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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2012 1:31pm-2:01pm EST

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a growing line of intervention supporters the editor of qatar now is the first arab leaders have openly called for followed military action in syria while former ally turkey keeps its forces on standby along the border. and turning up the haze a wave of credit rating downgrades pound europe depriving france and austria of their top notch grades a mounting concern of the blocks failing to control its debt epidemic. next an r t the author of dictatorship to democracy talks to a street shops book is described by some as the blueprint for nonviolent revolutions he's going to teach you can know us whether that concept though is realistic. i'm sitting down with gene sharp his book from dictatorship to democracy is seen by many as a guide on how to carry out a revolution through nonviolent means it's often referred to as the bible of calo
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gravel dr sharp looking at how revolutions and fall in the arab world do you see this transition from dictatorship to democracy i see of course. in. the sense of bringing down the old system the old do tutorial system and it doesn't seem to you that people there are trading one form of oppression for another they're often happens. that happens and it's a good step to bring down a president. but. so they have to be very careful but it seems the egyptians were in very careful what they have now is their military brutally cracking down on protesters we hear about all kinds of abuses islamists are gaining power in the country my question is this what kind of democracy could the current state of affairs in egypt possibly create. removes made a mistake because it never made the bird condition give the parliament to the army
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and then i'll resign. because that's it i mean it's been the agent of repression and egypt for decades and they're not going to change overnight it's unclear. is i don't know i don't have the to the nation what their pricing is at all. but it's a different kind of situation than the predominately you know. well we did start out as a largely nonviolent popular uprising but we see what it turned into could it be that your concept of nonviolent uprisings is kind of over do you in this day and age i mean look at the arab world it's a bloody mess you get bloody mess is going you get people standing up and saying we want a change because you don't like to be told we don't love you anymore you're going
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to be the center you go and they will use whatever means of controlling repression and killing and intimidation they can muster and when to not be surprised that so uprisings like that can't be nonviolent in principle they can if they go to many many more will die. this is not a solution to people dying many people couldn't run as a civil wars and international military intervention. in syria for example and. if they go into a civil war or an intervention in syria many many many more will die is said to critics of the syrian opposition absolutely refuses to talk to the government don't you think it deepens the crisis adds to the violence what they're doing there in refusing to negotiate because negotiations are. the pressure
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government use to get the resistors not to resist but you go with the ship you have to go through it but that situation basically rules out nonviolent struggle that you were talking about it provokes while it is causing the regime. use what i don't see maybe. so people should be dying in the name of revolution is that what you're saying you seem to have. some. only means are quite to the contrary oh no i just see a bloody mess instead of the idea makes nonviolence surge that you are writing about in the book let me ask you this the us nato have set a precedent with the military intervention in libya could it do you think it creates a situation in syria where radical elements among the syrian opposition are more inclined to provoke these sorties in order to invite an intervention i think the.
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military intervention is very dangerous and will. be and some syrians have been doing that that's very unfortunate because that will not help that we're not being a democracy that will be a victory by the outside forces being assuming you get rid of the old regime. the new. heaven the insolence by the powers that intervene us france or whoever it is so that they will have a major say in her government happens and that's not the power of the syrian people but you think should be is that what happened in libya yes in your opinion what's in it for the u.s. when it decides to meddle in foreign revolutions in foreign affairs you know as well or better than i do you know. u.s.
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policy why let's talk about it. is us government should not be intervening in military in the name of our country because if it doesn't work in a concert brother objects what about nonmilitary means it seems they're using all kinds of means their means of service should be used by the u.s. government but the people of that country to get rid of. a lot of people are getting the sense that washington is more into establishing friendly regimes rather than democracies if we take libya for example people there are afraid to speak up right now i mean we have reporters on the ground and they have to blur people's faces all the time because people are afraid of being seen the leadership there is about to introduce sharia law as the basis for their new laws which is pretty much incompatible with democratic values so we have pretty much looks like an example of how instead of a supposed transition to democracy people are getting pretty much the opposite so i
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think the b. is a different case because that's a case where the. change was in the. foreign forces combined with civil war but down the gadhafi regime that's an example of the government to sort of all on a slightly different note occupy wall street a very peaceful movement by all standards do you find them effective you know. you know. people. are annoyed with you know you are very angry with your stream limited political control they have. the extreme this distribution of. some of the people making the expression of their opinions. symbolism does not change the distribution of wealth in a country so you're saying no change is possible through that kind of nonviolent
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action yes or. change opinions maybe but this is not sufficient let's go back to the arab world people there seem to be getting more and more convinced that nonviolence doesn't get them anywhere either do you think change can be brought about only through revolution. can be brought about in many ways but what kind of change exactly i'm glad you brought that out because it seems the way it is now is people take to the streets with genuine aspirations but those who take advantage of those uprisings end up stepping on people's rights as well as they are pretty assessors had change can be from dictatorship to new to. me many years ago. but then. i mean it's inevitable but all means the kind of action that you choose to use to
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determine what kind of result you get is very clear that record six three you care and extreme good judgment a clear thinking and. to prevent that from happening i see a contradiction between this idealist view of a nonviolent revolution and the end of reality you know someone said and i don't remember who it was but it goes any revolution is started by id. carried out by fanatics and taken advantage of by bastards around the world. but not an evolution similar difference in your work and you outlined the steps that would make a revolution happen but what i think was overlooked is life after all ocean and in most cases it is a set tale you like to be concerned about that. i didn't overlook
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it because in concluding pages. it warns about that it's a sort of solution to what to do that correctly it warns about but that warning of yours is being largely ignored don't you think i believe that it's a problem that's why we've got more work going on thank you very much for the interview but it's. something inappropriate for a public they can easily be. she's ok. i wish she would have never but it has. you know for a t.v. camera becomes unnecessary with just their own safety all foreign nationals
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including journalists and inspectors should leave. and the spear company with such witnesses got it on my site. or she should. when an uncomfortable question leads to a grave accusation the world who is more xena following. the president who isn't supposed to hide anything. worth someone asking him why do you make a secret out that when the powers to be suppress the voice of those who think different. when you get experiencing very serious problems often the saakashvili government came to power in two thousand and three but from a book that was when the problems began piling up. interviews were now off limits
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to our journalists they were often be set up and humiliated in public one of the attempt to protect property puts life in real danger is that we have been deprived of the only means of earning a living i have gone to the original sit on the papers. at them legalized the ownership rights on the basis of companies freedom becomes just a stage prop. this is claude. allen sitting on the edge over the past and present. mixing reality that's nothingness. but if you enter this. the mystery of supernatural will reach you.
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shaman of siberia. on. the moon.
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it's. just a test you know one story the main news this hour the breaking news the dead body of russia's failed martian space probe has fallen into the waters of the pacific ocean over a thousand kilometers off the coast of chile desk. update on this our correspondent peter all of us across the story hi there to serve the calculations of russia's space agency proved to be correct but at the end of the day because it was a lot of question marks over where it would come down well that's right it's a pretty tricky thing to calculate exactly where something of this size would come down now this is due to the solar radiation it caused changes to the density of the upper atmosphere which made this hard to determine how quickly the probe actually fall down to earth now the scientists had been saying that it may fall in the
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atlantic ocean at the last minute though they revised that prediction for the pacific which is where it eventually did come down around twelve hundred and fifty kilometers from the coast of chile there now that's the back at the focus groaned program itself and what exactly it was now this was supposed to be a really in-depth and intricate experiment one of the most. most far reaching experiments that russia would undertaken since the well in the last twenty or so years it was going to go to the moon of mars one of the moons of mars of focus which is where it gets that part of its name from and take soil samples which is where it gets the other part of its name from focus current basically means soil from the moon a focus in russian well it was supposed to pick up these samples return them to earth in september of this year that's all being cut short in what was a. real soap opera of a tale once it was launched up there everybody had high hopes for it and it all pretty much went wrong from the launch was launched on the ninth of november and
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ground control lost contact with it shortly after it entered into orbit there was a problem that they couldn't switch the navigation systems from what was used to launch the rocket up there and get the probe away from the rocket to the systems that are used to power that probe off on its own mission so it remains stuck in orbit like a well a sitting duck eventually though all hope to given up on trying to contact it and bring it back about on to. it's mission and so what we've seen on sunday evening is well it's come back down to war down to earth everything is all safe though a bit we're hearing from the space agencies around the world around two hundred kilograms of space debris made it through the atmosphere and didn't burn up the all important thing is that the fuel on board that was toxic all apparently burning up in the atmosphere as the probe the remnants of the probe come down and crash into the pacific ocean or what goes up must see in order to go through there but it's
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good that it didn't cause any damage thanks for bringing us up to date there more on that in full of fifty minutes long the rest of our top stories here on r.t. that's catch over the sport next though takes here. well welcome to the sports news and here are the top stories. last guns no copyright repeat for sub. streets in a liberty stadium thriller you calls on edge to peel to go six in the english premier league. while title inside russian veteran alexander's a call claimed a second world cup win two inch closer to this season's four one bobsled crown. and perfect ten second pets a council claims a record ten stack already title suspended frenchman cyril day pray wins in the pikes category. the first
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a four ball where neither andrea chava nor substitute terry henri could stop while still losing is one z. danny graham struck the seventieth minute when i as the swans came from a goal down to win three two at the liberty stadium. robin van persie to open up to five minutes thoughts two hours from aaron ramsey saw the home side soon level through scott sinclair's penalty and nathan diet put the welsh side ahead early in the second half well laundry came over and theo walcott equalised off to sixty nine minutes but the swans immediately went to the other end and scored the winner the swans go ten having only loss of time to manchester united so far but we're going to stay fit twelve points of top spot while early on best struck the thirty seventh minute when it was newcastle when six with a one mill where the third bottom q.p.r. to ensure a new rangers manager mark hughes first game in charge ended in defeat. once that they started spoken and praised paul scholes after the thirty seven year old midfielder scored manch tonight is thirty seven when it opened up in that three no
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win over bolton danny welbeck and michael carrick secured a victory and put united level on points with leaders manchester city but top their missed the chance to join them after drawing one one with wolves manager harry redknapp says spurs. still title contenders. for years to win the league but we had a fantastic run in the second of what we had in the first of a decision that could happen is really good we want to do to achieve that but it's not impossible. for us where former argentina superstar diego maradona has been admitted to hospital in dubai to have kidney stones removed the fifty one year old al watson coach is expected to be released on monday the midfield legend stated his side to a two one win at hourly on saturday are currently mid table travel to third bottom show in a week's time. tennis now and rafael nadal has lashed out at roger federer a day before the start of the australian open the spanish second seed blames his arch rival for being too much of
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a gentleman leaving others to do the work of trying to cut back the packed a.t.p. tour the doll will open his quest for a second australian open title against american qualifier alex does not start the two thousand and nine champion has been an outspoken critic of the busy a.t.p. calendar claiming the need to play to win the tournament is exhausting and results in injury is also suggesting federal strong physique allows the swiss to avoid the burning issue. now i am the one who in the past. talk a lot about. a lot about. the baby. brother in the us open mouthed i'm not going to be the one who keeps talking about a lot of things because finally you know if if he would have but the right. guys there to fight for us maybe but today we don't have that well meanwhile on the women's side of the draw a heated battle is in store for the world number one ranking with wimbledon champion patrick critter that now has
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a good chance of destroying caroline wozniacki the top ranked dane has yet to capture a grandson while checking the face of russia's heritage in her eyes that says the number one status has never been her top priority and now she needs to work hard to emulate the success of last year's breakthrough season. ended last year most was great for me of course i don't i. don't have similar list this year but i know i do really down but still i just wanna be focused on my game . and let's move on to ice hockey where tesco reigning k h l champion solid three want to highlight the clenched best third win in a row and boost their claims for a playoff spot in the western conference rather tottering on reports. to score used to be one of the most degraded sites in soviet hockey but well it has changed over the last twenty years and now the club is struggling to return to the summit of the kitchen increasing the league's reigning champions so i want you i was just
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a little way in the early man blasted and look to what twenty women they want to do for our side but then on sunday they met again. where the hosts brinkley showed their intentions to be dead success and they can the nation of moves around the visitors do kill me live with the risk shot seven minutes in one. with the home side kept up their pressure creating more goal scoring chances and they were soon. to ruwi lining up from the blue line to extend their men's lead to new. over the second period. so solid fired back with one of the league's most skilful players and then never gives up alexander allure of living the visitors assault or ever the only managed to break the deadlock after the second
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intermission i just over a minute into the third you get a little more gifts all of a glimmer of hope to one i better do a good breaking through the amens defense with this individual efforts but it wasn't enough to realize and once his attempts failed the hosts scored again surely because the puck sprinted the entire length of the rink and wrapped up the scoring i really want to miss the time game because i mean you can see there we didn't think much of my point sal about where do we try to focus on our game and this approach work but we played groups defensively we managed to switch from defense to often it's pretty quickly and effectively they're a very strong team so we had to do with some tough pressure invest game i'm delighted the way we played tonight that we should keep it up but as a chamber we help each other on the ice and leave we try to fight hard and battle
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hardened final both that stand that we get to get to victory today i am very satisfied with this guy have the perfect record of two victories out of two games against scoring the gun cup holders so it wasn't for the other man looking to get even stronger rivers were known marty. rushes for overall champion alexanders of course has picked up a second wave of the season in germany stretches late in the standings in the four man bobsled those russian team tops the time sheets in both runs that were only two hundreds of a second faster than germany subtlety captained by man not much at the mycenaean onst germany was completed the whole podium it's a profit excepts to an anxious to learn cran from last season. but he's sitting on a comfortable cushion in the format event head of arms reach the thirty seven year old to gold at last week's european championships there are now three events to go on the world cup calendar. the motor sports and frenchman stefan better handle has
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claimed unprecedented tense dakar rally title after doing enough by crossing the line intense place in south america american robby gordon one of the fourteenth and final stage of the world's most famous insurance car race as the competitors arrived in libor the capital of peru but it was forty six year old to handle who celebrated his fourth overall title after also winning six motorcycle crowns in the mind says russia's lead novitsky was fourth overall. they pray prevailed in the bikes category for a fourth time ahead of last year's winner mark colvin of spain. to roy triumphed in the trucks. and finally friends and relatives have turned out in their numbers to wish boxing legend mohammed ali a happy seventieth birthday in his museum in kentucky that the icons birthday is actually on tuesday but the first of five planned parties was held on saturday ali is now in the late stages of parkinson's disease but in his glory days he was crowned a limbic champion and defeated every top opponent of his era during his
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professional career and following his retirement in one thousand nine hundred one ali went on to travel the world on humanitarian missions and is now equally esteemed for both roles as a fighter and as a philanthropist. and that's all the sports news.
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wealthy british style.
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markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to cause a report on. the week's major news on r t there's no let up in the around us dispute over nukes and sanctions following the assassination of a top atomic research are in tehran blamed on america and israel. a growing line of intervention supporters the emir of qatar is the first arab leader to openly call for foreign military action in syria former ally turkey keeps its forces on standby along the border. turning up the heat a wave of credit rating downgrades power depriving france and austria of the top notch grades of mounting concern of the blocks failing to control the debt epidemic . and russia's failed mars probe grantors.


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