy to see why, they have imposed all kinds of obligations to do these thip type of things. i was pointing this out throughout the process. but you couldn't get democrats to listen. >> even though the president pretended to listen, he didn't weigh in on some of the good republican ideas that might have made this bill something at least you could stomach. >> greta: we have only 30 seconds left. i am curious what you thought of the president yesterday at the press conference? >> well, i like the president. you know, he's a young man. he hasn't had a lot of experience. he's very bright, articulate, charismatic, handsome. but that doesn't make a president a great president. they are nice. they are wonderful. they are things that i admire. but my gosh, you know... i thought yesterday that when he brought out the 1099 form. i mean, everybody that has anybody brains agrees we ought to get rid of that. but they didn't agree to it when we were talking about that bill.
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but there are so many other things we can work on together. for instance, international trade. we have been sitting here two years because we can't get treaties through that would help us to have tremendous international trade with north korea, panama, columbia. he hasn't weighed in on those at all. we could solve this tax problem if we would just get together and work on it together. go ahead -- >> greta: it looks like you might have your chance on november 18. he has invited everybody to the white house. i hope between now and november 18, you and i can take another visit to your office and we can talk more about it. >> be glad to do it. i havals been willing to work with you. but i gotta tell you, i don't think they are setting the hand of friendship in good faith. they are not doing what's right here. i think -- this election proves that they have to stop doing what they are doing and start working in a bipartisan way to resolve these problems in
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america or the president's going to have some real difficulties that i would hope he wouldn't have to have. >> greta: senator, thank you, sir. >> good job. always nice to be with you. caller: thank you. next, rnc chairman michael steele is here. he's a happy guy, at least right now. but you might not realize why he's so happy. >> and sarah palin is just in and youtube is involved and, of course, a grizzly. stay tuned. [ man ] if it was simply about money, every bank loan would be a guarantee of success. at ge capital, loaning money is the start of the relationship, not the end. work with polaris every day. at ge capital, we succeed only when they do. whoo! awesome! yes! we've got to get you out of the office more often. ♪ my turn to drive. ♪
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>> and there is more. joining us live is the rnc chairman. good effing, sir. >> good evening. how are you? >> greta: i'm very well. tell me, how the republican minority candidate it's give me an overview. >> i think overall, we did very well. you mentioned that susana martinez and marco rubio. but we also had, of course, tim scott and alan west, african-american candidate who is won for congress for south carolina and florida, respectively. it was just an ib credible effort and nikki haley, first indian governor of the state, a republican. wonderful, wonderful example of the party reaching beyond its comfort zone, going to its grassrights and having elevated from within, leaders who reflect the community they come from. very exciting night for the g.o.p. >> greta: do you see the
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minority membership in the republican party growing? if so, why? tell me why we will see this now. typically, you know, it has not been, the minorities have tended to go more the democratic party. >> yeah, they have. i think the party over the past two years, both at the national and the state level, it was something i very much wanted to emphasize coming in the door, paid attention to those individual who is say, hey, count me in. i want to run as a republican. you said, okay, here you go. here's the pathway. here's the resources, here's the opportunity. so we made those investments early we focused on the talent and the teamwork. and they won. so guess what? we will have an alan west, a marco rubio and sandival, the new governor of nevada, go out into the community and reflect back to that community, an image of the party they hadn't seen before. it's like anything, gret a. if you are going to be a part of a
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club, part of an organization, you want to be able to see yourself reflected somewhere in that organization, if you want to join t. i think this is a -- to join it. i think this is a great opportunity to demonstrate the complexity, the diversity and most especially the opportunity that the g.o.p. has to offer the american people. caller: all right, viasked every guest tonight, so let me ask you. your thought on president obama's press conference, yesterday? >> i love the rhetoric t. sounds good. i love this idea of reaching out and wanting to work with republicans. but like so many in the leadership and certainly, you know, i hold this view that i trust but verify. let's see what you do. it's the actions that matter. we have heard the rhetoric before. we have been down this road a thousand times, whereas talk about this kumbaya moments, looking for that rodney king opportunity. the reality of it is, the proof is in what you do. and the president making those early steps to bring the leadership to the table is a
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good sign. now when you get to the nuts and bolts of negotiating toward the consensus on policy that empowers the people that respects the rights and their individualism, not the institutions of government, that to me will be the final sign that the president is serious about moving forward. >> see, i don't know how this happens. it almost has to be by brute force in either direction. i'll tell you why. you take the individual mandate in the health care. there is a deep philosophical divide between the republicans and the democrats. and if that fails, the individual mandate, there is no funding for health care. and health care is gone. but that's not something the democrats are likely to negotiate on or the republicans. it really is a matter of brute force, who happens to have the power. >> well, that's absolutely true. some things, quite frankly, may wind up languishing or moving into the 2012 cycle where, you know, the hope would be for the g.o.p. to pick up more senate seats and the white house, so
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those things can be more directly addressed that you cannot get to that point of compromise or consensus. so i think you are right on that, greta, that some things are going to be hammered out a little bit more than others. but let's start taking the steps towards doing what the american people want, both the white house, the congress and the senate to do, address the people's business in a fair and balanced way. >> chairman, thank you, sir. nice to see you. >> good to see you. caller: parliament 2 of our interview with donald trump. we saved the best for last. which is: will donald ever run for president? hold on to your seat, when former governor sarah palin heads to youtube, you know some big headlines are coming. stay tuned.
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>> from america's news headquarters, i'm marianne
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rafferty. a developing story out of cuba where a plane carrying 68 people on board has crashed. 28 of them are said to be foreigners. local media reporting that bodies have been full -- have been pulled from the wreckage. the plane was en route to savanna from santiago. the death toll from the indonesia volcano nearly doubling within the last few hours. it is blamed for at least 98 deaths. the crater's spewing ash and lava again thursday morning. it's been erupting for more than a week. now, checking the marketing in asia, nikkei is up and the hang seng is autopsy 24861 and the dow jones futures is 11381. tune to the fox business network, giving you the power to prosper. now back to "on the record." rak to on the record. >> greta: is donald trump going to run for president? we asked him, high above manhattan inside trump tower.
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in february 2009 the congress and president signed the stimulus for jobs and jobs have not come is that because that is the wrong method, a reason or slow reason? why don't we have the jobs we hoped for when that bill was passed? >> a lot of the stimulus was pork. things that really aren't stimulus. when you do stimulus, you want to talk about highways and transportation and lots of other things. the kind of things that are real stimulus weren't in that bill. hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on things that aren't real stimulus. the money was spent. but we never got the result. >> greta: we are totally in the wrong direction in terms of not focusing on the china, trade issue with china and the stimulus bill is the wrong direction? >> i listen to your show and other shows. i listen to certain politicians, who i know, i know most all of 'em.
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they are so different when they are talking to me and when i see them on television. they don't bring up the world. they are not bringing up the world. they are saying yes we've got to create more jobs. they never say how. >> greta: i asked you how? >> we've got to more jobs, oh yeah they are all moving to mexico, china. they don't say we gotta stop that. how can you create more jobs when you have phony currencies in other countrieses that are making it impossible for us to compete. why aren't we making toys in alabama and north carolina? we buy toys for our children this isn't a necessity. you tell your kid you are going to get one less toy. we should be making these things. which by the way, are un-- unsafe with the lead poisoning and the paint poisoning because the standards are different. >> greta: is there a larger
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profit margin? if you air manufacturer and make them in china and you don't make them here don't you have a larger profit margin? >> perhaps. and perhaps we have to say guess what folks you can buy toys from china, you are going to pay a 25% tax. all of a sudden you are going to have things being made in this country. nobody ever mentions it. i went to the wharton school of finance. this is such a basic thing. i had people that i know china, i a lot of business with the chinese. not that i want to, but i have to do it, because of the fact that again, their pricing is so low because of in my opinion manipulation of currency. they cannot believe what they are getting an way with. they tell me at dinner, donald, we cannot believe that we're able to get away with this. they tell me that privately. they never said keep it confidential because they figure i'm not going to be on your show talking about it. they can't believe how stupid
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our representatives are, let me put it nice they can't believe that our representatives let themgate way with what they are doing. and, i will tell you, we are rebuilding china. >> greta: what is the incentive for our representatives to let them get away it? >> i don't get it! i really don't get it. unless they are just not smart. whenever i go -- when i do a show like yours and bring up this, i get hundreds of letters saying thank you mr. trump. i don't see the politicians pick it up. it is hard to believe. i will tell you the chinese have great lobbyists in washington. lobbyists make great contributions to politicians. maybe they just keep their mouth shut, i don't know. i can tell you it is opec. they have the best lob bits you can imagine. how is opec -- allowed to get away with fixing the price of oil? if you and i do that you go to
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jail. we fix the prices it is called jail time. here you have 11 guys sitting around the table in this case it is guys, by the way, and they set the price of oil. and whenever they have a new country, hits oil, they find oil, immediately they are invited, join us. they set the price. oil should not be at $85 a barrel right now there's so much oil all over the place. every ship load they don't know what to do with it. they fix the price of oil. why does this country allow them to get away with it? we protect half of these countries that are fixing the price. without us those countries will be overthrown in two seconds. when iraq took over kuwait, one of the great stories iraq takes over kuwait the sheiks they go to london and new york and take buildings, we lose lives and spend billions on taking baku wait, and we hand
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it back -- taking back kuwait and we hand it back to them and now they overcharge us for oil. you explain it to me >> greta: i sense your frustration. >> i'm not frustration, i can't believe how people can be so stupid. >> greta: i wasn't intending on asking new question when you start thinking about that, does that give you the itch to run for president? >> it sort of does. i'm thinking about it for the first time in my life. for years people said why don't you run? first time in my life i'm thinking about it. i love what i'm doing. i'm doing great. my company is great. i love what i'm doing, so creative. if you have cash it is a great time to be buying things because values are low which is in one way sad. i will say for the first time i'm thinking about it. somebody has to do something. i don't hear people saying why do we not have jobs? because we are making our product in china. why don't they say that? it's like newton, iowa, why
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don't they have jobs? because maytag moved to mexico because our geniuses gave them incentives to leave this country and go to mexico. are we running mexico or this country? this country has to be rebuilt. this country is in serious trouble. this country, it is not longer respected like it was. we love our country. we are proud of our country. but our country is not the force it used to be. it no longer respected like it used to be. in fact just the opposite. people laugh at us. they laugh at the stupidity of the people running this country. >> greta: donald, thank you. nice to see you. >> thank you very much. >> greta: what is governor palin up to? she making another splash on youtube. >> one of the chile yen miners >> one of the chile yen miners is doing something -- chile naturally colorful vegetables are often a good source
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. >> greta: you've seen our top stories but here's the best of the rest. sarah palin celebrating republican victories on tuesday, where youtube. governor palin's politic action committee just released this new video together. >> across the country everyday
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americans are standing up and speaking out. based on what i've seen there's more than enough reason to have faith in america. we're gonna get back to the time tested truths that made this country great. they will see us through the challenges that we face today. i'm confident and i'm hopeful, because this is our movement this is our moment. this is our morning in america. we're gonna stand up and speak out. it may take some renegades going rogue to get us there. it may take folks shaking it up to get there! we've got to do this together.
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>> greta: another beer summit bringing people together. no president obama was not involved this time. mark kirk just finished a brutal campaign beating democrat alexi giannoulias for president obama's former senate seat. what did the pair do the day after the election? you guessed it. the beer summit was senator elect kirk's idea. we'll see if democrats and republicans in washington can get along this well. but we are not holding our breath. >> how about a sphrur i summit? -- about a slurpee summit? >> i might serve a slurpee, they are delicious drinks. the slurpee summit that's good. >> greta: 7-eleven loved having its signature treat mentioned by the president. saying nothing has ever been this big for slurpee.
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seven contacted the white house offer -- 7-eleven contacted the white house offering to cater a slurpee summit. just watch out for brain freeze. >> what would you do after being trapped in a mine for 69 days? one of the rescued chilean miners has a different idea. he's running the new york city marathon. the new york marathon officials indict -- invitedded him to compete when they learned he passed his time jogging while trapped underground. good luck to him there. you have the best of the rest. , we know president obama is probably dazed after the probably dazed after the midterms, but this is [ k. tyrone ] i'm an engineer. my kids say i speak a different language. but i love math and math and science develop new ideas. we've used hydrogen in our plants for decades. the old hydrogen units were veryarge.
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recently, we've been able to reduce that. then our scientists said "what if we could make it small enough to produce and use hydrogen right on board a car, as part of a hydrogen system." this could significantly reduce emissions and increase fuel economy by as much as 80%.
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