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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  December 24, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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inc. tonight, on this christmas eve, several developing stories as we come on. travelers stranded at two key airports. the blanket of fog in the midwest. what was supposed to be an easy travel day turning into a big mess for families and friends stuck in limbo. and the storm now gearing up for the trip back home. the christmas gift threat. north korea's power play. will they test a long-range missile over the holiday? the troubling satellite images and tonight, the response from president trump. hotel explosions. back-to-back blasts. guests rushed to the hospital. firefighters on scene during the second explosion. two of them injured. the investigation under way. new tonight, the baby back home in her father's arms following her mother's murder.
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the investigation under way into what role the mother's best friend, already charged with kidnapping, may have played in the killing. measles warning. the urgent health threat for travelers who may have passed through at least five busy american airports. dr. jen ashton is here with what to watch out for. bumpy year. the queen's blunt talk about the tough time for her country and her family. the peek inside her annual christmas day message. plus, the amazing holiday moments around the country. the secret surprises. giving hearts. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> and something you've never seen on christmas. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm tom llamas, in for david tonight. and we begin with the groundstop at two of the nation's busiest airports, grinding midwest travel to a halt this christmas eve. travellers at chicago's o'hare and midway airports headed to see family, look at that, and friends, stranded for christmas,
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packages in hand. that dense fog fueled by unusually high temperatures stretching from illinois to ohio. visibility dropping down sharply. abc's alex perez is in chicago tonight starting us off. >> reporter: tonight, holiday plans derailed for thousands of last-minute travelers on a foggy christmas eve. here's what it looked like on the roads around chicago this morning. >> you can see the fog hovering above the water. >> reporter: that fog forcing ground stops at both of chicago's airports. >> there was one turn where we could barely see. when we got here, everything's cancelled. >> reporter: massive lines forming. travelers missing trips home to see family. >> i checked online and it looks like there are no flights available for the next couple of days. >> reporter: over 160 flights in and out of chicago canceled. >> we've been here since 11:00 last night. >> reporter: sean simmons had been dreaming about going to orlando with his family for christmas. what are you feeling right now? >> sad. >> reporter: chicago's woes come after ft. lauderdale's airport had to close for a time monday.
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parts of florida got more than a foot of rain. in the west, after powerful storms downed trees and snarled traffic at l.a.x., heavy snow moving into arizona. families now bracing for a new storm set to hit tomorrow night. >> and alex is live from o'hare airport. alex, a rough day there for travellers and now it's expected to pick up again? >> reporter: yeah, it sure will, tom. the day after christmas is expected to be one of the busiest travel days of the holiday season here at o'hare and across the country. nearly 3 million passengers are expected to fly or try to fly, depending on the weather. tom? >> alex perez leading us off tonight. alex, thank you. and a lot to track over the next few days, especially for travelers. tonight, we're happy to have meteorologist lee goldberg from wabc right here in new york. lee, walk us through the week. >> reporter: well, tom, winter's really been on holiday here in the northeast, been beautiful, we were near 50 here in new york. but more fog issues from the upper midwest and that will also go into the ohio valley.
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that will extend into tomorrow morning. the wintry weather, that's really out in the southwest. that's the storm. winter storm warnings, mountains of southern california, advisories off to the east. now, rain and snow is fairly light right now, but this is going to ramp up in intensity when a second storm slams into the west coast. so, that's going to be big rains for all of california. and it's going to move eastward. going to be a lot of valley flooding and heavy mountain snow, as well. this will advance off to the east, going to be a huge problem for the middle of the country with heavy rain over the heartland and maybe heavy snows over the upper midwest. you could see one to two inches in coastal california. all about the worment east. it will be cooler here on the east coast by new year's eve. tom? >> lee, thank you. next, we turn to florida, where president trump is celebrating christmas. these images just coming in. you see him there at church services on this christmas eve. earlier, he was lashing out at democrats after an exchange of holiday greetings with members of the military stationed around the globe. the president unleashing a new torrent of criticism against
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house speaker nancy pelosi over his impeachment. abc's rachel scott is in west palm beach for us tonight. >> reporter: in florida tonight, president trump delivering a warm christmas eve message for the troops. >> i want to wish everybody a really incredible new year, a merry christmas, a happy hanukah. >> reporter: and then, a blunt christmas eve attack on house speaker nancy pelosi. >> she hates the republican party. she hates all of the people that voted for me and the republican party. she's doing a tremendous disservice to the country. >> reporter: in between rounds of golf, the president has been tweeting furiously about pelosi. the speaker is refusing to send articles of impeachment to the senate until majority leader mitch mcconnell spells out the rules for a trial. >> ultimately, that decision's going to be made by mitch mcconnell and he will make it. he has the right to do whatever he wants. he's the head of the senate. >> reporter: president trump insists he's in a very good position, touting his accomplishments, blasting his foes but admitting, he still has one thing to check all his
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christmas list tonight. >> what did you get mrs. trump for christmas this year? >> oh, that's a tough question. well, i really should say, a very beautiful card. you know, i'm working on a lot of things. i got her a beautiful card that actually i had a number of them picked and i picked the nicest one. i am still working on a christmas present. is that okay? >> all right, even the president a last-minute shopper. rachel scott is with us from west palm beach. and rachel, no vacation from impeachment politics for the president. and tonight, speaker pelosi not giving an inch. >> reporter: that's right, tom. the speaker is not budging on this. in a new letter to house democrats, she is once again calling on mcconnell to outline the rules of a trial. but mcconnell has said, he is in no rush and calls her decision to withhold the articles of impeachment absurd. tom? >> rachel scott tonight, thank you. next, to growing concerns over north korea's next move. president trump weighing in today on that government's warning of a possible, quote,
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christmas gift to the u.s. what the president said tonight about kim jong-un in the wake of those threats. the president at times almost making light of it all. abc's matt gutman is in seoul with the very latest. >> reporter: president trump tonight brushing off north korea's ominous threat to deliver a christmas gift to the united states. >> we'll find out what the surprise is and we'll deal with it very successfully. let's see what happens. everybody's got surprises for me. >> reporter: analysts suspect kim jong-un's so-called gift could be a long-range missile test, capable of hitting the u.s. new satellite images appear to show recently-built strictures at military installations. kim had promised president trump he would not test those kinds of weapons, but after two high-profile summits -- >> we will have a terrific relationship. i have no doubt. >> reporter: -- and president trump's unplanned history-making step into north korea -- >> it's my honor. would you like me to step across? >> reporter: -- rewlagss between
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the u.s. and north korea have taken a nose dive. the north has not moved to denuclearize, instead, conducting one short-range missile test after another. earlier this year, kim issuing an ultimatum, demanding the president loosen punishing economic sanctions by the end of the year ors. the u.s. hasn't budged, and now, a top north korean official staying saying, "it is entirely up to the u.s. what christmas gift it will select to get." president trump making light of it. >> maybe it's a nice present. maybe it's a present where he sends me a beautiful vase as opposed to a missile test, right? i may get a vase. i may get a nice present from him. you don't know. you never know. >> reporter: tom, it seems after three summits, an enormous amount of political capital spent, we are back to the status quo of 2017, with president trump calling kim rocketman and north korea rattling its sabres. now, what analysts tell us makes this situation so potentially
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dangerous is that the only real leverage north korea has over the u.s. are the tests of missi missiles and possible nuclear weapons. tom? >> matt gutman reporting from seoul tonight. matt, thank you. now to the clashes between protesters and ripe yot police in hong kong. officers beating demonstrators with batons at a shopping mall there. one person fleeing, knocking down an officer. he appears to have gone right over a railing, ending up on the level below, to the horror of onlookers there. back here at home to the new developments in a murder mystery involving that texas mother who had just given birth, found dead in her best friend's trunk. the new image tonight, that newborn baby, margot, is now back with her father. abc's kaylee hartung with the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: tonight, on this christmas ev baby margot finally home. her father, shane, posting this photo of her safely in his arms. >> you know, that's -- that's the best thing, you know, could ever happen. >> reporter: the reunion joyful but bittersweet.
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loved ones mourning the loss of margot's mother, heidi broussard, found strangled in the trunk of her best friend magen fieramusca's car. the baby found inside her home. so far, she's been charged with kidnapping and tampering with a corpse. >> i want to know why she did that to her closest friend. i want to know why her. >> reporter: police say they are trying to determine if fieramusca acted alone. and investigating whether she was plotting to steal her best friend's baby and pass it off as her own. broussard's mother tammy says this is all "unfathomable." asking the question on everyone's mind, "who does that to her friend?" police have yet to charge anyone with broussard's murder. this community relieved 1- 1-.-1-month-old margot is back with her family. >> i wish both of them could come back, but it's really good that she's coming on, and i hope she looks like heidi when she grows up. >> reporter: with baby margot now safely home, heidi broussard's parents have returned to their home in louisiana to plan their daughter's funeral. tom? >> kaylee hartung for us. thank you. next, to kentucky, and the former governor under fire.
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matt beavan under heavy national criticism for granting 650 pardons on his way out of office, including to a convicted murder and a convicted rainist. the fbi is reportedly asking questions. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: tonight, the fbi is reportedly looking into a series of controversial pardons granted by former kentucky governor matt beavan, just as he was leaving office. among the 650 convicts, some violent offenders. in fact, when beavan was asked by a radio host about why he pardoned a man convicted of raping a child, this was his response. >> which one, though? because there were a couple of people that were accused of that whose sentences i commuted. >> reporter: micah schoettle, who had been convicted of raping a 9-year-old girl, among those pardoned.
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the child's mother, who did not want to be identified, says she struggled to tell her daughter. >> it feels like we're going through it all over again. >> reporter: some prosecutors say the pardons shocked the conscience. beavan also pardoned patrick baker, who was convicted of shooting and killing a man in front of his wife. while his accomplices remain behind bars, baker, whose family, according to "the currier-journal," raised more than $20,000 for beavan's campaign, is now free. >> the pardon was never paid for by my family. >> reporter: while the fbi is asking questions, there may be very little that can be done here. the former governor's pardons were issued under state law. tom? >> linsey, thank you. we have now learned the identity of the u.s. service member killed in afghanistan. the pentagon confirming the death of army sergeant first class michael james goebl of new jersey. the green beret died from combat injuries while fighting the taliban. it was his third deployment to afghanistan.
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now, to the unusual admission from buckingham palace. queen elizabeth using her upcoming annual christmas address to reflect on what he's calling a bumpy year for the royal family. details now from abc's lama hasan. >> reporter: in her annual christmas message, the queen acknowledging a turbulent year for her country and perhaps her family, as well. "the path may at times this year have felt quite bumpy," she says, "but small steps can make a world of different." one small step today, the queen's husband, prince philip, joining her for christmas in sandringham, after four nights in a london hospital. but other royals breaking with tradition. the duke and duchess of sussex on a break from their royal duties, spending the holidays in canada. duchess meghan has acknowledged the glare of the spotlight has taken a toll. >> not many people have asked if i'm okay, but it's a very real thing to be going through behind the scenes. >> reporter: today, harry and meghan all smiles on their
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holiday card. baby archie front and center. while tom, it's certainly been a bumpy year for another roil, the queen's son, prince andrew. now, he was removed from royal duties after that disastrous interview about his friendship with jeffrey epstein. so, the question tonight, will andrew be joining his mother for church on christmas morning? tom? >> no doubt a rough year for the royals. all right, thank you. next, to the vatican, and the annual tradition beloved by millions. pope francis leading christmas eve midnight mass at st. peter's basilica. his 2019 christmas message urges church officials to embrace change. the faithful crowding that square tonight as they do every year. and there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight." the hotel rocked by back-to-back explosions. new images showing the extensive damage. firefighters inside during one of the blasts. guests rushed to the hospital. also tonight, the measles scare at five u.s. airports, as millimeters travel for the holidays. what you need to know and the symptoms to look out for. and the shopping stampede inside of a mall.
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people trampled and a holiday display destroyed. even a mall santa going down. what caused the frightening scene. stay with us. ple think of verizon as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (man) we weave security into their business. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. like 5g. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. verizon keeps business ready. verizon keeps business ready. we're proving the new keurig k-duo brewer makes any occasion the perfect coffee occasion. breakfast in bed! just add ground coffee for a carafe, or pop in a pod for a freshly brewed cup. exactly how i like my coffee. you've got your carafe. i've got my light roast. we're brewing the love. and i like to question your i'm yoevery move.n law. like this left turn. it's the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love?
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and you'll be surprised at how easily starting small... ...can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette back now with the urgent health warning tonight. officials say an unknown number of people who recently traveled through at least five busy american airports may have been exposed to the measles. dr. jen ashton is here in studio to explain. 2019 setting the record in more than two decades for the most confirmed cases of measles. so, the big question tonight, what are the similymptoms peopl should look for? >> reporter: most doctors in this country have never seen a case, so, let's get right to the signs and symptoms. it can start with a cough, then progress to pink eye, a runny nose, the classic spots inside the mouth, then a fever as high as 105 degrees, then the tell-tale rash. these symptoms can take up to two weeks to occur. this is the most contagious respiratory virus in the world. these particles can live in the air for two hours. >> it's incredibly dangerous.
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what should travelers be aware of? >> reporter: we need to remember what can happen if children, in particular, get the measles. there's about a 1 in 10 chance of an ear infection, a 1 in 20 chance of pneumonia, 1 in 1,000 children will develop brain swelling and up to 3 out of 1,000 will die of the measles. this is not an issue for people if they've been vaccinated. the measles vaccine is 97% effective. >> dr. jen ashton with that health alert. thank you so much. when we come back, the murder suspect on the run. a convicted felon now accused of killing the brother of an nfl player and his friend as they tried to help someone. the new details from police. and the fire breaking out at a busy grocery store. shoppers and employees rushing to escape the flames. stay with us.♪ ♪ ♪ capital one knows life doesn't update you
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harassing. one of victims identified as the brother of an nfl quarterback. mosley reportedly out on bond for another violent attack. police also searching for three other people. and the new hampshire hotel rocked by back-to-back explosions. firefighters responding to an explosion at a hotel in lebanon when a second blast took place. an exterior wall and windows blown out. two firefighters and eight guests hospitalized tonight. the cause of the explosions now under investigation. and the massive fire breaking out inside of a busy grocery store on christmas eve. holiday shoppers and employees forced to evacuate the supermarket in detroit. thick smoke billowing into the air as dozens of firefighters worked to extinguish the flames. no injuries so far reported. and the chaos erupting during a holiday giveaway overseas. take a look at this. video shows holiday shoppers getting trampled at a mall in australia as balloons containing free gifts dropped from the ceiling. a christmas display falling on a man dressed as santa. more than a dozen people were injured there. and when we come back,
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america strong. the holiday gifts we found this year that don't fit under a tree, but give a whole new meaning to the season of giving. stay with us. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems,
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are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. skip to the good part with alka-seltzer plus. now with 25% more concentrated power. nothing works faster for powerful cold relief. oh, what a relief it is! so fast!
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i'climate is the number 1ove priority.sage. i would declare a state of emergency on day 1. congress has never passed an important climate bill, ever. this is a problem that continues to get worse. i've spent a decade fighting and beating oil companies... stopping pipelines... stopping fossil fuel plants, ensuring clean energy across the country. how are we going to pull this country together? we take on the biggest challenge in history, we save the world and do it together. [fa♪mers bell] (burke) a "rock and wreck."
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seen it. covered it. at farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ finally tonight, it's the season of giving, and communities across the country are teaching us all about the meaning of christmas. in pelham, new hampshire, christmas came early for 7-year-old twins. >> it's for jackson and riley? >> what? >> reporter: the teacher announcing this giant gift was just for them. inside, the best surprise of all. >> daddy! >> reporter: their father, john lynch, serving in the army. >> merry christmas. >> reporter: he's been away for six months. but tonight, he's home for the holiday. at 6'5", this was not easy feat to pull off.
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>> me? >> reporter: but he actually did it twice. >> daddy! >> reporter: his older daughter attending the same school. >> it's the most amazing gift. >> reporter: and speaking of school, in orlando, florida, a group of parents and their kids surprising their crossing guard miss brenda. >> you're going to make me cry. >> reporter: caroling for her. ♪ we wish you a merry christmas ♪ >> reporter: delivering flowers and a cash gift to thank her for all her hard work. >> nobody ever did this for me. thank you. >> reporter: and outside of indianapolis, when a local fire department heard a 9-year-old was turned away from seeing santa because of his service dog, they brought santa to him. >> thanks, santa, for coming out tonight. >> reporter: tyler and his dog ryan getting all the holiday cheer, a toy firetruck and a chance to play with a real one. >> there goes tyler. >> reporter: and firefighters in miami-dade having a little fun with a holiday classic. ♪ combining rock, fires and
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christmas. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> the band, known as the fire brigade, jamming for old st. nick. since 2004, this group of miami--day-old's bravest putting out fires and putting on a rock spectacle. all done when they're off duty, and making it clear no reindeer were harmed in the making of this video. ♪ it's the most wonderful time ♪ of the year >> they know how to celebrate down in miami. thanks so much for watching and a big thank you to our staff and our teams working all over the world during the holidays. i'm tom llamas in new york. for david after all of us here, we wish you and your family as very merry christmas. good night. five years ago, i had psoriasis everywhere. my skin hurt, i felt gross.
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now, news to build a better bay area, from abc7. employees at east bay salon got a christmas rush they were not expecting. look at this, tesla that crashed through the salon in blackhawk shopping center. heard a screech, saw a tesla had crashed, rolled over chairs and product displays, unclear in anyone was injured. scary. dan ashley. >> i'm dion lim. other big story, last-minute errands, christmas eve. >> i have to buy cake, yeah. >> rushing to get shopping down before christmas. look at this parking lot in emeryville, all the cars at the plaza shopping center. >> want to gett