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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  July 19, 2017 1:07am-1:37am PDT

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♪ ♪ be a powerful force. nature valley
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when i have an asthma attack... i feel like a fish with no water. learn how to prevent your child's next asthma attack. because even one attack is one too many. only on abc 7.
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it's happened again, a mob of teenagers on the attack. our cameras are rolling after a woman is robbed on muni. >> we were out covering a gang of teenagers who ganged up on a man on a muni bus. >> and a similar crime happened right in front of them. >> we got the property back and is live with the story only on abc 7. >> reporter: we were on the corner when it happened. a group of ten teens harassing a woman on a muni bus. she ran out. a witness recovered her stolen purse. we turned the purse into police and along the way we found the owner. >> i'm so happy that i get back my purse. >> reporter: this san francisco woman was targeted by a mob of teens on a muni bus. the day before it was a 27-year-old man who was harassed
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at the same corner. police say he was uncomfortable enough that he exited the bus at mcallister and vanness and boarded another one. the group followed him on board and several punched him as they stole his cell phone. >> to see this incident where a group of ten teens, young adults would go so far as to follow the victim off one bus and attack him is brazen and alarming. >> i went to the corner where it happened where i found this woman holding a stolen purse. she escaped a muni bus after she witnessed a group of teens steal from a woman. >> i saw them stealing it. they gave it back to me. the lady had walked away. maybe you guys can find her and give it back to her. >> reporter: down the street i saw a patrol car with flashing
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lights. they were interviewing the woman who had been harassed and robbed. >> they said in the bus, they had been hitting head like four of them. i said don't do that to me. that's what you learn in school? >> reporter: i returned her purse to her. police are investigating video from instances to identify the mob of young people. witnesses say they were male and female in their late teens or early 20s. i'm leslie brinkley. abc 7 news. we're learning more than 100 surveillance cameras on train feature technology from the 1970s. some record using vhs and b max formats. that includes a mob attack in april. abc 7 news was at the safety
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committee meeting where one of the victims of the attack asked that surveillance video be released. >> part of it is releasing the videos of the incidents that have been going out at my attack and multiple since to better educate the public and find ways to prevent it from occurring. >> the safety committee will consider new policies at the meeting next month. an entire california town is under an evacuation order tonight. >> a wildfire has exploded in size forcing governor brown to declare a state of emergency. it has spread to 25,000 acres. cal fire has ordered a nighttime air attack to protect the town. >> eight structures have been destroyed but 1500 more are threatened. we have the story now from the fire lines.
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>> reporter: air crews are attacking the flames from above as more fire crews from around the state are coming in to help battle the detwiler fire. >> when you add in the foothills and slopes and grades and the temperatures and humidities, it's a full on challenge. >> reporter: the fire has prompted road closures. we drove through a portion of the highway where crews are working to control the flames. it happened close to mariposa where thousands are evacuating. >> i don't think we can emphasize how erratic this fire activity is. >> reporter: hundreds of fire personnel and air support crews are working quick. the line of fire is moving fast. greg bowlen says he is ready to go if the flames move closer. >> the vehicles are ready to pull out. >> reporter: pg&e officials say more than 10,000 people are without power and at least 100
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power poles have been damaged by the fire. many of the power lines service yosemite national park. several people are here to assist with the emergency but they can't assess the damage yet. it's still too dangerous. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. abc 7 news. so what weather conditions can fire crews expect? >> let's check in with sandhya patel. >> they will have to deal with hot weather and low humidity the rest of the week. you can see how far the smoke from the fire is stretching, well over 60 to 70 miles. the fire is so intense that our live doppler 7 is picking it up on radar. right now here's a look at the conditions, 71 degrees, relative humidity has come up. winds gusting to 8 miles an hour. over the next 24 hours, winds
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remain light overnight but tomorrow they will get gusty again which is not good for the firefighters. two fire engines will stay at the scene of a fire in saratoga overnight to monitor for hot spots. the fire is 75% contained. its burned ten acres. the santa clara county fire department recovered this drone, suspected of grounding a cal fire helicopter yesterday. firing drones over fires is illegal. developing news now, rescue crews in marin county will return at dawn to search for a missing boater. crews recovered his boat today in marshal. fire officials say the missing 70-year-old man works for the oyster company and was farming for oysters. >> the boat in front of him saw the vessel was not under power and doing donuts in the water. and the victim was outside the boat.
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>> views from four agencies searched for the man by water and air. the marin county sheriff's office posted these pictures on facebook. the missing man is a strong swimmer but not wearing a life jacket. thieves broke into four mail trucks and residents have been given a warning to check their bank accounts. we are live in san jose tonight with the story. >> reporter: hundreds of people who live in the willow glen neighborhood received notices that their mail may have been stolen and the postal service is offering a reward for information that leads to the thieves. >> to have the mail truck broken into was like wow. >> reporter: katie received this notice that informs her that her mail may have been stolen last week. two trucks were hit last week. four in the last month. >> you don't know what you don't know. we got stuff from the insurance company and waiting for an authorization.
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did it get taken? >> reporter: 350 people have been noticed they could be victimed. the postal inspector says that the thieves broke in while the carrier was away making a delivery. >> a potential penalty of up to $250,000 and five years in jail. >> reporter: most of the residents do their important business through the computer instead of the mail. >> especially here we feel safe. we're in a small town where we all know each other. >> reporter: the postal service is offering a $10,000 reward for information that leads to arrest and conviction of the thieves. katie marzullo, abc 7 news. president trump firing back amid reports he had a secret meeting with vladimir putin. repeal now and replace later? the backup plan appears to be dead on arrival.
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and michael finney investigates the bay area fitness studio that closed with little notice to customers. first here's a look at what is coming up on jimmy kimmel live. >> here's what all the kids will be snap chatting about tomorrow. >> you were on the wheaties box when i was 8 or 9 years old. >> i'm trying to get back on it now. if you're a man over 50, you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how.
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after hitting another dead end in the effort to repeal and replace obama carrier, the republicans are pushing repeal only. >> but that is also unlikely. here are the latest developents from washington. >> reporter: president trump expressing his disappointment. >> when we get a chance to repeal and replace they don't take advantage of it. >> reporter: the devastating blow when two more republicans defected. killing the bill. >> this has been a very, very challenging experience for all of us. >> reporter: republican majority leader mitch mcconnell proposing a new plan, repeal now and two years to replace. but three senators already saying that's a no-go. >> i do not think that it is
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going to be constructive to repeal a law that at this point is so interwoven within our health care system. >> reporter: and after doing little to help sell the bill, the president not shouldering any of the blame and suggesting a different plan. >> let obama carrier fail. it will be a lot easier. i'm not going to own it. the republicans are not going to own it. we'll let >> mitch mcconnell wants to have that vote to repeal obamacare. and he said on tuesday the vote will likely happen some time early next week. emily row, abc news, washington. we're learning that president trump and russian president vladimir putin had a previously undisclosed confirmation at the g20 summit a week ago. they spoke briefly during a
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dinner. but they both talked for an hour through russia's translator. president trump tweeted tonight, fake news story of secret dinner with putin is sick. all g20 leaders and spouses were invited by the chancellor of germany. press knew. a fitness center in san francisco has shut its door. cardio barre closed down friday. members received as little as one day's warning. they said that warning came from an apologetic instructor and not the management. the equipment is inside but the gates are padlocked. there is no reason for this shutdown, just a closed sign in the shape of a heart. >> i loved these classes and i'm upset. they had great instructors. but i don't understand. i've never had someone just close up shop.
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>> reporter: we talked to the ceo of cardiobarre and said that the facility was a franchise and is encouraging anyone who lost money to sue the facility in small claims court. efforts to reach the attorney for the franchise owner were unsuccessful. let's go back to the weather. >> sandhya patel is checking it out. >> temperatures did drop today. and this is the sunset from the east bay hills. the skies were clear. and then as the sunset we started to see patchy fog beginning to form along the coast. and we have it there tonight. here's a look at what's going to happen with the temperatures. antioch tomorrow afternoon, 91 degrees just like today. cooler thursday, friday about the same. and then we head into the weekend. this is when it's going to be pretty hot. mid- to upper-90s inland. it will be a two-day deal.
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but over the weekend expect the hot weather to return. here's the look from the east bay hills camera. and you are looking at the port of oakland under that fog there. tomorrow morning you will need to look out for that. the fog layer is expanding as you can see here on live doppler 7 right now. here's a look at the temperatures. feels better than just 24 hours ago. 50s and 60s for most of you except the far inland valleys. we have great visibility from this vantage point. it's not going to feel or look like that tomorrow morning. foggy coast and bay for the morning commute. it is going to get hotter inland this weekend. here's the morning commute planner. if you are driving to work, watch out for areas of fog. take it easy out there. allow extra time. fair skies if you are taking a ferry ride it will be gray. hour-by-hour-forecast. 5:00 a.m. tomorrow the fog will be around parts of the east bay
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as we head to the latter part of the morning the fog pulls away. at noontime in you are grabbing lunch you will be seeing sunshine and at 4:00 the fog is hanging around. temperatures tomorrow morning, low 50s to low 60s. tomorrow afternoon expect a sunny, warm day inland. upper 80s to low 90s. near the coast the low 60s. and the breeze will be around. breezy for the giants game. tomorrow afternoon, 12:45, 63 degrees coming up to about 66 degrees. nice, mild weather for the baseball game. download the accuweather app. you can keep track of the weather hour by hour. low 60s to the low 90s for wednesday. cooler on thursday. the upper 80s there. friday, not much change but the weekend will be near triple digit heat inland. low to mid-60s coast side and
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temperatures will slowly moderate by tuesday and we'll have our summer spread. 60s to 90s but owe don't have to worry about extreme heat. not a rerun of last weekend. >> very good. >> thanks. she can cook up a storm in the kitchen and now we know she can throw heat. >> her debut on the diamond. that's next. ♪ when you recognize something isn't right,
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make the call to the veterans crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1.
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for fans of root beer floats. a abc 7 news was at the
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proceeds go to the oakland a's community fund. right over home plate. that's aysha curry throwing a strike at an independent professional baseball team. looks like steph is not the only one with athletic skills. on to sports. >> not the only one bringing the heat tonight. not many celebrations for the giants tonight. but extra inning elation tonigh
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good evening. watching the giants trying to score runs this season can be an excruciating exercise. it was painful tonight but ended with joy in the tenth inning. nice catch. mike clevenger had the giants in handcuffs tonight. go to the bottom of the sixth and the giants down 1-0.
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nunez to right. i got it, i got. i got it -- >> error, nunez strolls into second. and buster posey into second. nunez slowed down and now sprints to the plate and he's safe. bottom ten, nunez again. tomlinson scores. good night. drive home safely. nu the giants pull it out 2-1 in ten. good for them. a's and rays. the behind the back first pitch. behind the back. bottom of the first. they call chris davis crush. and this is why. in a flash, 1-0, athletics. chris smith making his second major league start. cory dickerson caught looking and not happy.
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a's up 3-2 in the ninth. casilla cannot close. a single to tie it at 3-3. and casilla gives up another run. smith, that elusive first win as a starter gone good-bye. 4-3, tampa bay the final. looks like the a's first baseman won't be traded to the yankees. the yankees acquire todd frazier who could play first base in the bronx even though he is listed as a third frazier was a two-time all-star with the reds. jordan spieth going for his first open title. sergio going for his second major of the year. henrik stenson took the claret jug jet skiing after winning it last year and promises something
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more extreme this time. >> i made an official promise i'm going skydiving with it. i don't know which is going to be harder, winning the claret jug again or going skydiving afterwards. that thought scares me a little bit. >> imagine how the people who claire for the claret jug think. >> o'mhe may want to go wing su >> take it up a notch. >> funny. thanks very much. >> abc 7 news continues online, on twitter and your mobile devices with our abc 7 news


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