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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  September 30, 2009 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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hey, this is what i don't
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[ cheers and applause ] >> conan: that was great, >> conan: quinn dahle, [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much for doing [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, guys. thank you very, very much. welcome to the show. welcome, welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," everybody. happy tuesday. big health care news. this just happened. the public option backed by president obama was just voted down by the senate finance committee. or as supporters of universal health care call them, "the
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death panel." [ light laughter ] the final tally was 8 voted "yes" and 15 voted "you lie." [ laughter ] that's interesting. it's some cutting edge news. i feel like walter cronkite right now. >> steve: letting people know. >> jimmy: yeah. i read about this today, too, sarah palin's 400-page memoir. sarah -- [ one audience member cheers ] >> jimmy: you're excited about that, ma'am? [ laughter ] we can get her -- we can get you a copy. i just checked. [ laughter ] well, they're gonna release it on november 17th, and it's called "going rogue: an american life." and critics say that it starts out okay, it get's really exciting and then confusing and then the last 100 pages are blank. [ laughter ] that's what -- she just gave up. just quit writing. the book costs $24.99, but it has a $5,000 jacket. which is a lot -- it's controversial. a lot of controversy around that. the president of the world bank said yesterday that the euro could replace the american dollar as the new global currency.
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the treasury department is telling everyone to not panic, just calmly throw your money away. [ laughter ] according to aaa there is now officially an epidemic of distracted driving out on the road. when i read that, i was so shocked that i had to pull over. [ laughter ] i was like, "what is this?!" [ applause ] i drive -- i drive stick. i drive stick. [ laughter ] couldn't believe it. i saw this while i was driving. a man in queens was arrested for stealing $2.60 from a pay phone. [ light laughter ] as far as i'm concerned, if you are willing to touch a payphone, you deserve $2.60 -- whatever. [ cheers and applause ] give it to him. what? he touched it. now, put him in a bubble and get him away from us. this is incredible here. miners in south africa discovered a 507 carat diamond
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this week, one of the largest diamonds ever found. it's so nice that kobe's wife is praying he cheats on her. [ audience oohs ] [ laughter ] it is really big. it's really big. there's a new book out written by two psychologists called "why women have sex." and not to be confused with the book "why men have sex," which is just a napkin with boobs scribbled on it. [ laughter ] "it's a great book!" and finally, lady gaga, who will be on "snl" this weekend, is being honored friday as "billboard" magazine's newest rising star. i think that gaga deserves it. she has a total package. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show tonight. give it up for roots! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: unbelievable. thank you, frank. that sounded good. hey, you know what, we mentioned yesterday everybody that christopher cross is going to come on monday and play "ride like the wind." yeah, that's right. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ and i got such a long way to -- such a long way to go ♪ "ride like the wind" will be played here monday night. the e-mails, the twitter, the tweeting, the skittles, the cool box -- [ light laughter ] >> steve: the bleep blorp. >> jimmy: yeah, bleep blorping went off. cool table was on fire. everyone's talking about this on the web. they want us to have a yacht rock party. so, if you don't know what a yacht rock party is, i guess that like christopher cross and michael mcdonald and kenny loggins type of great music -- they play it together and you wear a captains hat and you drink champagne and pretend you're on a yacht. [ laughter ] and i'm like, "we're so game for that." we're totally doing that, right? that's gonna be awesome. so, i don't know, yeah. i don't know if he's gonna do --
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he won't do "sailing" or anything like that, will he? no, i don't know if he'll do that. well, maybe. >> steve: we will ask him. >> jimmy: maybe we'll ask him. and i don't think that michael mcdonald is coming either, i don't think. we can't get him either. but either way we have christopher cross and the roots. you'll play with them? so we got the roots and christopher cross playing yacht rock on monday. [ cheers and applause ] captain's hat. and if you go to our website, we can give you a list for the best yacht rock party. let's do it around the country. it's going to sweep the nation. yacht rock, this monday. [ laughter ] i wanted flames to come out of my eyes, but -- can we do it in post? >> steve: yeah -- no. >> jimmy: no, we can't? oh, whatever. maybe tomorrow i'll have flames coming out of my eyes. i don't know why. hey, we have a great show tonight. this is the show to be at as well, right here. we got a great show tonight. star of broadway's "hamlet," jude law is here. [ cheers and applause ] woo! a good looking dude, a great actor. also, you her from "dr. horrible's sing-along blog," the lovely felicia day is joining us.
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[ cheers and applause ] she helped us out when we were first starting. i love her. the fastest man on earth, usain bolt and i are going to race around the studio. [ cheers and applause ] he's here! and we got a performance from the legendary -- sunny day real estate will play for the first time in like 15 years on television. [ cheers and applause ] legends. i can't wait. those guys rock. hey, quick question, do you guys like games of skill and chance that involve vacuum sealed sticks of clay-colored meat? [ cheers and applause ] well, who doesn't? well, it's your lucky day, because it's time for "hot dog in a hole." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome, welcome to "hot dog in a hole," the game where players compete against each other to see how many hot dogs they can throw into mouths of famous people. [ laughter ] tonight's edition, the men of "full house." [ cheers and applause ]
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the '80s through '90s sitcom from "t.g.i.f." you guys know that of course. let's see whose mouths we'll be throwing hot dogs into this evening, higgins? >> steve: well jimmy, our first famous hole belongs to uncle jesse, john stamos. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this hot biker loves to rock it with the rippers and doesn't have mercy for kimmy gibbler. he's easy on the eyes, but still one of the guys. he's uncle jesse and he needs to gobble some wieners. next up, uncle joey, dave coulier. [ cheers and applause ] known for his "cut it out" catchphrase and his bullwinkle impression. he's the funny feller in the cellar. he's uncle joey, and he needs to slam some franks. lastly, we have danny tanner, bob saget. [ cheers and applause ] he's a caring father -- the man at the clan. the host of "wake up san fran." the single dad who keeps things spic and span. he's danny -- danny tanner, and he's jonesin' for hot dogs. jimmy? >> jimmy: thank you so much, steve. thank you, thank you, very much. there they are. the three men from "full house" ready to eat some wieners. now -- here are our three contestants,
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come on over guys. [ cheers and applause ] and girls. and girls. hey, buddy. how you doing? >> fine. >> what's your name and where you from? >> marianne, from new jersey. >> jimmy: from new jersey. very good, marianne. now, you're going to be throwing hot dogs into the mouth of uncle jesse. now, are you confident that you can slide some wieners through his hole? [ laughter ] >> i'm gonna try. >> jimmy: okay, good stuff. how you doing, buddy? >> i'm all right. how are you? >> jimmy: very good, now what's your name and where you from? >> dominic, from the bronx. >> jimmy: ah, good man. [ applause ] he's still dominic from the bronx. used to have a little, now he has a lot. now -- [ laughter ] you're going to be launching processed animal lips through danny tanner's lips. how do you feel about that? >> i feel good. i like my chances. >> jimmy: yeah, okay. good. [ laughter ] sounds like you want to toss some meat. okay, here we go. [ laughter ] how are you, pal? what's your name? >> tracy. >> jimmy: tracy, where you from? >> toronto, canada. >> jimmy: all right. very good. [ cheers and applause ] we love canada. now, you got joey.
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what's the game plan going in? are you a lobber or an over-hander? >> i'm going to go underhand. i think is the best strategy. >> jimmy: oh -- all right, very good. i like that theory. here we go. underhand is kind of the secretive way to win this thing, too. or you just want to go straight hot dog tossing, too. it's going to be an exciting round of events. [ laughter ] here's how the game works. behind you are some easy-access wiener tubs. you're gonna get 15 seconds to throw as many wieners as you can through these guys' holes. then at the end the wiener winner takes the big prize. are you guys ready? >> yeah. >> jimmy: audience, let's hear some noise. [ cheers and applause ] all right. all right, go. ♪ 15 seconds on the clock. 13 seconds. there you go. look at that. yes. ♪ six, five, four, three, two, one! oh! everybody hands off your wieners. hands off your wieners, everybody. time's up. audience, would you like to see that again at a reduced speed?
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here we go. ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. that was pretty fantastic. that one looked like it just disappeared. like -- magical wiener. that was good. let's check the wiener tally. how many wieners flew through uncle jesse's hole? oh, that's four. that's good. [ cheers and applause ] -- good. very good. how many wieners fluttered through danny tanner's hole? [ audience oohs ] >> oh. an unexcited wiener. [ laughter ] look at that. nothing worse than that, right? and how many wieners cruised through joey's hole? wait. whoa! [ audience oohs ]
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this has never happened on "hot dog in a hole." we have a tie break. i'm sorry, you have to put your wieners over there. sorry. [ laughter ] go over there, no just sit over there. you don't have to leave, yeah. but you guys, this is the lightning round. here's the way it's gonna work. first hot dog in the hole wins. all right, when i count to three, when i say, three, go, start throwing your wieners. one, two, three -- go! ♪ oh, we have a winner! we have a winner! there -- all right. very nice. can we bring out the grand prize? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: well, jimmy, tonight's winner is the proud new owner of an old- fashioned pop-up hot dog toaster. cooks perfectly using the latest in toaster technology. jimmy? >> jimmy: you just pull it down there and toast it up. it toasts the hot dogs and then warms the buns. it is awesome! [ laughter ] yeah, it is fantastic. and of course, there's no losers here on "hot dog in a hole." so, you have the consolation prize, these wonderful packages of beef franks. there you go, right there. thank you for playing. of course you get one, too. you were very close. they're great for lunches, dinners and snacks. eat them, throw them, cook them, just enjoy them. thanks for playing, everybody. we'll be right back with the
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fastest man on earth, usain bolt. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ when something's on, ♪ ♪ i want to put a bidding sign on it. ♪ ♪ when something's gone. ♪ ♪ i want to fight to get it back again. ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪ ♪ fight to get it back again. ♪ get the new pearl jam album, plus exclusive content, only at target, or download it only on itunes.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. welcome back and thank you for watching. i'm really excited to bring out our next guest. he won three gold medals for jamaica at the 2008 summer olympics and currently holds multiple world records in sprinting. they call him "the fastest man on earth." and i am about to find out how fast he really is. ladies and gentlemen, give it up for usain bolt. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks so much for being here. you are known as the fastest man on earth. that just blow your mind sometimes? >> yes, definitely. yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: it does, yeah. do you just get bored of just running against humans. do you want robots or running against animals and stuff?
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[ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. i think i'll try that sometime. >> jimmy: you could do that. well, things are going to be interesting here. probably all wondering why i am wearing these socks. [ laughter ] yeah. i am wearing little shorts, because you usain has agreed to race me on the show tonight. we're going to do a little speed walking. that's where you walk as fast as you can without running. you ever done that? >> not really, no, no, no. >> jimmy: no? that's perfect. [ laughter ] i dabbled a little bit in junior high, i don't want to brag. used to go mall walking around the food court and stuff like that. it was really good. anyways we have a whole course set up for speed walking. and let's take a look at the course. >> speed walkers will begin their journey up out the audience aisle and through the exit doors on the left, to stairway c, where they'll have to make a choice, go left which is the wrong way or right. the racers must then find their way to this illuminated dr. oz sign. once there, they'll make a sharp
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right to our studio, where a surprise waits for them. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: here's the deal. now, here's the most important part. i do that, too. i do that too, yeah. here's the most important part. once you're in the studio, you have to do a moon walk across the stage to the finish line to win. so, that's the line there. we start the moon walk and then go all the from there, back over there. this should be awesome. by the way, you ever moon walk? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: great, yeah. again, i dabbled a little bit in college. [ light laughter ] all right, now the rule of speed walking is you have to -- in moon walking. in moon walking -- you're funny -- you're funny, too. [ laughter ] so the rule of speed walking is you have to have both feet on the ground at the same time, so no cheating, all right? and be careful, because i cannot afford to fall on this show and get a concussion, because they'll fire me in a second. [ laughter ] all right, you ready to do this? >> i'm ready.
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>> jimmy: all right, let's line up. we're going to go up these stairs on the left first, okay? [ cheers and applause ] all right, higgins. you want to start us off? >> steve: okay. you ready? >> jimmy: yep. >> steve: nice shorts. [ laughter ] on your mark. get set. go! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ >> jimmy: and the moon walk, the moon walk. all right! woo! we have a winner. [ panting ] do you feel good? do you feel good? yeah, can we see a replay? [ laughter ] there you go. all right. very good. you finished in one minute, two seconds. so it's a new record for fastest speed walking. [ cheers and applause ]
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here is your present. these are gold-plated wing-tipped shoes, everybody. give it up for the fastest speed walker on late night, usain bolt! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with jude law, everybody. come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ new one a day vitacraves. a complete adult multivitamin in a gummy with ingredients... to support energy, immunity, and your inner child. one a day vitacraves. multivitamin gummies for grown-ups.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah! welcome back, everybody. i tried my best. usain, you're the champ. right now, everybody, our next guest is a very talented oscar-nominated actor who's currently starring on broadway in "hamlet." he's amazing in it. give it up for jude law, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jude law, everybody. the man. i gotta say, thank you for being here first of all. >> my pleasure. >> jimmy: appreciate it. i know you're working a crazy schedule. "hamlet," i saw it, and it is --
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you're fantastic in that play. >> thank you. >> jimmy: gosh, you were unbelievable. [ cheers and applause ] that's like -- that's like a grueling -- just a long, long play. it's gotta be exhausting. >> it's a long play, and it's -- i'm on stage for about 80% of it. yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. how long is that play do you think? around three -- >> it's about three hours and a little bit including an interval. but it goes at a rate. >> jimmy: oh, no, yeah. it does go quickly, but you go, "wow, i can't believe you're doing this whole thing." i wouldn't need an intermission -- i would add two other intermissions if it was me. [ laughter ] >> we do -- we it twice on a wednesday and twice on a saturday, too. >> jimmy: two shows? >> yeah. six hours of "hamlet" for me, anyway. >> jimmy: you've lost your mind. [ light laughter ] >> well, it's sort of taken over my life. i do these like, body checks every morning. "is my voice still there?" "are my knees still working" and -- but it's good, it's -- you know, keeps me off of the streets. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. now when you do this thing, "hamlet," i think out of all of the shakespeare that i grew up learning in school, this is the play to go see. >> oh, it's the greatest play ever written. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and it's an amazing thriller.
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it's got an incredible love story. it's a tragedy, but it's also full -- i mean, so much of the english language came from this one play. it's full of the most -- i mean, there were very famous lines, "alas! poor yorick" and "to be or not to be" and so on. "get thee to a nunnery." but there are also -- >> jimmy: yeah, i mean, "to be or not to be," i go -- you look around. >> everyone laughed the other day, it's like a very sober part of the play. >> jimmy: that was probably me. >> and i said it, someone laughed, because i guess it's such a cliche now to hear it in the play that it comes from. >> jimmy: yeah, there was a lot of like tittering around, when you say classic lines. >> but there's so many other catchphrases that you figure, "is that really where it came from? this one play 400 years ago?" and we still think like, "cruel to be kind," "hold thy tongue." >> jimmy: yeah. "the lady doth protest too much." >> "the lady doth protest too much." >> jimmy: that was another one i was laughing at. >> "to the manner born." all sorts. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "i don't know nothing about nursing no babies." [ laughter ] that was in there. "you're gonna need a bigger boat." that was another big one. [ laughter ] no, but i keep hearing it, i go, "oh, my god." and then you pull out the skull.
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you know what i've wanted to always ask about when you pull out yorick, well, you call him yorick. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. is it a real human being skull? >> yeah, it is, actually. we went on the internet and we got -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you got your favorite skull? "i'm getting the one i really want." >> that's a 100-year-old skull. but you know what, there was another production recently of "hamlet" in london, and the skull they used was from a guy who had been in the theater and he bequeathed his skull after he died. >> jimmy: yeah? >> to be used in "hamlet." and then the guy who's playing hamlet, there was so much press about it, that he got a bit fed up that this skull upstaging him, so he changed the skull. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the skull would get like a standing ovation. [ laughter ] "that's a great skull. i have seen his work. that is a great yorick, that skull." [ laughter ] but i always wondered about that, because i read something about edwin booth once and he would just -- he was a great actor and people would just send him skulls after they died. >> to use. >> jimmy: yeah just like -- >> i'm keeping my one. >> jimmy: wait, you're keeping your skull or -- >> no, no. i'm keeping my yorick skull. yeah, definitely.
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>> jimmy: the fake -- yeah, the one you got on ebay. >> the real one. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, the one you got on the internet. you're keeping, yeah. how about your skull? [ laughter ] >> i don't know. i might -- maybe bequeath it to a football team. >> jimmy: i was gonna say, our show. that would be awesome. we would love it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy, if you want my skull, you can have my skull. >> jimmy: we could speed walk with it through the whole -- yeah, we could sit it here. we could drink water out of it. [ laughter ] it'd be fantastic. you were so amazing in this play like, just the acting is just so -- it's just awesome. that's when i just realized like, oh, i am not a good actor. 'cause i look at you i go, "you are so good in this thing." you keep it so entertaining, and you just put everything into this thing. you go, 'gosh," we want to give you like ten standing ovations during the whole play. well done. job well done, my friend. >> thank you. thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're such a good actor. you're such a good actor you can actually play off playing a woman, too. explain this. this is not just a weekend out for you. this is -- what is this? what's going on? >> this is a film i just did with sally potter. >> jimmy: it looks like rod stewart.
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[ laughter ] >> which one's rod stewart? >> jimmy: right there. yeah, that's rod and that's syd barrett over there i think. >> i play this guy who is a transsexual, so, we -- this is the look we came up with. >> jimmy: and what is this movie? like -- it's going. >> it's being released on phones and on the internet. you can download it. it's like one of the first films you can download on your phone. >> jimmy: really? >> and it's all of a series of interviews taking place at a fashion show. and they sent me the script and i'm reading through it, there's a part for a guy playing a photographer and a guy on the motorbike and i called the director and she wants me to play -- >> jimmy: the lady. >> yeah. >> jimmy: "i was looking at all the guys roles, i'm sorry. i apologize." >> it was a challenge. it was a challenge. >> jimmy: well, you like challenges. because i know, like, you do this thing. there was a big thing on tmz and on huffington post, the daily beast about that daniel craig, hugh jackman -- >> yeah. i read about that. >> jimmy: yeah, and people's phones are going off. >> we've had a couple of instances -- >> jimmy: in the broadway play? >> yeah.
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a girl in the front row was taking photos and filming it, but she got nabbed. >> jimmy: yeah. i mean, you're trying to do -- i mean, you're doing your third hour, trying to get into character and you're like, "you gotta be kidding me?" your hand like -- you know. >> but you know what? it's funny, because when you look back to the history of the theater. >> jimmy: ♪ baby, don't hurt me no more ♪ you're like, "can you please take that phone off?" [ laughter ] ♪ what is love >> it used to be just a basic ringtone but -- >> jimmy: ringtones aren't ringtones anymore. >> no, they're not. >> jimmy: no, they're people screaming. it's like, "ah, help me, ah!" "hey, mom, how are you?" [ laughter ] "oh, that's good, yeah. that's my mom's ring tone." >> but you imagine what the audience was like 400 years ago when they were first performing "hamlet." basically these places were you know, full of drunks and rowdiness and they're picking up hookers and god knows what. and they were rowdy old places. it's so funny nowadays everyone is expected to sit so quietly and we get "shh, shh" you know, if you cough too loudly. >> jimmy: well, not on our show. that's all we have are drunks -- [ cheers and applause ] like 75% of the audience are drunk. >> people are waving, "yeah." >> jimmy: they love it.
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would you give a little -- a quick little "to be or not to be" as we are all hooting and hollering going into commercial? [ cheers and applause ] >> okay. to be -- oh, no, you're not going to be lively aren't you? >> jimmy: you're that good of an actor -- you're that good of an actor that we just -- >> they were quiet. >> jimmy: you're phenomenal, you just cue it, we'll all just hoop and holler, ready? [ cheers and applause ] we love you. yeah. jude, we love you. hey, i'm on tv. >> it's harder than i thought. >> it's harder than you thought? hey, when we come back, you going to show me some shakespearean sword play? >> sure. >> jimmy: is that cool? >> yeah. >> jimmy: come on back, everybody. we got more with jude law. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ you've wanted to quit smoking so many times,
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but those days came and went, and the cigarettes remained. but today's a new day. and a few simple steps can make a real difference in your next quit... things like starting with a plan to quit smoking...
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody, we are here with jude law who is right now in "hamlet" in new york here playing. i just want -- you're gonna teach me a little shakespearean dueling. >> yeah, sure. >> jimmy: why don't you come back here. here's your blade. >> thank you, sire. >> jimmy: yes, and then here's mine, right here. hey, before we do this, i just wanted -- do you remember a while back i was -- i was doing a movie, you were doing a movie and you called me up you're like -- "hey, we're having some people over."
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[ laughter ] >> i remember. >> jimmy: pretty good, yeah? >> we were having some people over and -- >> we were going to have some people over, have some wine and we were just gonna read some poetry. and i'm like, "yeah, right. okay." so i go. so i show up and i bring like a bottle of jager, and my ipod like, "what's up?" and you're sitting around reading poetry. [ laughter ] and i go, "oh, you're really reading poetry?" [ laughter ] "okay. that's cool, man." >> i do that every week. >> jimmy: i know, it was kind of cool but that's -- you're a stud. anyway -- [ laughter ] so i was thinking -- i was like, all right, tonight, if you don't mind, can you read a little poem for everyone here? like you did? >> yeah, sure. >> jimmy: thank you. i'd love if you could, could you read -- this is "poker face" by lady gaga. [ laughter ] >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: can we have a little lighting? [ cheers and applause ] we have a little -- look at that camera over there. >> this one? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i won't tell you that i love you kiss or hug you 'cause i'm bluffing with my muffin
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i'm not lying i'm just stunning with my love glue-gunning just like a chick in the casino take your bank before i pay you out i promise this i promise this check this hand 'cause i am marvelous can't read my can't read my no, he can't read my poker face [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: good. that's great, buddy. woo-hoo. woo-hoo. that's great. all right. now, how do we do it here? roots, a little dueling music? >> okay, first of all, you gotta get the stance right. which is a quite a low stance i know. >> jimmy: very good. very good, there. yeah, all right? >> yeah. i'm gonna start this side, i'm going to attack you this way. >> jimmy: yep. >> and you're going to want to try block me, right? >> jimmy: yep. >> 'cause i'm gonna go like that. there you go. now you're there, so you can come for me and i'm gonna do that. and i'm gonna come over. there you go. >> jimmy: oh, hey, i'm pretty good. [ cheers and applause ] that's pretty good, there.
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that's good there, very good. jude law, "hamlet" -- ah! [ laughter ] [ applause ] [ in old english accent ] "'hamlet' is staged at yon broadway theatre here in the city of new amsterdam. and oh -- [ laughter ] the 7th day of october and will be playing for nary 12 weeks. i give you jude law! [ cheers and applause ] the lady felicia day in the greenroom of bud light lime. please, good people, return!" [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ hey! what do you know about the song ♪ ♪ and the dancing a wind ♪ i see you dancin' ♪ ♪ but you never ever mark your words ♪ ♪ have you ever, felt so lonely ♪ ♪ ♪ she's got me dancin'
1:16 am
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1:20 am
♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: everybody, welcome back. you know our next guest from her performances in "dr. horrible's sing-along blog." also "the guild" which is on dvd now. and her recurring role on "house." put it together for one of my favorite actress, writer, producer, felicia day, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: felicia day, finally. you look great, thanks for being on the show. >> thank you for having me. this is really fancy. >> jimmy: yeah, thanks so much. yeah. you were on our first -- you were my first guest. when we started, we started on the web you were kind enough to be nice to us. and you were on our first show. like -- you were my first guest i ever interviewed. >> oh. >> jimmy: and stuttered through.
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>> you came to my house and you didn't steal anything. it was great. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no i didn't. >> i will have you back. >> jimmy: thank you so much for that. and congratulations on everything. "the guild" -- it's on dvd now, season one and two. three is happening as we speak. >> yeah, that's on really -- on xbox -- sprint sponsored us. so, we are doing that. and then you can get a little nifty -- i didn't do this myself, which is kind of rare for "the guild." >> jimmy: yeah, when this whole thing started, like, this is based on "warcraft." and the "world of warcraft." >> yeah, kind of. we don't name the game that we play in the show, but you know, basically that's what i played eight hours a day for ten months. >> jimmy: yeah. and what made you just want to make a show about it? you just like -- >> well, i -- many hours. eight hours a day, a few years of my life and i was like, "wow, i should do something with this to justify it. or maybe tax-deduct it." >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] very smart. >> yeah, really? >> jimmy: yeah, very good. >> and i wrote it as a half-hour pilot for tv but, you know, it's about gamers and people were like, "well, people don't game online, 'cause most people might not understand that." and so my co-producer kim evey
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said, "let's do it for the web." because she had done some web series. so, that's how it all came about. >> jimmy: and it's so funny. it's about you and your friends who are all playing this game, and you just go -- you just talk and then people move in. eventually one guy is moving in, your boyfriend, now. >> he's a benevolent stalker. so -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but it totally took off. it blew up. i'm so happy for you. and when you had the first dvds of the season, you were making it yourself? >> yeah. so basically, the first season was funded by fans. so they would like paypal us. like $1, $10, maybe -- one guy gave $100 and i was like, "are you sure? did you misplace your decimal?" [ laughter ] so, that was cool, and then at the end of that, we self-made a dvd. we were like, "let's make a dvd." well, that's not as fun or as exciting as you would think. so we were literally like packaging hundreds of dvds on the floor of the kitchen. and i was like crying, filling out some israeli customs form. i was like, "why, why?" i mean, it was great. i mean, i appreciate the support. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] no, but after a while it becomes like, "this was fun, right?" >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: but then you went to
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the next level, which you said was on amazon. >> yeah, so amazon has a create space -- basically, they make it on demand. so if you order it, they just make the dvd and send it out. so, it's kind of like one step above. but you know, we still own the show. and so people could order it from there. and that was a little nicer, but now this is glossy -- >> jimmy: you can definitely be proud of this. this is great. >> somebody photoshopped the weird hairs i had, 'cause we took that in the garage, that picture. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that right? that's the way it is. but it's so good. you have an -- i'm so proud of you. this is awesome. >> well, thank you. >> jimmy: because when i saw you, i was -- god, we were, i was working on -- i'm not good at "warcraft." >> oh yeah, how's divarburst? >> jimmy: yeah, divarburst is what i named my character. because -- well -- >> not a good name. >> jimmy: well, it is a good name. >> okay. >> jimmy: and -- [ laughter ] no, what happened is you named your avatar mine was divarnon -- that sounded like a cool, weird, awesome, wizardry type of name. >> okay. >> jimmy: yep. [ laughter ] you were like, "well, you don't have to do that. you can name it after a candy, or something," or something like that. >> okay. you're right. it was my fault. >> jimmy: so, divarburst. >> yeah, that's -- >> jimmy: that became his name. >> not better.
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>> jimmy: sweeping the nation. every one's talking about it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and -- oh, you know what, again, i tried -- it's a time consuming game. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it takes a long -- i mean, hours. >> but it is -- every hour is worth it. >> jimmy: yeah, totally. >> forget the show, just go play. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: exactly, yeah, that's the way to do it now. >> be like me. >> jimmy: yeah, but i guess if i'm playing that you could play like, you know, go-go or whatever, like that. where you're on the plane see? >> yeah, no you can't -- if you have wi-fi maybe. >> jimmy: yeah. >> don't tell me that. i'm flying home tomorrow. >> jimmy: sorry. they have that? oh, sorry. have you been enjoying yourself when you're in new york? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're not gaming, right? >> no, no, it's a gaming vacation -- oh, yeah. i did a little bit on my portable. >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah, but i basically when i go to a new city, i yelp my way through cities. so, basically, coffee and cupcakes. that's where all my money goes. [ laughter ] i am full of coffee and cupcakes right now. >> jimmy: did you see and theater? did you jude law in "hamlet?" >> oh -- he's fancy. >> jimmy: yeah >> no, i would have liked to, yeah, but i'm -- you know, i'm in -- i might take this dress back, so -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, it's on rental? what are you -- >> yes. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. well, you have to do, what you
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gotta do. the -- watch "the guild." [ laughter ] it is a -- again everything's. is the thing that everyone should go to. >> yeah, or -- >> jimmy: it's not, is it? >> yeah, you can also download all the episodes on xbox for free. because we're sponsored by, you know, like, sprint, so, we can offer them for free, and it's, you know, nice. but also, you can get both the seasons here in a lovely, you know, photoshopped version of me. >> jimmy: we have a clip of the show "the guild" i want to show everyone. here's felicia day in "the guild." >> i hope this isn't awkward for you. or anything. you know, me being right down the hall cavorting, 24/7. in a -- >> no, no. it's great. you moved on. so, incredibly quick. >> good, good, because, you know, she's nothing like you at all. i mean, she's tall, confident, lean. i mean, super-aggressive you know, nothing like the usual anime porn i download. >> i need to get find a way to get tink back in the guild. >> oh. well, i can get you the link for the rival guild. >> that's a good idea. yeah, okay, i'll just logon, no invitation and confront her. oh, invite-a-text.
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>> oh. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i love it. this is so -- you're so endearing and so awesome. fun. >> thank you. >> jimmy: when -- now, josh whedon saw this and knew about this, and that's how he created "dr. horrible" or no? >> no, no, don't give me that much credit. i don't want a phone call later. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, absolutely not. >> no, no, i'm just kidding. i worked with him on "buffy." i did the last season of "buffy" and on the strike line, i, of course, am really -- you now, i always e-mail about "the guild" episodes. and he had actually watched it. and i was really blown away by that. and he you know, said, "yeah, i have this idea about a supervillain who sings for an internet musical." and i was like, "oh, okay. that sounds amazing." so, three months later, he just randomly e-mailed me was like, "can you sing? -j." and -- who wouldn't? >> jimmy: freaked out. >> yeah, exactly, i freaked out. >> jimmy: that's kind of awesome, yeah. >> because neil patrick harris is in it. and nathan fillion and it's just like, "wow." >> jimmy: don't forget the emmy's, too, and i was like, "oh, it's great." it was so cool. >> it was really cool. >> jimmy: that's awesome, that was exciting. god, you're so sweet, and so cool. i love you. you gotta come back whenever you want to. >> yeah, whenever. >> jimmy: we actually got you two tickets to go see "hamlet" tonight and go see mr. jude law. >> are you kidding? [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: you don't have to return that dress now. >> oh, my god! >> jimmy: it's a tax write-off still. it's a tax write-off. we love you so much and thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: check out season three of "the guild." it's on the web right now at felicia day, everybody. sunny day real estate performs next. come on back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ me again.
1:28 am
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1:29 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. well, we got a big show coming up tomorrow night. dennis hopper's going to be here tomorrow. and the lovely amy brenneman will be stopping by. owen benjamin is doing some stand up for us. and our friend jeff musial will be stopping with more of his friends from the animal kingdom. hope to see you back here tomorrow night. but first, our next guest are a hugely influential seattle band who just began the first tour in 15 years with the original members. so psyched you guys are here. they're here tonight to perform the song "seven" from their classic album "diary." please welcome, sunny day real estate! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ sew it on face the fool december's tragic drive when time is poetry ♪ ♪ and stolen the world outside the waiting could crush my heart
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♪ ♪ you'll taste it you'll taste it in time ♪ ♪ you'll taste it you'll taste it in time ♪ ♪ you'll taste it you'll taste it in time ♪ in time in time in time ♪
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♪ sew it on face the fool the mirrors lie those aren't my eyes ♪ ♪ destroy them raise my hand reflects in savage shards a new face soul reborn ♪ ♪ you'll taste it you'll taste it in time ♪ ♪ you'll taste it
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♪ you'll taste it you'll taste it in time ♪ ♪ you'll taste it you'll taste it in time ♪ ♪ you'll taste it you'll taste it in time ♪ ♪ you'll taste it you'll taste it in time ♪ in time in time in time ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]


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