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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  May 13, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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world news tonight with david muir is next, followed by abc seven news at four. we leave you now with a live look outside. we'll see you on tv very shortly tonight, breaking news in donald trump's criminal trial. the key witness, michael cohen, on the stand, and what he re reveals. also breaking, the controlled explosion. a huge part of that baltimore bridge comes crashing down just moments ago. you'll see it. first tonight, the high stakes testimony in the criminal trial against donald trump. his former fixer michael cohen
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telling the jury that trump said, "just do it" when talking about paying stormy daniels for her silence. michael cohen saying he took out a home equity loan on his own home to pay for it. he says trump promising to pay him back. the jury listening intently. just a short time ago, the explosion, the demolition of that remainder of the bridge in baltimore. with the massive cargo ship still there. and with the crew of that step still onboard 48 days later. the harrowing moments inside a church. dozens of families and children. a 16-year-old boy armed with a gun interrupting mass. the priest ducking behind the altar. tonight, the severe storms, possible tornadoes and damaging winds. ginger zee with the new forecast. and now the smoke moving in from the fires in canada yet again. the race for the white house tonight. and president biden taking aim at china, announcing major new tariffs he says to protect american industry and jobs. and tonight here, the new polls, where this race stands in the key battlegrounds, where donald
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trump is ahead. overseas the fierce fighting in northern gaza tonight, as israeli forces also move deeper into the southern city of rafah. and the american doctors trying to get out. back in the u.s. tonight, authorities searching for a boater wanted for killing a 15-year-old girl while she was wakeboarding with friends in the water. the boater never stopping. in new york city tonight, the well-known actor steve bu she my randomly attacked while walking in manhattan. lighting up the skies over the u.s. the beautiful images from viewers from spokane, washington, all the way to portsmouth, new hampshire. and where you'll get another chance tonight. why judge judy is suing the parent company of "in touch weekly." and we remember a musician that famously performed with david bowie and the rolling stones.
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good evening and it's great to start another week with all of you have at home. we do begin tonight with the high stakes testimony in donald trump's criminal trial today. his former attorney and fixer michael cohen testifying donald trump told him to "just do it" when they were discussing paying stormy daniels for her silence. cohen leaving his home this morning to face his former boss in court. cohen telling the court today that at trump's election, he helped make stories from women go away. and just weeks before the 2016 laek, election, cohen's surprising testimony about what he says was melania trump's suggestion how to handle it. michael cohen testifying he took out a home equity loan on his own home to pay stormy daniels, and that trump promised he would then pay cohen back. here's our senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky leading us off from the courthouse tonight. >> do you have any messages for donald trump today? >> reporter: he once said he'd take a bullet for donald trump. but today, michael cohen heading to court to testify against his old boss as the prosecution's star witness.
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>> he's got no evidence and i'm innocent. >> reporter: inside, the two men who spent a decade attached at the hip didn't even look at each other. cohen telling the jury that as the 2016 campaign got under way, trump warned him, "be prepared. there's going to be a lot of women coming forward." the first, former "playboy" model karen mcdougal. when cohen informed trump that mcdougal was shopping her story of their alleged affair, he says trump responded, "she's really beautiful. make sure it doesn't get released." trump has denied the affair, but cohen testified that at trump's direction, "the national enquirer" bought mcdougal's story. the jury hearing this secretly recorded conversation between trump and cohen allegedly discussing the deal. >> when it comes time for the financing, which will be -- >> listen, what financing? >> we'll have to pay him something. >> pay with cash. >> reporter: as the election approached, the crises piled up. first, the "access hollywood" tape, trump bragging about groping women. >> when you're a star they let you do it. we can do anything. >> reporter: cohen said trump told him to "spin" it as "locker room talk," words allegedly
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suggested by his wife melania. days later, cohen testifying he received word stormy daniels was trying to sell her story of a tryst with trump. cohen felt it would be "catastrophic" for the campaign, and he testified trump agreed. "he said to me, this is a disaster. a total disaster -- women will hate me. guys may think it's cool, but this is going to be a disaster for the campaign." cohen testified trump ordered him to make sure the story didn't get it out, saying, "push it out past the election, because if i win, it has no relevance. and if i lose, i don't even care." cohen telling the jury trump didn't seem to care how it would affect his marriage, saying, "how long do you think i'll be on the market for? not long." "he wasn't thinking about melania," cohen said. "this was all about the campaign." trump claims he never had sex with the born star, but cohen insisted trump gave him clear directions -- pay daniels to keep quiet, saying, "there's no reason to keep this thing out there. just do it." cohen said he took out a home equity line of credit to cover the $130,000 payment and told trump, "i was going to front the money for it, to which he was
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appreciative. he stated to me 'don't worry about it. you'll get the money back.'" and cohen testified he fully expected to be reimbursed, saying, "i would not lay out $130,000 for an nondisclosure agreement needed by somebody else." on the very day he wired the money to daniels, 12 days before the election, he said he called trump for final sign-off. "i wanted to ensure that he approved what i was doing because i required approval from him on all of this," cohen testified. "everything -- on top of that, i wanted the money back." as soon as they got off the phone, cohen walked across the street and wired the money. jurors today seeing phone records showing the moment that call took place. prosecutors said trump did reimburse cohen, and illegally falsified business records to cover it all up by making it look like a legal expense. david, cohen is the only witness who can affirmatively tie trump to the crime, so, his recollections about things trump said are key. when it became evident stormy daniels was going to come forward, cohen said trump told him, just pay it, just do it. cohen fronted the money, he said
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he fully expected to be paid back, and he took out a home equity line of credit so his own wife wouldn't find out. he told the jury she would not understand if $130,000 went missing from their joint bank account. david? >> david: aaron katersky leading us off tonight. aaron, thank you. we turn now to the controlled explosion just a short time ago at the site of that massive and deadly bring collapse in baltimore. it was late today they demolished the remainder of the bridge. with that massive cargo ship still right there in the shadow. and the crew of that ship, still onboard, 48 days after the collision. terry moran on the scene again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, in baltimore, a spectacular feat of demolition engineering. using scores of small precision explosives, crews cut apart the largest remaining section of the key bridge that crashed down on that cargo ship, the "dali." those giant steel trusses plunging into the water in a massive plume of smoke. >> it's actually the safest and
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most efficient way to achieve this number of cuts and then have that wreckage fall out and away from the vessel. >> reporter: that ship has been trapped ever since it rammed the bridge and brought it down nearly two months ago, killing six construction workers. for 48 days now, the ship's crew has remained onboard, including during today's demolition. >> they are necessary to keep the ship safe and operational. if something were to happen, they're the -- in the best place to actually fight a fire on board the ship. >> reporter: authorities are now planning to move that ship and clear the remaining debris. was it a success? >> yes. absolutely. today was an important step. >> reporter: david, officials say they will move the "dali" back into the port of baltimore within 48 hours, and reopen the entire channel to all shipping by the end of the month. and david, during the weeks of this very dangerous salvage operation, not a single worker has been injured. >> david: terry, thank you for your continued reporting. we turn now to the harrowing
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moments inside a louisiana church. dozens of families and children were inside when a 16-year-old boy armed with a gun interrupted mass. the priest then ducking behind the altar. here's abc's mireya villarreal tonight. >> reporter: tonight, this church livestream capturing chaos inside the sanctuary after a first holy communion ceremony was disrupted by a 16-year-old gunman. the incident unfolding on saturday at st. mary magdalen catholic church in abbeville, louisiana. dozens of families in attendance. video showing a parishioner approaching the priest in the middle of mass, the priest then urging everyone to sit and join him in prayer. while the suspect never appears in the video, the church says he opened a back door. parishioners confronting him quickly and calling police. as officers race to the scene, panic erupting in the church. parents fleeing with their children. >> calm down and just get next
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to your child and go slowly. >> reporter: clergy crouching behind the altar. no injuries reported, and that 16-year-old suspect arrested and taken to a mental health facility for evaluation. david, so far, police have not released a motive in this case, but we do know the suspect is being charged with terrorizing and possession of a firearm by a juvenile. meanwhile, the church says they will continue to have uniformed police officers at all their future masses. david? >> david: mireya, thank you. at this hour, we're tracking severe storms, possible tornadoes, damaging winds across several states. also at this hour, smoke from more than 1340 wildfires from canada. all of minnesota in the red category, parts of wisconsin and iowa also on alert tonight. let's get right to chief meteorologist ginger zee tracking it all for us. hi, ginger. >> hi, david. we've got an ugly-looking line
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moving across southern louisiana, toward baton rouge, lafayette going to get hit next. this has imwbedded tornado warnings in it. and we've seen a severe thunderstorm warning pop up, as well. going to be a wbig night. it's going to be late night in new orleans. we're going to end up with severe thunderstorms with winds in excess of 65 miles per hour. it marrs right across the panhandle of florida. mobile, watch out, too. and then charleston by 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. let's talk smoke quickly, because we've had air quality alerts now sink into away, and that includes fort dodge, mason city, but look what happens, it sides down into topeka, up to sioux falls. >> david: dealing with it all over again. ginger zee, thank you. now to the race for president tonight, and the new move from president biden, taking aim at china, announcing major new tariffs, he says to protect american industry and jobs here. it does come amid new polls in the key battleground states that show donald trump leading
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president biden in several of those states. let's get right to mary bruce on this move, when it comes to china tonight. and mary, it comes amid these new numbers. >> reporter: and david, the biden campaign is certainly aware of these numbers. donald trump now leading president biden in several critical battlegrounds among registered voters, including arizona, nevada, and michigan. donald trump leading in michigan by seven points. the president trying to send a message on the economy, that he, too, is tough on china. the president tomorrow expected to announce he is quadrupling tariffs on electric vehicles from china from 25% to 100%. also solar panels and batteries. the president is vowing to protect american workers from foreign competition and hoping to gain ground on the economy in the process. the issue also pivotal in states like pennsylvania and wisconsin, where those polls show trump and biden are much closer, david. >> david: mary bruce with us tonight. thank you. overseas tonight, there is fierce fighting now in northern
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gaza, as israeli forces also move deeper into the southern city of rafah. tonight, we have learned there are american doctors trying to get out. abc's marcus moore from tel aviv. >> reporter: fierce battles in gaza, tonight as idf troops fight to re capture a northern territory where they believe hamas may have regrouped. the assault in the north, where aid groups say famine has taken hold, comes at the same time israeli forces are expanding their operation in the southern city of rafah. images show tanks moving into the city, and new numbers reveal the staggering exodus of nearly 360,000 people fleeing the area since the first evacuation orders a week ago, many of them families. the white house, who's against any large scale invasion of rafah, adamant israel does not have a plan to protect the more than 1 million people there, even suggesting israel has no exit strategy for this war. >> if israel's military efforts are not accompanied by a political plan for the future of
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gaza, the terrorists will keep coming back and israel will remain under threat. >> reporter: and david, there is word tonight that a number of american doctors and medical staff are stuff in gaza because the rafah crossing is closed. it's one of the many reasons the u.s. and other countries are urgently trying to get that crossing reopened. david? >> david: marcus moore in tel aviv for us. thank you, marcus. there's been a major move in the war in ukraine. russian forces attacking and now retaking some villages in the northeast. the warning tonight from president zelenskyy about where this war stands now, and tonight, the major news from moscow. vladimir putin has replaced the man who was running the war. abc's james longman back in kyiv for us tonight. >> reporter: tonight, ukrainian forces are desperately trying to stop russia's new offensive in the northeast. launching a drone strike on russian troops taking cover along this tree line. but the bitter fighting leveling the town of vovchansk just three miles from the border. rescue crews pulling out victims, thousands fleeing towards nearby kharkiv,
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ukraine's second-largest city, now at risk. more than a million still there. president zelensky today with a stark warning -- russia is stretching ukrainian forces thin, he says, with offensives on multiple fronts. ukraine says some 50,000 russian troops have been massing on the northeastern border for months and that 30,000 are now deployed to fight. and pressure also building tonight in other key areas across the country, like chasiv yar in the east. we were at this community center in july last year. now look. almost completely destroyed. the new russian onslaught comes as president putin shocked kremlin watchers by replacing his defense minister of 12 years, sergei shoigu. in his place, an economist with no military experience, perhaps a signal of putin's concern over russia's war economy. vladimir putin changing his defense minister suggests he knows his military is in bad need of modernization and improved economic efficiency, but it also shows his confidence. russia is fully committed to this war.
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putin knows the same cannot be said of the west. david? >> david: james longman inside ukraine for us tonight. thank you. back here in the u.s. tonight, authorities in florida are searching for a boater who is wanted for killing a 15-year-old girl while he was wakeboards with friends. she was floating in the water, authorities say the boater hit her and never stopped. victor oquendo in florida. >> reporter: tonight, the search for a south florida boater wanted for killing a 15-year-old girl on the water. authorities say ella adler was wakeboarding with friends off the coast of key biscayne saturday afternoon. she was in the water with the board attached to her feet when she was fatally struck by a passing boater who never stopped to help. >> we're hoping that somebody saw something and would come forward with some information. >> reporter: witnesses describing the boat as a light blue, center console with two to four outboard engines. her family sharing this video of adler, a talented ballerina, saying, "the world lost a star this weekend. ella was beautiful and shined brightly. in her 15 years, she gave us
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more light than we could have ever dreamed." today, loved ones gathering for her funeral. loren pearson says his daughter was best friends with adler. >> you know, it's a tremendous loss. she had such a bright future. it's very sad. >> reporter: authorities are asking for the public's help. a reward of up to $20,000 is being offered for information leading to an arrest. david? >> david: all right, thank you, victor. when we come back here tonight, in new york city, the well-known actor randomly at attacked while walking in manhattan. and we remember agr gr grammy-winning musician, in a moment. ld myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa.
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at helping people save when they bundle. nope, thanks. we're not gonna say that. -i'd rather not. -very cringey. tonight in new york city, actor steve buscemi is recovering after he says he was randomly attacked. he was seen back at home with injuries on his face. he says he was punched while working on third avenue and 27th street in midtown manhattan. police tonight releasing surveillance images of the suspect. no arrests have been made. tonight, judge judy shind lynn filing a lawsuit against the parent company of "the national enquirer" and in touch weekly." she says they published a story falsely claiming she was trying to get the menendez brothers a new trial. she calls the story a fabrication. no comment from the publisher, accelerate 360 media. when we come back here tonight, remembering a grammy-winning sax player, who performed with the stones and so many others. and then the stunning display in the skies across america. your images in a moment.
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we learned today that david sanborn has died. famous by performing "young americans" with david bowie in '74. ♪ young american ♪ ♪ >> david: he had been battling prostate cancer for several years. he performed with billy joel, stevie wonder. david sanborn was 78. when we come back here tonight, where you're going to get another chance this evening, and the images you've seen in already, the northern lights over america.
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spectacular northern lights. >> wow. >> david: noaa says the skies over wisconsin, minnesota, michigan, maine, and upstate new york all tonight could see those lights again in the overnight hours. your best chance, if it's clear, around 3:00 a.m. all weekend long, so many of you witnessing the lights. these spectacular images from spokane, washington. to storm lake, iowa. wednesdayover, utah, to pormentsmouth, new hampshire. the strongest solar storm in more than 20 years to reach earth. timelapse video highlighting the remarkable displace. york, maine, the green sky dancing above a lighthouse. right here tonight. >> good evening, david, and welcome to maine. >> david: rob, one of the that captured incredible images, taking us back to that lighthouse. >> just witnessing it in person, it is more vivid, dynamic, detailed, it was a night i will never, ever forget. >> david: we love it.
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good luck tonight. let us know if you see it. i'll see you tomorrow. good night. hi, mark. how are you? oh, mark, i'm doing great. thanks for asking. how about you? >> another leap forward for artificial intelligence. the new model that debuted today and how ai is getting more realistic than ever. >> what new opportunities is ai offer to take some of these security risks and exploit them? >> the concerns about the safety of ai. what's being done locally
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and internationally to protect your information. >> and cruz gets back on the road, but not in the bay area. good evening. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm diane lim. we'll have more on those stories in just a moment. but first, this afternoon we begin with the first day on the job for oakland's new police chief, floyd mitchell is now officially oakland's top cop. >> oakland's top cop now on the job abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley has a look at how he's getting up to speed. >> welcome to my first day as an oakland police chief. >> chief floyd mitchell spent the morning introducing himself. you see, this morning says, how's your day going so far? >> so good. >> he spent time analyzing recent crime reports at his stand up desk, and he greeted a new class of cadets and will. >> all right. thank you, sir. >> i've spent the last few days attending some lineups to meet my officers. i'm going to spend the rest of this week attending different meetings to get brought up to speed on several