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tv   11 News Sunday Morning  NBC  September 19, 2010 5:00am-8:00am EDT

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>> the end is near in the oil leak in the beautiful gulf -- in the gulf of mexico. >> a 14-year-old is struck by a teenager while riding his bike and killed. >> a bus crash in new york city killing at least six people. "11 news sunday morning" starts right now. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] >> good morning. i'm lisa robinson. >> and i'm sarah caldwell.
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we go first to tony pann for the weather. >> cool stuff for us this morning, not quite as cool as yesterday morning, but you will need a light jacket at this hour. the barometric pressure at 31.5. we will start out with sunshine this morning. it should stay dry during the day with a high temperature of 82 degrees later on today. so slightly warmer during the day today than yesterday. when we come back, we will check hurricane igor and the seven-day forecast. for now, to the news desk. >> overnight bp engineers began the final plugging of the leak in the gulf of mexico spill. >> jay gray has the latest from louisiana. >> engineers were set to begin
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the final pressure test on the deep water well. after pouring cement, scientists want to make sure the seal will hold more than 1,100 pounds of pressure per square inch. crew members are confident it will. in the final hours, there has been a sense of pride. >> the fact that it had done so much damage. it is the fact that we were able to help solve and fix something that so many people wanted and needed fixed. >> sealing the well won't solve the problem so many living on the water have been dealing with for months now. >> it shows up every day. >> thick, black crude, washing in and wearing away the marsh. >> it just keeps coming. it is like the grim reaper. >> and killing this man's dream.
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>> it took me 20 years to get this going. >> crews clean what they can. demarco and others worry it may not be enough. >> go home and my wife says, what are we going to do? keep going like we're going until we have some answers. we get a trip once a week, maybe. you can't pay your bills on a trip once a week. you can't put your kids through school, you can't buy groceries. if they pull out, we are totally messed up here. >> a mess that even with the well permanently sealed, could still take years to clean up. jay gray, nbc news, dennis, louisiana. >> this morning, family and friends mourn the loss of joseph paul d'entremont was hit while
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crossing on red pump road. family and friends have put out flowers at the scene of the accident. >> jo jay was the nicest person -- jay was the nicest person i ever knew. he was my best friend. i'm going to miss him a lot. >> the 19-year-old driver, robin monaco, stayed at the scene. no word on if charges will be filed. >> it happened friday night at the home in the 1500 block of north stricker. ceceliia mitchell suffered traw trauma -- suffered trauma to the head and died at shock trauma. police are questioning family members. >> a 15-year-old was shot in the
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leg and no word on a suspect or motive in the case. >> the catonsville -- a catonsville student-teacher association pleads guilty to theft. she waived a jury trial. price is ordered to pay more than $9,000 in restitution to the pta's treasurer. her sentencing is set for december 2. >> it too took -- it took dozens of firefighters to fight a two-alarm fire last night. the smoke was seen coming from the family home just before 7:30. the fire started in the basement and spread to the second floor. no one inside the home was hurt, but one person was treated for minor injuries. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> 5:05.
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stay with us. there is still much more news ahead. >> a prank turned into a deadly scheme where an eap abandoned building caught fire. >> plus more on the controversy after a girl's father confronted his alleged bullingly. >> first, you look are looking at a live picture outside. tony pann has your insta-weather plus forecast next.
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♪ hey, look, it's grandma! oh, she's early. no...on the counter. [ female announcer ] art projects in the kitchen? bring it. i think you forgot her glasses. [ both giggling ] [ doorbell rings ] [ female announcer ] trust new bounty. the bounty with a little extra softness. in this lab test, new bounty extra soft leaves this surface three times cleaner than a dishcloth.
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and it's really durable. so all that's left behind are the smiles. new bounty extra soft. and try bounty napkins.
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>> welcome back. good morning, everyone. the time coming up on 5:09. beautiful morning with the stadium lights on there. 63 at the maryland science center. the barometric pressure 30.16. that's an indication that we are going to stay dry during the day today. we could get showers coming in, but if we have outdoor plans, temperatures on the cool side. not as cool as yesterday, but still on the cool side. 54 in tawnytown and in rock hall. skies clear around baltimore at the prept time, but high, thin clouds at the present time, and there are even a few sprinkles in western ohio. the bulk of the rain is back into the midwest across portions of illinois, iowa, and missouri. there is a cold front out here that is actually going to cross maryland tonight. as this front comes through, we
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expect a couple showers to hold together. as we head into the evening and overnight period, there could be hit-and-miss rain showers. it doesn't look like a steady rain. if you have outdoor plans it should be fine. this area of high pressure will block that activity for a while. i'll show you the seven-day forecast and let you know what to expect for the upcoming workweek. hurricane igor has weakened to a category 1. the eye is 200 miles south of bermuda now. it looks like it will make a direct hit on the island. because it is only a category 1 now, we don't expect catastrophic damage. there will be some damage on the island later on this evening and overnight tonight. then the storm should pass, and conditions will improve. at the maryland beaches, if you watch down at ocean city, there will be big waves and probably dangerous rip currents for the rest of the evening. so even though the storm is not directly affecting the maryland
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beaches, there will be some action. sunshine this morning, clouds come in this afternoon. a little warmer than yesterday. tonight mostly cloudy. a chance for a few rain showers as that front goes by. temperatures in the upper 50's and low 60's. sunset this evening at 7:08. seven-day forecast, we should stay dry on monday. high temperatures in the upper 70's monday and tuesday. wednesday, thursday, friday a touch of summer comes back. there could be scattered hit-and-miss thunderstorms all three of those days. if you are a summer weather fan, ironically, autumn begins on wednesday night. send it back over to the news desk. >> covering the nation, a church van crashes in a new york interstate killing six people and injuring eight others. a van carrying 14 people flipped over after blowing a tire. the victims on the bus are
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described as members of the joy fellowship christian assembly in the bronx. >> authorities say they may know why a tour bus crashed in texas. it is believed the drive shaft fell off before the bus lost control. that accident happened last tuesday near san antonio. the national transportation safety board says it doesn't plan to continue the investigation adding that the bus company has a good safety record. >> firefighters find an 8-year-old boy dead friday afternoon after putting out a fire which may have been done as a prank. when firefighters arrived at the abandoned building, it was engulfed in flames. the father says his sons broke into the empty house and were lighting gasoline on fire when the flames got out of control. one son ran for help, but the other son was killed in the
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fire. >> wow, quite a story. >> to an ongoing story about a florida father who took matters into his own hands. >> controversy began when parents learned what he said to the classmates. >> a father's fury caught on a security camera. >> my daughter is getting on this [beep] bus and [beep]. >> james willie jones admits his temper got the better of him when he unloaded on some children who he claims were bullying his 13-year-old daughter who suffers from cerebral palsy. he claims boys had put a condom on the back f her head and slapped her on the back of the head.
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>> i apologize. this is not just me. it is my daughter. >> in the deputy's report, jones called the school to complain, but nothing was done. the deputy writes the school has two adults on the bus and attempts to control the children, but they didn't even speak english. >> this is my daughter. >> students say it was his threat to kill that was most upsetting. >> he can't just kill kids for messing with his daughter. >> a report of students being weekly if not daily, and the experts say often parents don't hear about it until it is a crisis. and as we've seen before, the consequences can sometimes turn deadly. in massachusetts, prosecutors say classmates tormentedphoebe prince in hallways and classrooms. she hanged herself at home. the children's movement of florida has been studying the problem of bullying.
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>> it is not going away. it is escalating. every school ought to have an anti-bullying program. >> bullying in schools. 1-3 teenagers say it has happened to them. the difficulty, getting the victims to speak up, before it blows up. nbc news, miami. >> now to the world as pope benedict apologizes to victims of sexual abuse. this comes as he continues his historic visit to britain. the pope met with several members and expressed sorrow and shame for the victims of the families. and before a crowd of 2,000 people of mass at westminster a's cathedral, this is an attempt to cope with the scandal. he said he hopes his comments will help the victims heal. >> coming up, a common
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medication could help asthma patients. >> the abuse of cough medicine is on the rise. we'll tell youo awe -- how a government panel is responding. >> doctors say a super bug is on the rise. details ahe
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ring ring. progresso. everyday i eat your soups instead of going out to lunch, i save a lot of money. that's great. so, your delicious rich and hearty soups have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. well, i'm rich because... i know, i get it. i laughed. and i'm hearty because of your juicy steak, your potatoes, your pearl onions. well, you know, everything you want to eat for lunch is right in there. so you're really, rich and happy. yeah see, i like rich and hearty better. [ male announcer ] progresso.
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>> welcome back. in "medical alert," three cases of drug-resistant bacteria have popped up, and hundreds more cases have been reported world-wide in india, where a gene was determined that can turn regular bacteria into super-bugs resistant to any anti-antibiotics. >> when they have this gene, they are able to protect themselves against antibiotics we normally use to treat infection. >> experts say using too many antibiotics in humans and children is the problem. nearly all of the people who have been infected with the super-gene bacteria have been treated effectively. >> albuterol may help multiple sclerosis patients. in a clinical trial, albuterol
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may have helped. m.s. patients who took it for a year had fewer relapses of their disease. even with misuse, a government panel said requiring a doctor's note for certain cough medicines is not a good idea. tom costello has more on the decision and the problem. >> it is a teenage craze fueled in large part by the internet. thousands of teens posting video of themselves robotripping. getting high on common cough medicines that contain d.x.m. health experts say it has become a national problem with 8% of all teenagers admitting they tried it. 8,000 e.r. visits, up 78% in four years. symptoms can range from mild intoxication to a far more
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serious irregular heartbeat, seizures, loss of consciousness, even brain damage. despite being an e.r. nurse, misty never saw the signs her 18-year-old son, carl, was abusing cough siry. i died after mixing it with drugs. >> i noticed it in the back seat of his car. by the time i got to his room, i discovered he had passed away during the night. >> in washington an f.d.a. panel heard testimony about the use of dextromathoraphan and whether cough medicines should require a prescription. the cough med sin industry oppose -- the cough medicine industry opposes that. some national chains refuse to sell to anyone under 18.
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>> what's your name? >> and that was tom tost costello reporting. the independent advisory panel recommended requiring prescriptions for cough medicine, but the decision is up to the f.d.a. it could also place age restrictions on buying cough medicine. >> if you feel your kids get too much computer time, think again. it may be a good thing. first, a look at events going on around town this weekend. ♪
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[ monkey cheeps ] [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally- conscious way while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water-heating energy bill. the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way is just going to seem primitive. [ monkey cheeps ] ♪ maryland residents can save up to $780 while funds last.
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now it integrates your work e-mail, so you can be hooked up to everything you need to do. now it does 1 ghz speed on a more intuitive keyboard. turning you into an instrument of efficiency. introducing the new droid 2 by motorola. part of the next generation of does. ♪ hey, look, it's grandma! oh, she's early. no...on the counter. [ female announcer ] art projects in the kitchen? bring it. i think you forgot her glasses. [ both giggling ] [ doorbell rings ] [ female announcer ] trust new bounty. the bounty with a little extra softness. in this lab test, new bounty extra soft leaves this surface three times cleaner than a dishcloth. and it's really durable. so all that's left behind are the smiles. new bounty extra soft.
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and try bounty napkins. >> it's not often that we hear this, but if you think your child is spending too much time on 0 the computer, relax. it may be beneficial. >> hours on the computer may actually have a positive effect on your preteen. >> if you have ever worried about the hours your little one spends doing this, a new study says computer time, even playing games, my tule actually be -- may actually be productive. >> they are learning how to use it, get information, answer questions, and very well strategies. >> a study by the university of maryland studied preteens and listed hours in front of the computer with an increase in test scores. african-american boys saw the biggest increase with more access to computers than ever before. >> the dramatic rise for
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african-american boys was dramatic. >> their reading scores went up. the only group that didn't see improvement was white boys with a slight decrease in test scores and increase in violence. >> that would be more on the video rather than on the computer. >> so for parents, a caution. not all games are created equal, and there can be too much of a good thing. >> i think that parents need to really look at what exactly in terms of the media diet it is that their children are doing. >> seen in the right combination, child's play may help kids win in the classroom. wbal-tv 11 news. >> 5 sm -- 5:26. coming up, a look at your top stories.
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>> a top fugitive caught and the son he kidnapped 26 years ago. son he kidnapped 26 years ago. >> "11 news sunday morning". everyone knows a fee is a tax. you raised some taxes during that period, particularly the property tax as well as a lot of fee increases. as you know, there's a big difference between fees and taxes. but...they're the same. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax.
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it's a tax. there's a big difference between fees and taxes. fees and taxes are one in the same. if it comes out of my pocket, it's a tax. now he says it isn't true. we didn't raise taxes. what? still doing the same thing, paying out more money. typical politician. definitely. es tax on everything you buy? that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense.
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23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea. i'm frank kratovil >> good morning. welcome back to "11 news sunday morning." thank you for joining us. >> our top stories. first tony is here with a look outside. >> i think it will be warmer than yesterday. we will probably see some clouds and rain tonight. this is not necessarily a bad thing. i think we will get most of the day in just fine. if you have outdoor plans, don't worry about the rain. there could be some showers. skies are basically clear at the present time. clear at the airport. 52 in frederick. the forecast for today, an increase in the cloud cover from
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the west to the east. there could be rain in the mountains. i believe it will stay dry around baltimore, high temperature near 82. when we come back, we'll look at the seven-day forecast, and see what's on tap as we head into the workweek, and the latest on hurricane igor approaching the island of bermuda. for now over to the news desk. >> a man suspected of shooting two sheriff's deputies in texas is in custody. he's victor white is accused of shooting deputies. after shooting three, it ended with the sussspkt setting his own home on fire. the repo man was treated and released. >> this is a story. a texas mother has been reunited with her son 17 years after he was kidnapped by his father.
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he talked to his father about turning himself in. >> 42-year-old steven pelathios is in the custody of the u.s. marshals. federal authorities say he spent 17 years hiding himself and his son from his ex-wife, the boy's mother. >> i called the detectives and deputy marshals in waco that had been looking for him, and there was a sigh of relief. >> he was on the most-wanted list fugitives. despite billboards and age-progression photos, it wasn't until last week when he saw a picture of himself that he convinced him to turn himself in. the teacher said pelathios always -- >> he made some propers in judgment, but that was from love.
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>> this attorney said these kidnapping cases are uncommon. >> most people are not willing to live as a fugitive for years and years. they have jobs, they have homes, they have other relatives, they have con taths with the community. people are going to know. >> he has raised his son and love and respect everyone, particularly his family. >> michael will turn 21 next week. he has grown up hardly knowing his mother. >> if you are forcing that child to live as a fugitive with you, you are going to isolate the child, and you are taking the child away from the extended family that's so important. >> and that was julie tam reporting. >> residents of bermuda are preparing for a hit on hurricane igor. igor is expected to hit today. high waves could already be seen at smith's parish.
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people are not taking any chances. people have boarded up their homes in anticipation of the storm. between 5 and 8 inches of rain could fall. >> hurricane carl fell killing eight people. the storm flooded and left residents stranded. karl hit the area as a category 2 storm packing heavy winds and rain. several people died, including a small child who drown in her southern home in tobasco. karl passed over the mountains of southern mexico. >> stay with us. there is still much more ahead. a parents' dream come true. how to make easier to keep teens from texting and driving. >> and the person responsible for a ticket. >> and i'm tony pann. the weather is nice and quiet
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>> welcome back, everyone. a beautiful shot downtown. the temperature is 65 degrees at the airport. the barometric pressure nice and hyatt 30.16. when the pair metric pressure is that high, usually we wind up with dry conditions. that will be the case during the day today. we may end up with rains tonight. temperatures in the 50's right now. it is 59 in parkville, 56 in jarretville and 54 trees in tawneytown.
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skies are clear around baltimore. it there are sprinkles and showers. all of that should fall apart. i think we will stay dry during the day. there's a cold front coming out of the great lakes that will eventually move through our neighborhood overnight tonight. as the front comes through, we could see a few rain showers catch up to us as we head overnight and into early monday. in the short term, high pressure will block all that from coming in. the air mass behind this storm is kind of chilly. it is in the 30's and 40's. it is not going to get that cold here, but it is a sign that the seasons are changing when you see those temperature on the misdemeanor map. let me give you a quick update on the tropics. hurricane igor has been downgraded to a category 1. right now it is about 200 miles south of bermuda, and it looks like the eye is going to pass right across the island late this after and into early
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tonight. because it is a category 1, we don't expect category 1 damage. obviously you can get wind gusts over 100. it won't be catastrophic, but there is going to be damage. this could even be big waves and dangerous rip currents today. a mixture of sun and clouds this morning. clouds come in this afternoon. high temperatures in the low 80's. sunrise coming up at 6:51. overnight mostly cloudy. a chance for a few rain showers as that front comes through. it does president look like a big deal in the rainfall department. cooler monday and tuesday, but nice. high temperatures in the upper 70's both days. at the end of the week, if you are a summer fan, temperatures in the mid 80's, at least for three days. scattered thunderstorms are possible in the afternoon each one of those days, but it will get warmer by the end of the week after starting out in the
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07's by monday and tuesday. >> a rising issue of teens driving distracted. an app makes it impossible to text while driving when traveling over 10 miles per hour. no messages in or out. >> it shuts off the signal to your texability and it will not work again until your car is stopped. >> the application also blocks e-mail messages from coming through. you can download the new no-text ap for a one-time fee of $2.50. >> if you want to stop distracted driving, we invite you to go to our web site and take the 3-d pledge. you can check out our official data. go to and click on the 3-d project link on the top right hand side of the home
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page. >> complaints, dirty looks, excuses, that's what police have come to expect when they write a traffic ticket. one florida police officer got something he never expected to get. he got a thank you. >> during his 40 years as a driver, steven crarle never wore -- carroll never wore a seat belt. >> i'm a kid who pulled up in the 1960's, and i don't like being told what to do. >> so when she -- he was pulled over and had to pay the bill -- >> i was angry. >> he was understanding and seemed to take it to heart. >> a few months later, he got a phone message. steven carroll wanted to talk to him. he was pretty sure he knew why. >> my thought was he wanted to complain about the ticket. >> that wasn't it at all. he wanted to say thank you. >> almost three weeks to the day i'm driving home, i'm less than a quarter mile from my house,
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and a person runs a stop sign, t-bones me, my van gets rolled over. >> the cab to his minivan collapsed. he might have been ejected from the van or even killed, but steven, for the first time in his life, was wearing his seat belt. >> absolutely, if i did not get a ticket, i would not have been wearing a seat belt that day. >> the first time in law enforcement i have never had anyone call me to thank me for giving them a ticket. >> now steven carroll is a self-proclaimed seat belt advocate, and he says that $120 he was ticketed was the best money ever ever spent. >> keep it here for the weekend sports action. that's up next. >> plus, how the push to hold all natural cleaning standards will benefit consumers. >> but first, a look at last night's winning lottery numbers.
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>> you know how we're always cleaning? well, cleaning products with the word "natural" have been popping up, but is the word "natural" misleading? >> thousands of products claim "natural ingredients" but what are you paying for when you buy natural cleaning products? liz crenshaw has more. >> "natural," "pure." sometimes it is better. >> does the word "natural"
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attract you to a product for any reason? >> definitely. >> why? >> because it doesn't have additives. it is not something people are adding chemicals to. >> really? are you sure? just about anything. in cleaning products the word is not defined, not regulated. >> anyone can use the word in terms of marketing. granted, it is supposed to be truthful and not misleading. >> so the natural products association tried to clean up the natural aisle by writing its own definition. the nonprofit n.p.a. has set strict standards. if a prukt meets those standards, it gets a special seal consumers can clearly see. >> we want to make sure it has meaning, so we want to make sure it has a standard behind it to back that up. >> to earn the seal, 95% of the product must contain natural ingredients, excluding water. they cannot contain ingredients with a potential health risk.
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and it prohibits additional animal testing beyond regular ti requirements. finally, the package must be biodegradable. >> if everyone on this aisle wanted your seal, how many would get it? >> i would say it would be less than 50% of those calling themselves "natural." >> today companies are not required to name all the ingredients on a label. the natural pructs association requires full disclosure and it wants to get rid of ingredients that are not truly natural. >> propolene glycol is another one. >> i can't say half the words. >> that's the point. >> in order to earn the n.p.a.'s seal, 60% of the line must be natural. any company can submit products for approval for a fee. >> it is $5 hookup hundred but it covers you for two years. it is a review. it is like an i.r.s. audit.
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>> clorox green line is the first to earn the seal since the organization started testing cleaning products in february. >> we feel comfortable about what our seal represents. >> liz crenshaw, nbc news. >> definitely interesting report there. >> it is not just cleaning products. the natural products association test started giving its natural seal to personal care products such as cosmetics a couple months ago. >> a special competitor for the challenge of his life. >> and we head to thailand for monkey business. some villages come wup a unique approach to harvesting coconuts. >> coming up in sports, the bengals and the ravens. we'll check that out straight ahead. we'll check that out straight ahead.
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super amoled screen. six-axis 3d gaming and access to thousands of free apps. all in one ultra-thin package. you want it, we got it. the samsung fascinate. only at verizon.
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>> interesting scenario for the ravens today. they played a road game monday night and have to go on the road again. it has happened seven times, but the results not as bad as you may think. 3-7 times the road team went ahead and won again. so basically a 50-50 shot as far as what recent history says. but bottom line, as ray lewis likes to say, they are playing the bengals, a team they know pretty well. and lewis had the final say in the jets game monday night. a game many thought they wouldn't win. lewis delivered a hit against chad ocho cinco. northeast -- it helped them feel they are not going to suffer another letdown with the jets. >> we have another week coming
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up, and being that it is a quality opponent and we have to have our game ready, that's behind you, and celebrate it, but now it is over. move on. >> and we've got you covered on radio today for the call of the game. gerry sandusky, stan white caudry, the pre-game and post-game for you. also tonight, jerry q and myself. also, i'll see you back here for highlights. in the meantime, have a good day. >> it is going to be a good game. >> a kansas truck driver will hit the road with a special passenger. >> the two share a bond that goes far beyond what their eyes can see. they have trust in one another and how far the driver hopes it will take them. >> jay miller isn't your ordinary truck driver. sure, he hits the open road 40 hours a week, but it is what he does in his spare time that keeps him young at heart.
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>> i train horses. >> he shares a special bond with all breeds, but especially wild mustangs. he's currently training 6-year-old levi. >> i enjoy working with the wild horses because they are so personable. each one has their own personality. >> he became part of management in the hopeds he could train the wild sensation with a deadline. he has four days to get levi ready fofert extreme mustang make-over held in nebraska. that's only half the story. levi is blind. >> he's come a long way in the short period of time i have had him. >> he has come a long -- for being blind, he has to trust my hands and legs when i tell him where to go. >> levi will have to ride him through walking and riding. he's sure to be a crowd pleaser.
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he hopes he places in the top 10. >> actually, why i signed up for the competition was to save a horse. >> after the three-day event concludes, levi will go up for public auction, a day that will be a win-win for horse and trainer. >> riding any wild horse is totally awesome, but riding a blind wild horse is phenomenal. it is unbelievable. >> and that was jonathan getty reporting. levi suffers from cataracts and is very sensitive to light. he is hoping to raise $6,000 to -- for surgery. >> dexter lives at a farm in england and is only 3 1/2 inches long. he was a stray in texas, but after lots of love and a good diet, his owners discovered that
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he had the longest tongue in the world, measuring at 4 1/2 inches. the editor of the guiness world record said there can be a record for big and little. >> there is so much interest. everyone is desperate to get their names in the biggest selling book in the world. you can do it by doing something impressive like climbing he have rest or an os -- climbing everest or winning an oscar or other ways. >> all right. the san diego zoo covered last week it had an extra animal on site, but this one has been around for a while. on thursday, an excavating machine scraped up against a foss liesed skeleton.
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pale toll jifts -- paleontolo gism sts have determined that the fossil is from a whale that lived many years ago. workers continue to excavate and catalogue the find which will be moved to a local museum once unearthed. >> villagers in thailand have out-sourced their job of harvesting coconuts. not out of the country, just out of their species. villagers are using a wheel wheel to train monkees on the proper technique to twist coconuts off the top of the tallest palm trees. they then release them and put their new-skills to use. so far this student body has eight eager students there to learn. >> ok. these are strange sfories we're telling right now. >> it is 5:56.
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here's a look ahead to our next hour. >> bp hopes the deep water well is filled for good. >> and gone too soon. how family and friends are mourning the death of a harford county teenagers. >> a little rain to talk about and the tropics in just a few minutes. stay with us.
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bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side.
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es tax on everything you buy? that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message.
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>> hello, and welcome to "11 news sunday morning." i'm sarah caldwell. >> i'm lisa robinson. your top stories in just a moment. first let's take a look outside with meteorologist tony pann.
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>> temperatures in the 50's, and we might get rain tonight. i think during the day it will be fine. let's look at what's happening right now. skies clear at the present time. 55 at the airport. a light jacket or sweater, maybe, if you will be out this morning. temperatures will make it into the low 80's. clouds will thicken up as we head through the day. i'll give you the latest on hurricane igor. for now, to the news desk. >> our big story this morning, overnight bp engineers began the final test on the fractured deepwater horizon well. >> however, this does not mean the end of problems on the gulf coast.
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jay gray has the latest from convenientis, louisiana. >> after pumping in 74 barrels of cement and letting it sit, scientists want to make sure the seal will hold more than 11,000 pouppeds of -- pounds of pressure per square inch. crew members are confident that it will. >> we have pride in the fact that we were able to help solve and fix something that so many people wanted and needed it fixed. >> but sealing the well won't solve the problem so many who live and work on the wells. >> it is like the grim reaper,
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just keeps coming back. >> slowly kill joe demarco's dream. >> it took 20 years to do in for a ligg living. >> crews clean what they can, but demarco and others worry, it may not be enough. >> i go home, my wife says, what are we going to do? keep going like we're going until we have some answers. we get a trip once a week, maybe. you kpt pay your bills -- can't pay your bills on a trip once a week. you can't put your kids through school, you can't buy groceries. if they pull out, we are totally messed up here. >> a mess that even with the well permanently sealed could still take years to clean up. jay gray, nbc news, venice, louisiana. >> this morning family and friends continue to mourn the loss of a teenager who was hit by a car crossing the street.
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joseph paul d'entremont was hit shortly before 10:00 in forest hill. police say the boy was in the gawk at red pump road while there was a no crossing signal. he was transported to the hospital but later died. meanwhile, family and friends have put up posters and hung flowers at the scene of the incident. >> he was my best friend. i'm going to miss him a lot. >> police say the driver, 19-year-old robin monaco stayed at the scene. there is no word if charges will be filed. >> a deadly assault on a woman in her own home. it happened on the 1500 block of north stricker street. 66-year-old cecilia mitchell was -- suffered blows to her head and was taken to shock trauma where she was pronounced dead. >> and a man continues to recover after being shot just
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after midnight in the 1600 block of melby court. no word of a suspect or motive. >> the pta member is convicted of stealing money from the pta bank account. price stepped down from the p.t. a. last week she plead guilty and waved a -- waived a jury trial. she is ordered to pay more than $9,000 in prefttution to the p.t.a. treasurer. >> it took dozens of firefighters to battle a two-alarm fire. smoke was seen in the 1500 block of anthony. a department spokesman said the fire started in the basement and spread to the first floor. no one inside the home was hurt, but one firefighter was treated at the hospital for minor jeamplets the cause of the fire is under investigation.
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>> the time is 6:05. and stay with us. we have much more news ahead. >> all right. bed bugs, they are creepy, embarrassing, and now they are the focus of a lawsuit against two local property management companies. >> they are still looking at a live picture outside. you can see if the sun comes up. tony pann joins us coming up.
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>> the time 6:09. a beautiful shot downtown. 59 degrees at the top of the hour at the airport. 63 downtown at the maryland science center. the barometric pressure high. we should get a chance of rain as we head into the evening hours. during the day, if we have outdoor plans, i think we will be just fine. the temperature was not as cool as yesterday. 56 at mount airy. 56 degrees in rising sun, and 578 in centerville over on the eastern shore. you can see cloud cover starting to come in from the west. the skies are clear around baltimore, then this high, thin cloud cover is sneaking in, even
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a few sprinkles starting to very well. none of that will cross over the rooftops. again, we should stay dry today. there is plenty of rain upstream. plenty of rain is going to pass through our neighborhood overnight tonight. as this front comes through, we'll see a chance of rain into early monday morning. the -- in the short term, high pressure will block that mass coming in. temperatures drop near the u.p. of michigan. near the canadian border. it is not going to get that cold here, but a sign things are changing and the seasons are changing. an update on hurricane igor. as of the 5:00 a.m. advisory, it is down to a category one storm. it is 200 miles south of bermuda, and it looks like the eye will make a direct hit later on this evening and early tonight. because it is down to a category
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1, we don't expect catastrophic damage, but there will be problems on the island. at least it is weaker than it was. sunshine this morning, the clouds come in this afternoon, and high temperatures will be in the low 80's at sunset this evening at 7:08. mostly cloudy tonight. a chance for a few rain showers as the flont comes through. and the forecast looks fine at the start of the work week. monday and tuesday high temperatures in the upper 70's both days. if we head forward the end of the week. high temperatures in the mid 80's. wednesday, thursday, and friday. there is a chance for a few scattered thunderstorms, but at least it is going to be nice and mild. we'll send it back to the news desk. >> a lawsuit ove bed bugs. that's just how serious the bed bug problem has become in many areas. >> for many it is an embarrassing problem, and now a woman is suing her apartment
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complex over it. rob roblin has details. >> amber lived in an apartment here for about a year and in 2009, she started itching and found bed bugs. >> bed bugs, they suck your blood when they bite, and daniel whitley says his client has permanent scars from her bed bug bites. >> not only did she have these bites which were extremely itchy which she scratched and developed scarring, which still avisible today, she may have to have some kind of procedures, laser surgery procedures to remove the scarring on her arms. >> the lawsuit on behalf of whiney's client against briar cliff apartments east over bed bugs in her apartment was filed september 1. >> there is something about bed bugs that is especially
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disturbing. bed bugs invade your bed when you are sleeping, crawl over your body, and suck your blood. it is more than a mere annoyance, it is intolerable. she is asking for damages for having been subjected to bed bugs in her apartment nor probably a seven-month period. >> whiney says his client does not want to talk on camera because the whole bed bug issue is embarrassing. brire cliff east would not -- briar cliff would not comment on lawsuit. she said people were called in to treat her apartment, but when she returned thrk were still there. >> she was out of the parm while performing the process, but when she came back, they reappeared and she found them in other locations in her apartment and she was thoroughly disgusted by it and she's very upset. >> the suit is asking for $100,000 in damages.
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rob roblin, wbal-tv 11 news. >> i'm pretty grossed out now. >> coming up, our bloomberg business report. >> and a survey revealing who is talking and texting the most on cell phones.
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the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today.
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>> everywhere you look these days, people are talking and texting more and more, but who does it the most? kevin coakley reports on a new survey that has surprising answers. >> after just moving to town, heidi is shopping fr a new phone to keep in touch with her friends back in new york. >> if i could see both that one and that one, that would be great. >> she is not surprised women talk on their cell phones much more than men. >> probably a little more. >> not just a little bit, but about 3 1/2 hours more each month for an average of over 14 hours spent talking on the phone. >> probably because we have to chat about more, we have more things to say than guys. >> i am texting more than i used to. but i don't text near as much as my son.
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>> no surprise that teenagers win with texting the most, with an average of 2800 messages a month. >> everyone wants to keep in touch all the time. >> that's how i communicate with them. >> and according to research, african-americans talk on their cell phones more than any other americans. >> i like a phone with a keypad. >> they also lead other ethnic groups with the number of texts student and received. >> a lot of people don't talk as much as they used to when you can text, and keep the conversations shorter. >> short and to the point, even if the phone bill isn't. >> well, according to neilson, texans spend more time chatting
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on their phone. >> getting another flight may not be easy if you are bumped. seven of the largest airlines in the month flew as much as 70% full in july. that combined with fewer flights mean there is not much room for travelers trying to find their way home, and bumping is a growing problem with the practice up nearly 20% over the first half of this year. ray la hood is requiring airlines to raise the fees they pay to bump customers. >> air travel soared to new heights. as reporter julie tam explains, it is only going to get worse. >> it has gotten more expensive to fly this year. >> some of the fares have gone up 50%. >> airlines have been operating fewer flights and filling them up, so passengers are paying the price. >> if they would lower the air
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fair, i think planes would be full, they would be happier, and more people would fly. >> some people are finding, even if you book your tickets well in advance, flights are still priceyer than last year. rick sweeny said there is no reason for the flights to discount, and that is not -- >> it cummings down to, do you want to see your family for christmas? and the answer is yes, so you pay the price. >> most airlines now charge for checking in luggage. >> i think it is jours. >> you can save a slough of other fees if you want food, a blanket, a pillow on board, priority seating, or to double or triple your miles. all of that can add up to $100 or more. >> i think it is ridiculous. we are loaded up with our blankets, food. that's a lot of money this family of four doesn't have to spend, but others don't mind the
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extra fees. >> the pillows are gone. do you miss them? not really. >> those that want the service will pay for it, and those who don't, will say no instead of taking it because it is free. >> there are bargains still around, but you have to buy at the right time and be going to the right place. >> that was julia tam reporting. >> time for a look back and a look ahead at the week on wall street. the "weekend bloomberg business report." >> taking a look at the numbers for you, the dow up 145 for the week, the s&p 500 and nasdaq also gaining. the stock market played tug-of-war between estimates and better-than-expected quarterly earnings. >> bloomberg has learned apple is looking to very well the digital concept for its ipad.
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it would work a lot like apple's ibookstore. >> sources telling us at&t could dial up more from consumers looking to snap up operating systems. they offer three devices to run on the program, and it is set to debut in time for the holidays. all eye on hewlett packard this week. they are looking at picking an internal candidate. google, hewlett packard, and motorola are making provisions for a new wire and data traffic. microsoft is already on the move. the company turning head quarters and campus into a single wireless hot spot.
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>> your favorite nbc shows are returning. what to expect in the new season. >> that's coming up. first a electric at -- first a look at events going on around town this weekend.
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>> i love this time of year because the new fall season begins. several new shows on tap, including "the event." >> also "law and order."
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mark brings us what is ahead. >> echos of "rocky horror". >> he guest stars as a russian bad guy out to get martowsky and company. >> he's still big and muscular and looks like he's 32. >> i've never done any television, and i've never done any comedy, so it is fun to go back and visit the russian killing machine and have fun with it. >> "biggest loser" is back is hits the road looking for contestants. >> i want to lose 50% of my body weight. it is going to be tough. it is going to be the hardest thing i've ever done. >> biggest loser gets that point across, but only to a certainly
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extent. >> i think contestants feel they know what's up and think they understand the show, but they really don't. >> understandth -- understanding the criminal mind remains the challenge on "law & order." henry ian cusack of "lost" guest stars. >> so different from desmond, and it is such a tabu subject no one talks about and everyone is afraid to talk about. >> it is 6:27. it is 55 degrees on tv hill. still much more news ahead. coming up, a look at our top stories. >> authorities have arrested the man suspected of killing two sheriff's deputies in texas.
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>> it is 6:30. during the depay we will be just fine. we will get through the entire weekend, at least the outdoor part of it, with no problem. upper 50's and low 60's in most spots. 55 at the airport. 61 at annapolis, and 63 downtown. the forecast for today, the clouds will slowly thicken up as we head through the day from the west to the east. those from the western suburbs will see the clouds move in quicker. we should say rather mile as we head to the beginning of the workweek. i will give you the seven-day forecast and the latest on the tropics when we come back. for now, to the news desk.
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>> a man suspected of shooting two sheriff's deputies in texas was arrested yesterday. victor white was arrested after a long standoff. he's accused of shooting the deputies after someone tried to repossess a trailor. it ended with the suspect reportedly setting his own home on fire. the two deputies are in stable condition and the repo man was treated and released. >> a texas woman reunited with her son 17 years after he was kidnapped by his father. >> the son talked to his father about turning himself in. julie tam has the story. >> steven pelasios is in custody of u.s. marshals. federal authorities say he spent 17 years hiding himself and his son from his ex-wife. >> called deputy marshals in
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waco and there was a sigh of relief. >> he was on the u.s. marshals most-wanted list. despite billboards, it wasn't until last month when michael saw a news story about himself that he convinced his father to turn himself in. the attorney for this former high school teacher and basketball coach, said he always provided for his son. >> he made some errors of judgment. they were motivated by love and not ill-will. >> janice shatman said these kidnapping cases are uncommon. >> most people are not willing to live as a fugitive for years and years. they have jobs, they have homes, they have other relatives, you know, contacts with the community. and people are going to know. >> he has raised his son to love and respect everyone, particularly his family. >> michael will turn 21 next week. he has grown up hardly knowing
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his mother. >> you are forcing that child to live as a fugitive along with you, that is going to isolate the child from the rest of the world, and you are taking the child away from the extended family. that's so important. >> and that was julie tam reporting. >> residents of bermuda are preparing for a hit by hurricane igor. high waves could already be seen at smith parish saturday. people are not taking chances. they boarded their homes and businesses in anticipation of the storm. between 5 to 8 inches could call on the island. >> meantime, hurricane karl battered the gulf state of veracuruz leaving residents stranded. it hit the island packing strong winds and rains on the community. in the puebla area two people
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died in a mudslide. also a small child drown in her home of southern tobasco. stay with us. much more news ahead. >> how pilots for paws is making a difference for an often overlooked group of victims in the gulf of mexico. >> more on
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>> welcome back. the time is 6 rfment 36. -- 6:36.
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we will have decent weather again today. there could be rain coming in tonight. during the day today, i think the weather will be just fwine. some of the other temperatures, 63 in jaretville, and a little high, thin cloud cover coming in from the west. none of these clouds are producing precipitation. a couple sprinkles up north, but most activity dissipating. unless you are watching us out in far western maryland, alleghany county, i don't think there will be precipitation, but western maryland, maybe so. there is a local more rain up stream. showers and thunderstorms across illinois, parts of iowa and missouri. a cold front coming out of the great lakes that is triggering that storm. that will move through maryland tonight. a lot of that will die out tonight before it gets here, but there is a chance we could see rain pull through tonight. in the short term, high pressure
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will block that coming in, and that's why we will see a dry day today. the seven-day forecast in just a minute, but first igor. downgraded to a category 1 storm. maximum sustained winds of 75 miles per hour. that's a good thing. the eye is 200 miles south of bermuda. it looks like it will go right over the island or come close to it. there will be damage to bermuda. there will be a big storm surge, but we don't expect catastrophic damage. if it makes landfall at category 3 or 4, that would be a big problem. it will cross over bermuda tonight. even if you are watching over the delmarva beaches, ocean city, there could be big waves and dangerous rip currents, so keep that in mind. high temperatures will sneak into the low 80's after our cool start this morning. sunset this evening at 7:08. mostly cloudy tonight. a chance for a few rain showers as that front comes through.
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temperatures drop into the upper 650's and low 60's. seven-day forecast, a quiet start to the workweek. if you are a summer weather fan, you will like wednesday, thursday, and friday. high temperatures climb into the mid 80's. it will be nice and mild at the end of the week. send it over to the news desk. >> thank you, tony. >> an arizona woman who had acid thrown in her face talks about her or deal. police believe someone may have tried to copycat a crime that was -- that turned out to be a hoax. >> with second-degree burns on her face, neck, and chest, it pains dary velarde to think her injuries don't have to happen. >> it's upsetting. i don't blame her. >> police believe the woman who
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attacked her throwing acid in her face was copying the attack on bethan storo, a woman who suffered serious burns telling police a stranger threw acid in her face. turns out her story was false. >> people were like, oh, it wouldn't have happened to you if she didn't do that to herself. >> she said the pain she has endured is difficult to put in words. >> it is so hard to describe. it felt like it was burning my flesh to the bone. it felt on fire. it is upsetting knowing what it felt like, to think that she could do that to herself. >> instead of placing blame, velarde, a mother of five, chooses to focus on her own physical reefer for her family. she does hope bethany storo will get mental help. >> i feel sorry for her. i don't understand where she is
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at or what she was thinking in doing that to herself. >> that was michelle ruliford reporting. mesa authorities have not made an arrest in her case. >> the maryland food bank's first group of chefs. >> we'll tell you what's driving the trend at community colleges. >> first a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. good luck.
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navigating today's real estate market is complicated. you've seen the signs. that's why having the right real estate agent is more important than ever. at, you can find experts in short sales or bank-owned properties or commercial real estate, agents who can help speed up the process, no matter how intricate. and that's good news, whether you're trying to sell or hoping to buy. because the only sign you really want to see is "sold." nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today.
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>> in "education alert" there is a record number of students going to community college. >> what is driving that? tim tooten has a story. >> most students still see college as a way to land a job. that's why more are turning up at community college. >> i came here to play college and get some of the basics out of the way and sign up for a four-year. >> there has been a 10% increase in admitans over last year. there has been a steady growth at catonsville campus where --
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and up at other campuses as well. students like the price tag. >> the way the economy is, of course, everyone is rushing back to school now. education is key. you know, your way out. it opens up a lot of doors. it doesn't surprise me that there are a lot more people on campus this year vs. last year. >> students john and megan young , as a married come, believe they have made a smart choice. >> i needed to save money, and i'm going to morgan when i'm done here. >> i'm not surprised. i was out of school for a while, and with the economy, everybody decided to do the same thing, so you can get more money. >> the school's president is not giving all the credit to costs and the economy. >> we know it has a lot to do with some of what our folks are doing -- in marketing, in recruitment, in processing students just as they come in for financial aid, registration, so forth. >> the chedge now is to find
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enough classroom face -- the challenge now is to find enough classroom space and parking spaces. >> they say their prime time classes are full, but they are adding non-peak-hour classes. >> some schools in independent ipped -- in the cull ver area collected a million photo cans for the ronald mcdonald charity. they were there to personally thank the students for this contribution. the proceeds raised will benefit the riley hospital and the ronald mcdonald family room at a hospital located nearby. the project was started more than decade ago. >> the maryland foodfwa opened their community kitchen. >> now, the first class is making its way through a
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community program. that will not only give them a valuable skill, but also help them. kim dacey has their story. >> the 12 chefs of the food works kitchen are cooking up delicious food. these chefs are students just six weeks into a 14-week training program. >> what we do, we bring in folks that are either under-employed or unemployed, and we give them the opportunity to put them through a quite intense 14-week program. >> the students spend part of their day in the classroom learning the fundamentals of food and working as a head chef. then they take that knowledge into the kitchen, whipping up nutritious and tasty meals using the money donated to the food bank. >> i learned new skills. this program has helped me. >> the food the chefs prepare is placed into vacuum seal bags and frozen to family-sized portions for agency -- agencies to
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distribute. in addition, student chefs are getting priceless, practical experience. >> the whole point and the goal, once we're done, 14 weeks later, is to get them fully employed. hopefully a great-paying job, great benefits. >> this is taking students closer to achieving their dreams one job at a time. >> a cruise ship. >> to own my own restaurant is my goal, and one day i'm going to. >> kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> i think they will be very successful. >> i think they will. >> stay with us. more news coming up. >> pete gilbert. in sports, we check on the terps as they renew a rivalry. plus, ravens start the game in interesting fashion. interesting fashion.
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[ monkey cheeps ] [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally- conscious way while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water-heating energy bill. the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way is just going to seem primitive. [ monkey cheeps ] ♪ maryland residents can save up to $780 while funds last.
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>> for the first time in three years, maryland renewed its rivalry with west virginia. it didn't work out all that well for the terps. despite the fact they ended up with some really big plays. it is tough when you have the new kickoff and you don't get going until around 1:00.
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on offense -- former dunbar star, many md's greatest high school runningback ever. he's a receiver and catches the first touchdown of the game. moments later, that same connection. gino smith on austin -- save on austin again. 14-0. finally the terps try to get things going a little bit. drakeford recovers. gets the sack. robinson a perfect pass to smith. looks very much like an nfl-ready receiver. goes up and gets it. a 60 yard touchdown. one step at a time. 60 yards impressive. how about 80. drops it in the basket on a deep-crossing route. he goes for the touchdown,
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28-14. next time with the ball, though, smith dropped the touchdown. a short touchdown reception, and the stumble. west virginia -- 21-17 your final. >> checking in on the orlsors. -- checking in on the orioles last night. you see rodriguez show up in a home run. mcguthri hits jeeter. we move now ahead, and it is robert an difment no. second night in a row he goes deep. he sees sebathias, however, in the ninth inning, it is not going well for the birds. there is no comeback in this one. a three-run shot for granderson, and the orioles looking like a team trying not to be in the basement of the american league. the orioles played to the at camden yards and will try to
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salvage that three-game series and see if they can get one off the yankees. >> a big day for the ravens. we'll be sure to have you covered tonight at 6:00. after sunday night football on "ravens wrap-up." >> some animals in the gulf coast are on their way to a new home. that is a -- for an organization called pilot for paws. during the gulf oil spim volunteer pilots took them on a trip that will change their lives. >> hi, abigail. have fun in new jersey! >> the trip is bitter sweet. volunteer animal rescuer bid farewell to the fun-loving pooch she's grown close to. >> i don't know why she was in the position she was in, but she's better off where she is now.
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>> this is jasper. jasper is going to new jersey. >> of the dogs being rescued, a volunteer program where pilots donate their time, fuel, and planes to transport animals abandoned as a result of disaster to new homes, new families, and new lives. >> a lot of these animals have been victims of the oil spill. they have been turned in from loving homes because they can no longer afford them. >> not only because of katrina, but the bp problem, there are a lot of folks that plain old can't afford to keep their animals anymore. of course, the spca picks thup them up, and they have more than they can handle, so they euthenize about 70% of them. >> they say no matter where the fury friends go, they will carry the spirit of norleds. >> at the end of the day, the
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most important thing is these animals have somewhere to go where they will be loved again and cared for. >> i was told shelters in new jersey are empty, so hopefully they have a lot of responsible pet owners there that will take good, loving care of our dogs. >> the animals will find new homes in florida, washington, d.c., new jersey, tennessee, and iowa. the program was sponsored by suburu of america. >> guiness released its new world records. the top of the list is dexter a cow only 33 inches long. >> also a stray that owners discovered he had the longest tongue in the world. >> i don't know how that can be part of him. >> they say there could be world records for big and little things.
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>> in our 55-year history, there is so much interest in the book. you can do a lot of different things. if you do something really impressive, too, like climbing everesst. >> one jack russell can pop 145 baloons in less than 1 second. >> can we not show that dog with his tongue anymore? >> the san diego zoo discovered last week it had an extra animal on site, but this has been around for a while. an excavating team scraped up against a fossilized skeleton. the fossil is that of a whale that lived about 300 million years ago. this skell don ton is about 20 -- skeleton is 20 feet long and mostly intact.
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workers are excavating the find which will be moved it a local museum once unearthed. >> that dog's dug is 4 1/2 inches long. >> it is just wrong. it is going to trip over its tongue. >> moving on. >> at 7:18, a look at the danger that backpacks pose to kids. >> the newest state laws before you start plan ging at 7:24. >> and seafood is on the menu for breakup brun -- for "sunday brunch. "i tax on everything you buy?
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that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea.
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i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. everyone knows a fee is a tax. you raised some taxes during that period, particularly the property tax as well as a lot of fee increases. as you know, there's a big difference between fees and taxes. but...they're the same. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. there's a big difference between fees and taxes. fees and taxes are one in the same. if it comes out of my pocket, it's a tax. now he says it isn't true. we didn't raise taxes. what? still doing the same thing, paying out more money. typical politician. definitely. welcome to "11 news sunday morning." i'm lisa robinson. >> and i'm sarah caldwell. our top stories in just a moment. first we want to take a look outside with our top meteorologist, tony pann. >> there is a little cloud cover out there in the western
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suburbs. i think we will get through the day dry. it will even be warmer than yesterday. just like yesterday, if you are sensitive to the cool temperatures, maybe a light jacket to start the day. 55 at the airport. for example, the barometric pressure is nice and high, and that's always a good sign. the mixture of sunshine and a few clouds. more sunshine this morning and this afternoon. clouds thicken up as we head through today. the high temperatures will be in the low 80's. we have a chance of rain nt forecast -- rain in the forecast and check the tropic after we go to the news desk. >> overnight b.p. engineers began their final tests on the well. >> this does not mean the end of major problems awlong the coast. jay gray has the details from venice, louisiana. >> engineers are set to begin the final test on the well after
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pumping in cement and letting it sit. scientists want to make sure it will hold more than 1,100 pounds of pressure per square inch. crews on the job are confident it will. for the final hours, it has been a source of pride. >> there is pride in the fact that we were able to help solve and fix something that so many people wanted and needed it fixed. >> sealing the well won't solve the problem so many who live and work on the water have been dealing with for almost five months now. >> it shows up every day. it keeps coming up on the shore. >> thick, black crude. >> it keeps coming up from the bottom. >> slowly killing this captain's dream. >> it took me 20 years to be able to do this.
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>> a boom is in place and scientists continue to take samples in the marsh as crews clean what they can, but he and others worry it may not be enough. >> i go home and my wife says, what are we going to do? keep going like we're going until we have some answers. we only get a trip once a week maybe. you can't pay your bills on a trip once a week. you can't put your kids through school, and you can't buy groceries. if they pull out, we are totally messed up here. >> even with the leak totally cleared, it could take years to complete. >> family and friends mourn the loss of a teenager. joseph paul d'entremont, 14 years old, was hit while in the
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crosswalk at red pump road. he was transported to the hospital and later died. family and friends have hung up posters and put out flowers at the scene of the accident. >> he was the nicest person i knew. i was in a couple of his classes. he was my best friend. i'm going to miss him a lot. >> the driver, 19-year-old robin monaco stayed at the scene. no word on if charges will be filed. >> a deadly assault on a woman in her own home. it happened on north stricker street in west baltimore. cecilia mitchell was hit in the head and taken to shock trauma where she died. a family member is being questioned in the case. >> a man continues to recover after being shot in the leg after midnight. there is no word on a possible suspect or motive in the case.
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>> the former president of a catonsville p.t.a. is accused of stealing more than $9,000 from the bank account. stacy price stepped down as the president of the p.t.a. last week she pleaded guilty. she's ordered to pay $9,000 in restitution to the p.t.a. treasurer. her sentencing is set for december 2. >> it took dozens of firefighters to battle a two-alarm fire. coming from the home of anthony avenue. a department spokesman said the fire started in the basement and spread to the first floor. no one inside the home was hurt. one firefighter was treated at the hospital for minor injuries. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> 7:05. coming up, estate planning 101. >> and from books to games and lunch, you name it. kids have it in their back
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packs. we'll go over the best ways for kids to carry the load. >> first, tony pann is up next with
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>> welcome back. good morning everyone. the time is coming up on 7:08. a great shot of downtown. inner harbor is 63. i think we will wind up with a decent day today. we could see rain tonight. during the day, if you have outdoor plans, you don't have to worry about that. a light -- you may need a light sweater this morning, but not this afternoon. wre -- we have a little high, thin cloud cover. no precipitation. a few sprinkles in pennsylvania. if we look up stream, we could see rain coming across pourings of illinois, iowa, missouri. there is a cold front coming across that will shift through our area overnight. if the front comes through, some showers will likely hold together, and we might see rain that will hold together
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overnight. in the short term, high pressure blocking all of that coming in. we should wind up with a dry day. it will be warmer. temperatures will make it into the low 80's. temperatures in the 30's and 40's up near the canadian border, but it won't get that chilly down here. i'll show you the seven-day forecast. an update on the tropics with the latest satellite imaginary on hurricane igor. it is down to a category 1 storm. it is 200 miles south of the island of bermuda. it looks like the eye will make a direct hit on the island, but since it is a category 1 now, the damage will not be catastrophic. there will be a storm surge and obviously damage, but if it made landfall the strength it was a couple weeks ago when it was a 3 or 4, we would be talking about big problems. the island -- bermuda will get a direct hit from that, but not a huge problem. if you are watching from ocean city, there could be dangerous waves and rip currents.
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be careful if you are watching from the delmarva coast. high temperatures in the low 80's. a chance for a couple rain showers tonight as the front i was talking about comes through. it doesn't look like a big deal as far as rain goes. seven-day forecast looks like a nice start for the workweek. if you are a summer weather fan, look at the end of the week. temperatures jump into the 80's. temperatures will be way above normal at the end of the week. i'll send it over to the news desk. >> covering the nation this morning, a church van crashes on the interstate killing six people and injury eight others. the van flipped over after blowing a tire. the group was from the bronx.
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>> investigators say they may know why a tour bus crashed in texas killing two people and injuring 40 others. it is believed the drive shaft fell off before the bus lost control. the accident happened tuesday near san antonio. the national transportation safety board said it doesn't plan to continue the investigation, adding that the bus company has a good safety record. >> firefighters find an 8-year-old boy after putting out a blaze that may have begun as a prank. when firefighters arrived at the abandoned building, it was engulfed in flames, and once the fire was out, they discovered the young boy's body. the boy's father said the two boys and their cousin were lighting gasoline on fire when the flames got out of control. one of the sons escaped and ran for help, the other son was killed in the fire. >> an ongoing father took mat erds into -- matters into his
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own hands after his daughter was bullied on a bus. >> his comments caused controversy. >> on a school bus, a father's fury caught on a security camera. >> my daughter is going to ride on this bus, and that's it! >> he admits his temper got the better of him when he unloaded on some children who he claims were bullying his 13-year-old daughter who suffers from cerebral palsy. he alleges boys placed an open condom on her head, twisted her ear, and hit her. >> my daughter is not going to be treated like that. i apologize for that. this is not just me. i'm speaking for my daughter. >> the deputy reported jones called the school to complain,
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but nothing was done. the deputy writes, "the school has two adults on the bus in an attempt to control the children." but they don't even speak english. students say it was his threat to kill that was most upsetting. >> he can't kill kids for hurting his daughter. >> the experts say often parents don't hear about bullying until it is a crisis. >> and consequences can sometimes turn deadly. in massachusetts classmates tormented phoebe prince in hallways and in class. she hanged herself at home. the children's movement of florida has been studying the problem. >> it is not going away. it is escalating. every school ought to have an anti-bullying program. >> bullying in school.
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1-3 teenagers say it happened to them. the difficulty, getting the victims to speak up before it blows up. nbc news, miami. >> pope benedict apologizes to victims of sexual abuse by catholic priests. the pope met with several victims of clergy abuse and expressed sorrow and shame for the suffering of the victims and their families. in a crowd of 4,000 people, the pope spoke. it was his latest attempt to help heal the scandal that has rocked the church. >> there is still plenty of news ahead, including tips for estate planning. >> and how to protect children from stress and strain with
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backpacks. >> even if you close an old
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>> welcome back. we want to talk about backpacks in "medical alert." we have a doctor from towson orthopedics associates, along with maddy and her packback. >> there are a couple rules that should be followed. it shouldn't be more than 10% to 20% of your body weight. you want to use a backpack that's -- that has a shoulder strap and possibly even a belt for your waist.
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you would like to carry the backpack higher so that more of it lays on the shoulder evenly. >> so it really should be in the center of the back, not down too far? >> yes. >> can you step to the side this way. there you go. >> we would like to see a back pack -- backpack with wheels if the school allows it. >> a lot of kids, the older they get, the more books they carry. >> sometimes they can use it over the internet, if they have that available. >> what are some of the risks, if you are carrying a backpack the wrong way or carrying too much? >> if you carry it the wrong way or carry it on one shoulder, a lot of kids will very well back -- will very well -- will
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develop back pain. >> is there anything you suggest about the width of the straps? >> the wider the better. >> all right. thank you very much, maddy. and maddy, i was just wondering if you can add a few more tips for folks, because we have a little more time. anything else you would suggest when it comes to the right backpack and keeping your child on the right path. >> it is more important where they hold it, higher, more evenly distributed. the wider the shoulder straps, the weight bealt belt can also help distribute more weight around the wafmente i think those -- around the waist. i think those are the most important things to consider. >> when we get back, the new laws and how they impact estate
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planning. first, a look at events going on around town. ♪
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[ monkey cheeps ] [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally- conscious way while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water-heating energy bill. the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way is just going to seem primitive. [ monkey cheeps ]
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♪ maryland residents can save up to $780 while funds last. boss: and now i'll turn it over gecko: ah, thank you, sir. as we all know, geico has been saving people money on rv, camper and trailer insurance... well as motorcycle insurance... gecko: oh...sorry, technical difficulties. boss: uh...what about this? gecko: what's this one do? gecko: um...maybe that one. ♪ dance music boss: ok, let's keep rolling. we're on motorcycle insurance. vo: take fifteen minutes to see how much you can save on motorcycle, rv, and camper insurance. >> new laws on the books, and a look at what you need to know regarding estate planning. this is one of the new laws
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coming on board. what does this say about power of attorney? >> generally, they have gone to a statchtri -- statutory power of attorney. they say if you are going to expect it to be honored, it must conform to the statutory model. >> so many people were going to a bank or insurance company, and the insurance company couldway say, this is too old. we don't like the language. we're not going to honor it. >> let's look at this new law which goes on the books whether? >> october 1. a couple weeks away. >> before, you just had to get it notarized. now it is notarized and two winds? >> that's right. before anybody pulls out their power of attorney, it probably is not executed in accordance with this new statute that says a notary and two winds. but the notary can be one of the winds. >> so not witnesses -- not two
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witnesses. >> and you say it must be in the form of a maryland statutory form? >> yes. it is very complicated. >> not the whole book? >> no, not the whole book. this just gives you an idea. lawyers are grappling with how to model this into something people can use. >> so it is more complicated now? why yes. >> people used to use their own form. >> yes, and brokerages, too. maryland law says that can't be. >> and you can download that form? >> not yet. we think that will be offered soon, because it is in the statute. it is part of maryland law. so just like advanced health
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direct yiffs, there will probably be something offered. >> and if you have power of attorney now, what happens? >> the old power of attorney should be only as valid as they were before. the new one is bulletproof. the best part about the new one is, you can force a company to honor it or they will have to pay your legal fees. >> is there a fee associated with a new power of attorney? >> if you go to an attorney, generally you will have to pay a fee because you will get a lot of services along with that, but if you are able to get a statutory form, will work. >> who needs this? >> technically, you can be 18 and you should be signing a power of attorney, because one car accident and a -- you're
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incapacitated, you need someone to step in and manage your affairs. >> so everyone should have one? >> everyone should have one. >> it is 7:26. coming up, much more news ahead on "11 news sunday morning." igor is downgraded as karl turns deadly.
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>> welcome back to "11 news sunday morning." thank you for joining us. top stories in just a moment, but first let's go to tone taupe -- tony pann with the weather. >> temperatures are in the 50's. it is going to warm up quickly today. as a matter of fact, i think we
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will sneak into the low 80's this afternoon. that's not too bad. 55 right now at the airport. 52 in frederick. you might want to take a light jacket or sweater to start the day. later on you probably won't need it. high temperatures should be making it up to 81 or 82. there is a chance of rain in our forecast for tonight. we have rain in the seven-day, and i'll show you that and give you the latest on hurricane igor. that is coming up. for now, to the news desk. >> david gregory joins us live with a preview of what's coming up on "meet the press." both bill clinton and colin powell on the show today? >> yes. i'm looking forward to it. with all of the debate and attention now in the republican party, it is a timely interview with general powell who had real concerns, i think, about the trend lines in the republican
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party and the opposition to president obama. he will speak out about that. i will be able to speak to him about the wars in afghanistan and iraq. of course, president clinton remembers what a tough defeat was like in the 1994 elections, and i wonder what he'll say now about what democrats are facing next month. >> and the tea party making republicans and democrats wonder. are you going to focus on them as well? >> well, sure. there is a short-term gain to the tea party. they got christine o'donnell arrested and swept out of office . so the question is, we know the tea party will have a big challenge in november. what about beyond that? it is causing a rift between the establishment of the republican party and what comes next. what are the process speblingts for -- prospects for 2012? it is a debate for the party as
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they try to find them stelfs -- themselves coming up to presidential election years. >> yes, it is a big debate. what about financial regulation? >> it has been passed, but it is something they want consumers to feel and they are trying to transform the financial system, which collapsed. elizabeth warren is very popular. the president's liberal base, i think, would have liked to have seen her run this. but she will have a key role and be able to shape it, and i think in that way the president saw it as a strong move. >> david, we thank you for your time. you can watch "meet the press" following 11 news at 9:00 a.m. >> residents of bermuda are
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bracing for hurricane igor. people are not taking chances. they have boarded up homes in anticipating of the storms. weather experts say between 5 and 8 inches of rain could fall on the island. >> hurricane karl dumped heavy rains in the gulf state of veracruz leaving residents stranded. it packed heavy rains and winds on the region. at least seven people died, including a small child drown in her southern home in tobasco. it was downgraded as it passed over the southern mountains. >> coming up, b.a.r.c. joins us. >> wait until you see how hackers are getting into closed e-mail accounts. >> i'm tony pann. we have a little rain to talk about in the seven-day forecast. we'll show you that and the give
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>> welcome back. good morning, everyone. it is 7:36. i think overall it will be a nice day today. you will probably see a few high, thin clouds drift through, but the precipitation, if we have any, will hold off until tonight. that's a good thing. 54 in parkton. one of the cooler spots. no precipitation. there are some sprinkles in western pennsylvania. the bulk of the rain is moving across portions of the midwest. there is a cold front coming
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across the great lakes. this cold front will go through tonight. if that front comes through, we will see a chance for showers during the day, it will be fine. i'll show you the seven-day forecast in just a second. i want to give you an update on igor. sustained winds of 85 miles per hour. that makes it a category 1 hurricane. the center of the storm is 2 hp hundred -- 200 mies south of the island of bermuda. it looks like it will make a direct hit or come close to the island, but because it has been downgraded to category 1, we don't expect a lot of damage. if you are watching from ocean city, there could be dangerous rafse and rip currents. >> the high temperatures this afternoon will be in the low 80's. not too bad after the cool start.
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mostly cloudy as the front comes through. temperatures upper 50's and low 60's. if you like summer weather, you will like the end of the week. temperatures will jump into the mid 80's wednesday, thursday, and friday with a chance for a few scattered thunderstorms. back to the news desk. >> have you ever canceled an e-mail account? if you have, you probably assume that your information is erased and deleted. >> a lot of people assume that. but mindy bacera says that is not the case. >> this man received spam e-mail from himself. >> i received a spam e-mail message sent from my instant messenger account from my complete address book i had at
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aol which included my current e-mail address, which is the only way i knew it was being used fraudulently. >> he said he canceled the account back in nine nine. -- 1999. >> i terminated my agreement with aol, and i expected everything to be finalized and finished. >> he assumed once he canceled the account, the information would be deleted. instead, instead of being erased, his account was put into cyber limbo and someone stole t -- it. >> there are organizations that need what i called "clean" e-mail accounts to send out spam. >> who would want a e-mail account? >> it is typically organized
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crime sponsored by the russian government and the chinese government. they won't admit to it ever, but that's who is doing it. >> whoever hijacked his information, they -- took his e-mail, have a lot of his personal information. >> my concern is, why is aol hanging on to my personal information for 10 years? >> having worked behind-the-scenes at most of those companies, they don't delete them. they flip a switch so you can't log on, but the data is still there. >> he said he was finally able to speak to a human being at aol after pretending to want new
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service. he was able to reset the password, cancel it once again. he is confident the situation was resolved, since he hasn't received anymore information from himself. >> how do you? pick strong passwords. >> make them really difficult for someone else to remember, but easy for you. >> for the 11 news i-team, i'm mindy bacera. >> a representative from aol says after a customer cans he is the accounts -- cancels an account, they typically delete it after a year. >> you can find additional ways to protect yourself from e-mail hijackers by going to and click on "i-team. "
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>> look at that face! how can you not want to take this cat home.
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it is time for our pet segment. we have the baltimore animal care and rescue. >> this is hilton. hilton is a 4-month-old who has been at b.a.r.c. since november -- june 2nd. he's been with us many we cuddle and play with him every day. somebody needs to come down to b.a.r.c. at 301 stockholm street today and adopt hilton. we have a cat special, $40, hilton is neutered, he gets a rabies shot, you get a well kitty kit, free food. >> this is a beautiful cat and a really neat cat personality wise . >> i took him home last night,
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and he was calm and quiet. he would be a great addition to your family. >> somebody call and take hilton home. now, you have a big event coming up, don't you? >> we have our "bar c-towberfest." it is our biggest festival of the year, and -- >> what's the date? >> saturday, october 23, 11:00 to 4:00 at patterson park. why you can get -- >> you can also get this information from the web site, but you can also call b.a.r.c. for more information. i am confident hilton will get a phone call today. this is a neat cat. i'll be back with the seven-day forecast. for now, back to the news desk.
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>> pizza is on the menu when we come back. >> i'm pete gilbert. coming up in sports, the bengals and ravens. history says maybe it is not that bad. we'll check that out straight ahead. >> plus tony has another look at the forecast as we take another live look outside.
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♪ [ female announcer ] have you ever seen a glacier while sunbathing? why not? have you ever climbed a rock wall in the middle of the ocean? or tried something really wild? why not? it's all possible in the nation of why not. royal caribbean's floating nation where you're free to do anything you want. which may be nothing at all. royal caribbean international. visit today.
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>> we're just minutes away from nbc's sunday's "today" show. >> coming up on "today" we're watching a developing story in california where authorities are looking for members of what's being described as a cult-like group that vanished and might be planning a mass suicide. eight children are among the missing. >> also, bracing for hurricane igor. we'll get a live update. >> and a tragedy hits the field as a high school quarterback collapses and dies on the sidelines after throwing a touchdown pass. what could have happened. >> plus, did you ever stop to think how many germs you come in
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contact with like drinking fountains and a.t.m.'s. part of two of our series "what lurks. l" >> what would you -- these iconic items and hundreds more are going up for sale. we'll tell you where and when when we see you later on "today." >> for the first time in three years, maryland renewed its rivalry with west virginia. it didn't work out all that well for the terps, despite the fact they ended things with some beg plays. they weren't ready to go from the start. catches the fiffers touchdown of
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the game. moments later, smith to austin again. 14-0. late second half depsh late second quarter, -- late second quarter, the terps recover the fumble. we move to the third quarter. 28-0, but the rally is on. robinson. a perfect pass. it looks very much like an nfl-ready receiver. one step at a time, right? one step with the ball. 60 yards is impressive. how about 80? robinson drops it in the basket on a deep crossing route. nobody it going to catch smith there. he goes for the touchdown. next time with the ball, smith dropped the touchdown, a sure touchdown reception, and the comeback and stumble. west virginia gets the win.
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orioles last night. first some business from friday night. you see alex rodriguez. mcgutherie hits jeter. we move ahead, and andino goes deep. he sees sabathias on the next play, 6-3. however, in the ninth, not going well for the birds. no comeback for this one. the javerpk yankees looking -- the yankees looking like a team that's fighting for the playoffs. the orlsors looking like a -- orioles looking like a team that's not going to be in the bafmente -- bafmente of the sear -- basement of the series. >> we'll have you covered tonight here at 6:00 and then on "ravens wrap-up."
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>> it is time for "sunday brunch". we are joined by mccore mick -- mccormack & schmidt's. >> saturday, sunday, and monday we are offering a bar menu that has different things, a little creative flare on some traditional dale tail-- tailgate type foods. you can use sword fish. i have a little spice, which i'm calling my secret baja spice. it has dried onion and cumin. >> yeah, not much of a secret.
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you put a little vegetable oil in there. >> and with fish tacos there are probably many different ways you can prepare the fish? >> yes. >> you can do it breaded and chopped up. >> yes, sometimes we'll do that for them. this is a little bit better for you, a little bit more of a healthy alternative. >> and less prep time. >> absolutely. >> what do you have here sfl >> a mango-hikima slaw. hickema is also called mexican potato. it is sweet but has the texture of a potato. it is one of those new trendy items you see ine lot of mep ewes these days. the mango will give it sweetness. it goes well with my spice here. i have some shredded jack cheese. for the most part, with the slaw
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, it is very simple. red onion, red pepper, olive oil, and cilantro. >> you are going to use a soft tortilla, grated cheese. any kind of cheese works? >> any kind works. that's a jack-cheddar blend. >> and you can add beans if you like? >> absolutely. >> do you want to tell us about the chilled fish plooter? >> this is called our chilled tailgate platter. if has gulf sha rim, oyster sushi, and it is enough for four or five people at least. >> let's make sure people have access to this recipe. if you would like a copy, log on to our web site and click on "food" or send us a -- an envelope to 3800 hooper
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maryland. >> partly cloudy skies today. a little rain tonight. it does look dry from the start of the work week with temperatures in the 70's and warm at the end of the week. >> you'll be back in the 9:00 hour. >> "today" show is next. >> thanks for watching, everybody. we'll be back at l :25 for a -- at 8:25 for a live update. captioned by the national captioning institute
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