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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2012 5:31am-6:01am EST

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really under the brussels arms brother but critics say it could be leaky with cash flowing to satisfy elected technocrats. and iran's man at the un's atomic watchdog says western fears over to iran powering up its new nuclear enrichment facility are politically motivated the u.s. and european states of dubbed iran's actions meantime as provocative. two thousand and eleven saw a revolution fever sweep through the arab world toppling regimes and sometimes bringing even more discontent and frustration next here on r.t. we sit down with author and scholar jean shop to ask whether nonviolent revolution is a possibility and whether outside of military intervention can ever bring about democracy . i'm sitting down with jean sharp his book from dictatorship to democracy is seen by
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many as a guide on how to carry out a revolution through nonviolent means it's often referred to as the bible of calo gravel dr sharp looking at how revolutions and fall in the arab world do you see this transition from dictatorship to democracy. in the true insists. this is a bringing down the old system the old do tutorials and it doesn't seem to you that people there are trading one form of oppression for another they have this happens . that happens and it's a good step to bring down a person. so they have to be very careful but it seems the egyptians were in very careful what they have now is their military brutally cracking down on protesters we hear about all kinds of abuses islamists are gaining power in the country my question is this what kind of democracy could the current state of
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affairs in egypt possibly create. removes made a mistake if you've never read the board condition of the parliament to the army and now resigned. because that's that army has been the agent of repression and egypt for decades and they're going to change overnight it's unclear. as i don't know i do that because of the nation what their pricing is and all. that it's a different kind of situation than the pretty. well we did start out as a largely nonviolent popular uprising but we see what it turned into could it be that your concept of nonviolent uprisings is kind of over do you in this day and age i mean look at the arab world it's a bloody mess you get bloody mess is when you get people standing up.
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and saying we want a change because. they don't like to be told we don't love you anymore you're going to be your center you're go and they will use whatever means of controlling repression and killing and intimidation they can muster and went you know be surprised that so uprisings like that can't be nonviolent in principle they can if they go into many many more would die. this is not a solution to people dying many people couldn't run for presidency and civil wars and international military intervention. in syria for example when the minute. they go into a civil war for an intervention in syria many many many more will die is said to critics of the syrian opposition absolutely refuses to talk to the government don't you think it deepens the crisis adds to the violence what they're doing there in
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refusing to negotiate because negotiations are aware that the government do pressure governments to use to get the resistors not to resist but do you go with the ship you have to go through it but that situation basically rules out nonviolent struggle that you were talking about it provokes while it is causing the regime to use what i don't see maybe. so people should be dying in the name of revolution is that what you're saying and you seem to have. something only a means. to the country and no i just see a bloody mess instead of the idea makes nonviolence surge that you are writing about in the book let me ask you this the us nato have set a precedent with the military intervention in libya could it do you think it
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creates a situation in syria where radical elements among the syrian opposition are more inclined to provoke these sorties in order to invite an intervention i think you know military intervention is very dangerous and will. be and and some syrians have been doing that that's very unfortunate because that will not help that we're not being a democracy that will be a outside force. assuming you get rid of the old regime. heavily influenced by the powers that intervene us and france or whoever it is so that they will have a major say or her government happens and that's the power of the syrian people and which is think should be is that what happened in libya yes in your opinion what's in it for the u.s.
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when it decides to meddle in foreign revolutions in foreign affairs you know as. i do you know. say why let's talk about it being is us government should not be intervening in military in the name of our country because if it doesn't work in a concert by the objective what about nonmilitary means it seems they're using all kinds of means. their means of service should be used by the u.s. government but by the people of this country to get rid of. a lot of people are getting the sense that washington is more into establishing friendly regimes rather than democracies if we take libya for example people there are afraid to speak up right now i mean we have reporters on the ground and they have to blur people's faces all the time because people are afraid of being seen the leadership there is about to introduce sharia law as the basis for their new laws which is pretty much incompatible with democratic values so libya pretty much looks like an example of
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how instead of a supposed transition to democracy people are getting pretty much the opposite you know i think the b. is a different case because that's a case where the. changes in the. foreign forces combined with civil war were down the gadhafi regime that's an example of the government to sort of all on a slightly different note occupy wall street a very peaceful movement by all standards do you find them effective you know. you know. people. are annoyed with. the stream limited political control they have. the extreme this well distribution of. some the people making the expression of their opinions
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. symbolism does not change the distribution of wealth in a country so you're saying no change is possible through that kind of nonviolent action yes or. change opinions maybe but that's not sufficient let's get back to the arab world people there seem to be getting more and more convinced that nonviolence doesn't get them anywhere either do you think change can be brought about only through revolution. change can be both ways but what kind of change exactly i'm glad you brought that up because it seems the way it is now is people take to the streets with genuine aspirations but those who take advantage of those uprisings end up stepping on people's rights as well as they are pretty assessors had change can be from dictatorship to new to.
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me many years ago. they. mean it's inevitable but no means the kind of action that you choose to use to determine what kind of results you get this is very clear that recurs extreme care and extreme good judgment and clear thinking and strong to prevent that from happening i see a contradiction between this idealist view of a nonviolent revolution and a reality you know someone said and i don't remember who it was but it goes any revolution is started by idealists carried out by fanatics and taken advantage of by bastards around the world. but not in the revolution somewhere different in your work you outlined this steps that would make a revolution happen but what i think was overlooked is life after
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a revolution and in most cases it is a set tale you like to be concerned about. i didn't overlook it because in concluding pages. it warns about that. sort of solution to what to do the correctly it warns about but that warning of yours is being largely ignored don't you think i believe that it's a problem that's why we've got more work going on thank you very much for the interview it's been a pleasure. me
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. me. me me me me me me. me. me. six a. chance. to a. if they shoot something inappropriate
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for public they can easily be shot by accident casualties of war ok. i wish she would have never happened but it has. been a war a t.v. camera becomes an unnecessary what does their own safety all foreign nationals including journalists and inspectors should leave me and the spear what happens with such witness six i got him on my site camera one of my many objects submitting. to merciless shooting on our. when an uncomfortable question leads to a grave accusation the world who is more xeno following. the president who isn't supposed to hide anything. where it's someone asking him why do you make
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a secret out that when the powers to be suppress the voice of those who think different. when you get experiencing very serious problems off of the saakashvili government came to power in two thousand and three if you put it from a book that was when the problems began piling up. interviews were now off limits to our journalists they were often be set up and humiliated in public and one of the attempt to protect property puts life in real danger is that we have been deprived of the only means of earning a living i have gone to the original sit all the papers. at them legalized the ownership rights on the basis of companies freedom becomes just a stage prop. the official tea allocation to your pod touch from the.
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video on demand. with the palm of your. machine on the dot com. the headlines on our live pictures for you here as syria's president assad claims that a foreign conspiracy is behind the ongoing unrest in his country and the ongoing televised address he's insisting he still has the people's support will not leave damascus and promised to completely reform the constitution the live pictures right here as the syrian president wraps up his televised address. the top to call for a boost to eurozone growth while trying to push states firmly under the broiler of critics say it could be leaky with cash flowing to satisfy an unelected technocrats
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. and iran that the un's atomic watchdog says western fears over to iran powering up its new nuclear enrichment facility are politically motivated us european states have dubbed iran's actions as provocative. all right there's a news for your r.t. but now let's dive into the world of sports with kate. hello welcome to the sports thank you for joining me and here's what's coming up. where it goes falls two thousand and eight we're not sure at the very stupid number four at the upcoming australian open with three russian women in the top sixteen novak djokovic is the number one that. was kings of the court in moscow region side brush we got to stay top boss because the t.v.
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. and press taking stuff we continue our look back over the big stories of last year and meet the russians with you can dive deeper than almost every woman on the planet. but first to tennis and reassure has been seeded fourth but the first grand slam of the season the australian open which gets underway in melbourne on january the sixteenth denmark while the bourne carried on the outs he leads the women's fields ahead of the czech republic's critter and victoria has a rank of belarus followed by chirac of the one that started in two thousand and eight heroes won a rover is russia's second highest ranked woman in seventh and the knowledge who created history at melbourne park last year by becoming the first chinese woman to reach a grand slam final seeded while defending champion king clijsters of belgium twelfth and russians anastasio public is sixty eight turned over in the men's draw world number one novak djokovic is the top seed head of rafael nadal and roger federer
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andy murray who has been the runner up for the past two years is seeded fourth the draw for the tournament will take place in melbourne on thursday january twelfth. people now and five players recorded double digits cause as moscow region side him key thrashed a lot of in team vs by seventy seven points to fifty four to stay top of the d.t.p. league which of reports. coming up. two straight defeats tim key would turn in to get two thousand and twelve back on trying as bait to call in the latvian i am feeds the reagan they were competing in the v.t. which sees eighteen teams from around eastern europe competing against each other in two groups khimki came into being counted on top of the group and they looked to determine to stay there as they got off to a good strong with aleksey joining proving to be a particular handful for the visitors and going into the half time break it aside from just outside moscow had a ready opened up
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a commanding lead as bay would go into the intermission the thirty three to twenty one advantage team key continued to dominate in the third was based stretch for a lead to an imposing nineteen going into the final quarter. reagan did try to rally but they were left with far too much to do as him key were able to turn on the style dima strange as the ease to a seventy seven points to fifty four when there's a pretty good win for us especially we enter the two thousand and twelve with a two defeats so it was a little bit difficult for us does this mean there was a confident especially because you have a stretch of game that very tough especially on the road so this is this thing it is a gives us a break up kids it's great to have fun you know we remember sometimes it is a game and we are wherever the fun is something we don't all of life so you know it was exciting to see some of the young guys step up and make some great plays and for what our team a lot and it's
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a much needed win for him to manage to stand bare two game losing streak would be to speak. they continue to dominate to the tepee east group a as bay now move to an impressive ten and one record which on board we don't see the moscow region. let's look back to some of the big sports stories of austria and the russians did not turn to the legendary roy jones jr big bucks here in moscow rather than your reports. julieann thank you. he might be forty two and bust his best but he soon rated as being one of the greatest players of all time a tourney champ and over four different weights. as ever jewels in the drugs. champ and still beating loudly in the books and. this what it takes to face one of the most deadliest bunch or sit in the division he rushes cruiserweight droid in his live with the silver bulls low left helping claim sixteen zero to his
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twenty one wins by him he must kill with totals a state level to enter the point is the host favorite but jones brutally proved that he skipped some of the sparkle of the blue the ring career system tennis is particular to the times he even looks to have the edge in speed but he's young rival but limited it hard using his youth and ball work to pull the former champion and keep him on the ropes juice remain defiant with a couple of free money the rest of his prime could do the most of the good. i been exposing fish from the russian who is to decide the butts of the blues or the pope punches sendings jones to the canvas in a no kill to win in the last seconds of the tenth round. the know how came as a surprise not only for all but truly
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a four zero. by four about ten would manage. to get around. and that he will hear the final bell and then it will go to school hours and god knows what the others would have said and how they could have gone are the hard side of the shell show because all first of all ron paul missed a good show and he kept his words illegal he did his best on thanks to the great wrong i've become a better fighter through this bout it. i was constantly trying to hit roy with my left hand counterpunch but always failed the look in his eyes told me that he'd figured out my plan as right hundreds were too fast and spontaneous but worked with my sparring partners but it didn't work with rolling. these never want to tell the supporters in this wait. he's a very powerful apollo and i knew it coming here so yes i think he is a pretty tough guy a part of it is a challenge for the title again the girl the little i'm going to shake his hand
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with huge respect this. blessing would this for the legendary boxing would for many boxers rent along with a total robert bork see the skill. now let's finish by looking back to another sport we covered in twenty eleven and one that is literally press taking the slow and dangerous pastime of free diving is growing in popularity and in russia it's no exception as russia found poor farm that. the principles of free diving a simple way to try to dive as deep as possible without the use of breathing apparatus and then return to the surface fully conscious however this is certainly not as straightforward as it sounds the top men can dive in excess of two hundred meters and incredibly spend over eleven minutes on the water without taking a breath and rushes metallic after seeing his piece is totally feasible the crate
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training first of all it's a matter of training the truck and her having training on the second that. second question right and. then says essentially that we have to destroy meant to tell you cheese basepoint crank signal which helps her relax her body and the term breathing techniques won't. however this meditation discipline also has other benefits when she is i'm taking a dive here and search to find. any that have them. tell us. that she's loved being in the ocean she was a child and even represented the soviet union in her teens to swim and now invention to change careers and took up free diving in her early twenty's and the
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best use to me sweetheart and i love what are. you hearing here in china. and that was that. when i was coming back to. moscow almost every tree. i lost my home i think. there at that moment i saw a very beautiful retiring about first trash and maybe that means that i hear of anything. really. and i thought oh maybe. their. mansions turned her attention teach me a few chance to impeach skidded even you swimming complex in the russian capital thirty six year old saying it's a sport anyone can take up every person that. i have. to play and they cannot die first start retiring and then things start tending to me that
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aside from teaching natalia is still actively trying to break new barry isn't the sports she swim naked in subzero oncet walters with the loo the whales well she specializes in pubs for home movies free diving discipline which involves trying to dive as deep as possible without the aid of flippers or ropes to tell you i used to hold the women's world record of fifty seven metres however she doesn't have any. interest in trying to save new wild things in fact a russian is aiming to tackle one of the country's greatest lakes lake by col might call. every ship here on. one hand mine. would say that you. see that. trick or intends to repay the bank very well.
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it's a fascinating where one obviously has to be physically fades however as natalia points out it's the mental side plays just as an important role she may not be interested in trying to break new world records anymore however plenty of boundaries she's trying to break down and she tries to raise awareness of environmental issues through her sports richard pombo three donte moscow one. by fire.
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under pressure president assad says it's a foreign conspiracy causing the arrest in his country and insists he will not step down. the e.u.'s first couple joined forces to boost to the euro region the power of brussels but critics say technocrats grabbing the cash to provide for their own simple pleasures and come from. iran's mind at the un's atomic watchdog says western fears over to iraq hiring up its new nuclear enrichment facility are simply politically motivated. and in the business bulletin some experts say escalate.


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