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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  September 29, 2022 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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because it is malakhov today at 16:30 on the channel, russia all news is always available on the media platform, we watch it in the application or on the website, but the news follows the development of the main events in russia and abroad. stay with us. on the air program 60 minutes in hot pursuit. hello dear friends, comrades. hello everyone, starting with breaking news, the swedish media , citing the local coast guard, reported the fourth gas leak after the pipeline blew up. nord stream thus confirmed two leaks in swedish economic zones. and two more danish british scania, citing sources
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in british intelligence, report that they were used to carry out attacks on gas pipelines in the baltic sea . you won't believe remote explosives against this backdrop. the white house decided to explain itself to the whole world. in short, the united states has nothing to do with it, and biden did not promise to blow up nord stream, but simply promised not to allow it to be put into operation, but if you are online an american trans report on removing europe from the russian gas needles and planting europe on the american. here , too, there is nothing at all. this is about the fact that candaliza rice explained this report 8 years ago, also another coincidence the coolest of all, while the pentagon spoke there and said that the united states is absolutely a direct quote absolutely not involved in the explosion on the gas pipeline. they just flew by. and they flew in the truest sense of the word. and if you look
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at the military activity in the area of ​​​​undermining the coincidence, something becomes a little too much. watch how they say hands on the morning after the explosion came to the white house a report that right near the nord stream, the exercises of the british atlanticists continued for the third day on the same day, london awarded them for some kind of military merit for holding some important events in foreign territorial waters, whatever that means a few weeks before the explosion, right above the scene. an american military helicopter dived heavily. yes, and the place. for the exercise, it is there that denmark regularly trains nato, and in june the united states boasted of success in the field of underwater drones, which they tested, where would you think again in the same place. well, now the head of the pentagon, austin, offers dani and sweden his help in the investigation. and all the western media suddenly began to stubbornly try to stubbornly shove into the minds of
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the layman the idea that the gas explosions were staged by the kremlin well, and gazprom. this of course , no evidence is beneficial, but the high-like continues to work. claims that three leaks on the russian gas pipeline to europe are the result of sabotage, these pipes are only 200 feet underwater or something like that, russia has underwater capabilities, which would allow the installation of explosives on these pipelines. i think this is a signal to europe that russia can go beyond the borders of ukraine. i think this is an obvious fact of sabotage and russia is the main suspect in the eu said that any deliberate disruption of the gas pipeline. nord stream will be met with a decisive and unified response. does this include a united us response and what kind of response should be expected given how important this asset is to the region critical infrastructure of our european and fan allies,
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is of concern to us and we will remain vigilant and coordinate with our allies and partners, but again an investigation, we understand. for some time it is now held the only culprit that comes to russia is only in its interests. i 'm sure russia is this way. he says that these pipelines will not work our gas in europe, you can not wait any longer, moreover, this is the red line of the baltic pipeline, which was launched yesterday when these baltic explosions happened the pipeline crosses nord stream one and nord stream 2. and i'm sure the message here is that now all the pipelines in the baltics are vulnerable. putin is not a fan. game of accusations, yes russia is reacting with habitual annoyance to the accusation that nord stream 2 was apparently leaked in three different places, and everyone argues that this diversion remains the main
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issue. whoever did this, of course, russia will be blamed, there is no point in denying it, but i am going to state it. this is objectively something for you claims that it is obviously russia they have done so in the past. for example, they had eight and four million pounds of gases a day, which they simply burned. there is an opinion that they are simply proving that they can blow up a new baltic pipe from norway to poland. there is also a theory that such people appeal to. like that kir carlson on boxing news, he says the us did it because biden said they have the capacity to do so if russia invades. be sure there will be no nord stream 2. and victoria nuland, as part of his administration , quite clearly said the same thing, then the journalist asked a question. and how did you do it? to which biden replied there are ways, and then the guy was happy and said, thank you. usa still people say that it could be more, because it has many reasons for this and it makes sense. maybe you did it? ukraine because if you look at ukraine,
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it doesn't want to replace its pipeline. she 'll lose millions if that happens, and the us gave them underwater drones, so they're really could do it they don't want germany to stop the war they don't want to start negotiations with russia this deprives russia of such a negotiating tool. so it's all very complicated not to say it's obviously russia it could be ukraine too with a little help from the us or something like that here's benefit for russia if it's russia so that's the point. there seems to be no obvious benefit. and without gas, they intend to go to germany for a reason. chaos in the heart of europe plays into the hands of the united states; the americans are increasing their influence in the region; deliveries of lng molecules of freedom from the usa and will lure educated europeans to the usa, who are fleeing unemployment, at the same time they will pull up their beaten -up
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kovedmokan plan brilliant weapons in ukraine as an attack on nato as a whole. that is, it’s left to do little to stage a nuclear strike on ukraine, to use the fifth article, the charter must declare war on russia at the same time, the west continues to wonder if the russian president is publishing when he says that he will respond with all his potential. if nato attacks russia, an analytical article with this headline is published by the united states this press is the main conclusion that ap putin made is not a bluff, but us intelligence is stepping up surveillance of russian nuclear facilities to predict when the kremlin decides to strike, american experts are in a hurry to reassure the public and nuclear war is not will say. our intelligence is working well if the russians decide to use
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nuclear weapons will be known in advance and the answer will be tough, but the florist ward, who is considered an expert in kind. according to russia calls to pray other options. no, an adequate solution, it seems, there is a feeling that only the turkish president erdogan has so far. today he plans to call putin, allegedly in order to convince him to sit down at the negotiating table, but here zelensky appears who does not want to sit down at the negotiating table. the u.s. is reportedly stepping up surveillance and surveillance following nuclear threats from russian general. will we know in advance if russia decides to use nuclear weapons, i think yes,
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firstly, we know where their tactical nuclear missiles are and, as far as i understand, these places are monitored around the clock. moreover , several means of reconnaissance at the same time, but not everything is so simple, the russians have at least 10 weapons systems, including aircraft that can use various missiles that are usually used for conventional weapons, but they can also be used to launch tactical nuclear missiles, so it 's a little harder to track all of this, but nevertheless, our intelligence has taken this seriously ever since putin or his deputies first voiced the idea of ​​\u200b\u200busing nuclear weapons, so most likely our government will be able to know about it in advance, whether they decide to share it with us and how they are going to respond to it does not matter. in general, i think that in this matter we are studying in good shape. nato needs to respond with both
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determination and firmness. as far as we know putin is threatening to use ukraine's tactical nuclear weapons rather than attack nato which means that nato should respond in the usual way, but the response must be devastating and i think that 's the obvious message that nato and allies are sending to russia now, the cost of going nuclear is catastrophic. we shouldn't even think about it, let alone comment on it. solving this issue through diplomacy would be the most correct step. i'm not bluffing, he says, putin is strange to say this, especially if you are a world leader who has weapons at his disposal that can destroy everything, you are like a person who knows russia well. for many years you were the chief correspondent of abc in moscow say he is glaring. i pray that he is
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bluffing, but no one should assume that he is bluffing, everyone should be prepared for that if he is not bluffing, i spoke in russia with people who are taking a hard line. they support the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons because they believe it is very important stage to return the atmosphere, fear on the field was afraid. well , that is, in fact, the united states admits to espionage, apparently, they did not consider a peaceful solution to the conflict in ukraine. in general, turkish president erdogan, perhaps, is the only one who really understands that there is nothing to win back. well, the only right decision is to try to negotiate, but no matter how europe and the united states use any leverage to level the past in the lpr, dpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, the referendum has just become. it is known that the american authorities want to achieve
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the adoption of a resolution on ukraine, bypassing the un security council, everything in russia. as you know, there is a right, moreover, a little earlier, us ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield told reporters that the united states will submit a draft resolution to the security council meeting condemning the referendum in four former regions of ukraine . in addition, the united states and its allies continue to continue to use such weapons. we are already talking about fighter aircraft of their aircraft and ukraine is almost gone. the airmen also need artillery and tanks without them any counteroffensive is impossible the united states officially admitted that after the ukrainian troops managed to recapture large chunks of territory in the kharkiv region, the offensive stalled , moreover, in the southern regions in kherson zaporozhye, during the month of hostilities, the apu failed to achieve, no progress at all, former trump adviser
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on russia actually recognized that the united states is a country of conflict and promised a war with nato in the sense that the united states was so deeply immersed in the war in ukraine that it would not be possible to get out of it so easily. this is luhansk ukraine however, russian flags hang on all these ukrainian streets and squares. russia wants to annex these territories, regional leaders. they turned to the russian president with a request to include them in the russian federation after the so-called referendums , the leaders appointed by moscow and stated that zaporozhye donetsk lugansk and kherson all these regions voted for joining russia, this is a
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step already tried by russia, ostentatious referendums have already been held in georgia and crimea and same as in 2008 and in 2014, the vast majority of the international community denies the legitimacy of the referendums held and supports ukrainian territorial integrity. putin wants to unite what he won on the battlefield. he made a number of announcements, firstly that crimea is russia and will never be returned, then he recognized the dpr and lpr as two republics in the donbass, the donbass , and then the russians entered other large areas in khersons and zaporozhye which give them control over infrastructure, including water resources, road and rail links going to crimea and putin said that russia will stay there he changes the facts on the ground. he dismembers ukraine, he digs in it. and now he is changing the course of the entire dialogue, turning it into a dialogue with the west from the united states, that is, in fact. he says, now we need
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to negotiate with me and ask for peace. and that means recognizing everything that russia has done on the battlefield. did the west miss the moment by choosing a systematic approach, as opposed to what ukraine would like ukrainians would certainly like to get more of the latest long-range weapons. fighter artillery is something to give the russians right in the nose on the battlefield, of course the dilemma faced by the us as well as western governments is to try to contain this conflict. let's face it, we couldn't contain it. now we are working in the rear, as soon as we took part in this escalating action. all this became inevitable. a lot of people are pushing that we should sit down at the negotiating table, that we should pay more attention to what the russians are asking for. however, this will not solve the problem. we are now in the midst of events that have the effect of global dominance, ukrainian forces have managed to recapture large chunks of territory in the east in the southern
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regions of kherson and zaporozhye from progress , both sides in the south are subject to regular shelling as their advance is heavily dependent on artillery. these peaceful views are deceptive. the front line is less than 2 km away. shoots ukrainians have a hard time advancing in the absence of air support fighters, still not enough. so heavy artillery still plays a big role. this soviet self-propelled, artillery carnation, its life cycle has ended a long time ago. however, the ukrainians there is no other choice but to use whatever weapon they have fire, however the mission is not over yet. well, while the war with nato has not begun, the head of the european commission does not leave
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his attempts, and to break the russian economy, ursula fondoraion announced that the eu countries have finally agreed on a new bite, as the bite package of anti-russian sanctions, including the price ceiling , was announced for russian oil i will discuss sanctions in a week in prague, while it is possible that the idea will become a shot at itself again in the sense that the measures taken may force russia what is the right thing to do to reduce oil production, which will only provoke a further increase in world prices, but the head of the european commission, as they say, not stop along with the price ceiling, she promised to ban the import of russian goods, as much as 7 billion euros. well, in addition to products , foundry industries have become. write building politico europeans intend to abandon russian. cosmetics from russian shaving foam from russian deodorants to russian
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soap of dental floss and the attention of russian toilet paper, while as we all know in the eu there is a big deficit in the last point, that is, a strange measure to suffer. here again, not russians but europeans when visiting the toilet. well, the list of sanctions, which is customary to add weight, is an expansion of the list of personal restrictions, this time those who organized the referendum will fall into it. however, the new package of restrictions may not be accepted by the european union. there is such an unpleasant country called hungary , it is led by viktor orban. today he said that brussels seems to have guessed they imposed strange sanctions on it, which lead to the collapse of the european economy in the first place. well, hungary to kill their industry. orba would like to add that the government is launching a
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nationwide referendum on the issue of sanctions. you asked the citizens before the eu summit in prague next week. he will pass to express his personal opinion. what kind of people does i serve at the same time? bureaucrats led by ursula are not strong, of course, but after the explosions on the nord stream, it is obvious that the price ceiling for russian oil. this is like the final nail in the coffin of the european economy, well, and of the entire german industry. the european union has said it wants to hit russia again with biting new sanctions aimed at trading the military-industrial complex from the people who orchestrated the annexation vote, in parts. by occupying ukraine, brussels wants russia to pay the price for an escalating crisis by doing what they call effective referrals. the chairman of the commission explained what is behind these additional russian economy, so i propose to
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introduce new bans on the import of russian products to the european market and solve russia's additional families, billions of euros in income. we also propose to expand the list of goods that cannot be exported to russia, we do not recognize effective referendums, as well as any form of annexation of ukrainian territory. we want to make sure that russia is not able to recover very soon from this blow. and today we are again introducing a draft of sanctions against russia that should cause huge damage to the russian economy in the european union, there is a man whom all the bureaucrats in brussels simply hate and this is the hungarian prime minister viktor orman. ke because he
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announced that he was going to let the people vote in a referendum on whether russian imports should be sanctioned. the european union has sanctioned all european goods, they are trying to destroy russia, destroy it. in any case no nothing the european union hates more than the fact that ordinary citizens have a say in their government their ultimate goal is to establish an absolute dictatorship where they can simply get rid of all this business in the form of an election of a hungarian prime minister. order. he said that the decision on the sanctions was not made democratically , but by brussels bureaucrats and european elites. although the citizens of europe pay. for this price. nobody asked them, there was no democratic process to see if they wanted to the european union to participate in this war and do they themselves want to fall under all the sanctions imposed by the us and nato
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? 150 armored suvs. ha, as well as the pentagon's anti-drone radar system. the new aid package is called a multi-year investment in critical capabilities to build the long-term strength of the armed forces . the department of ukraine noted that in total, since february 24, the americans have already allocated more than $16 billion to ukrainians. but there is one very unpleasant nuance for understanding the delivery, 18, promised by the united states of highmores, it will take years, plus or minus, from two to three years. this is because the states will produce these systems, and not withdraw from their own.
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military stocks have run out of stocks, delivery of other equipment included in the aid package will also take 6 months to 24 months, according to the washington post of the baltic countries, eastern europe they are also asking the americans to increase military production to speed up the fulfillment of orders for weapons. so estonia is asked to provide it with rzzo heimmers reaper drones, latvia wants to receive modern long-range artillery, as well as air and coastal defense systems. look at these shots latvians publish in social networks. the movement of american missile systems hymars on the highway towards the russian border. earlier it was reported that at least two complexes will be deployed on the territory of the country as part of the exercise of national armed forces of latvia, units of the us armed forces, the launch of the haimars missile was carried out from the
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system brought to the polygon from germany to, as stated, demonstrate the possibility of rapid deployment of nato assets, that is, to try to scare putin, in other words, to force ukraine itself. in fact, there are almost none left. germany , in order to show nato's readiness to defend the baltic countries, missiles capable of attacking entire distances of up to 300 km were fired at a certain time and tracked by air traffic control services means confidence that the allies will quickly be able
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to come to our aid. this is the answer to the question of all skeptics. how quickly these systems can be deployed and we can say that in just a couple of hours to emphasize how important cooperation with nato is for us, an attack on one member of the north atlantic alliance means attacks. all western allies must be together to end the war in ukraine together order your own systems from the us apparently. they will be delivered in 3 years. well, the cherry on the cake for creating panic in our country. here, the department of defense announced an emergency evacuation of american citizens with dual citizenship from russia, in an announcement published on the website of the us embassy in moscow, it says simply all americans should
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immediately leave russia and do it in any possible way. while the opportunity to leave the country still remains, i will immediately reassure you the reason for the flight of americans from russia. this is not what you think is not a nuclear strike, it seems, it turns out that the statement was made against the background, announced last week, the beginning of partial mobilization in russia to washington, expresses fears that in the new conditions, russia may refuse to recognize us citizenship for persons with dual citizenship and, of course, to call them up for military service, so friends, legs in hand , following the united states, you need to understand urgently leave russia so as not to end up in the ukrainian war. asked in poland bulgaria romania estonia lithuania the reasons are the same mobilization. the
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us embassy in moscow issued a security alert urging us citizens to leave russia in connection with the arrival of president vladimir putin on the partial mobilization of russian men to participate in his war in ukraine was the us officially invited to assist in this investigation, and then separately the us embassy in moscow has warned american citizens that russia may not recognize dual citizenship when it comes to mass mobilization and conscription. and me just wondering. have you seen evidence that americans are being drafted into the military or denied consular access? of course, we are concerned about the potential impact on us and russian dual citizens. service,
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but the security message you saw. at night, first of all, it appeared due to the partial mobilization of president putin, that is, calls for an additional 300,000 citizens whose russian president putin seeks to bring to his brutal war in ukraine the welcome of this mobilization is the possibility of conscription of persons with dual citizenship. in this case of us and russian dual citizenship, we have a huge list of cases where vladimir putin detained americans for very far-fetched reasons and subsequently held them hostage. this has been going on ever since putin came to power. and it is also important not to give him the opportunity to control us anymore, when he holds the americans hostage, it was worth giving up earlier,
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whether something happened recently that forced the state department to act. now it's just a matter of name before putin lashes out at americans and europeans. it can be seen that putin is becoming more and more belligerent. let's move right now to the donbass on a live link, our war correspondent evgeny similar to zhenya hello, there is a lot of news, firstly for our viewers i will say that the leadership of the lpr dpr is the leadership of the kherson region, where is zaporozhye? the referendums are over and the preliminary voting results are in. flew to moscow published a photo. they are on social media most likely. in any case, there are other leaks on this score, there will be a meeting with the russian president on the ground in the near future, which is now clear that everyone, realizing
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the hopelessness of their situation in terms of joining new territories, will try to break through the defense line, what where? where is it especially hard? hello, but here it is worth noting that the most tense situation in the north of the special military operation zone is such. she's been there for a few weeks. let's talk about everything in order, indeed , attempts continue to break through the formation of the kiev regime, and the line of defense of the armed forces of russia and the people's militia, the lugansk and donetsk people's republics in the liman direction, the battles are also going on in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement dvurichnoe - this is, in fact, the oskol river in the immediate vicinity of kupinsk, and the formation of the kiev regime operates without sparing the personnel, despite the huge losses, they constantly bring up the reserve and the target in the front line, and these actions are the first turn, as quickly as possible to move forward to break through
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the defenses of the allied forces and move towards the woo towards their own territory of the luhansk people's republic, they hit from rocket systems. on the floor of the fire they hit from cannon artillery using western-made electronic intelligence equipment. well, actually, all western-made artillery. now they use the apu, in fact, at the forefront, there is very little left of the old soviet, and artillery, it is worth noting here that parts of the formation of the russian army of the second lugansk army corps of the people's republic, the people of the militia of the donetsk republic are doing everything possible to prevent breakthroughs, our artillery is also working , reconnaissance means, but the situation there is really difficult. here, the tragedy occurred due to the actions of the kiev regime, another 30 people died refugees as a result of an attempt to leave kupinsk towards russia, seven people were
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delivered, and in the hospital of the luhansk people's republic among the victims were children, parents who died as a result of the strike of the armed forces ukraine the situation is not calm and in the donbass in the donetsk people's republic here the formation of the kiev regime continues to strike at the donetsk agglomeration. let me remind you that donetsk is the only front-line city with a population of one million that has been under shelling for all 8 years. now shelling has become more frequent and, in fact, now there is no safe place in the city, if earlier, and in the central regions, shells rarely exploded. and now, in fact, a blow can occur anywhere. the formation of the kiev regime is hitting places where no military installations. any resident will confirm this. donetsk confirms and our film crew simply strikes in order to intimidate the inhabitants of the capital of the donetsk people's republic olga it is also
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worth noting that additional forces are being transferred to the formation of the kiev regime and reserves to the zaporozhye direction, according to some data, either also organize a breakthrough on the part of the armed forces of ukraine or is it an imitation of offensive actions in order to contain part of the reserves in the army russia’s allies and in order to continue attacks in the limansk direction, the enemy’s plan in the north of the special military operation zone to go to svatovo is, in fact, the northernmost settlement of the large luhansk people’s republic and also to go north of rubizhne, but it’s clear that and after the announcement in russia of a partial mobilization. the kiev regime has very little time and the next few weeks will be really extremely difficult, and here on the line of contact is a special military operation. kyiv does everything possible for a to try to inflict
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painful injections until fresh reserves approached the line of contact. olga nightmarish news about 30 dead has just been confirmed by rodion on mirosh. this is the ambassador of the lugansk still people's republic in russia, people were evacuated from the city of kupyansk, peaceful local ukrainians. that is, they were killed, that in general, in the kharkiv region, ukrainian publics publish new footage with the removal of russian flags and the hoisting of ukrainian flags - this is just that other the kupinsky part, if i understand correctly where people tried to leave from, what is happening there, in general, as a whole. yes, olga will buy it from the gantry, in fact, the eastern part of the kupinsky industrial zone. until recently, it was in the so -called gray zone. now militants are operating there, the formation of the kiev regime, we know that among them there are a large number of mercenaries, along the entire line of contact
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along the oskol river, attempts by the armed forces of ukraine to break into the defenses of the russian army continue, and in the kharkiv region itself, according to our data, the kiev regime staged a real repression, literally. ah, they are looking for those people who support the actions of the russian federation, and according to our data, these people disappear without a trace and are charged, a with treason. well, in general, uh, repressive measures, and the kiev regime takes immediately, as for strikes on a convoy with refugees, this is far from being the first strike. and a it’s clear that a columns with civilians on which, as a rule, children are written and white flags are hoisted are not stop the formation of the kiev regime , moreover, it is worth noting here that western military advisers are well aware of this, who oversee, for example, ukrainian artillery of western production, especially
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the use of high-precision, and systems such as the highmort multiple launch rocket system, systems such as 155 mm howitzers when using active rockets, and in any case, all data passes through western curators, respectively, ah. military advisors from the atlantic alliance transfer orders. they know where they hit, and militants of the formation of the kiev regime on the territory of the kharkov region. the neo-nazi unit kraken also operates. and this formation, and which, well, is distinguished by cruelty is different. ah, absolutely inhuman treatment of the civilian population. there are plenty of facts. and well, here is the actual situation in the north, the zone of a special military operation. she's really a tough question right now. you said that the next two weeks will be the most difficult for the russian army, we are probably talking about the preparation of the newly mobilized, and the period
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which is the time it takes for combat coordination. that is, all these two or three weeks, we will continue to be on the defensive. are there areas where we attack now or we expect success in the near future. ol offensive operations are a grouping of allies - this is also a subdivision of the russian army - this and other formations continue in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsolidarity in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bbakhmut, but the advance is slow due to the fact that now the numerical superiority of the enemy remains on the line of contact. and i remind you that all the time that lasts special military operation, in fact. uh, the russian army operated with small forces, why do i say that the next few weeks will be quite difficult for me for the units of the formations that hold lines in the zone of a special military operation, because the kiev regime is well aware that after
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serious reserves, and these are serious reserves. they won't even start fighting . it will just be on the second line, for example, this will untie the hands of, uh, the assault unit and the russian army and the allies and actually. saying that the situation on the line of contact will change dramatically, until this change occurs, the kiev regime, of course, will attempt to inflict. well, quite painful blows about the next military assistance to the ukrainian regime from the pentagon, some insane amounts of billions, like a horn and forget it, plus one more was previously announced that since february 24 , aid has been sent to ukraine in the amount of 16 billion 16 billion 200 million. so just for understanding, the nord stream 2 gas pipeline cost 17 billion. that is americans do not spare money. why so many weapons? did the ukrainians run out of weapons? and what
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does the fact mean that the next batch of himers will be delivered in 2 years, that is, the americans want to fight for at least 2 years for a long time. but if the supplies come, only after 24 hours is constantly the same. we constantly say that washington decided to fight to the last ukrainian, really, i can’t say that the ukrainian army is now running out, and the western weapons system is running out of ammunition. no they are. in some sections of the line of contact there is a certain shortage of ammunition, but it is not such as to affect the situation in a particular section of the line of contact, moreover, and the formation of the kiev regime is being concentrated. e, as a rule, shock, and forces in certain directions now, in particular, in the limansky direction in the a-a kupinsky direction. well, to make it clear by
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geography and while the shortage of ammunition, for example, and we, uh, our film crew did not notice noticed this fighters, russian commanders. we communicate. in any case, it is clear that but in order to hmm like washington. lasted as long as possible, america will continue to send huge funds to support the kiev regime to ensure that the concept of war to the last ukrainians. it worked, i can not help but ask, in addition to the annoying effect for the vsu. can these drones affect the situation in any fundamental way? well, let's say in the water of the area where you and i see, they work around the clock in recent times. well, judging by the experience of the combat use of geraniums, and this is an effective high-precision weapon, and i will not say that there is no kind of fracture weapon, but this weapon increases capabilities. e the work of reconnaissance strike complexes and on
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the line of contact and e opportunities in terms of delivering strikes on the rear, and the enemy area in the first place. uh, why is this so important, because in order for them to use, expensive precision-guided missile weapons. can be used in general, ah, ammunition, and as we all see here, uh, they use them with fairly high efficiency, especially since, as far as i know, the warhead of this kamikaze drone is powerful enough to strike not only at a cluster, for example, personnel who not covered by armor or light armor, but by equipment, but also in order to strike. we miss our war correspondent yevgeny poddubny as a protected object on a direct line donbass, thank you, please. well let's get started after all, with sabotage on gas pipelines. uh, we
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know who screams the loudest, where's the thief? so far there has been no official announcement. i have not heard, at least from washington, accusing russia officially. but the hysteria in the media is unfolding, i am sure that all the temniks from washington have already been sent to europe to journalists and the official circle for a long time, that it is russia again, as in the case of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, is shooting at itself on its infrastructure, because this is part, of course gazprom so to speak, yes it has a direct bearing on the ownership of our gas. the moment of production and transportation paid for by our money that this is russia it is interesting, in
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this situation, that the simple namesake of the outstanding russian aircraft designer sikorsky, who has nothing to do with the aforementioned outstanding aircraft designer. he hastened to congratulate the united states on this achievement. i forgot sikorsky. that world war ii began with a provocation against his country. it was his country that became one of the main victims of that war. and a significant part of the population of this country of poland was cut down by bandera. there is still a monument, where the child is tied, yes, with wire to a tree. newborn and written. if i forget this, then
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let them forget me, the lord of sikorsky forgot. as many other poles forgot, well, the second part of this phrase will undoubtedly work, which means americans many times in history. yes, there is no direct evidence, but a lot of circumstantial. who benefits? and we must look at this very carefully and be afraid of an investigation and do not want us to americans many times in history have started wars of war with provocation. here i refreshed the historical memory a little. the american cruiser maine attacked in 1898 off the coast of cuba, so it was a colony of spain, as you know, they themselves blew up, accused the spaniards, started a war with spain
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, then there was a lot of that . harbor, which was provoked by washington. then there was the tonkin incident in 64, after which they attacked to vietnam, these are all provocations. it's already proved nothing here, no one has even been here for two days. there are many more in the gray zone of incidents. then there was yugoslavia . a lot of everything, including the lever. in 1999 , the albanian militants were dressed up and said that it was the serbs who killed peaceful kosovars and started bombing. then there was huge civilian casualties in iraq. then there was libya, syria
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and everything else. this is politics, this is the pattern of the game in the world, and this is perceived by many in washington as a game of power. this is it. this is war. such it wasn’t, even in the cold war they didn’t blow up such ones. well, maybe there were no these gas pipelines. we were different was the trans atlantic cable. they didn't explode. because there were red lines. it seems to me that these red lines are now being crossed one after another, first of all, of course, by the americans. well, to their tune by some other nato members. yes, this is a powerful blow to germany. yes, this is, in fact, the end. let's hope, let's say patriots of germany, and there are many of them, including industrial patriots in germany see your country as sovereign
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and a powerful economic power, this is, in fact, a very serious peg to us liquefied natural gas. they will vary the amount there, everything is clear. huge costs for the germans before the industrialization of germany in action. this, by the way, has not been canceled by washington, the americans are consistently solving this problem , they do not need a strong germany since the plan. marshall is not needed. controlled need a strong no. and independent, especially not needed , you can read brzezinski, you can read kissinger. and he is german. but it is against, of course, the war is against us. against russia in conjunction with the sanctions that are now being prepared there what is the first point in this eighth package and most importantly, because of what the cheese is on the side. this is not a supply, there are
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additional components for our aviation industry, there is a ban, so to speak, this is not a ban for european europeans. uh, citizens to participate in our companies is everything so it's mostly a trifle. the main thing is to cut off the price of our oil. this is the threshold they resumed. americans don't want all this, european, kicking, while some realize that this is, in general, a cover by and large. for their economies, the authority is absolutely right and not only the authority understands well, the italians have already voted. let's see how it will result, so to speak, the italians have already voted. therefore, but the americans are being imposed. that's very interesting to impose or not. so far, it seems, as if the legislative again they want to sum it up, yes, but this is very revealing. it's a war , that's what our president was talking about. it's a war to
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destroy our country. not only in the military respect, they understand that now, after the republic will be and the lc and e, zaporozhye and kherson region will be accepted into russia. i hope, i'm sure of this. it's not about the dates. the fact is that this will happen, because people voted , voted with blood, voted for their future , voted to be with russia and in russia and develop together with russia in the russian world in our real world. this is what they voted for, so it will be necessary that there will be a completely different reaction from our side. we all hope for this militarily, of course, they understand. they understand that they will forget about this kharkov offensive. very soon. i think he understands that this is connected not only with the reservists. this is also connected, and i hope with others with a
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different intensity, and strikes from our side, when it will be russian territory. they understand, but they still throw it into this firebox, because this is a war. as you rightly said, olya is a long war for them it is a long war. this is an attempt to kill all competitors in the world. and perpetuate its dominance kill us kill china well, let's figure it out. let's say so with europe, because there is nothing to kill there, yes, to figure it out, and there, by the way, there are only a few countries in europe, the really locomotive ones are germany well, partly france yes, with nuclear energy, by the way, which they now want to cut off from russian fuel. and this, well, is still there,
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maybe there britain is no longer there, therefore yes, figure it out and that's it and again the world of pax, americano will not work out unambiguously. this is what i want right now say. it is now. this is what we see, these are acts of war, yes. the secrets are obvious, so to speak, well, everything is obvious. yes, this is all what mr putin was talking about, we must respond to this with our economy. our military industry, including in the first place, maybe now immobilization has some rough edges with mobilization. yes , there are plenty of inconsistencies, a lot of them are needed. liquidate unambiguously unequivocally and in the regions first of all, i will absolutely support valentina ivanovna matvienko, who is the governor directly appealed not to allow distortions of the implementation
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of the presidential decree is absolutely right it is being done to the end not to the end, but the majority of the absolute country understands that this is necessary, because today there are explosions there by the way, border periodically russian russian settlements, because they understand that this is a real threat, therefore there are so many volunteers, therefore the main part of those who mobilizes, go calmly and understanding once again i emphasize this reaction. this is not our choice. this is not our choice. they are trying to attribute everything to us now that we are there with nuclear bombs we will throw europe there, so to speak, ukraine there, away, so to speak, yes, despite the fact that the president said a very simple thing, that do not forget that we have everything in terms of
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weapons. and if you climb with this and get it. yes , he said that, by the way, at one time in fairness for the sake of absolutely gorgeous. i mean , americans are great. invented endless hats after putin's words, they advocate that in the event of the use of nuclear weapons by putin on ukraine, nato troops will begin to take an official part in hostilities. in ukraine, they do not yet accept what is really there on a formal basis. yes , a global war will begin in the european union, the americans will have nothing to do with this, as they always will. we already went through this during the second world war. mutual destruction. russia germany poles. it is clear only mongrel about
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ukraine no one will remember at some point to connect the americans will begin to help us with weapons and food. okay. invented once already worked. something must be done to prevent the second one from happening. well, as you are right, you said the acts of war that they have been organizing a stiract on the territory of the european union lately is polite, to put it unthinkable. and even if we assume that the training manuals have been sent out, they really all in one dudu have long been hinting that this is the russian federation and it will attract alarmingly that for the implementation of american tasks americans blow them up on their own territory. why to destroy russia look? attempt to disrupt energy facilities across the continent will lead to quote the strongest response
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possible ursula von der leyen's warning followed monday's discovery of three suspicious and unexplained pipeline leaks. nord stream could be seen streaming methane rising to the surface of the water two russian pipelines run under the baltic sea near sweden and denmark the swedish coast guard discovered a fourth leak on nord streams. on which of the two gas pipelines it is not reported, but it is known that two of the four holes are located in the economic zone of sweden, the other two are in the jurisdiction of official copenhagen will start not earlier than in a week, when the gas flow will subside, according to preliminary calculations , $ 2 billion has already escaped from the pipe; pressure in the pipelines, a critical 7 atmospheres.
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instead of the usual 105, it is obvious that this is not a coincidence. it was planned. this is what i also discussed with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg. it's also important to state that this didn't happen in danish waters, but in international waters and it's not about a danish structure, if you listen. and then how many gas pipes? and how long will it take before the pressure drops, the reality is that it could be a week or 14 days before the area is calm enough to actually see what happened, sweden transfers the investigation of gas leaks to the state security service, the official report sparingly refers to possible sabotage from other states, without specifying the specifics, officially berlin urgently withdraws control over territorial waters strengthens the protection of the coastal regions of the north and baltic seas. the head of the ministry of internal affairs of finland reports that they will build a fence on the border with russia and falls after these words. one of the first versions of the
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guilt of the russians was voiced in kiev by a podoliak who demanded tanks from germany, because berlin the main victim of the terrorist attack, aristovich, declares that cancer number two will go and the supposedly ukrainian gts will be blown up well, i’m inclined to you now that i did it to the brain, well, the russians, as they say in the west , i did it on command, yan is a terrible thing, i’ll say it now, but how would and what we naturally dream about. come on, no matter how i rule out an attempt to hit the ukrainian gas transportation system, because i have moscow itself. i have suggestions that they decided to cut off, in general, joy to europe. in connection with the terrorist attack, open demonstrates the secretary of our advice on the security of ukraine on social networks danilov publishes a collage in which he himself stands under water next to the pipe
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. the base ones were instructed almost personally by putin; for some reason, the british press turned out to be surprisingly hot in this topic. these already know everything how divers from putin's special forces could blow up the gas pipeline, nord stream, right under the nose of nato, a diving special forces, a hidden unit of the russian armed forces, underwater drones. could have been used to blow up. sometimes it's better not to say something about underwater drones. it’s better to keep quiet, because just a week ago, underwater drones were handed over to ukraine. before that, great britain transferred underwater unmanned vehicles to ukraine, allegedly intended for demining the seas, london actually delivered six unmanned vehicles to kiev, three of them were transferred from army stocks the rest at. buying from
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defense companies how to handle drones, the ukrainians were supposed to teach the us navy . haile-like is very likely. the russians are to blame for trying the russians are to blame. it is possible that the alleged russian sabotage attack on the gas pipelines, nord stream, was possibly deliberate and planned using an explosive device dropped into the sea. a few weeks before the detonation, a british source in the defense department said the mines could have been lowered to the seabed on cables abandoned from a ship or placed next to the pipeline using an unmanned vehicle a few months or even years ago. following this logic, putin decided to blow up the $17 billion gas pipeline a few years ago, he started building it and immediately decided to blow it up. the lithuanian defense minister believes that the explosion is beneficial exclusively and only to gazprom, the head of the defense department. germany lambrecht promise to involve
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the german fleet in the investigation. the pritar of the white house, karenzhan pierre, had to explain that i meant biden on february 7, when, after a meeting with german chancellor schols, he said that he would destroy nord stream 2, the president said that nord stream 2 would not be put into operation, and we would work on it with germany, and he was right, because that in february, germany took steps to freeze it, which is exactly what the president was talking about at the time. the pentagon made an indistinct explanation of the reasons for its innocence, according to reuters, citing a senior representative of the us army, washington has no nothing to do with what happened, but nord stream was threatened a week and a half before the baidan and victoria zero, as for nord stream 2, we continue to have very serious and clear negotiations with our german allies. and
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today. i want to be clear to say frankly if russia invades ukraine one way or another nord stream 2 will not work. according to the flightradar service in the borncoln island area, in september , american army helicopters bartered for hours in the summer. baltops 22 maneuvers took place there 16 nato countries took part in the exercises during the course, which were tested, including drones. what we see today is the sabotage of the power line, that next is internet access, these are gps-connected satellites that are used in almost every area of ​​our lives, our weapons systems go further, and we eventually approach this potential nuclear outcome. and as you know, our leaders say. hey, there's nothing we can do. it's all in the hands. putin, we guess that the us and european leaders are the ones who fueling and funding this war what they are
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doing is pushing for a lot of destruction for a big war, if we continue on this path we could end up with a nuclear holocaust. since the nuclear issue remains on the information agenda, our haters, enemies and ill-wishers continue to spread information that the nuclear missile shield of the russian federation has become dilapidated. it rusted that nothing would take off from us, that everything we had there was overgrown with bushes imho. well, we’ll have to disappoint, we’ll first divide the carriers and special warheads, as for carriers. well, if, for example, a batch of some kind of missiles is produced, then periodically they are legally fired from them with a point in order to check the serviceability of combat readiness. this is
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usually done on a tactical background, that is , the passage of all combat control signals from the president to a specific carrier is checked for a specific calculation. well, there are statistics. for example, let's say 1,200 missiles were produced, of which, uh, again. for example, i explain more than a hundred e, launched during combat training activities test launches of them unsuccessful. well, for example, there are five or six. ah, with regard to special nuclear warheads, well, due to the fact that we signed a lot of documents on the ban on nuclear weapons tests, nuclear warheads are not detonated now in order to check their serviceability, but at the same time , routine maintenance work is being carried out on them them. e, readiness for combat use is checked, including with the help of supercritical e, technologies at the relevant test sites and nuclear ammunition is in readiness for immediate use again, with regard to exercises and
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combat training, a and for example hmm only a, as for ballistic missiles of submarines. for example, in 1991, one of the nuclear missiles, and one of the strategic missile submarines , launched all 16 ballistic missiles one after the other. project 941 submarines, our famous typhoon sharks, also launched almost all of their ammunition, again, quite recently, four were launched r30 missiles, maces, bursts of four missiles. well, that is, in other words, good news at the end of 22 looks like we are guaranteed to be able to destroy them. we checked several times, rest assured, you will not only destroy us with probability probability. three nines. you can call it good news news. well, let's say, at least so, but nonetheless. we guarantee you, in
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case something happens, that our nuclear missile shield is not dilapidated, is in full working order and its immediate readiness for combat use. we you we guarantee reasoning with such ease appears recently on the topic of the possible use of the mutual use of nuclear weapons. what is it connected with? how can you achieve this kind of escalation? tanya - it's generally possible. with regard to escalation and some it is sometimes called the unauthorized use of nuclear weapons, which there leads to a subsequent increase in escalation and transition, and as a substitute for a state of hysteria is obvious. well, what should i say here, that here are no red sheaves, which someone's trembling hand can reach out there to press the combat use of nuclear weapons, such a scenario excludes, therefore, and then it is always already a collective weapon. it is always collective. this is starting with the supreme commander, who must, first.
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make a decision first make a decision second give the command to unblock nuclear warfare, then whole collectives are included in the work of collectives, without any exaggeration. these are commanders corresponding to the same calculations according to removal, a code of blocking devices. uh, bringing to final readiness for combat use. yes, and i want to say that, for example, uh, the suddenness of any unauthorized use of tactical nuclear weapons is now excluded. completely since its not in the troops, if anyone does not know the tactical nuclear weapons of the troops now. no, it's all in the warehouses of the twelfth main directorate. on combat duty. now only the strategic nuclear forces are in readiness for immediate application, which we have just been talking about. therefore, for no apparent reason, some episode has been sanctioned there, which can lead to the unwinding of this whole spiral. he is, well, excluded practically escalate those who are older.
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i mean. in terms of the statehood of their adequacy, the major powers are trying not to speak out crazy on this score, but there are more and more reports in the official so-called kiev that the strike will still be, we are ready for this in advance warned. we have generally reconciled ourselves in this regard. we will publish recommendations very soon. how exactly to behave in the event that putin launches a nuclear strike, in general, there is a complete feeling that washington although it seems that washington should be adequate, who else in the west is doing everything to force the russian federation into such a strike and the last sabotage terrorist attack or, as they say, sabotage at nord stream 2, but this is an obvious incident of whitewash. well, what else have they not done from what where would it lead? well, what else, well, it's hard to imagine.
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and danilov let's see. if there is no civilized response of the world community of nato countries to such a daring attack, if it happens, god forbid, this does not mean that we will not defend our land. i want everyone to understand that neither putin nor his troops can stop us for what concerns today the protection against nuclear weapons. god forbid someone be in such an epicenter of another atactic weapon, if it is used today, there is certain procedures, how to behave, we have developed instructions in the apparatus of the security and defense council. we are in the coming days. we will try to make it public as much as possible. and now i have to say a lot of information in the media and social networks. how to behave. in the event of this or that danger, as regards the nuclear threat of nuclear strikes, the continuation of this conversation is the polish authorities. they started distributing pills. with iodine in the
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state fire department, the deputy minister of the interior and administration in the polish television, well, that is, in other words, the americans say, putin strike you already. well, look, we already even look at the terrorist attack on the gas pipeline, and for the sake of justice, any ties between the russian federation and the european union with the eu giant germany have been severed. in other words, there is nothing that connects us at all. nothing. the same germans do not interfere with joining this war before, such a limiter was clear. gas. at any moment, one could try to improve relations between the economy, in finally low. the price of all this is no more, and so is spiegel. spiegel. spiel reports that the german intelligence services indicate that after this terrorist attack, the destruction is of such a nature that it will not allow, in principle, sometime in the future even after the grandiose one in nord stream
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2. well, that is, russia was torn off. of the european union it would seem that we are starting a war, and i will sit on a capitalist hill and give a standing ovation, please, well, here really the main point is to essentially end the history of russian gas supplies to western europe in for more than 50 years, we have been supplying germany there even at the height of the cold war, these deliveries just began and continued in many respects modern germany's industrial potential. uh, it was first created thanks to soviet then russian gas, and here it really is, the united states. i think that the main hint is precisely in this, and there, comrades in germany, never doubt. you will not return to cooperation with russia, there is only one way and so on. very funny. how do they argue the accusations against russia are the same the media and politicians who have been telling us all summer you are using nord stream to blackmail europe you are deliberately stopping the capacity. in fact, the turbines are all right. so, if this is
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our e, a tool of blackmail, why should we destroy it ourselves, or before that? you didn't say you launched a military campaign there in ukraine in order to force europe to launch nord stream 2. and now, for some reason, we ourselves are destroying nord stream 2, that is, completely absurd things, and the absurdity does not end in europe either. at the same time, in general nobody gets into it. i liked the british logic the most. putin in advance, even at the time of the design of the nord stream, 2 decided to blow it up. and they say this in all seriousness, as if he allegedly planted explosive devices there, because he immediately proceeded from the fact that it would have to be done at some point a few years ago, a few years ago, they mined such mines that were completed in the twenty-first year. like they were a few years ago. they could have mined it when it wasn’t there yet, so, of course, it’s absurd or they say. let's ceiling the price of russian oil. at the same time, it was possible to mine not in a part of the russian federation, but in territorial areas, but here, please, there is finnish at least the water area, but not where the site is further there, therefore, of course, absurdity or oil. let's introduce a ceiling on
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oil prices. so you adopted sanctions in june prohibiting buying it at any price. and in september you discuss the price ceiling, how you will buy it, when before that you yourself were forbidden to buy it, they will generally remove a partial the restriction also speaks of this in plain text, it and the sanctions. we will have to reconsider and one gets the full feeling that when such voices began to be heard in the european union , the americans are heard louder and louder. let's go for broke - it's a game of broke while doing this, and the icons of yes came out again on the cover. there is putin who allegedly goes for broke among the chips of a nuclear bomb, but so far putin is behaving as adequately as accurately as possible, in general, of course, it doesn’t fit in his head that such attacks are possible, but a terrorist attack is already took place. here, the guardian's note is not the icons on the cover of today's icons of the places that are drowning the british economy. they are terribly
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worried about the fall of the pound. ithaca read. german security authorities expect the three pipes of the baltic pipeline, nord stream 1 and nord stream 2, to be permanently disabled after alleged sabotage if they are not repaired quickly, too much salt water enters the pipelines, causing corrosion. now out of four pipes of nord stream, 2 in total one remained intact and is in working order, as are the european commission, the german security authorities and the foreign intelligence service. bnd, supposed botage action, federal police. will now strengthen control over germany's territorial waters and its ships will more closely monitor the relevant routes of critical infrastructure. experts and government circles believe that because of the complexity of the attack. it could only be carried out by a state entity. speculation is going towards russia. however, the motives are unclear. according to information. tagis, spiegels, targeted explosions indicate that the leaks are extremely large and that's why the pressure has dropped so quickly now, germany, together with the danish and
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swedish authorities. attempts to continue analysis of the situation, but at a depth of 70 to 10 m it is very difficult to conduct an appropriate search the danish side said that an investigation at sea could take place no earlier than a week or two due to security reasons. everything, of course, the question arises more and more often, where is the world government, who makes this kind of decision, where is the person who is responsible for such actions, looking at biden every day you are convinced that this is? of course, it’s not him or he is a great actor or he has nothing to do with this at the very briefing where the white house press secretary was forced to explain why biden promised to blow up nord stream on february 7, but it’s still not him who blew it up she was asked another curious question. they say karina please explain how the president of a great nuclear power can us to lead, if just now, but the event publicly
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, he several times addressed the republic. rude to a member of the senate and everything would be fine. he looked for her with his eyes. he asked her questions. everything would be fine if not for the fact that this republican woman died back in august, that is, she died 2 months ago. karin ask her. how so this person is adequate. he really commands us in his hands nuclear weapons. you won't believe what karin said she has, of course, the most difficult job of our times. she was i have to say that bytes are going through the night, he still misses her. and as they say, he can't let her go. that is, he is not crazy just bored, please, well, uh, you materials in the european press, which is associated with let's be careful in quotation marks. this is my subjective opinion with the route on the nord stream, and the statements of
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european politicians are a brilliant confirmation of the controversial one in general. hypotheses that a person can live without a brain, apparently, in modern europe, this is quite a possible history. well, without a brain at all, it’s still impossible, so someone, as correctly said, must manage the processes of this one way or another, this is definitely not a biden. yes and definitely never a genre. we understand this, but this one is scary. we need to find this man immediately. the trouble is, the whole world is still alive. uh, in such an american outlook, yes, i remember arthur schopenhauer, although an idealist, but a brilliant philosopher said that it is natural for a person to perceive the boundaries of his own horizons beyond the boundaries of the world. yes, we are today we live within the american horizon. russia is trying to break out of this, and it is more or less successful, but some countries do not want to. that's where the baltics don't want
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the baltics to run there screaming. yes take us your bourgeoisie, please, yes, bye to them. well, we can occupy you in about 2 hours , the nato members show them, bringing them weapons once. here in half a year from that more often it is normal. we really like it, and dear colleague. today i cited a few examples from e, military history american, and it immediately occurred to me. i hadn't even thought about this before. but in fact, the entire american myth is built on and sabotage is their main state forming myth. what is the boston tea party? yes, if you remember, this is a direct, history, sabotage, when the americans disguised themselves as indians. they threw cargo from the british ship, pay attention, disguised as indians. that is, they did not come to do it themselves. yes, and this operation under a false flag was as such, therefore it is not necessary. e wonder when we are at one end of the world, then at the other end of the world we see such strange coincidences as
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american ships passed there, something exploded, the american ambassador arrived, there was a coup d'état. how does it go so incredibly impunity. they are not even afraid of anything, they do not hide anything. they just don't care, this behavior is the same with the media agenda. now they have thrown this training manual that russia will launch a nuclear strike. they formulated it differently for everyone . putin said that russia would launch a nuclear strike, and can i quote? no, or you will say in 2 weeks, as everyone knows, it will be so. yes, russia, what is happening now, yes, and from what it is known from the fact that the siphoran spoke about this, there are still a huge number of these speaking, e, specially trained european politicians. ah, and on the basis of this, conclusions will be drawn about the allocation of additional assistance. ukraine actually. for a long time now, the americans have allocated this assistance to ukraine for themselves,
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in fact, for the development of their military-industrial there is no complex in ukraine. and now haimas is delivered to latvia for the full name in ukraine. there is no damn thing. i would like to understand how latvia will pay, because there, in my opinion, everything that was expensive and was not crowned to the ground has long been taken away. well, apparently, they will find something for highs, if the money is for high here. here, a biden biden feature is a very handy feature. he doesn't control anything. it can be interpreted in a new way every day, such as this collection of jokes in this joke. i meant this, but in the past year i had in mind, that's it then to interpret. you can, again, anyone who writes. uh, i know, yes, who tells her in the ear. here we have a microphone , who is this person? i would like to understand, but apparently we will not know. well, yes, from the last canoe he wrote to unleash a war with china and invade taiwan if china occupies china
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, because taiwan's white house denied china the next day further. biden. we have already given the example of the seventh promised to destroy the nord stream. nord stream destroyed in the white house they said no. no, that's not what he meant. we'll be back in a minute. hiv is not a sentence, treatment started on time allows you to live happily ever after. learn more, but from a speeder. i'm dmitry kiselyov, this is news of the week. we remember the past, we show the present, we look to the future and everything is fair vesti nedeli with dmitry kiselyov on sunday at 20:00. working the old fashioned way. that's not the point. and getting grants to modernize production is a big deal, business prices are help in obtaining grants and other measures to support entrepreneurs
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right. now i understand that everything is important, it is not here evgenia brik i saw rubin today he said that he loves me, you will try to kill me, you know, in the camp, they tried many times, nothing came of it. there on saturday and sunday on the rossiya
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serdt porma channel, erdogan says he is concerned that the kremlin does not officially confirm his request for a telephone conversation with putin moscow information. doesn't really comment the day before, the president of brest called zelensky. he promised to discuss with the russian president diplomatic efforts to resolve the ukrainian crisis. well, the ex-president of the united states, trump, perhaps, has officially now already entered the advance price, says that i am the only one who can and is ready to become a negotiator between kiev and moscow us to remain calm after the sabotage of the northern streams. he asked the us not to make things worse with the pipeline bombings trump says russia and ukraine
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need to agree on a truce and they want one, so he offered to lead the negotiating team of the proposal for peace talks, followed by another message on the pipelines did not fail to take out the biden administration. at the beginning of the post, he quoted the word leadership again, emphasizing that he did not consider the biden administration. he also said to quote a russian-ukrainian disaster. should never was to happen and would not have happened. be president on trump's proposal until neither russia nor ukraine nor the administration has answered, the united states another important thing in the continuation of the stories about erdogan's theses. he said that, of course, a nuclear war will not end in anything good for this world and is ready to offer putin to fix himself in ukraine where he is now and not continue his movement towards kiev
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flows, the nord stream-2 pipeline was damaged. the dog of the terrorist attack is in the immediate vicinity of a larger hole found on the neighboring nord stream 1, as minister of defense dani said the mismatch occurred and everything was carefully planned two holes in the gas pipelines are located in the exclusive economic zone of the building two more in the swedish exclusive economic zone stockholm together with helsinki, getting closer to joining nato, the protocol must be understood, and sweden's accession to finland in alliance ratified. now there is also the president of slovakia, suzana, chaputova, now the expansion of the alliance needs the approval of only two countries hungary
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turkey well, and the swedes, apparently, they guess that their life is safer, after joining it definitely won’t become people massively buy everything they need to survive, perhaps nuclear war. the recent threats by russian president vladimir putin to use nuclear weapons have caused panic around the world, causing people to see armageddon and nuclear fallout, that is, the echoes of the cold war. the pandemic has certainly shown the world. how quickly society can stop most people, managed to survive it, but how would they cope with other disasters in sweden in connection with its desire to join nato and the war in ukraine , citizens are urged to prepare, so just in case, sweden is one of the last places where you can expect armageddon the country has not been at war for more than 200 years, the state encourages citizens to prepare for disaster. although sweden
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is more secure. than many other countries. there are still threats to the security and independence of everyone. whoever lives in sweden has a collective responsibility for the security of the whole country. if you, if you are prepared, you are doing your part to improve the ability of the country as a whole to cope with a serious load one of the fundamental differences between the united states and sweden is that, by necessity, americans are much more self-reliant. here there is a social contract, and in exchange for it. they pay. some of the highest taxes in the world swedes. and other scandinavians expect the state to take care of them from cradle to grave. see what a wonderful ax? i want to survive. i want my children to survive, so i will do whatever it takes to protect what is essential to survive the end of the world. first of all, it is vital for you to have a good knife and you can do a lot to protect yourself
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to get and cook food to build a shelter at a certain point lawlessness will come, if the situation really goes awry, then people. do what they want, they get desperate, they need food or they want to do something else or they are just dangerous. it will bring a lot of trouble to everyone and everyone. i strongly recommend to stock up on weapons right now on the residents of florida, which hit hurricane yen strongly recommended to leave their homes to go to a safe place, but heeded these calls, not all the attention on the screen. this florida resident stayed to tell how much he dislikes joe biden man, despite the hurricane wind, downpour, went out into the street holding a message, which, probably, does not need
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translation. go biden to hell with it, to put it politely, the level of approval of biden in the united states has reached a forty-year low satisfied with their president 36% of americans the rest have serious ones. that biden generally copes with his work, in principle, the president of america is still adequate, constantly given new reasons to doubt his psychological or, as they say in america, mental health in these frames, for example, joe watch carefully after the next performance. once again, the confused biden got lost on the stage, and would have stood still, circling around its own axis, if it hadn’t come to the rescue, jill’s wife, she explained to biden where to move , a louder scandal broke out due to the fact that the president of america during during his speech, tried. find among those present congresswoman jack valorsky, while a hair
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died in a car accident a month and a half ago and biden is in the know. he was at her funeral, but it's not prevented him from asking from the stage jackie are you here. jackie i have a question members of the republican party, which owns the alursk car crash victim, are demanding a formal apology from the american president to the family. well, the white house had to explain itself again. a new abc poll shows that the vast majority of democrats don't want biden to run, but don't get too critical, he'll still beat trump by a single point. so what 's really happening. i think they really want the bidens to be replaced. they the younger generation consider him too old, they don’t understand at all how biden could run for the democratic party again, huh?
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where is this microphone? i don't believe joe biden won't run and now they're in a quandary because they forgot about kamal. harris they're just going to step over a black female vp, for the sake of a white guy from california good luck with this democrats, especially after everything you've been getting us dogs, a former biden spokeswoman said if the midterms are biden referendum, they are losing heavily, which is why they are so persistent in pretending that anyone other than them is a threat to democracy, the level of his approval. reached a 40-year low due to
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its economics of inflation and is only 36% of americans. they think that he is coping and this is the problem that affects everyone in general. he is completely out of touch with reality and all he can do is repeat magic republicans magic republicans. she was on his mind. i mean , there was nothing unusual about it. uh. i am i think about johnny lennon every day, but i don't look for him. if you sign the john lennon bill, then we can continue this conversation, because she is very bored and mentally cannot let her go. this man is talking in his hands,
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the red american nuclear button is alarming. now. let's move to britain to exhale a little, ukrainian passions continue to boil there, a real soap opera, followed by all british tabloids security guard tony garden and a ukrainian refugee. sophia crocodiles. for the sake of new york these crocodiles, then did not leave his wife two children. love lives 4 months briton. i realized that the ukrainian beloved drunkard is a brawler during a quarrel. she threatened him with a knife bill them into the wall with a knife. and when tony drove out of the house to the arcadma, she returned to the former and knocked out the doors, again holding in her hands, that same knife, a violent ukrainian woman. eventually the police took it away. well , so that interest in this santa barbara does not fade away, the british tabloids decided to purchase for the novel
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chalkalism crocodiles. you will not believe, of course, the way the yellow newspapers replicate the words of karkade im that he could not break her. even putin and that means no, and former british lovers will catch. and in general, allegedly. it's all his fault, they are drunkenness and the aggressiveness of the crocodiles themselves. lviv-based it manager sophia karkadym is in temporary shelter after her british lover tony kicked her out of the house, saying you are no longer welcome here amid a violent altercation during which tony accused sophia of not being able to handle alcohol addiction and that she damaged the wall with a knife the guy decided to end this relationship sophia dubbed tony a liar and said that he treats her like an errand girl my heart is broken. i really believed all the shit he told me. he's a liar, he started showing signs of attention after only 2 days. after i didn't even have intimacy between us until
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we moved in together. i would never allow myself this, but he held my hand and hugged me when we were alone, this is him in everything guilty. this is what he started. i didn’t take them away, they are traditionally seen, something is broken, they are accused of all sins. putin's washington, the russian embassy in the united states of america responded to american attempts to accuse moscow of blowing up its own gas pipeline for representation. what is the answer to the question who benefits? undermining the northern streams lies, what is called on the surface, because you need to understand, not being able to offer a worthy alternative to reliable cheap gas supplies the united states decided what is called to survive russia in as a competitor by non-market methods, warsaw , which will launch a new gas pipeline one of these days, bolt. pipe is also beneficial to undermine the northern streams on the poles, they accuse him of undermining putin personally and are allegedly afraid that their pipe will remain next. well, how, in general, it was easy to guess from the danish
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investigation to the swedish investigation. including the pentagon officially joins further 3 2 1 we consider when putin is officially announced the head of the european commission warns that any deliberate attempt to disrupt the work energy facilities on the continent will lead to quote the strongest possible response ursula von der leyen's warning followed monday's discovery of three suspicious and unexplained pipeline leaks. nord stream could be seen streaming methane rising to the surface of the water two russian pipelines run under the baltic sea near sweden and denmark the swedish coast guard has detected a fourth leak in the nord streams. on which of the two gas pipelines is not reported, but it is known that two of the four holes are located in the
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economic zone of sweden, the other two are in the jurisdiction of official copenhagen, new footage from the scene of the emergency proves that the gas continues to burst out now. when the gas flow subsides, according to preliminary calculations, $ 2 billion has already escaped from the pipe, the pressure in the pipelines, the critical 7 atmospheres. instead of the usual 105 , it is obvious that this is not a coincidence. it was planned. this is what i was discussing with the general secretary. need jens stoltenberg. it's also important to state that this didn't happen in danish waters, but in international waters and it's not about danish simplicity, if you listen. it's then how much gas is in the pipes, and how long will it take before the pressure drops, the reality is that it could be a week or 14 days before the area is calm enough to actually see what
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happened, sweden transfers the investigation of gas leaks to the state security service, the official report sparingly refers to a possible sabotage of so on the part of other states without specifying the specifics, officially berlin urgently withdraws control over territorial waters and strengthens the protection of the coastal regions of the north and baltic seas. the head of the ministry of internal affairs of finland reports that they will build a fence on the border with russia and falls after these words. one of the first versions of the guilt of the russians was voiced in kiev, but they demanded tanks from germany, because berlin, the main victim of the terrorist attack, aristovich, declares that cancer number two will go and the supposedly ukrainian gts will be blown up. well, now i’m inclined to you that this is i'll do it to the brain, of course, it's russian made, well, the russians, as they say in the west, we must do it on command, yan, i'll say these terrible things now, but, as it were, i ask us to be shy. come on, no matter how i
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rule out an attempt to hit the ukrainian gas transportation system, because i have moscow itself. i have suggestions that they decided to cut themselves off from europe altogether, joy. in connection with the terrorist attack, the secretary demonstrates the advice we have on the security of ukraine in social networks. danilov publish kalash on which he himself stands under water next to the pipe german boulevard writes that the russians allegedly blew up the pipelines with the help of the underwater special forces gru 561 of the marine corps brigade, according to the newspaper. the base ones were instructed almost personally by putin ; for some reason, the british press turned out to be surprisingly hot in this topic. everyone already knows how divers of putin's special forces could blow up the gas pipeline, nord stream, right under the nose of nato, a special forces diver, a hidden unit of the russian armed forces, underwater drones. could be
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used to blow up sometimes it's better not to say something about underwater drones. it’s better to keep quiet, because just a week ago , underwater drones were handed over to ukraine. the united kingdom has previously transferred to ukraine underwater unmanned vehicles, allegedly designed to clear mines from the seas. london really delivered six unmanned vehicles to kiev, three of them were transferred from army stocks, the rest had to be purchased from defense companies to handle ukrainian drones. should be teach the navy. america's british time replaces the sore mouth. haile-like is very likely. the russians are to blame for the wobble, the russians are to blame. possibly the alleged russian sabotage attack on the gas pipeline was mainly deliberate and planned using an explosive device dropped into the sea. in the weeks leading up to the detonation, a british source in the defense department said the mines could have been buried on the sea floor on cables from an abandoned
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ship assembly or placed next to a pipeline when the help of an unmanned vehicle a few months or even years ago. following this logic, putin decided to blow up the $17 billion gas pipeline a few years ago and started building it, and immediately decided to blow up the defense minister. lithuania believes that the explosion is beneficial exclusively and only to gazprom, the head of the defense department. germany promises to involve lambrecht in the investigation. german navy white house press secretary carenjan pierre had to explain what biden had in mind on february 7, when, after a meeting with german chancellor schols, he said, what will destroy nord stream 2 the president said that nord stream 2 will not be put into operation and we will work on it with germany and he was right because in february germany took steps to freeze it , this is what he was talking about at the time the president. the
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pentagon made an indistinct explanation of the reasons for its innocence, as reuters writes, citing a high-ranking representative of the us army. washington has nothing to do with what happened, but nord stream was threatened a week and a half before the baydan and victoria zero, which as for nord stream 2, we are continuing some very serious negotiations with our german allies. and today. i want to be clear to say frankly if russia invades ukraine one way or another, nord stream 2 will not work. according to the flightradar service in the bornkol island area, in september, american army helicopters bartered for hours in the summer. baltops 22 maneuvers took place there, 16 nato countries took part in the exercises during the course, which were tested , including drones. we see sabotage today power line, what's next is access to the internet.
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these satellites are connected to gps which are used in almost every area of ​​our lives. the next step is our weapons systems, and we are eventually approaching this potential nuclear outcome. and as you know, our leaders are talking and there is nothing we can do. it's all in the hands. putin we guess that the us and european leaders are the ones who are fueling and funding this war what they are doing is pushing for a lot of destruction for a big war if we keep going along this path, we can end up with a nuclear bell. many adequate people proceed from the fact that everything that happened in the baltic sea. it 's kind of bailey's case to put the brakes on what happened. what really does not work out there, you need to make every effort to investigate the incident. we will politely call what happened an incident. although i will say again that this was an absolutely man-made incident, and the americans were. in the literal
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sense of the word, they are pushing the russian federation, trying to drive it into the abyss of a nuclear war. at this pentagon is absolutely cheeky declares that it will dominate the investigation of these events, although it would seem. and here is the pentagon . and here is the american military department at nato, and here is the north atlantic alliance if it is a civil infrastructure alliance? nato members said that we also believe that this is a sabotage. we also believe that someone arranged it left to answer the question. who is this someone i will say again that it is not very similar to the fact that this is the russian federation it would be strange to use gas as a weapon and to blow up the source of delivery of this same gas to the
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european union. also, don't forget that nord stream 2 costs, in my opinion, 17 billion euros. yes, the hour of russian money. well, in general, if you blow up, then probably not your own. well, why blow up your own one could blow up the polish one, but no one in europe wants to answer these questions . peskov just commented on the most accurate wording, too. well, in general , everything indicates that the culprit of the events, where it is far away in washington which is controlled by american intelligence, and i wanted to ask. is it possible in the current conditions for cooperation between russia and the united states in the investigation of what actually happened? it is impossible to answer this question, because of some kind of substantive contacts and cooperation between security agencies. we do not have, however, an unprecedented character. this event, it seems that this is some kind of
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terrorist act. perhaps at the state level, of course, a very active and energetic cooperation is required, a dangerous situation, which requires urgent investigation. will moscow seek an international investigation into what happened? uh, well, it will depend on the situation. of course, this will require the interaction of several countries in the conditions. now , when, when, when there is such an acute shortage on the face. communication and the unwillingness of very many countries to contact us in such sensitive areas raises a lot of questions. as for the hysterical reaction, i will assume that we are talking in particular about the poles, but about that same sikorsky, who previously headed the polish ministry of foreign affairs, then the polish ministry of defense, and now is an employee of the european parliament. sikorsky. after he
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accidentally thanked the americans, he refuted this gratitude and said that this was his private opinion. but we can leave this aside further. he said that in any case, the poles are happy with what happened, and official warsaw has been making efforts for 20 years to discredit nord stream 2, as well as to achieve the european union’s rejection of the russian gas. here they say, and thank god well, that is, a lot indicates that these are americans, or american poles, for example, let's wait for an investigation. although we do not believe in it from the important ones. what's the news, putin's press secretary peskov just said that on thursday the russian president can hold several international telephone conversations at once, and also hold a meeting with permanent members of the security council of the russian federation about the international conversation , she already briefly said that erdogan is very eager
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in the sense that what he said need immediately seek de escalate pskov asked a question. yes, indeed, telephone communication between putin and erdogan today is getting ready, everything is going to tom, but the main news is from, uh, putin's press secretary on friday. i mean tomorrow in the kremlin official information. all before there were only speculations in the kremlin, a ceremony will be held to sign agreements on the entry of new territories into russia. a photograph was posted late the night before. here's a look at the screen guide of the new areas. tomorrow will be signed, then tomorrow. there will be new areas the russian federation in full leadership flew to moscow here it is easy to find pushilin in the foreground. i now see a site near balitsky. pay attention to the pushelov on the right and the side of kirill-strimause, deputy head
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of the military-civilian administration of the kherson region, by coincidence in our studio, kirill sergeevich i congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. times are hard times. difficult glory. god, the referendums took place, how good is the mood in general, that you are in russia in moscow, and tomorrow in the literal sense the words of the whole region will become part of russia hello everyone hello russia i am not just in moscow not just in russia since yesterday. i am a citizen of the russian federation and to be honest, for me this is not just a small book, as some people think, this is a citizen of the russian federation, a person who deserves to be a citizen of his land. yes , they don’t buy a passport of the russian federation, maybe some try to sell it, but we did everything to ensure that everything that was said about us, everything that was written, that everything that was programmed by us from the heart into
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the future for the future of our common russian history, which is a weakener and it would be impossible to ban all the same, the kherson region. zaporozhye donetsk people's lugansk republic. uh became a full-fledged subject of the russian federation, you said correctly. if the almighty wanted it, that's why we're here, that's why after all. we were probably on our way and you know, that's a lot of people who had to now we didn't expect. that's it, we had about 60% of all visibility, according to our calculations. i hope not. no, you know what struck me came on verbock is lying, the head of the german foreign ministry deceived us again, no one killed anyone, did not rape, did not force the representatives of the european union, both the french and the germans. and you know, the most even what they said at gunpoint. yes, they were now, they were almost put on the wanted list, they were declared
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sanctions imposed on them, because they saw it wrong. they are wrong. eh, they prompted and said, although we opened all the sites for them. we practically visited the actual demarcation line, where it is very dangerous and visited kherson, visited other localities. and people saw. i didn't always ask, i asked a question. you see , there is no violation, but the fact that they stated the fact that people are crying for joy, voting for russia is real. which they voiced and, let's say , these were those international observers who today have already been declared wrong, wrong citizens of their own state or their own states, who today preach this american false democracy. it's just that in the continuation of the conversation there is a very short story about andrew boke. uh, andrea boke. if it is correct to say his name in french. we have shown his statement several times. he, too, could be, but an observer at referendums. in general, he tried to tell a lot where he was in the donbass, and i hope he will still tell the
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truth about what happened to him upon his return from the donbass and from donetsk to turkey in transit, and he was subjected to a severe attack by people, apparently ukrainians, but he is definitely does not know hunted him down seven on live horses were inflicted. he has already gone to connection, jagged and chipped broken frames on yours. cranach said that they pounced on him from behind and held him by the head, they tried to cut his artery. the carotid escaped, but he really was in a very serious condition. everything i've said up to this point won't intimidate me. i will go to donbass again, i am not afraid of persecution. i want people to know the truth, returning to the kherson region, how people live in general, what i mean after the kharkov events. you are sad for our great country, the
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ukrainian authorities, the representatives of the kiev regime this fascist regime. in the truest sense of the word. the people are frightened by the threat of reprisals against the prison, that in this sense, in the kherson region, someone has shaken in his conviction, in general. of course, it’s not easy to find out, oddly enough, after kharkov, people saw what the true face of the nazis was. they didn't come asking questions for help because they are citizens as they say of ukraine okay they shoot at children and kill old people shoot, but they were first interested in who got a passport, who ate russian canned food and so further. they only wanted blood terror and you know they really are all or get pleasure from it. or they have already lost the shape of a person. i would not say for all ukrainians that there is a very large overwhelming number that i know, with whom i lived in western ukraine, who, you know, do not support everything that happened and is happening. it's just that people are afraid of fear, because human life today in
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ukraine is worth nothing at all. and if we talk about russia, then many of us ask a question. why are you too loyal to those traitors to those who give out coordinates, uh, do something bad, insult, trample on the russian flag. you know, we are really loyal to them, we treat them like children, but they don't treat us like that. we are less often cut and shot. well, i, as a person, you know, here. i’ll say with my soul that i still even treated those who came to kill me here as human beings and communicated with them. i helped them because i am human. i am not an animal, not a beast. and speaking objectively, i'm not just in the image and in the image of the self and in the likeness of what, er, humanity really is. although if you quote zelensky, he never called the inhabitants of donbass with cats, he said, these are separate individuals for you. and if you want peace for your children, take some of your things and bring down
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a direct quote in russia, now it is happening in the literal sense of the word, people got up, took everything they have and left for russia along with the territory. and as zelensky wanted in a different way, it would be strange to do so. i understand correctly that the referendum our side in the west is perceived as an escalation in this regard that occurred on the pipeline. the act of sabotage, that is, the stakes have already been raised to some incredible ceiling, has already rested on it, what further god alone knows in meters of grief. well, it is clear that the referendum, as well as what will happen. tomorrow is the next stage. well, how, in fact, mobilization is also the next stage . here, uh, there is something further, so that something like that is not called a nuclear strike. there is also an intermediate, so to speak, there is, but, by the way
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saying the likelihood of this is higher. than, respectively, the use of tactical nuclear weapons, respectively, nuclear weapons. ah, but it also largely depends on the effectiveness of management in individual structures, respectively, which are engaged in military operations. but uh, in principle, there are more tracks. here they pass the question in another concludes the question is the department of defense. we need to act faster, tougher, more quickly, we need to act differently than this year. for more effective than some questions it is necessary act. it is a fact. this is primarily about information. accordingly, because, as it were, a 10-kilometer war, of course, it must be very interesting. here, and the problem is the following check is that, as it were, escalation is now taking place. this will lead to certain economic actions, another thing is said that all potentially mobilized 25 million people, before leaving the territory of the russian federation, must apply to the military registration and enlistment office , you can imagine the panic that arose in people's minds, thank god, they overthrew. well, that's how we
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're going after all. just a dissonance between, respectively, we explain the russian federation and the lines of defense. so, by the way, there is more than that, they, respectively, even issue different things when the funds call at different times. this, as it were , is surprising in itself there, such as how to call rbc, these are two big differences. everything, they immediately call the phone, as if their story. here the question is different, no matter how it is, no matter how unacceptable in this case, that is, the situation, in which we are. here is the basis, quite here, and, accordingly, as it were, i'm not saying that, as it were, there is a dissonance, as if with other structures in general, it should be one. this is the line of the new 180-140-50 here, but to make it clear , and, of course, it should start unified and inclusion is the main one, like a peak. that is, as it were, the top of the escalation, which, as it were, in principle, possible at this stage. and why everything, in principle, went on simply, probably in a different format , it was supposed to happen. of course , here, and, accordingly, now the question is
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the following: what will happen in october. this is the most important question. that is, what will happen in october directly on the ground, what will happen in october, respectively, these panic track. and what then gives in mid-november. everything will depend on this, as far as the economic component is concerned. us. uh, that is, now there will be a european comedy prepared sanctions. here they will be discussed next week on the website, as usual in the european union, from the fact that a is really promising - these are, accordingly , personal sanctions on a large number of citizens. this is, accordingly, a restriction on the crypt. here is the so-called tightening of the financial situation of the previous ones, and some volumes other than metal. that is, what will give deductions for diamonds in all options was crossed out from there, apparently, and projects related to fertilizer with everything else. that is, while the manufacturer is mitigating the most important issue, of course, regarding this ceiling is a long ceiling , respectively, of oil and, accordingly, a ban on
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transport companies from greece to cyprus . yes, they actually imply tightening, but at the same time softening. that is, for example, they are supposed to be mitigated by fertilizers to cement and, accordingly, a separate species. that is, as if right now, a critical mass in the european union, no matter how ready to go into sanctions; moreover, now they are trying to soften it. the december sanctions are somehow very difficult to implement in the december sanctions, in fact, in the current perimeter of the european union. and as a matter of fact, the price is a horizontal ceiling of the price of oil, just an attempt to soften the sanctions of december, because if there is nothing to the ceiling and nothing at all, then it will simply be a kind of restriction in the sense that earlier they all forbade themselves to buy this oil. now you need to allow must be allowed. at least at some price to resolve, as it were, but to cancel this problem, when it consists in the fact that the situation is now, as it were, december , it is quite difficult, and taking into account the fact that we have today, respectively, the regulator of the main germany announced that that too much gas is consumed, it turns out, but the heating season
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has grown by 64% and they will have to reduce it by 20%. this situation is quite complicated, by the way , they talked about biden, and the sociology data on it came from 2-36% of the population approves of his economic policy. and in general, politics 39, by the way, 36 percent. this is at least 40 years old. this is not a very good option, that is, an intermediate choice is a choice between presidential elections. as a matter of fact, in all midterm elections since 1946, everyone who had a level of confidence below 50% lost more than 37%, on average, in parliament in the production elections with this alignment. he in any way loses the lower house of parliament. now he will fight for the top desks. that is to try to keep him hay. there is 52% you can kind of fight, if this happens, then the situation will be extremely difficult to understand what is most important for the biden economy, and now it’s the most important thing for him, how to show, as it were, that the situation is stabilizing against this background, as it were some encroachments or some traces of a change in the
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agenda, for example, in the ukrainian direction, it will also be extremely negative for him, because this criticizes, so now there is some kind of window of opportunity. this is october, during which if some actions take place, and it bears i appear on close components, that is, the choice of an intermediate in november. g20 in november, respectively, by this time, thank god, the ccp congress will already be held, which will be in october. well, that is, one must understand that biden's internal problems will not force biden to abandon external priorities. in particular, from the support of ukraine why because the support of ukraine is it american economy support for the american military-industrial complex the american military-industrial complex is the republicans. this is an attempt to make peace with them in this very, very difficult for a canoe on a personal period. with whom they are going to be measured, respectively, how to tear him up at these midterm elections. here he throws money at them in some incredible amount, only the fool zelensky thinks that the billion and those 12 potential billion that the americans
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plan to transfer to ukraine are money. ukraine is not. zelensky is not ukraine, this is american industrialist american military-industrial complex you understand that the american military-industrial complex in the overall structure, respectively , of production. in the usa, it doesn’t amount to such a volume , that is, roughly speaking, one rate increase in euros, but the fed affects to a greater extent than all orders combined you need by 100, because the problem lies elsewhere the problem is that ukraine is in the future, and it leads to the fact that a significant part of the liquidity is now being drawn to the american market, the dollar is getting more expensive and is leaving it. now the rest investments. he burns out. in fact, all other currencies, perhaps, except, respectively, the yuan. that is, everything is pumped out of there. now , all liquidity is being pumped out of the european union. and where does it go into the bond, that is, american. if the problem lies in the following management, it is that, as it were, this also begins to strain countries a little, because the uncontrolled process leads to the fact that now colossal resources are being pumped out of the whole world for rare very strong exceptions. this leads to very serious debt problems. first of all
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, to put an end to serious problems for countries with their expenses , they have to spend more and more and more more expensive to borrow in order to spend it, so it starts to break, how would these systems, which are enough like there, like italy, the type of funds are still there today, germany and against the background of secular statements, there has been a sharp increase in cost, that is, roughly speaking, the situation now is such that many countries are not satisfied with what is happening here it is concreteness at the moment, because this uncontrolled process leads to very serious costs. and inflation, from this, does not decrease as much as the reaction to the prospect could. it's funny all the same. there in the toilet paper part, it’s just not worth joking about this topic. but we remember that they ran out of one-time and some other, they came up with reusable problems with it. and now this kind of claims against the russians. the european commission has prepared a regular list of sanctions against russia in particular. brussels wants to ban the import of russia a number of steel foundry products and export to the russian federation semiconductor components and chips also the european commission wants to make it illegal
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to provide architectural and engineering legal advice and services to companies and people in russia and finally, the new sanctions list officials in brussels included goods that in their opinion, they bring significant income to the russian federation. to be precise, the european commission no longer wants to see make-up and shaving products in the european union. deodorants soap and toilet paper from russia that's how we learned that it ends up in the european union, uses our shaving foam and toilet paper. let's fast forward to the eu the chief of our european bureau, anastasia popova, is on the line . weird. for us. this is news in general. how can one relate to the proposals of ursula fondurland with the proposal of the european commission. are there any other good options? i understand that at this moment everything that they came up with. this is a ban on imports in the amount of 7 billion. and the same ceiling on oil, with which everything is very clear. still a final
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decision. no, this is just a suggestion, in addition to toilet paper and shaving foam. they also say that caviar, cigarettes and alcohol will also be banned here. imported from russia. well, besides, they really managed to remove diamonds from the list for the time being. belgium insisted on this very much and they also say that they are discussing the ceiling on gas prices - this is nobody the agenda is not yet removed . uh, the oil price ceiling, and besides, they want to include a ban on the conclusion of any contracts in the future with russian e, oil. uh, oil and gas companies, gazprom, of course, also gets there, uh, they also say she connects various banks from swift. in addition, they insist on the inclusion of the patriarch, and hungary still opposes this on the sanctions list until it changes its mind there is such an internal bargaining. everything, this is still being discussed, and it is clear that all this is in a raw stage, since no one was ready to accept new ones. but i have to accept it, because the flywheel is already untwisted
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so that there is nothing else, in fact, there are no other tools. and even if these do not work, there are still no others, and something needs to be done, but now the main topic, perhaps, is not so much the sanctions that are being discussed here, but still what happened to the northern streams. this is perhaps the first piece of news. e in many media and it is being discussed. who is worth it? who is the beneficiary, and i must say that today is rhetoric. well, for example, in the same french newspapers, a misunderstanding of what is happening has changed a little to such uncertainty and it seems, as if on the knurled still transfer of arrows to russia but even here the french meps. they say that we have some strange country that bombs itself. uh, she blows up gas pipelines herself. by itself. it seems that as it imposes sanctions, it destroys itself, that is, there is some kind of inconsistency here, which , in principle, everyone understands perfectly well and says that if there was at least some slightest confirmation, at least some evidence. because it's not
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far away, it happened, it happened in a specific a place where there are a lot of nato ships and nato intelligence works. if there was something that could be provided at least somehow to accuse, yes, russia, then this would have already been done; the fact that there is no such evidence and evidence suggests that they simply do not want to show them, because. well, you can’t say that no one saw anything at all , explosions were recorded. and if there are explosions, it means that someone either planted something there, or used some kind of unmanned or controlled drones, and so on and so forth, that is, there is a lot of discussion, but here the important point is that nato has more or less formed its position. naturally, she said that the fact that this sabotage had happened was also obviously the fourth hole already, they found it, and the main point was that it was an attack on the infrastructure of nato countries, as a result of which, of course, one must reserve the right to strike back. it is not yet clear by whom, but if you follow the chain, you can see that in poland, for example, they began to say that they do not rule out possible
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nato intervention or nato joining ukraine in in the event of a nuclear or some kind of strike supposedly inflicted on russia, but at the same time, it was the poles who began to distribute iodine tablets in schools, which should protect the population in the event of this radioactive contamination, the same thing is happening in some other european countries, and all this against the backdrop of that many eastern european countries are actively urging their citizens to urgently leave the territory of russia, all this leads to rather sad thoughts, but for now it remains only to watch olga, one gets the full feeling that the world some completely uncontrolled processes are going to hell nastya if the bottom line is expensive in europe in winter it will be cold in europe in winter, how are they going to survive against the backdrop of the lack of russian gas now it will obviously not be. for the time being, europe, it seems to me, is just beginning to realize that another very
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serious blow has been dealt to it. and if before that at least, there was at least some small possibility that the gas would go through the pipe. when. if possible, somehow it will be possible to replay this whole situation, but now all these hopes have absolutely collapsed , it is clear that now gas will not come from russia in winter; now, against this background, it will sharply increase. poland, since it will have this gas and norway’s pipes go to it, of course, is also trying its best, but the united states will, of course, earn the most from this whole business, which says that they will not leave europe in trouble. although it is very difficult to imagine how it will be lack of infrastructure in europe to receive liquefied gas from another state, they cannot supply it here and already and already in countries in the same germany, a recession begins, how far, in general, how much the economy collapses. so far, one can only guess, but the fact that the trend is going in this direction is already obvious. thank you very much anastasia chief of our european bureau. belgium brussels anastasia popova thank you, please dear
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friends, that we are witnessing today we are witnessing the task that the united states has completed with complete confidence, and the economic sovereignty of the european union has been violated after. terrorism and undermining our gas pipelines by the us intelligence agencies and the political sovereignty of the european union is also violated, that is, what they did not strive for, they did it, now the us is in full control of all processes. uh, which will happen most in the near future, how olya will be heated uh, europe we ourselves have just seen axes knives will go into the forest, uh fight, for every log. uh, for each leaflet in order to protect yourself. and of course, destroying the neighbor that chaos is the psychosis that we observe. uh, when we used to
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watched films. uh, fiction about zombifying people. uh, tundra, turned on and people were walking. uh, like once behind the flute of a rat, so now the toggle switch has been turned on and the european union is coming. somewhere near the abyss, which has no end in sight after the referendum that took place in the donbass in the zaporizhzhya kherson regions, when zelensky and his team of drug addicts received a feat, it is clear that today and nato, the united states will take all the forces and means to the maximum in order to to u start uh, a powerful bombardment of shelling all cities. e of those territories that today entered e into the russian federation well, in the near future, and the president will make a decision of the state duma today, too, a historic decision has been made. and those families. as you said, they
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packed their things and left with the territories. they did not leave, they returned, because it has always been our territory in all ages, whoever knows history well knows what i'm talking about. who have been waiting for this event for 8 years, someone for 30 years. we waited 100 years for the don cossacks. i mean, when in 1922 lugansk donetsk krug was illegally torn away and they became part of the new created by the ussr, as vladimir vladimirovich putin said, they illegally shoved the donbass into ukraine where they have always been e, the second grade today is 80% of the chambers of all the other e, missiles go through the civilian population 20 goes to e, the shelling of our e units on the front line the civil infrastructure of the school kindergarten is being destroyed and this has been going on for the last few days, but after all this is completed, the last and final
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point, and the educational sign, and when the four subjects become russian, it will already be uh, conducting a counter-operation, what will happen? then it will then come tomorrow, there is a high probability that then they will strike at the new regions of the russian federation our actions are our actions. first, we are in those territories that are our territories, where nationalist terrorists are today, we declare a regime of counter-terrorist operation experiment. we have ah, and we are already using those forces and means to destroy them, the second. uh, the president announced that he was making a decision. what measures do we go further? uh, further two nitrations and a demonstration of ukraine. and our territory
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is under fire and hummer missiles, the range is 300 km, we are making protection on the territory of 300 km. this is our decision, we must secure our territories if the united states if nato starts supplying missiles with a range of 500 km, which does not exclude fly not the eleventh row not a single bullet, based on this the west today itself sets the parameters of our relations with them 500 km, which means there will be 500 km, where these will end 500 km away. this is already we will determine for ourselves, we will determine, so that no one can ever attack us and shoot at us at our, uh, residents and citizens of the russian federation, including those who arrived here by the will
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of israel, after all, this is about 6 million people. and when you and i see those streams of people who are hundreds leaving georgia, uh, armenia, turkey, i always say, don't be upset about it hundreds of weak people, and millions of strong people came to us strong and powerful patriots of russia, so the task that will be performed in the near future is to transfer it to a completely different track. uh, a special war of operations and the solution of those tasks that the supreme commander will accept after the signing of the constitutional one, which will take place in the very next few days. god willing, i share your optimism. i understand correctly that this is actually an appeal to the ministry of defense of the russian federation to secure the territory in
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depth of ukraine for 300 km or 500 km. that is, it remains to secure. it remains quite a bit to go on the attack. we are waiting for the very near future, partial mobilization. in any case, it started. well , on friday, the kremlin already said there would be a ceremony of signing documents for the entry of new regions into the russian federation, we will return. we cannot be silenced. we ourselves choose our path, and we will defend our choice not to break our will. we face the truth every evening. don't miss the evening with vladimir solovyov new time at 22:20. today on the channel russia premiere today at 21:20. care from pyaterochka discounts for you pomegranate 1 kg 99.90 even more benefits with new
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i love yevgeny tkachuk yevgeny brik i saw rubin today. he said that he loves me, you will try to kill me, you know, in the camp many times they tried, nothing came of it. this will be the end of all the bombing, say that there on saturday and sunday on the channel russia with
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gas pipelines will develop. so now the gas will come out, you need to put the light on. you need to take pictures, you need to make a computer model, because it won’t fit. all in one. frame. it is necessary to explore the seabed, but the fact is that if the russian federation is not allowed to do this, then it may turn out like this he blew up the picture himself he investigated he himself prepared the conclusion he himself signed the act and this situation can easily turn out. oh, mikhail mikhailovich , something tells me that this is how it will happen. i mean, the active participation in the future investigation of both the north atlantic alliance and the pentagon personally. but, although it would seem where the baltic sea, where austin catches the finnish authorities. they say that the swedes will be able to start an investigation. at the end of the week, apparently. at the end of the
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putin every sunday at 22:00. hello this is a special broadcast of the radio station by the russian military special military operations. around the clock , exporting companies are required to sell 80% of foreign exchange earnings, when the situation changes every second from the latest information that few people know yet. we have moved forward to be the first to find out, the main thing is that the points by which you can predict general positions. set up on the spot. bye.
2:00 pm
hello rocket an attack on a residential building in kherson 30 iskupyansk refugees died under aimed fire from the apu from a quadrocopter.


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