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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 3, 2022 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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well after more than 14,000 episodes over nearly 60 years, days of our lives is leaving tv and moving exclusively to peacock. peacock will be the only place you can watch the new episodes. a new one hour live newscast will fit the time slot. >> is this susan lucci's time of my lives. >> that was [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon."
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tonight, join jimmy and his guests - kevin bacon, jo koy comedian katherine blanford, d featuring the legendary roots crew >> questlove: 1693 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. thank you very much. enjoy yourself enjoy yourself welcome, everybody welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." thank you for being here thank you for watching at home
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[ cheers and applause thank you for tuning in. let's get to some news well, guys, a lot of people are talking about this it was just revealed that the pentagon deleted all january 6th-related text messages from the phones of key trump defense officials. yeah [ light laughter ] when she heard, hillary clinton was like, "well, well, well. [ laughter ] i actually think trump had nothing to do with this. if he was involved, the phones wouldn't have been wiped they would have been flushed [ laughter ] listen to this fema just warned that if the software for the national alert system isn't updated, it can be hacked to send out fake emergency alerts [ audience oohs even worse, fema heard and was like, "oh, no, that message didn't come from us. [ laughter ] some more news from washington president biden still testing positive for covid, but his doctor said that he's feeling good and that his only lingering symptom is a loose cough. >> tariq: oh, gross.
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please don't say those words >> jimmy: say what loose -- loose cough >> tariq: come on, jimmy i can't hear that phrase, man. don't say it again >> jimmy: what i'm just telling people the news president biden has -- >> a loose cough >> quote, unquote, loose cough >> a bit of a loose cough. >> loose cough >> loose cough >> loose cough >> a loose cough >> tariq: jimmy, come on, man. seriously. i'm going to throw up in my hat. >> jimmy: from what? from what? from just hearing this >> the president's doctor says he has a loose cough >> but has a loose cough >> a loose cough >> a bit of a loose cough. >> a loose cough >> kind of loose cough >> tariq: all right, man, enough you won. just talk about something else >> jimmy: like what? >> tariq: i don't know something bland, like the weather. >> jimmy: okay, then >> a moist feeling hanging over the city right now [ laughter ] >> sicky mugginess >> still hot and sticky. >> steam, sticky, sweaty >> yes >> tariq: are you proud of yourself >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah i am a little bit. yeah moving on. tariq trotter, everybody [ applause ] moist weather.
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>> steve: moist! >> jimmy: he has a moist cough >> steve: moist cough. >> jimmy: moving on, i read that the white house has sanctioned a woman who is believed to be vladimir putin's girlfriend [ audience oohs it's weird when your girlfriend breaks up with you and says, "it's not you, it's the international sanctions. [ laughter ] some business news tinder just announced that their ceo is stepping down yep. she's been there less than a a year, but ironically, it's still the longest ever relationship on tinder [ laughter ] yep, since it's tinder, i'm surprised it wasn't announced and then the ceo didn't just ghost the company. [ laughter ] but this was nice. on her last day, the whole staff made her a giant collage of unsolicited naked selfies >> steve: aw [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that was sweet well, guys, everyone loves tiktok, but sometimes you just want to skip the boring parts of a video and get right to the good part. well, we are here to help you. for instance, if you are watching this video, you can skip this part >> jimmy: yep. and just go right to -- to this [ thud ] [ audience ohs ]
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[ laughter and applause >> jimmy: we're here to help we - she tricked the dog. >> steve: yeah, tricked that dog. >> jimmy: really tricked that dog. >> steve: she got that dog that dog's dumb. >> jimmy: yeah, that dog is dumb right? >> steve: that dog is dumb, man. >> jimmy: yeah >> steve: can't figure out nothing. whack! >> jimmy: idiot of a dog >> steve: what, did they build their house wrong? how did they - >> jimmy: let me give you another example. during this production of "peter pan," you can skip this part >> jimmy: yeah, yeah and just go right to this part [ crash [ audience ohs ] [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: wow! that's an entrance that's an entrance right there >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: i love that. and this one oh, man, this might be my favorite here's the final example you can skip this part >> cheer, cheers >> jimmy: you won't believe it [ laughter ] and you go right to this part.
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[ audience ohs ] >> steve: oh [ applause ] oh oh oh, moist cough. >> jimmy: yeah, loose cough. [ clearing throat some entertainment news. warner bros. spent $90 million on its upcoming "batgirl" movie. but following poor test audience reviews, they decided not to release it anywhere >> steve: ooh. >> jimmy: i've got to say, if this is part of a marketing scheme, it's working 'cause now i really want to see this movie [ laughter ] i mean, this is rough. i mean, there's a tv series about alfred the butler, but this is where they drew the line [ light laughter ] how bad could it be? i mean, not only did "cats" get released, it was in theaters for two whole months [ laughter and applause well, we asked warner bros. to send over the best parts of the movie so we could judge for ourselves. and this is what we got. ♪ >> jimmy: oh, there you are. [ laughter and applause yep. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: hey, guys, listen to this
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i read that cnn is really struggling right now as their ratings have plummeted nearly 30% since last year. the bad news is cnn had to report the story the good news is nobody really saw it [ laughter ] apparently cnn is losing so much money they just took wolf blitzer and anderson cooper to a pawnshop and tried to sell them as silver [ laughter ] >> steve: what >> jimmy: yeah guys, we're always trying to put a positive spin on the news so to make things seem a little lighter, we took some news clips and put a snapchat filter on them. it's time for "filtered news." check this out [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ filtered news ♪ ♪ two top aides to former vice president pence have now testified before a federal grand jury [ laughter ] >> in washington, president biden is in isolation again after another positive covid test over the weekend. >> sources say the homeland security inspector general first learned of missing secret service texts in may of 2021 >> the federal reserve is expected to raise interest rates for the fourth time this year >> in washington, a troubling report on the u.s. economy is
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raising new concerns about a a recession. [ laughter ] >> sox are falling apart but let's build for the future of the least >> john, that was expert work. you turn the mega millions into book promotion, then into red sox promotion. >> cnn can now reveal how russia stopped democratic change over 6,000 miles away in sudan. >> jimmy: there you go that's right there you go [ cheers and applause hey, you guys, get this. it was just announced that private companies flying to the international space station will have to be chaperoned by a former nasa astronaut. yep, space chaperones. [ light laughter ] they make sure everyone keeps their rocket in their pocket [ laughter ] of course they'll have that one fun chaperone who was like, "hey, i spiked the tang. [ laughter ] and finally, it's now the middle of summer and obviously they big trend of summer '22 is, of course, coastal grandmas everyone's talking about it. you've got grandmas in monterrey, grandmas in the hamptons, cape cod i'm talking floppy hats, linen outfits, giant sunglasses.
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it is the biggest thing. in fact, it's the hottest song in the world right now, and we're about to debut the music video. so here it is, the world premiere of "coastal grandma" with a little help from jane fonda [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ you don't know what your body's doing to m it's like all your cool comes naturally ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ tell me what you call thi i'm in agony ♪ >> coastal grandmother ♪ oh okay oh oh okay ♪ ♪ statement necklac floppy hat breeze in your linen pants ♪ ♪ ain't nothing wrong with tha nothing wron with that ♪ ♪ your gardening gloves they just drive me crazy only you could wear 18 shade of beige and navy ♪
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♪ open concept kitche sensible shoes divorce your husband and then binge "the view" ♪ ♪ go to the beach and put some shells in a jar put it in the bathroom ♪ ♪ near the towel ba near the towel bar ♪ ♪ coastal grandma $5 check in the mail coastal grandm she's fine as hell ♪ ♪ coastal grandma it's plain to see ♪ ♪ coastal grandma got me eatin dinner at 3:00 ♪ ♪ coastal grandma oh yea coastal grandma ♪ ♪ >> now, anybody need a tums? hmm? [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our thanks to jane fonda her new move, "luck," will premiere on apple tv+ this friday we have a great show give it up for the roots, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: hey. hey, everyone. i want to quickly mention, next tuesday, august 9th, will be the season premiere of my new show on nbc, "password." [ cheers and applause >> steve: whoa >> jimmy: yeah it airs at 10:00 p.m keke palmer is the host. [ cheers and applause there's lots of celebrity guests tune in to nbc next tuesday, august 9th, at 10:00 p.m. right after "agt." it's a fun show, everybody [ applause ] speaking of fun shows, he stars in the new horror film "they/them," which premieres this friday on peacock, and season three of the series "city on a hill" is streaming now on showtime. kevin bacon is here tonight. [ cheers and applause >> steve: come on. come on! >> jimmy: a legend one of my faves. >> steve: the best, the best >> jimmy: what a great guest plus, he is currently on his "funny is funny" world tour, and he also stars in the new movie "easter sunday," which is in theaters this friday. jo koy is here tonight [ cheers and applause
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and we've got great stand-up from katherine blanford, everybody. [ cheers and applause >> steve: woah >> jimmy: right now guys, it is time for "tonight show" hashtags here we go [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ hashtag hashtags ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: now, we do this thing every week where i send out a hashtag and i ask you guys to respond to that topic. so this week i sent out the hashtag #addawordruinaproduct. i asked you to take a product and add one word to change the meaning. within minutes, it was a a trending topic in the u.s. so thank you for playing along [ applause ] now i thought i would share some of my favorite #addawordruinaproduct tweets from you guys. this first is from @melissamuraco she says, "johnson & boris johnson. [ laughter ] this one is from @christ0phrr. he says, "peeping tom's deodorant. [ laughter and applause
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luckily it still doesn't really work this one is from @jentusch she says, "honey nut sack cheerios." >> steve: ooh. [ laughter and applause "honey nut sack cheerios?" [ laughter ] wait, what did you just say? what was that? >> jimmy: i didn't just say it >> steve: what did she say >> jimmy: nuttin', honey [ laughter ] this one -- this one is from @danimal941. >> steve: ooh. [ growling ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what's your name dan -- imal. this is my man, danimal. [ laughter ] oh, this is interesting. >> steve: oh, is it a good one >> jimmy: yeah you know insoles, like dr. scholl's >> steve: yeah, yeah something that keeps your feet -- like, stand on >> jimmy: ready to ruin insoles? >> steve: how? >> jimmy: "lego insoles. there you go [ cheers and applause [ laughter and applause that hurts ow >> steve: dan!
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>> jimmy: ow >> jimmy: danimal, don't hurt him. >> steve: danimal. >> jimmy: please, danimal, don't hurt 'em [ coughing ] do you have a loose cough? >> steve: loose cough. >> jimmy: okay this one here is from @cheytattoos she says, "i'm prego." [ laughter and applause congratulations. >> steve: hey! >> jimmy: congratulations. >> steve: it's not yours >> jimmy: it's in there. [ light laughter ] this one is from @starfleetmom she says, "dave and ball busters. [ laughter and applause >> steve: oh, my god what >> jimmy: dave and -- you can't submit any of these. >> steve: i can't submit any of these? >> jimmy: no, these are for the -- >> steve: you turned all mine down >> jimmy: this is for the public >> steve: "nut sack cheerios" and "ball busters. judas priest it's a family show >> jimmy: this last one is here from @michael1701. he says, "reese's peanut butter athletic cups.
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there you have it. those are our "tonight show" hashtags to check out more of our favorites, go to stick around we're doing something fun, as we always do, with kevin bacon when we come back. you don't want to miss it. stick around ♪ [ cheers and applause when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis persists... put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredictable,... i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. check. when uc held me back... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand... rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission. and a chance to visibly repair the colon lining.
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11:52 pm
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vote yes on 27. ♪ do you want some more? wait till you see me on the downhill. see you at home. enjoy advanced safety at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: the early 1980s saw the rise of an exciting new rock genre called "new wave," and one duo was at the forefront. roland orzabal and curt smith and their band, "tears for fears. in 1985, tears for fears released their album, "songs from the big chair," which included the smash hit, "head over heels." with iconic melodies and thoughtful lyrics, the track would live on as one of the great rock songs of all time but america never heard its first draft until now.
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[ cheers and applause ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ i wanted to b with you alone talk about the weather ♪ ♪ there's rain up in seattl so if you're going out you might need an umbrella ♪ ♪ got a degre in meteorology to talk about the weather ♪ ♪ according to the dew poin the humidity's u as the temperatures clim that's just just just ♪ ♪ summertim for the weathe you can call tears for fears
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we'll check the radar ♪ ♪ if the skies will be clea warm front's comin so the clouds disappea with a gentle breeze ♪ ♪ 80 degree let's let' look at the four-day ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ forecast four day forecast four days ♪ ♪ after the sportscas then the forecast begins and we'll talk about the weather ♪ ♪ there's low fog overnight so if you go for a wal you you you yo might need a sweater ♪ ♪ cold air is risin forming cumulus clouds that's barometric pressure ♪ ♪ but the jet stream move the clouds out by your morning commut
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oh, you'll feel the sun ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ and this is m four-day forecas look at the ma don't need an app ♪ ♪ this is m four-day forecas da da-da dopp-le da-da-da dopp-ler ♪ ♪ da da da da dopp-le da da-da dopp-le da-da-da doppler da da da da dopp-ler ♪ ♪ da da-da dopp-ler da-da-da doppler looks like blue skie da da doppler ♪ ♪ one little clou and the weather is nic
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da-da-da dopp-le funny how sun shines yeah ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> we get a call from amblin and amblin's like, "hey, we want a meeting." so, you know, i thought it was the general. >> jimmy: that's steven's -- yeah >> yeah, it's steven's company i call him steven. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: steve. since when, since when >> hey, steve! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: have you ever met him? >> no. >> jimmy: no [ laughter ] (vo) with every generation, the subaru forester has been a leader in crash safety. working to undo the impact a crash can have on your life. which has led the forester to even be able to detect danger and stop itself. the subaru forester has earned the i-i-h-s top safety pick plus, nine times. more than honda cr-v and toyota rav4, combined. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru.
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hey, got you a drink. thanks! ♪ ♪ it's right around the corner. do you see that? hiiiii! that's what's so good about it! ok, you can look. i like it. ahhh! (laughter) what are you doing tomorrow? (laughter) - dad, you see it? - hold on. - can you see it? right there. - i don't see it - where? - i don't see it. [ roar ] zyrteeeec... works hard at hour one and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪♪ go betty! ♪♪ let's be more than our allergies! zeize the day. with zyrtec.
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12:00 am
♪ i'm the latest hashtag challenge. and everyone on social media is trying me. i'm trending so hard that “hashtag common sense” can't keep up. this is going to get tens and tens of views. ♪ but if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, you could be left to pay for this... yourself. get allstate and be better protected from mayhem for a whole lot less.
12:01 am
♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our first guest stars in the new horror film, "they/them," which premieres
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this friday on peacock and season three of the series, "city on a hill," is streaming now on showtime. please welcome back kevin bacon, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: thank you very much. >> i'm good. >> jimmy: kevin bacon! thank you for coming back to the show thank you for doing first drafts of rock >> i love doing them, man. it is so much fun. >> jimmy: that -- i think that is our ninth time we've done that [ laughter ] well, one of those -- i keep -- >> i keep thinking things. they're not really going to have me do another first draft, are they [ laughter ] they must have run out of other rock bits, but obviously not >> jimmy: no, and obviously not. and they love to talk about the weather, those guys. >> yeah. [ laughter ] you know what? i'll tell you something funny.
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i was -- i'm out with the band and there's this guy that's driving us and i was rehearsing the -- the bit. >> jimmy: yeah >> right so i'm listening to it again and again and again in the car and singing along with it. he goes, "you know, i never realized that song was so much about the weather. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're like, "no, dude they wrote this. >> and to note, "these are different lyrics." this is a -- this is a bit >> jimmy: you know, i follow you on the socials and i do love -- you're actually a great person to follow >> oh, thank you >> jimmy: your wife is also very funny kyra sedgwick is very talented you did the "footloose" challenge on tiktok. >> yes [ laughter ] yeah >> jimmy: you, kevin bacon -- >> right i did. >> jimmy: -- did the "footloose" challenge on tiktok [ cheers and applause >> i did yeah >> jimmy: but before we show this clip of you guys doing, did you realize that you and kyra could do this challenge >> no. no, no, no, no in fact, i didn't -- i never thought that she was going to do it with me. i looked at this thing and -- and it looks hard. i mean, it looks hard. and everyone that's doing it is about, you know, 25.
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>> jimmy: yeah [ light laughter ] >> and also, you know, i just didn't think that she would be up for, you know, being dropped, basically [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah >> that's basically what we're doing. >> jimmy: what were you going to do it >> i was going to do it, like, with a stuffed animal or with one of our goats or something like that, you know. [ laughter ] i was going to do it -- i was going to do it -- but see, i would have got in trouble for that >> jimmy: yeah, of course. >> right, i would've gotten in a lot of trouble for that. >> jimmy: those -- those stuffed animal people will really get upset over that [ laughter ] >> exactly >> jimmy: yeah, yeah we've been in trouble before yeah, yeah >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: so you said -- >> but because i asked her, i said, "honey, would you be down for this?" she was like, "of course, of course." >> jimmy: yeah >> yeah, i don't know if she was, like, challenged or whatever i said, "okay, well, let's try to figure it out." i found out later, by the way, that -- that there was a a tutorial that we could have gone to on tiktok. [ laughter ] because it's one of these things that you look at and you -- it's hard to figure out you're like, "wait, my leg goes over here. your arm you do this. and then, you know, we were -- it was -- >> jimmy: yeah, they're pros >> i mean, we should've filmed the -- yeah, but you could -- you could have gone on tiktok and figured out the tutorial so, i said, "just in case i drop you, let's practice on the
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bed. so, i almost wish we'd shot that one because that was hilarious because we're standing on our bed in our -- in our bedroom and i'm dropping her. and she's like, "you dropped me." i was like, "well, thank god we're using a bed. >> jimmy: this is -- yeah. [ laughter ] well, i want to show everyone. here is kyra and kevin doing the "footloose" tiktok challenge. take a look. ♪ yea ooh there's somethin tear up this towel ♪ ♪ now i gotta cut it loose footloos kick off your sunday shoes ♪ [ cheers and applause >> yeah, but here's the thing. i mean, high five. that is so not cool? who does a high five anymore [ laughter ] i mean, i wait -- >> jimmy: high five -- now you have to high five each other >> can we bring it back? i mean, i feel like, maybe, it should come back because it's so out that it should -- i don't know who does high fives who's under, like, 60?
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>> jimmy: yeah [ light laughter ] >> and it was so -- it was so lit. >> jimmy: i'm a high fiver >> are you >> jimmy: yeah >> okay. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: i mean, you could -- you could rock the high five we can do a high five. >> all right >> jimmy: do we do a high five and we bring it back >> okay, high -- high five, yeah but you know what? [ cheers and applause is this -- this is interesting, though, because i think the high five was supposed to be cooler than the low five like, i think that when you started, it was like -- >> jimmy: low flick. >> -- slap your hand and then everyone was like, "i'm going to show you something really cool. we're going up high. >> jimmy: high we're going real high. it made me laugh too at the end that you kept the high five in you could have edited that out >> yeah, yeah. i did. i did. i just decided to let my freak flag fly >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. let's talk about your movie, "they/them." kevin, this is a scary movie >> yeah, it's a scary movie. it's a movie set in a gay conversion camp, and that's probably the scariest thing about it all of these young people come to this camp, and they are -- and are either been forced to be there or they decided to bring themselves there and the horror is that i think
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that i can try to make them be something that they're not and i am -- i run the camp i'm the owner of the camp. it's been in my family for a -- for a long time. and it's all -- it is wrapped up in a really fun slasher movie. and it's very -- >> jimmy: and you know your slasher movies >> i do. yeah, i do >> jimmy: you were in the first "friday the 13th." >> i was in the very first "friday the 13th" at camp. yeah [ cheers and applause yeah >> jimmy: you know your stuff. >> so this is -- so this is my return to camp and axes and blood and all that kind of stuff. >> jimmy: it's frightening, yeah you're also very frightening in a different way but in a good way and i laugh too. and "city on a hill," you're so good in that >> thank you so much >> jimmy: it's on its third season and i just love it i love that boston you know, it's just a great scene. the whole character is just awesome. what's happening in this season >> yeah, well, he's left the fbi, jackie rohr, and got kicked out and threw his badge in the boston harbor at the end of last season >> jimmy: yep. >> and now he's basically sitting on the couch and
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watching cartoons and drinking beer [ laughter ] and his wife is like, "i've got to get you out of the house. >> jimmy: "yeah, you've got to get out of the house and do something, buddy." yeah >> yeah. and so, he gets a gig working private security and things go south pretty quickly >> jimmy: you've got to see it here's kevin bacon in season three of "city on a hill." take a look at this. >> you say you want to work in beacon hill. >> yesterday, you said i was a a lazy [ bleep ] and you compared me to your degenerate father and you beat my balls like scrambled eggs. so yeah, two grand a week cash to make sure the dryden's doors are locked, that's the right decision >> i know you, jackie. no, there's more to this than just the money you like feeling like a cop again. >> wrong i don't miss that life a single [ bleep ] bit. >> good for you. you got your first lie of the day out of the way [ whistling >> jimmy: yeah [ cheers and applause "first lie of the day out of the way. >> my first lie of the day, not to mention my first f-bomb
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>> jimmy: yeah [ laughter ] it's 8:00 in the morning kevin bacon, everybody [ cheers and applause you can see him on "city on a hill" now on showtime and "they/them" on peacock this friday we'll be right back with jo koy stick around kevin bacon! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ this is an official reminder from the ford motor company to eat locally this summer.
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ "shake your thang" by salt n pepa so, i'm a beach side hotel. as you can see, i'm pretty relaxed. i'm looking for someone who likes sand and sun. if you have kids, i'm great with kids. so yeah, that's me. ♪ ♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ tú tienes el toque... now go and deja tu huella. it's a cheetos thing. [taxi driver narrating] so. it's friday night dinner. all of a sudden, boom. and you, gecko, go: [gecko impression] “bundling your home and car insurance could save you hundreds!” and then the neighbors are like, “heh?” a little girl's like... [girl impression] “hi gecko!” - huh? - quite the commercial. - i know, right? - geico. (vo) red lobster's seafood summerfest is fire! turn up for our new! bbq bacon grilled shrimp commercial. with your choice of soup or salad and an individual starter
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all three courses for $18.99! hurry into red lobster. it's lit! ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ this is an official reminder from the ford motor company to always hike with a buddy this summer. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪cold as ice♪ ♪melt my heart away in the summer time♪ ♪ she's cold as ice ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ cold as ice ♪
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: our next guest is one of the most successful standup comedians in the world, who is currently on his "funny is funny" world tour. he also stars in the new movie "easter sunday," which is in theaters this friday everyone, please welcome jo koy [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back jo! oh you've got so much going on. >> a lot a lot, a lot >> jimmy: you got a lot going on "easter sunday" is out this friday >> yes >> jimmy: in theaters. >> unbelievable. >> jimmy: this is a big deal your "funny is funny" world tour, selling out arenas >> i know, i know. it's crazy [ cheers and applause even saying it - >> jimmy: i mean, it's such a fun ride to do all this. because you remember starting out. i mean, when did you start doing standup? >> i started in 1989 >> jimmy: yeah >> yep >> jimmy: teenager >> oh, the worst i had baby hair. i had a little asian baby hair, and i let it grow for, like, two weeks and i used this mascara. because it was at a bar. the bar is still there it's on tropicana and eastern. i swear! >> jimmy: you used mascara on your wispy mustache? >> yeah. it was so wispy, too [ laughter ] it was so wispy. >> jimmy: it was flying around >> yeah, like, when the doors opened, my mustache opened too [ laughter ] it would open and go, "hello," and then close [ laughter ] it was so bad. and i remember darkening it and going to this bar. i was, like, 18, 19. and i remember "don't order
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a drink," because they might ask for your i.d i went up and i bombed i bombed so bad. all i could talk about was, i think condoms? i thought that was edgy. [ light laughter ] i was like 18 years old, buying con -- no one laughed at the condom joke. the guy before me was a lionel richie impersonator he crushes it. >> jimmy: ugh! >> yeah, i lost to a a lionel richie impersonator [ light laughter ] but when i was onstage, while i was bombing, my mouth got dry, and my tongue started sticking to the roof of my mouth. and i go -- i started talking about it i was like, "hey, you ever -- your mouth get so dry it sticks to the roof of your mouth? and this lady at the bar goes, "put a condom on it. [ laughter ] and crushes! >> jimmy: crushes. >> crushes crushes with the joke i bombed with [ laughter ] i was like so -- >> jimmy: that's when you know it's bad >> humiliating how did it work for you? i wrote it >> jimmy: yeah good delivery right there. >> yes >> jimmy: look at you now. look at you now selling out arenas come on, buddy come on, bud [ cheers and applause
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i want to talk about your movie. >> yes >> jimmy: this is a big deal this is in theaters this friday it's called "easter sunday." >> unbelievable. >> jimmy: tell the story, if you can, how -- i'll set you up but how is steven spielberg involved in your life? and this is -- >> this is -- this is nuts >> jimmy: it's great >> so, my special came out on netflix called "coming in hot," and we get a call from amblin. and amblin is like, "hey, we want a meeting." so, you know, i thought it was a general. >> jimmy: yeah >> i thought it was -- yeah, it's steven's company. i call him steven. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: steve! since when >> hey, steve! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: have you ever met him? no >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: come on, bud >> oh, so good oh, my god i have an email and i'm going to frame it. it's amazing [ laughter ] but, what happened was they brought me in for -- [ laughter ]
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that was so good i'm crying right now okay, okay, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. all right. >> jimmy: all right, so he sees your special >> why do you have to call me out? >> jimmy: i don't know, i don't know, i don't know [ laughter ] i didn't plan on that. i didn't plan that sorry. >> so, we get the call okay all right. all right. stop, stop, stop okay, so we get the call, and i think it's a general and we go in amd literally, it's me and my manager, and it's like every other person that's walking up to me is like, "steven can't stop talking about you." "steven loves your comedy. "steven thinks you're so funny. literally, steven, steven, steven we get to the meeting. holly and jeb's in the meeting and they're like, "steven loves your comedy. and i'm like -- i stop them. and i'm like, "look, are we talking about steven from accounting?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: or - [ talking over each other >> 'cause there's no way you're talking about "e.t." steven? >> jimmy: the one and only >> and they're like, "no, it's steven." and they're like, "he's been telling everyone to watch your special and he loves you and he wants to make a movie with you and what movie idea you have?" and i pitched "easter sunday" in the room. they bought it in the room and then literally we went to lunch --
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[ cheers and applause it's crazy we went to lunch and even then we're like, "okay, this isn't going to happen. and then we go to lunch and then holly calls and is like, "all right, we're making moves right now. we're gonna look -- find -- for a writer we're going to start looking for your director. and i'm like, "what? and then the pandemic hit. everything shut down i'm like, "oh, there we go." yeah, here goes that dream it's not going to happen and they didn't care they're like, "when something opens up, we're going to make this movie." and vancouver opened up, and right away >> jimmy: he made it >> he made the movie, yeah [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: eight months later >> eight months later. >> jimmy: you've got a great director >> jay chandrasekhar >> jimmy: jay chandrasekhar is one of the funniest dudes out there. >> and i was with him last night and he said he wanted me to tell you he loves you so much >> jimmy: i love that dude, man. he's one of the funniest dudes ever, man. >> incredible. >> jimmy: what a great story you're making some history here for -- tell everyone what "easter sunday" is all about >> well, it's just -- it's a a family it's my family it's like, yeah, we're filipino
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and it's specifically filipino but it's not specific, you know what i mean? it's people that we live with. we're all in here right now, we're hanging out. >> jimmy: yeah >> the lights are off, we're all the same color [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah >> you turn the lights on, all of a sudden, we're separate. and it doesn't makes sense so that's what this story is about. it's just a story about a family that happens to be filipino we're going to laugh about it. we're going to cry we're going to enjoy their pain we're going to enjoy their joy and you're going to realize that a mother is a mother, a a son is a son, and a family is a family no matter what you are. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that's great i want to show -- i want to show everyone a clip here's jo koy and tiffany haddish in "easter sunday." take a look at this. >> license and registration. joe? is that you, joe?! >> vanessa >> yes >> wow man, you're a cop now? >> yeah, have been for the last ten years. you would have known that if you wouldn't have ghosted me the way you did. >> yeah. >> is this your dad? >> yeah. >> you know me and your daddy,
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we used to be real intimate back in the day. [ laughter ] >> oh, really? >> but i could have been your mom. [ laughter ] but clearly i'm not. i'm not. joe valencia >> yes >> i can't believe it. in a subaru at that. what happened? you just gave up, huh? [ laughter ] you know, when i saw this subaru, i was thinking to myself, "that got to be two ladies and a labradoodle." [ laughter ] but nope it's you, joe. >> yeah, it's me >> it's you, joe >> it's me vanessa >> get the hell out the car. >> jimmy: that's exactly right [ cheers and applause jo koy, everybody. "easter sunday" is in theaters this friday. we'll be right back with standup from katherine blanford stick around, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ♪ good to be home for easter. it's like the filipino super bowl. that's for dinner. ♪ i got a feeling ♪ family is a mess. what's this fight about? i don't know, but we're counting on you to fix it. bye. i'm only here for one day and i want the whole family together. let's enjoy it.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest has her comedy album "salt daddy" available on apple music making her television debut, please welcome the very funny katherine blanford ♪ [ cheers and applause >> oh! this is so cool! oh, my god especially because i grew up a a weird kid. and my parents wanted me to be normal so bad. so they made me pick a sport so i picked cross country because it was the closest thing to being a horse [ laughter ] it was a thing and then a mile into every race, i would remember, "oh, i hate running i'm more of a show pony. right?
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[ laughter ] so, i would fake pass out. [ light laughter ] i got really good at it. i would do a couple little lazy twirls and then on the way down, i would grab a girl's hair for witness. [ laughter ] remember me. and my mom got worried she was like, "katherine, i'm going to take you to see a a cardiologist for your fainting," because my mother believed in me too much. [ laughter ] and i didn't tell her i was faking it. i let them run hours of tests on me. and then this sweet little heart doctor told my mother and i that i was his first patient that he ever diagnosed with a personality disorder [ laughter and applause here's the best part, though he still gave me an inhaler. [ laughter ] he was like, "i don't know it could be allergies, but it's probably narcissism. [ laughter and applause
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now go ahead go ahead, take a little puff of this air milk every time you're having a hard time not being the center of attention. [ laughter ] and then i just became an inhaler kid. and inhalers are good. they help you not lose your breath or your virginity [ laughter ] so it was a hard childhood but now i'm doing great. i'm too cute, too cute to be doing comedy i should be selling medical equipment. [ laughter ] before comedy though, i was a nanny, because i'm passionate about eating rich people's food [ laughter ] and sometimes the parents would make comments about how quickly the fridge emptied and i was like, "oh, okay. hold on. first of all, you don't know how hard it is to be a a stay-at-your-home mother." [ laughter ] they were a wealthy family in the south, so all their kids were named after nature. i had a lily, i had a forrest, and i had a treasure map iii [ light laughter ] i was a great nanny, though, because i learned from having a great mom.
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and i love talking about my mom. she passed away when i was 22 years old. it's hard to say a joke after this now because people are thinking it's sad that i'm older than 22 and i still dress like this. [ laughter ] i dress like a male figure skater from 1994 [ laughter and applause but i still hear from my mom you know, i don't know if you've ever gotten a sign from up above, but the other day, i was driving down the interstate just scrolling through instagram -- [ laughter ] and i saw this ad for discounted botox so, i just commented, "ugh okay, mom! [ laughter ] my mom was a nurse for a a plastic surgeon. and when i was a teenager, my mother told me i needed botox. because sometimes a mother's touch hurts. [ laughter ] and she would come home with these little vials of expired botox, and then she would chase me around the house with a a syringeful
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yeah, it was our little game we called it freeze tag. [ laughter and applause instead of counting to ten, you just stay frozen for three to four months. [ light laughter ] but i am obsessed with instagram. my friends and i, we're obsessed with those influencers that'll go to tulum, mexico, and they'll take a yacht excursion. so we were like, "we've got to do that. so, we put all of our money together and we went to fort lauderdale. [ laughter ] and we wanted to take a yacht excursion, so we found a man on craigslist to take us on his pontoon into the ocean, where you can't run away and that does sound sketchy but we knew we were safe because his name was salt daddy. [ laughter ] so, we knew he had daughters [ laughter and applause he was great he poured us drinks and he played us music, and we did what good little white girls are supposed to do
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we were twerking to tim mcgraw [ laughter ] and we were feeling so cute because salt daddy was taking a lot of videos. [ laughter ] just being a classic dad, you know, filming all the proud moments on his ipad. and then right at that moment, this huge boat pulled up, and it was full of these just gorgeous women and salt daddy was about to get on their boat. and i realized, i was like, "wait, i'm not ready for a new mom yet. so, i pulled my best move, and i fake passed out. [ laughter ] but on the way down, i for real fell overboard and as i was going under, i could hear everybody shouting my name. and i saw salt daddy dive in to save me. and my lungs started to fill up with water, and then my heart started to fill up with all the attention i was getting. [ laughter ] and that's when i realized, "oh, i should have joined the swim team. [ laughter and applause thank you so much. i've been katherine blanford
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♪ >> jimmy: she believed in you too much i love that. katherine blanford [ cheers and applause katherine blanford "salt daddy" is available on apple music. we'll be right back, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: my thanks to kevin bacon, jo koy, jane fonda, katherine blanford right here [ cheers and applause and of course the roots from
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philadelphia, pennsylvania thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- billy porter journalist and writer for "the new yorker," jane mayer. an all new "closer look. featuring the 8g band with giulliana merello. ♪ [ cheers and applause and now, seth meyers >> seth: good evening, everybody. i'm seth meyers, this is "late night. how is everybody doing tonight [ cheers and applause great to hear. in that case, let get to the news president biden spoke on monday from his corav


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