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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2012 1:31am-2:01am EST

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and occupy activists are just gathering to date they compare to conquer capitol hill but under grows among young americans with no prospects it's four months since the first one to contest the nationwide for. the next we talked to political activist and sorrell who says united europe is an unbeatable concept for his native completely revamp its policies. but today we're joined by alice around he's a french writer and founder of the political think tank equality and reconciliation and he's considered by many as a controversial figure in france for his political stand that more often than not goes against the status quo and for comments that push the envelope on topics that are generally considered taboo mr thanks very much for joining us today my first question is what is it that you dislike so much about the fractious status quo that
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you feel compelled if you will to go against it. you said in the first of all today we can no longer believe in the masquerade of the political left and right for a long time here in france unlike anglo-saxon countries even germany and the united states there was a real alternative in french politics meaning there was the communist party and there was the whole movement of economic liberalism there was real political diversity in france gradually the so-called left eventually gravitated towards economic liberalism and the right the only differences between the left and right were small variations in their positions on ethics and society the best example is right now we have francois hollande a nicolas sarkozy and there's no real opposition between left and right it doesn't exist they're all roughly economic liberals libertarians for france the first step of visible liberalism is the european union there are those who submitted to the
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e.u. which means the end of borders free movement of goods and capital ideology of right and left the ideology of miseducation this is the dominant ideology in france shared by left and right the difference is only a static group with wealth and then there are those who oppose this dominant ideology who fight for the restoration of borders the restoration of the nation those who criticize the ideology of message a nation meaning to defend cultural identities and so on the battle to. de is to resist globalism on economic and cultural fronts exam room we have to show that the fight between left and right no longer exists today the two battling sides are the globalists and those resisting globalism list. so what exactly is your motivation for being an opposition is it just for the sake of being in opposition because you think there is none in france we see yes it in bodies the new opposition and it has well important distinction this opposition has no place
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in today's institutional system whereas before and for historical reasons there was opposition within the establishment but today even in television there's a centrifuge which excludes and marginalizes people who are not liberals globalists human rights hardliners pro-american. but it can be seen clearly there is no opposition in the establishment anymore these days i may have been the last one even to be invited to talk on shows on trying time french television and that went wrong the people who invited me ended up having problems system. where you are for a multipolar world you've always expressed that view now is it because you just want to see a balance of power or do you fundamentally disagree with your powers and agree with the policies the systems of government or even the personalities of the countries that try to counter them. just because i'm still a french patriot who tries to defend french sovereignty and french identity as i
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see it so every time every position i take is always from the french point of view it's just like when i was a communist in the nineties when i was in the french communist party it was because i realized that for things to be in the interest of france their hearts to be two superpowers for in fact france existed as general de gaulle and understood because of the us u.s.s.r. balance so i was pro so be it not because i thought that the u.s.s.r. was very good but because i thought that the u.s.s.r. was very good for france and french interests. if i'm fighting the new world order it's only because i think france has everything to lose with respect to this new world order france has an interest in a multi-polar world i think france has an interest in a strong and growing russia right now however i'm also pro serb because i think that the serbians are great people of the balkans and because there is a traditional link between france and serbia today the dominant ideology is so delusional that it's almost as strange to say i am french who cares first and foremost for the interests of the french in france this is almost regarded as
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fascist because national preference is for britain in france which is unheard of. french elections are coming up soon what do you think will be the results especially at the final round who do you think are the to candidates that will be running for it at the end. with the french elections we can clearly see today that the french system that was developed by de gaulle and the fifth republic is being destroyed to make way for an american system. so you have the incumbent nicolas sarkozy on the right. and then you have the primary election and the left wing political parties it's like the republicans and democrats in the us there is actually no difference between the two sides left and right are both liberals economically speaking maybe one wants to legalize weapons and the other doesn't but the reality is there is no alternative management we arrive at the same thing. in france today there's sarkozy and after the primary election in the socialist party
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which was a circus the winner was francois hollande now the media then reduces the sarkozy hold on political debate into a war of catchphrases for example with oil and calling sarkozy the bad guy is pure theater but there is no political content because in reality they are both fans of the european union and they cannot do what they pretend to want to do like green just realisation saving companies you know what they're proposing or against e.u. laws of the socialist party in the ruling union. for a popular movement ratified ninety three percent of what the e.u. proposed sarkozy and hollande are two economic liberal candidates with very minimal differences in stands on social issues which is why i'm interested in. who has good poll ratings and offers an alternative to leave the european union go back to the french france and defy wall street that the other two tried to pretend she doesn't exist they try to get the french into the american system they are afraid marie le
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pen can make it to the second round of the presidential elections if that happens it will expose the lie of the french system with a huge amount of media effort through television shows they try to bring the french people into a situation of actually having no choice while out you have all arden's are causing havoc in france we say it's like choosing between tweedle dee and tweedle dum it's sometimes a very subtle form of to tell a tarion is i'm using liberalism which is smarter than a dictatorship you give two choices that are essentially the same. or. so you are against the european long you're against the euro and what exactly is it that you see for france a system that would work better for your country. deceive others that when you look at the reality of the past twenty years the european union has changed very little by the way if we remember back then we thought we were still having referendums on such decisions so the mass treat referendum got through but in the second referendum on the lisbon treaty the french voted no in arland they voted no it was
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rejected by the people but then forcibly voted in by m.p.'s. this means that the national assembly betrayed the people of france it does not represent the people in statistical terms that lisbon has been ratified by the national assembly overwhelmingly when the people rejected the treaty in a referendum that it is clear that this representative democracy actually represents no one at all today the european union. scared of the people and of consulting the people there's also the demonization of the people treating them as though they're stupid as though they won't understand this is real right wing ideology men are idiots sheep that must be led by an elite against their will it's an ideology that can be called extreme right but what the european union was meant to bring down unemployment bring prosperity security whatever you want to callers but instead it brought on employment the adoption of the euro inflated prices it
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caused the industrialization especially in france it may be better for germany but it's an economic disaster on the security front it's been a disaster with being in a total loss of border control the french have long been familiar with that widespread disaster it doesn't work and now it's worse than before even today economic experts say it's about to collapse it's not even a question of whether it's good or bad it's falling apart mechanically the euro is exploding the single currency is a technical in possibility a europe of twenty seven countries cannot work we see that this huge thing is crumbling and has only brought negative effects practically with merkel and sarkozy meeting every three days it's getting ridiculous now there's a summit every three days it's no good it's close to collapse twenty four they discuss the movie a coverage of various events around the world particularly coverage of the arab
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spring occupy wall street and other more recent ones what's your take on how such a vast perpetrate and fast. already there is a very big difference in the treatment of occupy wall street and the arab revolutions but we don't talk in mainstream media about the riots and demonstrations challenging the power of the us banking oligarchies we do not want to see internal unrest that exists right now in the united states which is very serious and they are absolutely not reported in the french media nothing zero whereas all day long we hear about the arab spring we were given nonstop coverage of libya and we hear about syria all day long. the streets demonstrations and political rallies in the us are important but i haven't seen bashar al assad ask obama to step down or the queen of england there is also a lot of social unrest in england so in reality the problem is that in this world what we call the empire dominates the western media the people small all this and
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think that all is well in the us it's the largest democracy in the world but now against syria it's fire and blood and gadhafi was eating small children in the french media and i don't just mean mainstream media but also newspapers that were traditionally read by french intellectuals. there is a total collapse of political analysis in france the only serious analysis available is on the internet but it's a very small niche it's not the french situation the french know nothing of the serious problem in the united states but they are exposed to the syrian situation throughout the day because only because only now they've always stood for nationalism eve always said that fashion look out for its own interests a more nationalistic way but do not see any merit in france being more incurred appendant with other countries especially since we are living in a more interconnected world whether economically or politically what an isolated if it turns in words rather than out words. like that you with your will
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without we get the impression that there are only two choices. the new world order which means open borders globalism total submission to the us or closing in on ourselves in fact the alternative is neither of those first things that we have the option of using functional borders not as barriers but as doors and windows that can be opened more or less for reasons of protectionism with which is acknowledged by old a serious economists from a partnership point of view it is well known that our logical partners with whom we have an interest is russia rather than the us. lest thanks again for sharing your views on the program. when an uncomfortable question leads to a grave accusation of who is more is enough obviously. the president who isn't
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supposed to hide anything. worth someone asking him why do you make a secret out of when the powers to be suppress the voice of those who think different. when you get experiencing very serious problems after the saakashvili government came to power in two thousand and three but. that was when the problems began piling up. interviews were now off limits to our journalists they were all from the base and up and humiliated in public when the attempt to protect property puts life in real danger that we have been deprived of the only means of earning a living i have gone to the originals of all the papers. the little ice the ownership rights on the basis of companies freedom becomes just a stage prop. pressure
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on veils to the u.n. a new resolution on syria calling on all sides to hold a balance council members will discuss the text of a tone tuesday troubled country remains deadlocked and conflict. iran says it won't retaliate to the death of one of its nuclear scientists which it blames on israel the speaker of the iranian economy to accuse the country of terrorism taking its desperately trying to stop terror around nuclear program. and activists are just gathering to date take the path of capitol hill and the ground was among
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them the americans and their prospects it's four months since the first protest grew into a nationwide problem with. the sports update now with dmitri. thanks for joining us coming up in the program. and. becomes injury to go through with another bit. of the australian open. form defending champ. and bring her earlier was not so good when the opening match in the women's draw in melbourne. and narrow victory of one god needed over time and
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a shootout too big to nominal school here in the russian capital. so let's start with. successfully through to the second round of the australian open for much needed just under an hour on court why should only one game to beat. argentina in straight sets six then of six one. of the eight say past. all. i know the maria kirilenko is also through to the next round following straight sets six four six two victory over local clare. was very failed to book a place in the second round after two sets defeat to second seed better fleet of the czech will face. of spain next. cebu a chunk of the had no problems against clare as
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a couple of the czech republic the russian needed two sets to claim seven six six one victory. through to the next. should be telling standard to get over in three sets. is in the decide against. seed russians would like this and so is taking ship it off south africa while another russian then there is also an action on the second day of the competition choose up against stephanie do the canada. in the men's game world number one joker which produced the best possible start to the competition this needed an hour and a half or so to send the reigns of packing all resistance in the open air from the telephone and he was completely helpless in the next to set a joke which wrapped up a six to six love six love victory. in the mean time we have
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a huge need for their first round defeat at the hands of undried all over from kazakhstan. also out he was beaten by. four sets of the russian goes home to. defeat to spain it. and their world number two rafael nadal overcame him to advance into the second round of the australian open. deal with his ninth against american qualifier six four six one six one was the final score there. is up next for him. well not. resolved pre-tournament disagreement about the tennis calendar after the third seed crews rushing trying to draft a i think. a fine between us you know. you know it's. the last few months in terms of politics within the.
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new c.e.o. and chairman. can get frustrating sometimes you know he's mentioned many times no it's a bit tired and frustrated through the whole process and i share that with him you know it's normal but. obviously nothing changes in terms of our relationship. it was a not start for new. form of free crashed out fly over to paul in five sets and later. new records was giving him a lot of problems. round two after he fought back to the twenty second season out of the dusk in a five set the nineteen year old came from two sets down and set his mental frame for spain to his victory. it's very hard in the position to sit still
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loving having three points and. you know it was someone else i think you know. today and you. knew i had so many chances to mean first and second because you know it's one of the reasons that made me push to not nobbs the confidence. martin supporters also through the time dropped the first set against his little known french opponent on german arena the former u.s. open champ and recovered to record victory in just under three hours sitting it with a fine exchange at the net. and in the women's side currently it is not proved the wall number one position as the top seed dane swept aside local hopeful on the city rejoinder to get her quest for a made in grand slam title off to a quick start. draining champ thinking clusters was taking the distance in the first set but dropped just one game in the second as the belgian saw also qualify
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maria seven five six one. seed victoria hardly broke a sweat in how comprehensive six one six love defeat of great britain. the twenty two year old by the russian had too much power from the baseline for her pony and who's going to outside the world's top one hundred all being very easy for you said the hardest thing was trying to wake up in the morning. last year's beaten finalist entrained open champion li now china who's seeded fifth in melbourne came out and maisie six three six one winner against in a pair of arc who used to represent russia but is now playing for other stuff. but moved to the ice now where in the continental hockey league govern god claimed a comeback victory over do now more score here in the russian capital they only needed a shootout to register their win conceded but of which again for us. dinar
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had won both of their two previous matches by four one scorelines and produced an electric start against their own squiz derse monaco up broke away and left on guard bolton a guessing to put the home side in front of to just forty three seconds the twenty seven year old czech becoming deny most top scorer with his ninth goal of the season and the moon why it's quickly had the chance to double their tailing playing on a powerplay but these time cut ammo was in top form between the pipes one nothing after the first period however while the opening frame had kept the fans on the edge of this seats the second turned out to be very tight and it looks like it would end without further goals but one guard piled on the pressure and managed to equalize after thirty eight minutes he keep the fifth psyching firing into the back of the net for his first goal of the campaign and sell it to the decisive period which
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produced exhibition before minces from both goaltenders and ammo and deny most i like say will go more brilliance in the nats denying old air force from the forwards therefore at one zero still on the scoreboard the game went into overtime which also saw no goals and fittingly the fate of the match was to be decided in a duel between the best players the goalies but alex on that it is oregon finally made the difference scoring the only goal in the shootout to make it two one to the visiting hopes. that one of them a reserve goaltender gave me a piece of advice some instructions on how to score against the volk of and it worked just that and where i think our goalie was the hero of the night i was lucky to score as it was a team effort my teammates were in front of the net on the goaltender couldn't see my shots and i found the net with this when i won good leapfrogged going cup holders a lot you live to go feet in the eastern conference while dinner must stay. third
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in the west of her team. the results for more games took place across russia on monday sevastopol defeated more on. three. big victories in the region by the same. spot tough moscow on the road while metal of winter needed a shootout to register for three. years. and finally in boxing legendary world heavyweight champion mohammed ali is celebrating his seventieth birthday his professional career started back in one thousand six hundred. and a limpid build medal in rome since that time away won thirty one consecutive bouts and remained out all the sixty's he won his first title in one thousand nine hundred sixty four by. six rounds. memorable
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fights were held against the other american boxes and george foreman and with the greatest winning three out of those four a lady was dominating world boxing another decade his last fight took place in one nine hundred eighty one when he lost to jamaica and today more than thirty years after that devoted fans and professional athletes give credit to this outstanding personality. really does agree. there are. these books. he's my do. i want to see. the same for every c what do. you do outside of the ring. your greatest your greatest. love you. ok today now more sports news around the globe this time head not my set what is
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next. will do the trick science technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered. wealthy british style. market. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report.
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pressure on sales to the u.n. a new resolution to bring peace to syria as a troubled country remains deadlocked unfallen. iran says it won't retaliate for the death of one of its nuclear scientists which it blames on israel many israelis for the secret war against terror has long been under way. and occupy activists on their largest gathering to date to capitol hill to explore the anger growing among young americans with no prospects.


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