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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2012 11:31am-12:01pm EST

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it's atomic program. israel and the palestinians return to the negotiating table for the first time since the peace talks broke down more than a year ago but both sides played down expectations of a breakthrough ahead of the meeting. of the russian military is trying to restore its former glory with the kremlin to reform the armed forces the military industrial complex is falling behind technologically speaking and become riddled with corruption. we talked to former german chancellor and current chairman of the nord stream gas pipeline. and he tells us about the benefits of any cooperation between russia and the e.u. and discusses ways for the eurozone to try and escape its debt crisis. gautreaux there was charles love germany from one nine hundred ninety eight to two
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thousand and five he's now chairman of the board at nordstrom's russia's new gas pipeline under the baltic sea to europe mr further why should the e.u. increase its dependence on gazprom is give me. a ping if. we're not talking about russia's dependence we're talking about cooperation between russia on the one side and the european union on the other in the energy sector not stream is viewed as a priority project both by russia and the because it's been part of europe's energy networks since two thousand and six not recognized by the european parliament and the e.u. council of energy minister brussels wants all russian energy companies not just gazprom to be allowed to export gas to europe what are the implications of that for gazprom and europe. regulator e permission is not the issue but the e.u. germany and the rest of the e.u. nations need gas to sensibly reform their energy policy people rush on the other hand has to sell gas to keep its budget in order so there's
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a codependency which is a good thing i would be happy to see european companies invest into russia and european markets open up to russian companies it's a good free market economy that's easy and i think europeans need gas or gas has many uses here with the political uncertainty in north africa if you it's good to have a stable partner that you can rely on and russia is one of them you know better than anyone else for instance that written recently switched from export to imperial europe needs a gas supply to maintain a stable mix of energy sources but it's climatic conditions require that you need to norway to get outside but also russia's gas and therefore i think opening the market up to national companies would be a wiser man of. the name to do some e.u. officials oppose russia whatever it does get us is for it or just most money i guess it is so we have to admit that are very odd i hope we will get over it it's understandable and this class. the european union needs russia geopolitically but
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the reverse is also true it's not a question that the time has come to start cooperating and stop looking back at ideological differences yet again. misread the could russia switch supply to china if brussels keeps up its hostility was there and is a known as it were to your informants of wishes in a situation where it could ship gas to china and all of asia and europe i hope russia never has to make a choice of the russian government is evidently pro european but europe cannot keep pushing russia away that hurts russians pride then we have to keep in mind that while russia has the alternative of shipping to asia europe has no such alternative and europe's geopolitical position will only improve if it manages to enter a tiny heartless ship with russia on and at the same time grant all you a session to turkey and that would be a sound strategy aimed into the future the rest is yesterday's debate unless and. did better from guess that if russia does decide to go east could that mean the gas
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shortfall for europe and i deserters need to know that will not happen russia was an exceptionally reliable supplier during soviet times so no one has to worry about that ranting i will say again that europe hallmark it is incredibly important for russia to keep it a budget balance among other things therefore we're not talking about the conduct here but a codependency to good progress in shipping liquefied natural gas. makes europe less dependent on pipelines can that affect this project and. i don't think it would have a negative effect on the project because europe's liquefied gas market is quite limited to move there's nowhere to sally's in germany or poland has a developing market important is that it's in no way a danger for us and that's not the reason i'm criticizing is the indication that there are alternative sources the low spot prices on gas their dubious spot deals can be of no more gain than long term supply agreements in the short run but they do. not offer stability i mean first think of fair play in the wake of the
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fukushima disaster germany's closing all its nuclear power plants do you support that and how will it change germany's energy mix. bindy i made mine consider this me and my team were the people who rigidly negotiated that deal with our energy suppliers and we had agreed to make a sensible exit out of nuclear strategy that was followed by a short period when the federal government thought our agreement should be overturned and they've since gone the other way and started supporting what i had negotiated on this does not mean bridge technologies like nuclear energy cannot be used until energy efficiency is sufficiently developed that we need gas as an interim energy source for the sake of energy security that's the reason we need to buy gas from norway from other cultures but primarily from russia and the reason we need to build a gas power station. with this debt crisis mr sarkozy says no euro no europe surely you're worth of oil without the euro so that there's an a
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and a former well this is a quote my successor in office likes to of course europe is going to have problems if the euro has problems but there's one thing you can be sure of at the end of the euro is going to survive as a common currency there even it theoretically things turn out differently which i find very improbable you think we will still have a united europe it is vital in or you would chancellor when greece cooked its books to join the euro should you have stopped athens from joining the single currency does. i do not think that was our situation of the european commission its employees that had to conduct an inspections they had let us know that we could take the responsibility for greece's e.u. a session on ourselves and it was a purely preparatory mission conducted by the european commission and the national governments we had made the decision to take greece in we cannot claim without having firm proof that the. mation we got then was on diplomatically speaking not
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entirely correct i give people my keep in mind that the european parliament voted in favor of greece's membership almost unanimously including the conservatives who are now trying to distance themselves from that decision sometimes in politics you don't want to believe things that he wants condoned or actually happening. for and lost cause of the commission was wrong or the handling of greece has been wrong since it ended which which is a matter kensi in the upgrade of it's pointless to talk about how things were in the past we're talking about the future you can go i hope we manage to keep greece in the eurozone for that to happen you know i hope the package of aid agreements that european leaders have agreed on is implemented if that's the case that i think we can start taking care of stabilizing the market because it was a great deal of help from greece of course there is one point i would like to make the country should not be broken down not only does greece need the budget discipline which is of course true but what greece needs most right now our
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investments about it would be good to see wealthy greek citizens who are currently investing abroad pay taxes in their own country instead of looking for investment opportunities is there a red line beyond which german thursday we're not going to bail out southern europe anymore or does germany have a historic debt to europe has from. been digging about i'm not against discussing a red line the problem is that if you start to talk about a red line then you'd eventually have to correct it gemini's interested both politically and economically in a functioning europe that have economic interest is easily explained what it is forty percent of our export goes to the european union and beyond that if those countries are hit by a crisis then so is germany your secondly or the lesson we learned in the past and our prospects for the future dictate that germany is not strong enough geo politically to play a significant role in a game where the u.s. is one superpower and an asian leader. in this. ok china is the other new european
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state isn't the only a united europe can take on a role like that if that's why germany is interested in a night in the us that is not just because of the pastors but for the sake of our citizens future of that conference a lot of being to small question many germans many dutch people many finns are angry at having to pay. are they wrong that's enough for it see and i can understand that but i have to explain it very consistently to the current generation of political leaders that it's within our own interest to maintain stability in other countries as germany's a nation that relies hugely on next year if markets around us crumble it harms us we have to explain it to our people the new generation the prospects for long lasting peace allies in europe. when you serve the german chancellor there was no question of receiving financial aid from china or russia directly or indirectly through the i.m.f. do you regret that's happening potentially and what would be the implications if
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think it doesn't make you not think we should feel bad about other nations getting stronger be they russians chinese brazilians south africans indians or it should not concern us because these countries offer us more opportunity to export our products as they develop. but that's only the case if we stay better stay more innovative when we fulfill our agenda of twenty ten and sort out our social policies germany is the only country that understood back in two thousand and three that for an aging country to maintain prosperity it must provide for change i wonder if the rest of the e.u. states having understood this a decade later will manage to take the action needed to maintain prosperity eyes on the other hand we have an understanding that an aging society with a decreasing number of people who are deployed has problems of that so it will be about a third we started taking care of our problems in time for the rest will regret it and be forced to take on a harder mission this goes for everyone not just the sound of all bust us but if
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they've been ignored and god showed a chairman of the board for the north stream gas pipeline thank you for speaking with r.t. . this
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is our time. to reclaim the american dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth that out of many we are one that won't we breathe we hope. to me the american dream is to live in peace and prosperity and freedom and a government under socialism is not a government a free. man. you . have very motivated out cross the country who are activists who are willing to fight for what they think is right for themselves but in fact this forty foot bridge. we are counting. properly drowning and i think it's threatened by
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it's cutting off our. it's making real democracy. all but impossible. the closer jesus has been to use the birthplace to the most ambitious football club in the world. no argy goes to the far east where the timber industry tracks the legendary siberian tigers where the
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native community loses its way in the modern world. and where the country's mineral wealth starts its way across the ocean. and welcome to the bars creature rush. on archie. the headlines on r.t. and a turning up the tension in france calls for tough a new e.u. sanctions against iran targeting the country's financial and the energy sector is its accusing terror on of developing nuclear weapons even as iran says it's ready to talk with the west about atomic program. israel and the palestinians return to the negotiating table for the first time since peace talks broke down and more than a year ago but both sides have played down expectations of a breakthrough ahead of the me. and the russian military is trying to restore its former glory with the kremlin keen to reform the armed forces the military
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industrial complex has fallen behind it technologically and riddled with corruption . i do stay with us here and i'll say now it's a union with the latest sporting action for you. this is sports today plenty head over the next ten minutes or so giving the story some. cream rising day two at the car rally seems to remain champions moved to the top of the standings in argentina. late starters detroit boston poll finds me have to wait for games to witness a victory this n.b.a. season but the pistons are now on a winning streak. and hitting the heights it was world record breaking time and some of the eagles this week with motorcycles. still less flying higher on longer
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but. great stuff more on not coming up but let's get underway a little soft of there in argentina where it hasn't taken long for the car rally royalty to get into gear after stage two it is reaming champion. who leads in the cars section while in the saddle three time winner marc coma is the amount of catch a two hundred ninety kilometers stretch lay in wait for the competitors from mar del plata to santa rosa. nine time champion behind the wheel stephanie well he looked reward to the top of the standings after quite brilliant but. finished a disappointing twelve on day one would be better the frenchman a fifty four second advantage of the in line the perfect response from the holder while you're in the bike's normal service resumed after the tragic death of local rider. on sunday. finishing the round on top after coming home in second during the
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opening round they are reeling champion leaving veteran cyril dupree in his just by almost a minute. now during twenty eleven we profiled one of the most promising russian reese. drivers to emerge over the last few years mikail been a teammate of reigning tomorrow formula one champion sebastian vettel in their younger track days but as constantine but top off reports their careers have taken very different paths today. behala lashon is a well known driver in his homeland the twenty three year old's progress over the past few years has been impressive he became the first ever russian to win an international championship at the arena world serious and last year it looked like he was ready to take on the biggest challenge and sit behind a n f one wheel but then the support of his sponsors stopped and the larson lost his seat you want to get the from a one way ticket and you're not on it but hearing it also some financial support.
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it's not a secret that anybody at the formal on. his way there also reading the budget that pilots sponsor will bring so. in this case. it was very difficult for us to get a home on this year i lash and launch his racing career in classical style by starting out in courting which acts like a training cumin garden for drivers and lays a foundation that many future world champions used to transform themselves into successful f one drivers among them the likes of reigning champions who knows him better who used to be a lotions teammate in randal's world serious. i were glad that really. with often. you know one team and one championship at the same time i know that i was meeting him quite often and though he is a formal one champ and so it also makes
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a hero makes me feel better. eyelash untested an f one car at the young driver's test in abu dhabi last year and made a good impression but without driving practice and the support of sponsorship the promising russians career is in jeopardy however it seems he's getting back on track as he starts the season in the carling g.p. two team from england they must go i didn't take part in the test drives and hasn't signed encounter with the team so he's still anxious about competing in the upcoming serious chikatilo car from the us here is quite an interesting car because it's brand new and and nothing the same so. beautiful thing yes you can bet their brand new design. and it's quite a bit faster than it was before. the track at the opening one printer working on the six okami thirty three formula one drivers have come through the g.p. two series in the past four years in the last an issue to make the most of his
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chance and prove he's worthy of an f one driver exam but out of archie. it continues to be a busy post lockout holiday season in the n.b.a. but detroit funs aren't complaining the pistons notching their second straight win after starting the season with three consecutive losses the home side showing their fighting spirit early on ben gordon winning a vicious scramble for the loose ball before getting a three for an eight six lead big ben finishing up with twenty six points but detroit's hit a roadblock in the form of orlando's dwight howard the five time legal star and with nineteen point seven five steals powered however late in the fourth just about the time the pistons kicked their game into another gear tayshaun prince fourteen points from the eighty nine seventy eight. over the tennis where spain remain unbeaten in the group phase of the hopman cup on a bell at medina for numbed over dusk doing the necessary against their chinese
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counterparts. in perth it was china who struck first though in the women's portion of the season of the time world number five that in her stride against twenty seven ranked greek is to take them out six three six. three time champions right back into contention in the next flush the spaniard a six three six three win over which meant a mixed doubles rubber would decide the hunter spain not messing around here wrapping up the mounts six six to tie to warn over mario batali and richard gusty of france up next for the world. russian kickboxing star button hasa cough is now a fully fledged member of the fight game elite but you can who first beat albert kraus earlier last year went on to claim victory over another might some be this in november artie's robert downey watch the action from ringside. to
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eat every fight as if is the fight over a life that fried by a witch but the bicycle has lived his entire career that culminating in the biggest bud of all in moscow and settling russia still welterweight he bucks are against one of the toughest men in the business my cousin bettis the reigning champ then the greek the second one legend to death the thirty one year old. in march made his way up the letter by bidding i've been browse a unanimous decision based on the round he didn't wait to round somebody he's also known as iron mike but but the fun to be made of something even stronger in the night one of his danger is nice forcings embarrassed to give up the fight due to fracture early in the first round though explodes it would clear when the full heat
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came. out my plan for the fight was to make mike constantly move and not let him stay firm on his feet that's where he's extremely dangerous not punching very hard but when it comes to knees and kicks well that's where i'm strongest. so who's next will but the gun that question is yet to be answered although the man himself knows what he wants. my point of view is that the very best k. one fighter should keep coming to russia to show what i have to offer now i can fight on my own terms and not have to travel to. the main event of the night was preceded by a number of exciting fights russia's mixed martial arts is a go to go in ukraine's you've caused enough and the same book native was quick to show why she deserved the favorite stat claiming a unanimous decision when a hugely skillful fighter and on top of that a lady it is akin to deciding not to speak to archie until she fresh. this list of
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the cigarettes and i had to dope to can fool rules which i have built for me just pay a lot of attention to keep here while my forte is book sing though tonight i focused on wrestling and that's what gave me the age meanwhile the clearance between russia . and china. so a real master class of. the man from the martial arts homeland however schooled by the local was simply better in zero aspects of the clash over archie monster. and finally it's not too often that i for one anyway see a snowmobile fly thoughts essentially what happened in san diego this week embarcadero marina park playing host to a couple of world record attempts for the longest that will be allowed and motorcycle helmets leave the valley. and the brave men ready to hit me right the
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vehicles fearing the water out how to run one hundred sixty kilometers per hour the effort brilliantly executed by the perth volley going a distance of a hundred thirty meters while modest unmanaged ten more both jumped a good enough to make the guinness book of world records the event was the latest in the red bull new year no limit series which continues this. extraordinary stuff all your sports world weather is here next on twenty four hour r.t. . if they shoot something inappropriate from the public they can easily be shot. casualties of war ok. i wish he would have never happened but it has. been a war a t.v. camera becomes an unnecessary what destroys their own safety all foreign nationals
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including journalists and inspectors should leave. and it's clear what happens with such witnesses i got on my site. many checks to. shoot a person who's shooting on our t.v. .
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from plans to parachute. totty don't come.
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right shooting up the tension the pentagon says that u.s. warships will continue to sail in the gulf despite an iran you know warning to stay away from an area to iran has recently testified to missiles. israel and the palestinians are returning to the negotiating table for the first time since peace talks broke down more than a year ago. but both sides have played down expectations of a breakthrough ahead of the meeting telling me this here in tel aviv formal. that the russian military is on the march to restore its former glory but the kremlin keen to reboot the forces and cut out a.


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