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tv   Today  NBC  September 27, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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with enrollment for uninsured americans set to begin tuesday. >> whatever effect obamacare might have on the economy, it is far less than even a few days of government shutdown. >> reporter: but the president's critics found new ammunition citing glitches. the first impacting small business owners unable to complete their insurance applications online until november. a second delay effecting spanish speaking applicants. the white house saying that enrollment website won't be ready for a few more weeks. with three days ready for washington to overt a shut down, the function is already having a ripple effect across the country. the manager of this beach front bike shop outside san diego says a customer who is in the navy and fears he might not get paid in a shutdown recently asked for a refund on a brand new scooter. >> we're not entirely worried about going out of business but the business that we need from
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the service members that live here is going to dramatically probably hit us. >> the point is this is already effecting people. even if congress can avoid this potential ka tr potenti potentially there's a shock to the economy that would be much greater. this would be a default. >> congress earning it's approval rating this week. >> exactly. >> we'll see you later on as well. this sunday on "meet the press" david gregory has an interview with senator ted cruz of texas after his obamacare protest this week and nbc news will be answering your questions about the new healthcare law. tweet and facebook your questions. > the national security agency is facing scrutiny over the practices of his employees. >> reporter: the nsa for the
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first time admits some employees have spied on their girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands and wives listening to phone calls and checking e-mails without any valid foreign intelligence purpose. it's called loveint, collecting intelligence on love interests and a new letter documents a dozen cases since 2003. >> what's clear about the instances of abuse is these have nothing to do with terrorism. this is about individuals prying into the private lives of the people closest to them. in one case an nsa employee improperly snooped for five years on the phone calls of 9 female foreign nationals. another nsa employee admitted it was her practice to eavesdrop on phone numbers she obtained in social settings. a male employee eavesdropped on his foreign girlfriend's phone calls thinking she was involved with people that might get him in trouble and a female employee
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listened in on her husband's phone call suspected he had been unfaithful. nsa director keith alexander played down the incidents saying they amounted to one per year. >> the press claimed evidence of thousands of privacy violations. this is false and misleading. >> in almost all of the cases the love struck employees re-signed before discipline could be imposed and no one was criminally prosecuted. all right. thank you. now to the international manhunt underway for a british woman dubbed the white widow. does she have a connect to the deadly attack at the mall in kenya. ron allen is in nairobi this morning with details. good morning. >> good morning to you willie. the police opened up some of the roads running closer to the mall. a sign they're making real progress and we have pictures that offer a close up look at the destruction. meanwhile, sources are telling nbc news that investigators are find sog many explosives they
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believe the plan was to try to bring the entire mall down as speculation grows about a british woman that may have been involved in the attack. >> reporter: as investigators piece together what happened at the nairobi mall, they've issued a global arrest woman for this woman. 29, mother of three, known in britain as the white widow. her first husband was one of the suicide bombers who attacked london in 2005 killing 52. shortly after she strongly denounced the attack saying she was unaware of her husband's radicalism but a short time later she slipped out of england and is now wanted for plotting to attack tourist resorts in kenya, a case from 2011 when police discovered explosives in a home she shared with another terror suspect. and the question is whether there's a connection.
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she has been linked to al shabaab. the ill tamilitants that attack mall. >> it would be surprising if she is a leader but she is a significant figure within the community. >> she is a soldier's daughter that grew up in a small rural village outside of london. >> she was a lovely young lady the time i have known her and the memories i have of her. british police are seeking dna samples, useful if her body is found in the mall. meanwhile, consumed with grief, kenyans try to focus on stories on heroism and survival. this is an american in the mall with her family running into his outstandi outstretched hand. he helped her escape to safety.
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her mother and brothers and sisters made it out safely. there's reports they found a vehicle connected to the militants and they're trying to chase it's owner. willie, savannah. >> ron, thanks so much. meantime, tamron is here with details on a new report on the world's climate. >> good morning. big news here. humans are to blame for at least half of global warming in the past 60 years. that comes from a landmark united nations report published today. nbc's ann thompson is here with the details. good morning. >> good morning. in it's strongest lang wang yet this international panel of scientists found it is extremely likely, in fact they're 95% certain that human is why the earth has warmed since 1950. the panel finds that the air in the oceans warmed and snow and ice have diminished, sea levels are up as are the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. the report by more than 200 scientists predicts that sea levels could rise as much as 32 inches by the end of the century
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and they say it is virtually certain we'll see more hot temperature extremes and fewer cold ones and it's likely that heat waves will be more frequent and longer. they also predict arctic sea ice will continue to shrink and even if co 2 emissions are stopped today these impacts will persist for centuries, tamron. thank you very much. police in fort worth texas say a major tragedy was averted this week when a gunman's weapon wouldn't work. the man is trying to rob people at mcdonald's and pulled the trigger five times but the gun did not fire. he left. outside he fired again and the gun did go off. he went back inside, pulled the trigger but again it did not fire. that man is now in custody. unbelievable. >> well, some boston subway riders are credited for saving the life of a man that fell on to the tracks and it, too, was caught on tape. you can see the 33-year-old man walk right off the platform and
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fall on to the tracks below. a few seconds later several riders jumped down and lifted him back to safety. he is a doctor and said he just passed his medical board test and had a couple of drinks to celebrate. well, now to wall street and what is moving the markets, courtney reagan joins us with news on an auto recall. good morning, good to see you. >> good morning to you tamron. toyota is recalling 700,000 minivans. the auto makers says possible damage to a shift lever could cause them to shift out of park and roll away without the driver pressing the brakes. mcdonalds is going to start offering a side salad, fruit or vegetable instead of fries for value meals as well as promoting healthier options for kids. >> thank you. it was the end of an era last night as a player known as the
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greatest closer of all time played his final game at yankee stadium. mariano rivera retiring. he was overcome by emotion as two of his long time teammates made a special trip to the mound to help him off there. well, the five-time world champ later came back to the mound to collect a little dirt to take with him. obviously he deserved the whole stadium in my book. it is now 7:13 and savannah, willie, al, you don't have to be a yankee's fan to appreciate. i'm a texas rangers fan and i was misty eyed. >> so much was said without a word. just the expressions on the faces. even matt lauer was moved to tweet. thank you mariano. still wiping away the tears. so much class. >> we thought he would close the game but when peter and pettit
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come out. >> that's what it means. >> the players live up to all of our hopes. congratulations to him. >> a beautiful night for one of the great players of all time. >> not a great day in arizona. they had a massive dust storm. this is casa grande in arizona, 14 mile stretch of road had to be closed after massive fender benders. thankfully nobody is seriously injured in all of this but, boy, what a mess. we have a mess continuing today in that part of the country. we are looking at a risk of strong storms today stretching into garden city, amarillo on into lubbock. damaging wind gusts. some hail is expected. we'll have showers and thunderstorms firing up. snow up into parts of wyoming. these heavier thunderstorms will move in here bringing anywhere from one to two inches of rain over the next 24 hours. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. ♪ [ villain ] well mr. baldwin... it appears our journey has come to a delightful end.
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then i better use the capital one purchase eraser to redeem my venture miles for this trip. purchase eraser? it's the easy way to erase any recent travel expense. i just pick a charge, like my flight with a few taps, it's taken care of. impressive baldwin. does it work for hotels? absolutely thank goodness. mrs. villain and i are planning our... you scare me. and i like it. let's go what's in your wallet? >> good morning. we do not expect any weather trouble on this friday. it will become partly sunny later today. and that's your latest weather.
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>> all right, al, thanks a lot. we have extraordinary news about one of the world's most iconic building. it's still moving but not in the way you might expect. michelle kosinski is there. good morning. >> the assumption is always that it's leaning more and more all the time, right? well, about a decade ago major protective work was finished on it and now the tower is actually moving in the other direction, continuing to straighten up on it's own. oh, for every one of those pictures, the leaning tower, nearly 1,000 year olds still attracts amateur special effects enthusiasts like a dysfunctional magnet. all 300 narrow stairs worn and polished through time to the very top. >> once you get to about step 100 you start to feel it. you're upright and not falling over but something definitely
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feels a little off. >> reporter: but what the tower is not still doing, leaning. >> really? >> reporter: at least not actively. in fact, after it's worst period in the 1990s when the beautiful tower was in severe danger of toppling and scientists used cables, soil extraction in a desperate bid to save it, the tower has actually been moving the other way. we went to find the top engineers up several more flights of stairs. >> so as we speak, the tower is ever so slowly straightening up? >> yes. yes. more on less two millimeters per year. >> reporter: in the last decade it gained nearly an inch and would you believe it moves every day. people don't budge it but the sun straightens it even more. >> sunny days, cloudy day, rainy day. >> totally awesome. >> reporter: even impressing these chicago honeymooners. >> it might be straighter by the
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time you get to the bottom of it. >> i'll have to carry you. >> you guys aren't going to make out or anything are you. >> leaning or not you'd be happy with it? >> absolutely. it's a beautiful monument. >> i like the lean better. >> this is extremely slight but scientists think it will keep straightening for about the next 100 years and then stabilize for 200 years after that and then will probably start leaning again but don't worry, it will look just like this. >> there, yeah. >> all right. [ applause ] >> we were looking for it michelle. >> michelle. >> it looks like a green screen. >> it does. anybody else kind of sad about the leaning tower of pisa? the straight standing up tower of pisa doesn't have the strange. >> we'll be dead. >> i want it to lean. >> we're all dying so al, thanks for the happy thought. >> don't worry about that long range forecast. >> wow. >> wow.
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>> happy friday, america. >> not to be confused with photo bomb friday. >> i just saw michelle in the back getting coffee. she is here. good morning, everybody. it is photo bomb friday. nothing better than disrupting a good photo. look at kelly clarkson, what about me. even in videos, he's getting in on the action. happens here at the "today" show. al, getting photo bombed. al gets revenge don't worry. even happens with the camel there. #photobombfriday. also the big snl premieres and one of our viewers tamron wants to know who is the designer of your dress. >> alexander mcqueen, thank you. >> thank you. >> no thanks. >> we got two good dresses going on.
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>> we didn't know if we clash. >> no but then al came in with his orange. >> and it's death friday. >> it's undertaker willie. >> just sticking with the theme. >> exactly. >> oh, no. >> all right. guys, moving on, a serious story, a surprise arrest in an extortion plot that targeted miss teen usa. the man arrested, her former classmate, we'll get her reaction in a live interview coming up. >> do you ever talk to the te teller at your bank? that could land you a hefty fee at your bank. why you should take a close look at your statement.
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back now, looking at some of the beautiful sunrises you have sent into us this morning. coming up on today, what caused martha stewart to launch into a twitter tirade aga
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i'm here at a marathon to tell people how to finish strong with a fresher bum. can i talk to you about... bums? your nerves kick in, you've got to go. is toilet paper enough? no you want that. and you want that in every port-a-let. you need the dream team. combo! imagine how great it would feel on your bum. mmmm... yeah that's the face, isn't it? mmmmmm... [ cherry ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. so let's talk about your bum on facebook. off to my next destination. [ male announcer ] prep your lawn this fall. get 20% off scotts seed and starter fertilizer when you buy both at lowe's.
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your financial advisor should be thinking about your retirement at least as much as you do. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do. face time and think time make a difference. at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing. real fruit plus real nuts plus real multigrains equals real delicious! quaker real medleys, your on-the-go burst of goodness! quaker up.
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and? and then i'll become a scientist and change the world! the world? now you're talking! [ female announcer ] packed with whole grain fiber and a taste kids love, kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. help feed their full potential. [ male announcer ] riley is always there to give a hand with the groceries. ♪ that's real love. and so is giving him real tasty food. introducing new woof delights from iams. some wet food has gluten and artificial flavors. iams has real meat and eggs in our tasty chunks. ♪ now that's real love and so is giving a hand with the dishes. keep love strong with new iams woof delights.
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. family and friends will hold the viewing for the carroll county man killed in the shooting at the washington navy yard. the viewing for richard ridgell of westminster is scheduled from 3:00 to 5:00 and again from 7:00 to 9:00 tonight. he was working as a security officer at the navy yard. he is survived by three daughters. the funeral is set for tomorrow morning. time for a check of the morning commute with sarah caldwell. >> still tracking those delays on eastbound i-70, for those of you heading towards 29. on average, you are about 14 miles an hour and that begins around west friendship. as you travel through columbia, patuxent parkway, an accident there.
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another one at mountain road in freetown road. watch for accident activity. 15 minutes on the north side as volume continues to build par 4. 13 minutes on the west side outer loop. this is what it looks like at 70 and 29. here is 83 coming down from the parkton region. southbound traffic going away from us. light in that area. delays for the south around padonia road. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. rain in like it might some areas. but those cultural breakup as we go through the morning -- those clouds will break up as we go through the morning. 59 at the airport. forecast for today, early clouds, becoming partly sunny. high temperatures range between 70 and 75. going into the weekend, that will be the same story on saturday and sunday.
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low clouds and fog in the morning
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back now at 7:30 on a friday morning. there's a beautiful shot of washington d.c. sun coming up, september 27th,
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2013. the government may shut down but the sun will rise in the east. >> there you go. >> if you want to send us a picture of your sunrise tweet us or facebook us, use the #todaysunrise. i'm savannah guthrie along side willie geist, al roker and tamron hall. matt and natalie are off today. a united airlines flight heading to seattle was forced to make an emergency landing after reports the pilot suffered a heart attack. we now learned that a crew member died at the hospital. in washington, today, the senate expected to approve legislation to avoid a government shutdown but house republicans won't accept it. >> an arrest warrant is issued for a woman known as the white widow for plotting to attack tourist resorts in kenya. straight ahead, a warning about the new fees your bank could be charging you. even one for talking to the teller. >> should companies be required to give new parents paid leave? we'll hear from moms and dads
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and a lawmaker making a push for that. >> we'll begin this half hour with rossen reports new developments in a case we first broke. a criminal hacking into miss teen usa's webcam. today jeff rossen has the latest on this. good morning to you. >> good morning. this is about as creepy as it gets. authority sas this man was spying on miss teen usa inside the privacy of her own bedroom. he broke into her computer, remotely turned on her webcam and watched her most intimate moments. that's when he tried to blackmail her. this morning, the fbi has moved in with an arrest. you are the new miss teen usa 2013. >> reporter: it was an amazing public moment for cassidy wolf crowned miss teen usa. >> congratulations. >> reporter: but it was in her private moments at home where she says she was violated. someone hacked into her computer
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webcam and without her even knowing it took naked photos of her. >> me computer never came on so i wasn't aware. this person had been taking picture of me in my room changing clothes, putting on outfits, walking back and forth from the shower. >> how did you find out? >> i received an anonymous e-mail from a person extorting me and blackmailing me. he attached nude photos of me he had taken in my bedroom. >> if you don't do what i say i'm releasing these publicly? >> correct. >> reporter: cassidy was mo mortified and called the cops. now they arrested her former high school classmate, jared abrahams. now he is a college student studying computer science. he appeared in federal court charged with extortion. >> there were multiple victims. in the state of california, throughout the united states and even internationally. some were as young as 16 years
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old. >> according to the criminal complaint abrahams confessed to investigators who found evidence of hacking software along with images and videos of the victims on his computer and cell phone. abrahams has mental health issues. >> the family wants to apologize for the consequences of his behavior and the families that were effected. >> reporter: the fbi says webcam hacking is a growing problem. cassidy hopes her case will be a wake up call for all of us. >> this happened to me when i was a normal girl in high school. it can happen to anybody. >> this morning, the accused hacker, jared abrahams is out on $50,000 bail. he is only allowed to leave for church, school, attorney visits and doctors appointments but he is not allowed to use the internet at all. >> that makes sense. we're joined now by cassidy
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wolf, miss teen usa. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i watched your reaction when we showed the shot of the person walking, the alleged prep traitor. you said it was hard for you to watch that. >> it's weird for me to be able to put a face to a person that did this to me and to know that it's somebody i went to high school with, it's weird and it makes me -- it is mixed emotions honestly. >> what are you going through? because i imagine on one hand you're relieved that you know who it is and they can't do it again. >> i'm very relieved and i'm glad they could find who the person is but it was somebody that i went to high school with and he was young and my age and i think it's bad that he chose to do this and has now put himself in this big dilemma. it's mixed emotions. >> you told our producer you almost kind of felt sorry for him? >> i do.
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i don't think he realizes the consequences for what he has done and the people he hurt. he terrorized me and many girls for so long and i just think now it's coming to real life for me as well that this person did this to me. >> he was your high school classmate but do you remember him? did you go to a big high school? is this somebody you remember having interactions with? >> i never had interactions with him. i went to a very long high school. i knew of him and his name but i never talked to him. i saw him in the hallways. >> do your friends remember him? are they saying that they do? >> not so much but we knew of his name, so. >> one thing that you're doing because you have this platform as miss teen usa is telling other people that might be in a similar position to speak out. what is your message to them? >> to tell somebody because i know some of the girls that were involved in the case didn't have the opportunity to talk to law enforcement and to get help. so it makes me feel really good that i was able to, you know, help them out as well as other people that could be going through the same thing.
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>> and now you have this amazing platform to send this message. congratulations again on your title. that's the good news here. >> yes. >> good to see you. >> thank you so much. >> we'll take a turn and get the weather from al. >> savannah, thank you so much. our friends in the pacific northwest are in for a world of rough weather. one system moving in tonight into tomorrow. another one coming in during the weekend and it's going to make a real mess. we are going to be looking at a lot of wet weather. as you can see over the next 72 hours, waves of moisture will just continue to go from northern california all the way into the pacific northwest. we expect to see rainfall amounts up to 5 to 10 inches of rain from seattle all the way into coastal new england. and oregon, we expect a lot of rain and possibility of flooding by monday. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neckpe >> good morning.
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we are starting out with a little bit of cloud cover. it will be partly sunny this afternoon. a cool start this morning. that's your latest weather. it's going to be a great night on sunday night football night in america. that's right. it's a good one. we've got the patriots coming on in to take down the falcons at the georgia dome. mostly clear, temperatures in the low to mid 70s. can the patriots declaw the falcons? you'll find out on sunday night, football night in america. savannah. >> the claws is to menacing. >> it's like 3-d coming right at
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you. >> i just love the weather report for the dome stadium. >> outdoor weather. it says outdoor weather. >> he's going to get the claws out. oh, no. >> thank you, al. we love you. >> thank you. >> coming up next, what a story. how much could your bank account be charging you. a warning about the newest fees just for talking to the teller. >> and on trending would you take a discount at a latest restaurant to leave your cell phone at
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[ woman ] i've had it with my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... the frustration... covering up. so i talked with my doctor. he prescribed enbrel. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ woman ] finally, clearer skin for more than a few days, weeks, or months. enbrel works for me.
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ask your dermatologist if you can have clearer skin with enbrel. [ male announcer ] prep your lawn this fall. get 20% off scotts seed and starter fertilizer when you buy both at lowe's. get 20% off scotts seed and starter fertilizer is there a lot of worry building up around a daily problem? well ladies, now there's big news in controlling your overactive bladder symptoms. thinking less about them with new oxytrol for women. it's a patch. the first and only over the counter treatment for overactive bladder. it's good to know how to put the control back in your go. new oxytrol for women. now over the counter
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whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. back now with new ways banks are getting more creative to charge you more. kayla is here with details. good to see you. >> good to see you guys. i love the new set in here. some bank fees are charging to
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use another bank's atm or overdraw your account but now dozens of not so standard fees are starting to pop up leaving customers how expensive it has become to give someone else their money. >> reporter: joe thought he found the holy grail. >> i did some bank shopping and i found the pnc virtual wallet. there's no fees at all. >> reporter: the 25-year-old realtor earns money on commission meaning irregular deposits and unpredictable balance. when that lead to extra fees he made the switch. hi account won't be that way for long. they're adding a $7 charge unless he maintains a certain balance, uses direct deposit or never talks to a teller. human interaction now comes with a twice. for some banks it's the human interaction that will cost you and for other it's the digital. they pay for a mobile check deposit.
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>> any time they send you a new notice or fee structure with your monthly statement it's important to read that over because chances are something is changing. >> at wells fargo, even getting a paper statement in your mailbox comes at a cost. wallet hub estimated in all an average checking account these days have as many as 30 fees built in. banks will make as many as $41 billion in customer fees this year. >> there's extra fees that keep popping up and are a risk for all of us. >> they're trying out the fees to see if customers will accept them. >> banks say they will. regions bank says the response to it's mobile deposits indicate customers see and appreciate it's value. u.s. bank says cost is for convenience and is clearly displayed. >> wells fargo says customers can get a discount for choosing online statements. pnc says the vast majority of it's virtual wallet customers will pay no additional fees. many like joe will be out of luck. >> they kind of need to think
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about their customers' needs a little more. >> the main way to avoid bank fees is signing up for direct deposit. >> i'm getting over the fact that you have to pay to talk to a teller. what's another way to avoid the fees? >> shop around. you can choose a local credit union. often times they're free. also consider doing more business at your existing bank. often times if you have a mortgage and credit card and checking account with one bank, the checking account is free and finally the old fashioned way. call and complain. 44% of people that do this have found success. the highest success is for overdraft fees. sometimes you should let them know how you feel. >> it's amazing how clever they are. between the airlines and the banks it's a fee charging convention. >> it's good to know squeaky wheels get attention. >> everything there's not a law
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against they'll charge you for. >> kayla, thanks so much. up next a special guest joins carson daly in the orange room. up next a special guest joins carson daly in the orange room. >> coorville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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for 4 days only starting friday get 10 dollars off 25 with your jcp cash coupon. plus, doorbusters friday 3pm to saturday 1pm. like 50% off all a.n.a and 60% off all suit separates. jcpenney. real fruit plus real nuts plus real multigrains equals real delicious! quaker real medleys, your on-the-go burst of goodness! quaker up.
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you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪
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we are back at 7:50. carson has company with him in the yellow -- orange room. >> is there not enough orange for you savannah.
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kenan thompson, snl back tomorrow night. thank you for getting in the photo bomb here. #photobomb, you can send them in. there's a line outside. >> for my show. >> for your show. are you excited to get the show back on? >> very excited, man. summertime has been nice but it's nice to be back doing the action. >> do things happen in summer where you're like i wish we were on this saturday night so we could talk about this. >> like what. >> all the time. i wish i could remember one that was perfect. >> like the miley cyrus twerking thing. >> exactly i could have been her wrap producer guy and we could have blown that upright when it blew up but now we have to wait. >> you obviously had a big turnover. isn't it exciting to bring new blood in is. >> it's always very exciting. >> i can't hear you. i can't hear you.
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>> keenan thompson everybody. >> good morning. how are you? yeah. >> how many people are there now. >> listen to my voice. that's cool. they hired five guys and one lady. >> that's fantastic. >> like a music video. >> this is like a good fellows tracking shot here walking. have you ever waited in line for anything like this? >> no i've never slept outside but this is crazy good. >> look guys, kenan thompson everybody. hey. >> were you putting on make up. >> yes, we were. >> any questions. >> i have questions. did you guys really sleep out here. >> yeah. >> that's unbelievable. i shouldn't be using this. >> where are you from? >> we go to school here. >> you don't have parents? this is okay with everybody in your family? there's not a father somewhere watching you guys. >> i think that's him right
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there. >> how was last night? >> good. it was okay. >> all right. well, enjoy the show guys. appreciate it. >> good to see you. >> thank you. >> all the best. >> let's go back inside. >> let's do that. >> i love that walking shot. we're walking. we're walking. >> tina fey. >> just a couple of more days sleeping outside. martha stewart uses twitter to take on apple. ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] for those who willingly take on the day. [ screaming ] [ male announcer ] to make it better for someone else. the same way the smooth, creamy taste of coffee-mate makes coffee and your day better. coffee-mate. coffee's perfect mate. now try new girl scout cookie flavors. nestle. good food, good life. hey college girl. hey mom. i just got your package. great. yea, mom you're the best. i thought you would like it. so, how are your classes, are you enjoying them? (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. we can't wait to get you home. i love you mom. i love you too. we'll see you soon. choosey moms, choose jif.
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♪ le freak, c'est chic ♪ freak out ♪ aw ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] elevate your style. introducing the all-new corolla. ♪
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning.
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i am mindy basara. here is sarah caldwell and traffic pulse 11. >> let's check on the problems out there. this is the latest accident coming in on southbound 95 just past the highway. as you come out of fort mchenry, you may start to see some delays. eastbound i-70 is dealing with a slow go. 24 miles per hour from west friendship puts 29. the ducks in part way and harpers farm road, for those of you traveling in columbia, watch for delays and a crash. as you travel in pasadena at mountain road and stringtown road, things are improving with that accident clear. 15 minutes on the west side outer loop. this is what looks like a providence. delays start around harford road. as far as traffic elsewhere, looks pretty good on 95 out of the northeast. over to you, tony. >> the weather doesn't look good now but it will improve during the day.
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counsel breakup and it will turn out to be a nice afternoon. we've had in east-northeast wind overnight. it grabs the moisture off the lanigan drives it back towards -- off the atlantic and drives the backwoods baltimore. up with partly sunny skies. the clouds of cap the temperatures a little warmer than yesterday. 59 in catonsville, to be seven in rising sun, 59 degrees in chestertown. low clouds with the and maybe a little bit of fog and then it will turn partly sunny this afternoon. high temperatures between 70 and 75. sunset at 6:55. it will be the same set up on saturday and sunday. he will start with low clouds and fog in the morning and then it will break out -- break up in the afternoon.
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>> it's 8:00 on today. coming up, a death defying stunt
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today from the world renowned daredevil. we talk to him. >> plus martha stewart versus apple. what caused the domestic diva to go off on twitter. plus catching up with the parents that gave birth this week. it's friday, september 27th, 2013. this is my first trip to new york city and i'm celebrating my bachelorette party because i'm getting ready. >> it's our birthday and we're at the "today" show. >> happy birthday. >> it's your birthday. >> yeah. >> your birthday. your birthday. >> i am so happy to be at the "today" show with my new wife. >> oh. you did good. >> thank you. >> and good morning everyone. welcome back to today. i'm savannah guthrie along side willie geist who is in for matt, al roker and carson daly.
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everybody is in a good mood. >> great, loud crowd here today. we have the birthday girls here today. the 13 year olds. they got an iphone. >> straight ahead, a difficult choice faced by new parents. when should you go back to work? we'll tell you about a new plan to give everyone paid leave and our panel of new parents right from our today family here to share their own stories. >> that's right. first we want to fill you in on something we're dealing with next week. in this photo shop world can you ever believe your eyes? >> and we'll put you to the test with a fact or fiction in the new age. >> you have to operate it. >> i will. i'll break it. >> it's orange. you'll feel comfortable with it. >> anything orange is mine. i know. >> all right. let's get a top check of the stories of the morning. tamron hall is in for natalie. >> good morning everyone. a united airlines flight made an
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emergency landing last night when the pilot suffered a heart attack. tom costello is in washington with the details. good morning. >> good morning. a hospital in boise says the pilot involved died after suffering a heart attack mid-flight. it diverted to boise after declaring an in light medical emergency. there was a doctor on board helping the patient and the co-pilot is heard telling controllers that they were doing chest compressions on the patient. they're not confirming that it was the pilot. paramedics transported the patient. all the passengers safe. but the hospital reporting the pilot died of an apparent heart attack. thank you. there's break throughs in efforts to strip syria of chemical weapons. they agreed on the wording of a resolution that demands syria turnover it's chemical stock pile and allow access to
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inspectors and the international agency that releases chemical weapons is discussing a plan that could put them in syria as early as next week. police have intensified their search for the british terror suspect known as the white widow. samantha lewthwaite is wanted for attacking tourist areas in kenya. she is a mother of 3. her first husband was one of the sus side bombers that attacked the london transit system in 2005. george washington is being honored today with a tribute that looks to both history and future. political director chuck todd is in mt. vernon, virginia to tell us about it. lucky guy today. good morning. >> this building behind me 216 years in the making. george washington wanted to build a building to house his books and papers, otherwise known as the presidential
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library. well, today, he finally gets one. he is a bridge, a university, a city, even money. but while he is everywhere in our lives, many americans know very little about him. >> we always talk about george washington cutting down the cherry tree. >> of course the wooden teeth. the couldn't tell a lie. i think that was him, wasn't it. >> house at mt. vernon. >> now on the grounds of his home at mt. vernon, a place to fill in the blanks. our first president, the last to have a presidential library. >> there was an inventory of his books, roughly 900 volumes. we today have 650 of the volumes and we're continuing to collect them. >> but that wasn't clear to anyone. >> the library director took me into the rare book vault which includes washington's personal copy of written in spanish. >> he doesn't read spanish. >> you won't find a wing for the first first lady because martha
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washington burned almost every letter she ever received from her husband though this library rescued a few. >> i obtain an affection for you which neither time nor distance can change. >> just a love letter written with better words than we might use. >> that's right. i might copy that. >> given that we're 14 miles from the capitol and all the craziness of the shutdown talk the theme today is going to be washington might not have let this happen. >> another place to take the family for a holiday and a place to learn as well. thank you very much. >> you got it. >> well, the lying daredevil hopes to make history tomorrow with his most dangerous stunt yet. he plans to jump out of a helicopter in china using a swinged suit to soar through a narrow gap in a mountain. >> this clip is about 15 feet wide at the bottom and 60 feet wide at the top and three football fields long. so i have to fly three football
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fields at 25 to 20 feet width. >> he calls this new stunt the flying dagger. well, the couple that has everything now has something else. a new coat of arms. the coat of arms representing the duke and duchess of cambridge is making it's debut today. it was made by combining the shields and symbols of prince william and the shield and unicorn emblem of duchess kate given to her before their marriage. let's go back to savannah, willie, carson, and al. >> photo bombed right there. >> guys, tamron is here because natalie had a great honor last night. she won an award in washington d.c., the robert f. kennedy journalism award for a report she did on rock center. we're so proud of her. congratulations to natalie. >> that's a big deal and a great piece she did about the lobster divers.
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congratulations. let's get a check on the weather with al. >> that was a terrific story. coffee day? >> we're give agoway free coffee all over manhattan today. if you like us on facebook you can win a free coffee. >> very nice. let's check out what you've got going on today. our pick city of the day, seattle, washington, it's going to be a wet one all throughout the pacific northwest. three day forecast is going to be wet. heavy rain both saturday and sunday. temperatures cooling off into the mid 50s by sunday. afternoon temperatures staying chilly in the pacific northwest. central rockies 30s and 40s. the only really hot spot will be down into texas and on into oklahoma where we'll have plenty of sunshine there. mid-atlantic states into the ohio river valley. more wet and windy weather into the pacific >> good morning. we do not expect any weather trouble on this friday.
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it will become partly sunny later today. and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al. thank you so much. coming up next on trending, we're going to talk live with martha stewart about the feud she had with apple. it all played out on twitter. >> then we'll catch up with the families that welcomed their newest members live on today earlier this week. >> and one of the originals, rosy still making claims and loving life well into her 90s. but first, these messages. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the new twin turbo xts from cadillac. 410 available horses. ♪ room for four. twice the fun. ♪ ♪ there are lots of jamie"jamies" out there,... huh? but that doesn't mean we're all the same. just like greek yogurts. that's why i prefer activia greek. you got that right jamie, there's nothing like it!
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exactly, because activia greek is the only greek with exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, and it helps regulate your digestive system. i love its thick creamy texture! mmm! the greek nonfat yogurt that helps tummies smile! activia greek... like no other greek yogurt. ♪ dannon real fruit plus real nuts plus real multigrains equals real delicious! quaker real medleys, your on-the-go burst of goodness! quaker up.
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peppejalapeños, bacon,shrooms, btomato and avocado. i call it, "the avocado da vinci". create your om'lart with denny's build your own omelette menu. the instantly slimming dress. it shapes you up and shows you off in an instant. wear what works. the instantly slimming dress.
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only from white house -- black market. [ male announcer ] prep your lawn this fall. get 20% off scotts seed and starter fertilizer when you buy both at lowe's. [ male announcer ] riley is always there to give a hand with the groceries. ♪ that's real love. and so is giving him real tasty food. introducing new woof delights from iams. some wet food has gluten and artificial flavors. iams has real meat and eggs in our tasty chunks. ♪ now that's real love and so is giving a hand with the dishes.
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keep love strong with new iams woof delights. we are back at 8:13. a little chair dancing? trending today -- >> very robot. >> pop lock. >> what is that? >> i don't know, it's funky. >> it looks good. trending on twitter, martha and her broken ipad. of course martha was with us here on thursday. apparently she got busy after she left. she got into an exchange of words with am over her shattered ipad. she tweeted what to do? does one call apple to come and pick it up or do i take it? then she continued i'm still waiting for an apple rep to come pick up my ipad. no action, yey. >> how does this shake out? apple wasn't pleased with her tweets because she later tweeted
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i cannot believe that apple public relations is mad at me for tweeting about my ipad and how to get it fixed. steve jobs gave it to me. >> only one thing to do right now, and that's call martha. martha, are you there? >> hi. >> what's this all about? well, it's using twitter. it's actually all about twitter and what kind of responses tw twitter gets. it has been my favorite mode of communication with the world for a long time. when i dropped my ipad i was so mad at myself for breaking something that i cannot live without, i love my ipad? don't you all love your ipad? >> yes. >> i mean, i'm addicted. >> are you trying to get a free ipad? >> no, it was a gift from steve jobs and i have the little note that came with it because he knew i was an early adopter of all kinds of technology. so i was just making a joke,
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will apple come and pick it up? >> they don't really do that? >> well, i was just joking. of course i know that. i've been in apple stores. but anyway, i was just joking and twitter is very, very interesting because there's people that love it when you joke and there's people that take you seriously and don't have a clue. so it's been going on and on and on and it's actually very fun. >> martha, you tweeted martha that apple public relations is mad at me. >> no, my staff -- oh, my staff was very upset with me because we have such a great relationship with apple and we were the first lifestyle magazine to do an apple app for the magazine and we have had a fantastic working relationship -- again, they're
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like you -- they think i'm having a feud with apple. >> so everything is okay, martha. >> well, no, my ipad is broke. >> okay. >> and she would not mind a replacement. am i right? >> i think i need to get a replacement. >> all right. >> but when you break something like that it gets confusing because -- >> you don't know what to do. >> no, because all your information is in it. >> right. >> you got to back it up; all your movies. all your mail. >> everything is in the cloud now. >> get the cloud. whatever the cloud is. >> got to back that thing up, martha. >> we got to get martha an it person. >> all i can say is i love my ipad. i love my iphone. >> okay. >> martha, apple, peace out. >> martha, apple, love. as we mentioned today is photo bomb friday and carson you have been having a time. >> that's true. i have a couple and went out to
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the plaza there. i have amazing photo bomb shots. there's me photo bombing. it's the idea of it. hey, what's going on. let's go through some we're sending to the orange room this morning. today's viewer cheryl sent us one. >> the baby. >> the baby photo bomb there. that's the cow getting in on the action. >> what is that? >> thank you for sending that one. >> and ann sent a family photo in with a little surprise in the background there. there's a bunch of them on the site. go and cruise through them. >> before the internet there was no name for what this was. >> and before the digital age you'd have to go to the kodak store and pick period your pictures and then you'd realize. >> yeah. >> remember film? >> remember cave drawings? remember those days? that was fantastic? >> okay. okay. >> all right. that is what is trending today.
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coming up, we're going to check in with some of the babies that were born live on today and their parents. but first, the hot topic for new parents. we asked new moms if they would rather have an extra three months of paid leave, lose the baby weight instantly or get $10,000 for their child's college fund. more paid leave won, 44%. jenna bush-hager has been looking at these. good morning. >> good morning, guys, i just returned from maternity leave and research shows how important that time is for bonding but we found out very few, only 11% of american women have paid leave. like more than 2 million american women every year, i'm headed back to work after giving birth. grateful to have had the summer with my daughter mila. >> well, this morning we're happy to welcome back jenna bush-hager who is back from maternity leave. >> it is not complete until you're sitting on this couch. we missed you.
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>> i missed you guys although have to say i really liked maternity leave. >> reporter: and kelly is returning to work as a cpa at ernst and young after giving birth to her daughter gail. >> i actually had the benefit of being off for four months. >> paid? >> paid leave for four months which is a phenomenal aspect of their maternity plan. >> reporter: kelly's employer also offering lackation consulting and career counseling. working mother magazine named her company one of the best for working moms. >> having those opportunities made my decision to go back to work easier. >> reporter: but kelly is one of the lucky ones. only 11% of all private industry workers have access to paid leave. the overwhelming number of companies in the u.s., about 84% don't offer paid maternity leave. like kayla who only 8 weeks after giving birth returned to work as a medical assistant.
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>> i worked for the medical field and they do not offer us any maternity leave that is paid. if i had paid leave it would have given us a lot more time as a family together. >> reporter: this has lawmakers on capitol hill taking notice. >> tell me about your day? >> reporter: like this mother of two. >> i think our policies on a federal level have not kept up with our work force. we're stuck in the mad men era but most families had the husband go to work and the wife stay at home. that is not a reality for most american families today. >> reporter: under the federal medical leave act companies provide 12 weeks of unpaid family leave but that law only applies to companies with 50 or more employees. also employees must work full time and have been employed at the company for more than a year. the result, about 40% of workers fail to qualify. which is why, today, the senator is introducing new legislation
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to guarantee paid leave. >> how does this law need to change? >> well, what the legislation does would allow parents and mom to have paid family medical leave right after the birth of an infant or the adoption of a baby. >> reporter: the united states is the only industrialized country without any government requirements for paid maternity leave putting it in the same category as some of the world's poorest including liberia. >> you know being a young mom, those early days and early weeks are so crucial and for families they really need that time. that time needs to be paid. >> reporter: time that new mother kelly doesn't take for granted. >> she is such a joy and she just changes our dynamic. now we're not just husband and wife, we're a family. >> you've had a great summer? >> absolutely. probably one for the record books. she is well aware that getting her legislation passed is going
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to be a tough fight. many business groups fought paid maternity leave because of the cost. they say they can't afford it and it's bad for business. of course she says differently than any business that respects women will do better. jenna, we have a great panel here. not just you. we have jenna wolf and stephanie gosk here with five week old harper. good morning, harper, you're on tv. mara is here with nina who is 21 months old and peter alexander is here as a proud dad and a voir diava is here in spirit. jenna, i see you two days in a row now. >> two-day maximum and then i'm going back into the hibernation of maternity leave. >> stephanie, what's it like to come back to work? >> it's tricky because you feel a little guilty for the person that you leave back at home. we were together and managing a lot of work and then when you leave you worry that the person you've left has to deal with all
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of that -- >> mara, did you have any regrets about coming back when you did. actually and i don't mean to sound ungrateful. i was very glad to have that time off and work for a company that gives you maternity leave but i found very hard. if i could take time off now and be at home i would be in heaven. but it was really isolating and breast feeding was hard so i ran back to work and i was happy to see my coworkers and to change out of pajamas and to just be back into my life. >> peter, our dad here, you got two weeks off and right back to the grind. >> i was blessed with the inability to nurse which makes that easier. so i took the first week off to be with the baby and then let the family be there for an extended period of time and as soon as the family was out i did the other week where i could help my wife in some way but i got hazed pretty quickly. there was a little poop on the shirt pretty fast into the whole
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process. >> welcome home dad, right? >> jenna you have been back for about a week or so. have you been thinking about mila while you have been at work. sometimes you're here physically but not mentally. >> definitely. the hard thing about our job and this stage in our life is that we travel all the time. henry and i have had to look at our calendars and figure out logistics so that somebody is always home with her. >> good parenting tip. >> is that weird? >> we never left her. get that out there. but also, the other thing is we're learning how to be parents and my mom told me, you know, being a mom or a dad, the most important job you'll ever have is learning to be a parent. >> so mainly a mom. >> but being a parent is the most important job you'll ever have and we're learning this new job. >> i think mara you talked about this, you worry about what's going on at work, are you
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missing something. jenna do you feel like that at all or are you totally con sumd. >> no, i need a gsp just to get here. i brought my i.d. just in case. there's always a sense that you're missing out on something. will work be there for you when you get back. i'm going through a little bit of that but i spoke to everyone else who says enjoy the time off. enjoy spending time with her and bonding with her. work will be there when you get back. do you hear that? work will be there when i get back. >> the dad, though, the same way some fear they maybe missing what's going on at work, i fear i'm missing what's going on at home and for the first time in my life i am racing to get home. i'm like let's see if we can finesse this. so home time is the best. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning.
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i am mindy basara. here is sarah caldwell. >> we have a problem for those of you in anne arundel county. it could impact your right northbound on fort smallwood road. shut down on the northbound side at pittman road due to this accident. one lane getting by southbound. on southboundhem 95 out of key highway and the fort mchenry. the north ands on west side, 17 minutes to get you .rom 95 towards the 83's in a loop delays around greenspring towards the j.f.x., and then a 15-minute travel time on the west side outer loop. looking better on eastbound i- 70. heavy delays from west friendship. accident is now, 29. tapping the brakes in that area. coming towards us, outer loop traffic, typical delays there. easing up with delays on southbound ruxton road. great shape from the maryland line down to the beltway.
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over to you, tony. >> doesn't look nice right now. low clouds around baltimore. we have set up in east, northeast wind. that often happens early in the morning when we have that wind direction. that will pick up as we go through the morning and it will be nice with partly sunny skies. not is chilly this morning as yesterday. 63 at the airport. 61 in westminster. early clouds, then partly sunny this afternoon. high temperatures between 70 and 75. going into the weekend, it would be the same set up on saturday and sunday. clouds in the morning, partly sunny skies in the afternoon. high temperatures in the low 70s. >> we're back with another update at 8:56.
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8:30 on this friday morning. it's the 27th of september, 2013. a pretty day out here on rockefeller plaza. a lot of people out here celebrating with us on a gorgeous fall morning. if we could just get the crew together here, everybody places. places. wait. go back to where you were. good morning everyone, i'm savannah guthrie along side carson daly, willie geist, al roker, tamron hall. >> greetings. >> hey everybody. so i'm sure you were watching on monday because we're all legally required to watch the "today" show. did you see the babies born live on air. what do they do for an encore? appear with us. look at their siblings too. >> we'll catch up with them in a few minutes. don't know what to serve your
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friends? wines work. we'll sample the great wines for the fall season. they're easy on the palate and the wallet. >> hi, joe. are you looking for a new family pet? we'll introduce you to our newest about to wow animals. >> first a check of the weather. >> here's what we've got for your weekend. tomorrow, a gorgeous day up and down the east coast and then we jump right to sunday, sunday. making it's way into the pacific northwest with windy conditions. look for rain from the central great lakes all the way into texas. east coast spectacular. that's what's going on around >> good morning. we are starting out with a little bit of cloud cover. it will be partly sunny this afternoon. a cool start this morning.
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any time you need your weather any time of the day or night make sure you go to or the weather channel on cable. now let's find out what's going on with uncle willard scott. willie. >> you are never too old to enjoy a birthday and a birthday party. let me tell you, they're having fun today. they're celebrating betty's birthday. she is 100 years old today and she is a huge sports fan. i mean, she loves her sports. a lovely couple, raymond and bernice chapel and they are from garden city, great state of kansas. that's where toto lives.
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anyway, they have been married 75 years and one of the things that they really, really enjoy is having coffee every day with their kids. that's nice to hear. ida crabb is 100 years old today. and ida is from banning, california. she is 100 years old and her favorite dessert is one of mine. you never get it much. pineapple upside down cake. always loved that. robert blake, lima, ohio. he is 100 years old today and he is a true craftsman. he likes camping and enjoying life outdoors. love to sleep outdoors, play outdoors. sybil mcgaffic. roswell, georgia. 100 years old today.
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the secret to longevity, fried okra. i love okra. brian o'neill with nerves of steel. 100 years old today. he loves to make things, build things with his hands. that's it. that's all. now back to the great city on the hudson, new york. >> all right willard, thank you. we are wrapping up our special born today series where it all began on monday. you probably remember this. we were at several hospitals and we watched as several babies were born live on our air. >> this morning, we're checking in on some of the newborns. first up the morgan family. they delivered a beautiful baby girl, mia pearl in boston. there with us now along with dad dewayne, mia's brothers. good morning. >> good morning. >> how is little mia doing? >> she is doing well. she is tuckered out right now. typical newborn, she likes to be
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awake at night and sleep during the day. >> of course. tammie, you had three boys, can you say now that you're happy, finally a little lady in your life? >> absolutely. we were pretty happy beforehand but our family is complete now so we're absolutely blessed. >> i have to ask you tammy, what was it like to have our today show cameras in the delivery room with you. i don't think you expected that when you showed up that day. >> not exactly. that was not in the plans. however the team was absolutely wonderful. they were professional and very considerate. so it was a different experience but it was a wonderful experience. >> and dewayne, how are those little boys liking having a sister in the house? >> oh, they're loving it. i think she is going to be pretty tough. we already got them climbing up on her bassinet to check on her. >> she's a beautiful little girl and we want to wish a happy
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birthday to dewayne, jr. who turned 5 years old today. >> they said happy birthday. >> happy birthday dewayne. all right, thank you so much. thanks for being part of our show and best of luck with little mia. thank you. >> all right. let's switch it over to texas. we'll meet the skaggs family. their newest member entered at 7:38 a.m. right on queue. he is now at home with his parents and and brothers and sisters. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> i love the name. he seemed destined for country stardom. >> i know. i laughed about it. he should have been born with a cowboy hat and boots. we're in houston after all. >> well, he is adorable. what was it like to have our cameras right there at the moment of birth? >> joel what was it --
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>> well it was really -- i was shocked at the fact that she even decided to do it because she told me many times not to put certain pictures on facebook. so the fact that she was willing to have her knees up in the air was wild to me. >> that does maybe ask the question was there ever a moment when you thought, why did i agree to do this? >> i mean, honestly, once i had -- once it was time to push and we were about to do it, you know, i realized there were 20 people in the room. there was a man standing up on a couch behind me and i thought i have committed to this, i have to do this. but it was good fun. i would have done it again. >> well, you gave us a lot of memories. i know it's a memory you'll treasure. we'll wait to hear about jackson wayne skaggs in life. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you so much. it was fun. >> and best of luck to you. we want to thank all of the families that really let us into this special moment in their
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lives. >> so beautiful, aren't they? >> coming up next, we have a great story. the 93-year-old rosie the riveter. she is still on the job seven decades later. >> and the new batch of bow to wow pets in need of loving homes. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we are back at 8:40 with a remarkable woman. at the age of 93 she is still doing the same work she started back in 1942 as part of the famous rosie the riveter b brigade. we'll talk to her live in a moment. >> reporter: 5:00 in the morning, leaving for work. a short drive, a stop for coffee, a brief staff meeting. >> let's hit it. >> reporter: and then eleanor otto is at her position at the boeing plant driving in more
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than the 3,000 rivetes for a cargo plane. >> i like to get something accomplished during the day. not to be put out in the pastuer. >> reporter: she has been doing it since 1962. one of the thousands of women that helped the war by joining the rosie the riveter brigades. she learned the air force industry still had a place for her. she never left it. >> she goes about her job like anybody else. >> that rosie the riveter ke with do it motto was a theme for the women's movement and eleanor likes it. >> is this appropriate work for a woman? >> it's not? >> reporter: she's here mostly because there's nothing she would ever do. >> there's an old joke that despite the high cost of living it remains popular, eleanor will
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do whatever it takes to feel alive. and this does it for her, certainly more than thoughts of another marriage. she had two. >> but you're done with men and the taking care of men thing. >> i'm done, unless -- >> reporter: one of the original rosies still on the job seven decades later. >> we are so happy because eleanor is with us now. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> it's so nice to meet you. what's it been like to get all of this attention? >> i'm overwhelmed. i can't believe it. after all these years. i just took it for granted. i just kept working and i didn't see a big deal about it. >> i was going to say, did you realize at the time when you started and you were part of the brigade did you feel like you were making history? >> no. i didn't at the time. it was just something we did. and something unusual of course because women didn't go to work
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in plants but we did the job because we were part of that history which was wonderful for us. and now, after all these years, i can't believe all of this attention. >> what do you say to those that say she is 93. boy, she could be sitting around on the couch. >> i can't do that. i cannot do that. >> i get the feeling that you like to keep on moving. >> people say what's your secret? keep moving. keep moving. i still drive. i drive the freeways or whatever. i got -- i'm independent. >> i know you tried other jobs but you loved this work. >> yes. i like to keep physical. in an office i would go nuts and i did. so i do physical labor and i like it better. >> well, you are an inspiration to so many people. we're happy to have you here. >> and i'm so proud to be here and happy that you let me be here and give me all of this
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attention. i can't believe it. i never felt it would ever happen. >> well, you deserve it. such a great body of work and you're so admired by your colleagues and you inspire a lot of people. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much. >> all right. coming up next, we'll take a turn and get out side. we'll tell you how you can help give adorable animals a loving home. but first, this me
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back now with from bow to wow where we find good homes for shelter animals. bill is our animal advocate and we're boasting a 100% success record. >> it's a testament to how wonderful the animals are but sadly there's no shortage of great dogs and cats waiting with waing tails for a great home now. back here at animal care and control with just an adorable year old poodle mix. fabulous markings. >> and this is spot. he was rescued as a stray
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believe it or not. >> were you a stray? >> this is heather. another year old poodle mix. >> yeah. >> she was also rescued as a stray and has the most adorable eyes. >> oh. and she just wants to fall asleep in the nape of your neck. i'm in heaven. >> this is mack and he is a very special boy. he was born with some physical challenges. missing part of one leg and an eye but what he lacks physically he makes up for in heart. >> he's only six years old and loves to cuddle and lay in your lap. just a special little boy. >> this is one regal boy. this is riley. and you're very sentimental about this dog because he is the same breed as my dog i rescued.
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>> he is in two and awesome condition. >> this little guy louis loves to hang out. >> he is a two-year-old pom mix. >> beautiful boy with a personality to match. >> oh, what you listening to? this is jimmy. oh, i love it. he is cuddling. he is one of five puppies that were literally dumped. what a sweetheart. >> and we're joined now as always by richard of animal care and control of new york city. good to see you again. >> good to see you, too. >> let's get to the first dog. spot is a poodle mix, 1 year old. >> the cutest. >> would be a great family dog. loves to take a walk. rolls on his belly but also when he is done playing can crawl right up on your lap and hang out with you. >> and al has pepper, another black and white dog. what do you think, al? >> he's beautiful. he really is.
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>> one is good. but i wouldn't want to hog a fantastic dog for somebody else. >> well said. >> and a stray rescue. >> yeah. >> adorable. >> what are you eating? don't eat that, spot. >> okay. tamron has heather. also a poodle, one year old. >> heather is another model. she would be good in a home where there's somebody at home all the time. always around you rubbing on your legs, laying on your lap. somebody that's home a lot she would be a perfect dog for them. >> beautiful eyes. thank you very much. let's check out our cat. this is mac. 6 months old. jenna is bringing him out. >> mac is our special cat. >> she has one eye. >> one eye and was born with a short leg. >> but has the greatest personality. everybody in the shelter, everybody that he meets absolutely loves him. >> what he lacks physically he makes up for in heart.
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>> he can be a pirate for halloween. >> okay. >> how many cats end up in shelters? we always hear about dogs. >> a lot. so many cats. >> all right. jenna, thank you. let's bring out our next dog. this is riley. jill, this is your sentimental favorite. >> love it. >> yes. >> so obviously he is a hound, he's very curious. always sniffing. always looking. very energetic. very playful. >> let's bring out our next two. >> next two. >> we have louis, the two-year-old and jimmy the chihuahua-beagle mix. bring out jimmy as well. tell us about these two dogs. >> getting a lot of attention. and little jimmy is still a puppy but very eager to learn.
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really tries hard to learn basic commands and really tries. he's very, very special. >> little jimmy. >> let's bring out all the dogs, guys, one last time. >> the dog and the cat. >> and the cat. >> let's keep that 100%. >> must adopt now. >> jill, richard, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. this is "today" on nbc.
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well, autumn is in full spring bringing seasonal fall favorites back to our table. you need good wine to pair with them. i have been waiting all week for this segment. joe is here to walk us through a tasting. good morning. >> so people don't differentiate between seasons and wine but you think it's important to do that. >> like with food, wine is important. you start to feel a different way. the leaves change, your sensibility change and so are the wines you drink. >> we can still drink white. i like it. here's one we can do. >> so we start with one from central coast california from a friend of mine. it's an italian variety made in california. >> are you supposed to smell it? >> it's part of the process. sniff and taste.
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this is good like very honey and this we made a salad. so a salad of grilled vegetables mixed with a traditional salad together. great white wine. very sweet. >> this goes down too easy. what about this one? >> chardonay. white burgandy. it's made all over the world. the wine is named after the place, not the grape but we know it's made of 100% chardonay. do you like? >> i might like this one better. >> it's more oakey. here we made grilled pork sausage but we made an apple chutny. tell me if you want to try some of this. >> sure.
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then we go to italy. all of these wines are 15 to $20. rich, good acidity. this is going to be great with the short ribs. >> nice. >> was this a medium body's wine. >> this is, again, a town outside of verrona. most are named by the places they come from. it's counter american tradition. in europe the wines are named after the place. because the place is important. wine should taste of the place. >> okay. i keep forgetting to swirl and smell. i just go straight for the drinking. >> last we go to a french wine. they're a producer of the greatest red wines in the world. he makes this as a blended wine. and -- >> so fall wines, fall food.
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>> joe, >> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara trade city police have more details on this week's deadly crash after a police pursuit. this ticket is tried to pull the crash who died in on tuesday. the i-team learned that police did initially pursued the vehicle but stopped after instructions from a supervisor. the third victim in the crash, angel chiwengo,
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>> we will wind up with another nice day today.
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we have clouds this morning but it will break up as we go through the day. same story on saturday and sunday. clouds in the morning. sunshine in the afternoon.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is today's take with al roker, natalie morales and willie geist, live from studio
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1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to today on this friday morning. september 27th, 2013. i'm willie geist along with al roker and america's got talent judge, spice girl, our good friend, part of the family, mel b. >> oh, thank you for saying that. >> it's been nice having you here. >> i've had a lovely week with you two and natalie. >> let's go out big today. let's do something crazy. >> with a bang. >> let's get thrown off tv. >> i don't want to do that. >> and when i say we, i mean you. did you see this kanye stuff? >> i heard about it. >> okay. i'm so torn because i love kanye and his music but when he does stuff like this. >> he's a bit egotistical we know that. >> is it a surprise. >> no. he said rap is the new rock and roll and i'm the number one rock star on the planet. >> he can say that because he's very talented. he is. >> but if we're saying that he's
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not the number one, jay-z is. >> well, that's kind of up there. >> we can argue about this later. now kanye is in a fight with jimmy kimmel because kimmel did a parody of the interview. >> i'm not trying to regurgitate myself. i'm a proud person. architecture, everything you can think about. and they say no. how many have you done seen -- where's the culture at? where is the culture at. >> that was taken from the transcript. >> that was verbatim. >> it was a joke. >> kimmel did it and kanye didn't like it. >> what a shock. >> he tweeted several messages and jimmy kimmel read them on the air last night. >> he called me. he said a lot of things. he told me -- he told me i had
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two choices, number one apologize publicly, and that was really the only choice. and then he started tweeting today and i don't know if i have even seen them because they're happening as we speak. jimmy kimmel is out of line to try and spoof the first piece of honest media in years. all right. what else do we have? jimmy kimmel, i don't take it as a joke. you don't have scum bags hopping over fences trying to take pictures of your daughter. i don't even know what that refers to. did i do a spoof about your face. or you and ben afleck, that was a spoof. #no disrespect to ben afleck. #all disrespect to jimmy kimmel. >> i don't know why he is angry. but finally i'm in a rap feud. >> there you go.
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somebody needs to take his iphone away. they really do. >> it's kind of funny. >> it is. >> that ego. >> jimmy is not upset. >> it's the whole situation. >> he is kind of putting it out there for all to see. >> well, so is kanye by tweeting him. >> but who looked like a dope? >> my favorite part of the bbc interview, in that interview he tells the interviewer i went six years ago with the idea for leather jogging pants and he said no they're everywhere. >> no they're not. >> are you saying you don't own leather jogging pants? >> did you see that episode of friends with the leather pants? you don't want to have sweat and jogging pants. >> why are you even going there so early? >> because i want to explain why it's a stupid idea. >> it goes without saying it's a stupid


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