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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2012 3:18pm-3:48pm EST

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ones of people protesting against the piracy pact their countries signed up to along with twenty one other european states a night of so the multinational deal which still needs to be ratified by the european parliament allows firms to censor the internet next year except the reports now from warsaw. at first thousands across poland directed their anger squarely at the notorious anti counterfeit trade agreement the idea of punishing the site for publishing the. material is somehow illogical to me it's like punishing the corporation that produces knifes for. being used to kill somebody but with every passing rally the protest grew more political the crowds put prime minister to six government under fire for signing the agreement on thursday most governmental websites were hijacked by the anonymous hacker group i think they are trying to mask. the promise is that there would be
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a sudden closer touch to the documents. that we have. the right for our own interpretation of the can but that's not possible knows a lot from our government technically active should be a good thing protecting intellectual property ranging from music to designer bags but the global online community fears corporations will use it to police the web and take regular users offline for harmless internet behavior it certainly has a striking resemblance to the much debated sopa bill in the united states which sent even online giants like google and wikipedia to take direct action but the law was only meant to work locally across the atlantic while act would be applied more globally the act of printing out. groups and in some countries it needs to be ratified by parliament but not in every country so we have another. source open people faired but actor is still an option
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for many many countries it was too much for one french e.u. deputy he quit calling act charade then came the twitter twist the micro-blogging site saying it can now censor tweets country by country pride is active protests. in war so we're expected to gather up to forty thousand people but a sudden big freeze kept many away nevertheless they intend to rally for several more weeks hoping to urge warsaw's ruling circles to take a step back. states along with poland signed actor but it's only here that the decision has caused so much controversy and public dissent the document is yet to be ratified by the country spahr laments which certainly leaves the possibility of more protests everywhere across the european continent let's. see reporting from poland. well as our correspondent in the micro blogging from twitter is in a flap over censorship scandal of its own because more analysis on that on our
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website r.t. don't come including one suggesting that the move will ultimately be back on government. government censoring you and i think that'll be a huge step in pressuring people to share the stuff that was censored but also pressuring governments to change their policy what's the full conversation with internet liberty campaign aaron swartz on com also online at the moment. the internet's most famous whistleblower is getting ready to reveal even more on t.v. sanjay is launching his own talk show on r.t. all the details on our website for a. few . this week egyptians mark t. years since the beginning of the country's uprising hundreds of thousands flooded into tahrir square the iconic birthplace of the revolution and today the polls are
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open for elections to the upper house of parliament this after islamist parties claimed an overwhelming majority in the lower house the new government is currently trying to develop a new constitution above all egyptians want the dissolution of the military council which inherited absolute power from the posed president hosni mubarak political analyst ahmed but are we told r.t. the military knows it's time is running out. still with. the. supreme council of. the. symbols of the all. but is a general. feeling of frustration at the small change. from the all bluesy and some members what was have been. describe. a position of people just have
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a general lack of trust the words are thought of i believe that the sooner. the better for them nor. much of those so far. has been to the letter. when it comes to violence libya isn't far behind coming up in the next hour in our months after the fall of gadhafi respected n.g.o.s doctors without borders suspends its mission to libya after being forced to treat torture victims the event sent straight back for further interrogation. in election campaigning here in russia where its web weapons are on the front line of the battlefield trover has been looking at the cutting edge tactics being used to win hearts and minds. but where does it was that you were right is that was that it was a gray suits and ties and slogans cold out from the poor d m r the traditional election season fair but they're no longer considered politically in vogue. today's
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compay ning has gone online in a hot new trend in russia. with programming and bloggers making fun of the opposition portraying them in prayer outside the u.s. embassy on sundays claiming they are connected to the u.s. state department and the opposition filming funny cartoons about politicians made out of lego. getting information out there is becoming easier all the time but the internet is a very different medium to television while on t.v. it's enough to just look into the camera like this to viewers' attention not so although that to me you are police video reach millions of lines it's not a lot it just. it also has to be provoked to brazen and sometimes project
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a whole different image. it's no surprise then that putin as a character from harry porter became an overnight hit it's an industry doing the symbol. of i don't see what i see you have lost the stick with something yes they go to the caribbean they're going to go you'll make it and you're sure that the quickest when you're going to go when you. got there but it will just be them. but i don't compete it's up to you about you apart from catching images memorable catch phrases are used against those in the corridors of power opposition blogger alex in the valley was the first upload his sharp witted tongue online a year ago he labelled the ruling united russia party of the eaves and scoundrels the insulting phrase at first appeared on the nat but quickly migrated to almost every magine of all media in russia and beyond a year after the party won in the parliamentary elections and reworked the
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catchphrase felicity's a vote for the party of thieves and scoundrels for ten years of economic growth with the party of these in scoundrels united russia. the mastermind behind that video and state duma deputy robert proved his party can also fight its wars online broke out super powers the use of being in my aim was to provoke to pin reality darker than that is often i don't agree with such statements in my videos but they do work but i see these putin and russia without putin rise why not give away your country your beautiful girlfriend to some foreign guy what will happen to the caucasus nothing less just give it away to you responding or technical the videos made a very professional way you can see that highly paid specialist did it with that appeals to primitive responses but works one hundred percent first thought is that there is indeed no future without put but videos from the opposition are just as
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blatant. and i have a whole trend of this election season eavesdropping on politicians and posting recordings online those taking part in a massive opposition rally in december were surprised to find out that one of their inspirations maurice and self described them in a phone as. hear from you. for your report. it's naive to expect blocking us from any side when we are living in election year there are no holds barred in this war not even interfering in someone's private life with. a lack of privacy for today's politicians is already a modern day reality and with fifty million russians going online today about forty percent of the adult population is the future is predicted to be filled with only line political. pushing the boundaries of
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a virtual world without borders exceeding the gradual beyond our t.v. . you're watching the weekly. i'll be back with a recap of our top stories for you very shortly don't go away.
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we have seen the damage it has done to our environment mark chemicals what the poor props we do not want any more new dmoz. our core system is to say there was a does more experience and i'm just just appalled but that's allowed to go on america. eating this unfortunately because we don't know what's in it there's no labeling there for it being used like the board to experiment and be used as getting. old now we have more questions than we have had three guards. like. wealthy british style sun rose sometimes.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in cars a report on. the twenty four hours a day this is all tea time to pick you up on the week's top stories hit the league's beleaguered mission in arab nations hope that observers work in syria have reports of an upsurge in violence russia says that could make things worse. for talks between iran and un nuclear inspectors was human made international tension iran considering stopping fuel supplies to be even within days as a response to. sanctions. also us had to call the protests filled with full force of the law and opened again in opposition assaulting to tear gas and flash grenades to disperse demonstrators and arrest hundreds. of multinational proposals to stop
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web piracy spark mass protests and potent to say the government is supporting internet censorship not copyright protection. so that brings up to date for the moment here in today's edition of the weekly about with more for you in half an hour from now the mean time r.t. caught up with the head of russia's high tech state corporation reasoner know the economic forum in davos to discuss the country's business and political future and that interview is next week on r.t. . what's one action should russia's new government take to stop business leaders stealing money and taking it out of the country the basic reasons for the capital of war. has no connection or is the market in the condiment also because they're quite positive so we care for inflation rate last through a belief less so and definitely less of the seven percent there is no file they
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don't. believe that the next to solve until your will be on low or. going to mcgraw's four percent or three point something. so it's not me that's more fundamental i would say institutional reasons which lead to eat the basics is the rule of law corruption independent judicial system that's the main priority and we have to my understanding question government and the next question presidential because straight up on the fortunately i'm more on the one way to fight corruption in the name of disability democracy. some of the sure far more into corruption than just lation it's it's about nothing. and democracy is the real competition in political life was the real independent political party this
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was the real axis two of the must media including t.v. for the opposition that's the main demand of the new russian opposition which was born on the. square and that's the only way to fight corruption what role do you want to play in russian politics moving forward zero. that's my dream my dream do not take part in any kind of political process or police on the public level. when mulches presidential elections get serious public opinion polls. and a social forecast and that's why i can only share some feelings not norwich with you so my feeling is that just as for today putin is the strongest candidate switches of this second. he doesn't need to put in rural mississippi will do in the cost structure thought he would and will not remain in the first trump book
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if extremely complicated political situation where on the second welfare situation portions are granted. and that is something which is not completely recovered minds by the russian society and i cannot forecast what will be the main. reaction of your position below that people. there will be death pain the question. who got up the answer is not determined violence spilling into the streets if there's no clear election we know not all i'm signal to discuss took a bow of the second round result in case if it will happen in case they will be put an end zyuganov what you are in a position what for this kind of dilemma it's unclear for me unfortunately russia has a problem but i think its budget should it cut spending or raise taxes. unfortunately
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i believe that. the russian budget for speaking out about a seldom twelfth but was because the police simply yours for the first to keep is not balanced here and that already made several decision which does balance question budget. i can see even more i believe that. some of decision which will be denounced on high level could not be implemented in russia. and that's why i believe death restructuring of the russian budget absolutely. which was this dilemma that you mention cut spending quarter increase taxes i believe that over cost in terms of all the. budget expenditures i believe that we need to hear strong caught on the budget expenditures and the scale of this. budget for steps is that big that you can no one can do it without strong reforms we need pension reforms we need health care reforms we need
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additional step and transforming version educational system and those steps the institutional way which may help us to cut spending but i know that now in the russian pension fund is not balanced it's subsidized by the russian budget and subsidize fantastic amount of money and subsidization increasing your by your so that's why to my understanding. pension reform inevitable and i'm not ready to speak in details about the details but i can tell there will that idea. there if we're in the will that idea accumulate underperformer in the last. six so in yours the more we will delay these painful steps the more radical and more painful pension reform will be do you oppose the big roys in
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russia's military spending no i'm not against moment just been going to believe that the military spending may help if they arrange in a proper way they may help to bolster of the in the way show in the in the media dream district as well it was done in the united states and silicon willy nilly would not be what it is without the military orders from the pentagon and i would not reject this kind of ideas but it's not a question yes or no that's a question of the extent the extent to which was. so of it in now. i couldn't say it's good but it's just i'm realistic there's no way to spend that much money on this structure with though it does above and sink russian equipment that's the problem your high tech holding brosnan those investing in foreign as well as russian startups what's the current propulsion well that's proportional shows that reflect our understanding between the developing russian all based projects and transfer technology more to transfer and we believe there at the russia case it's
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a base but of the same time that a fantastically interesting project outside the flash and transparent would make sense was this basic understanding of proportion which looks like so and to five percent of the total that's the russian base project twenty five percent that transfer of technology from all sides of russia to russia so into five going to play in five for yours i would hardly predict it but in ten yours eve the strategy of for there are some of the zation will be successful it may change and increase the russian proportion of what progress have you made here in double since then in the first shares in this year we will sell ten percent shares of at the private placement that's very very sensitive point for us none in our way from the state corporation into the business like a corporation in this table do was consulted so from the middle of the chin we could be and that's why i made here was the middle of the president and we could be
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in the we are discussing this steps into saw bill and the strategy how to increase the private shareholders participation it's not public placement that's private placement the first stage it's private placement which will happen this year for this ten percent what sorts of private investors do you want to attract for your placement this year that's exactly the topic we're discussing now and i believe that on the first stage which will be about ten percent of the major way should be on the institutional investors and i think that we need to what do we need to. because the board will put they show russian investors in. the famous so for an investor who are able to invest in their company pencils or bust thank you for speaking with all to.
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move to the future this month chunks by particles that make up the fabric of the universe find what you're looking for in the deep siberian forest prevent a fire with the help of lasers in fibers to plug your tablet of a new gaming image and image the feature begin all of that here in novosibirsk technology i'm danged here on a large we've got the future covered. a
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soulless substance. can attack like a well trained army. villages in ruins. for thailand where time stands still. all becomes a scene of nothing. the mysterious sons of russia. are to. download the official antti application to i phone or i pod touch from the i.q. exams to. watch on t.v.
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life on the go. video on demand on t.v.'s my broadcasts and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the t.v. dot com. were shot four times in total in the air war as it were a. series of boys are still alive why did. they leave people should be allowed to defend themselves where would they own guns in the hands of law abiding decent people are not a problem national rifle association there's a group of basically retired military police love to shoot holes and i'm sorry if you know that the bullet comes out here and this makes it go
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bang and it what's in front of here is going to die and that's all the training you really really need raise your hand if you know something's been. ok place to live without one of the philadelphia lawyers over streets. and tell a lot of hopefully we will never have to. used the weapons for self defense so he should be prepared for the full class including the teacher as a. seventeen students. are still a lot. more news today violence is once again fled the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. today.
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to get. wealthy british style holds. on to the platinum. markets why not. look. to the global economy in these kinds of reports.
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this week's top stories in our two the league's. arab nations hold their observers work in syria reports of an upsurge in violence russia says that could make things worse. the talks between iran and you when you play inspectors resume amid international tension to iran is considering stopping fuel supplies to the e.u. within days as a response to sanctions. also us had to call for protests feel the full force of the law in oakland again with offices resorting to tear gas and flash grenades to disperse demonstrators and arrest hundreds. multi-national proposals to stop the piracy sparked massive protests in poland activists say their government is supporting internet censorship copyright protection. as romaine stories this hour
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for you more on those in fifteen minutes from now the meantime kate is next with the sport. hello welcome to the sports years and here are the headlines. really down and out now about just a bit later run down the dog in five sets to win his third destroy it open title after almost six hours on court. while got this point back in robin van persie scores twice from the penalty spot has also come back to win three two and knocked aston villa out of the f.a. cup. and forty three new zealand hours that leave your code becomes the youngest winner of a professional golf for event at the age of just fourteen. but first to tennis and world number one novak djokovic outlasted arch rival rafael the doll in
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a record long battle to claim his third straight and open crown the serbian came from a set down to clinch the next two and looked in control in the fourth set but a thrilling come up behind the dogs for the spaniard towards a tight decider and lead for two however djokovic hit back and eventually the first. seven five and still the virus in five hours and fifty three minutes the final score of five seven six four six two six seven seven the titanic is both the longest grand slam final and the longest ever to this group and it is the fifth man succeeding to the right thing to do so all six of them wants to do with the finals . let them decide. russia's yellow no name not lost the mixed doubles final she and india.


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