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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 4, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. it's a new week and we've got new videos "right this minute." it's a police chase involving three ladies and 675 pairs of underwear. how the suspects in the victoria secret's gang got the cops' panties in a bunch. a guy who went from obese to oh, wow. now faces -- >> another kind of challenge. >> i have 20 pounds of excess skin. >> what he's asking the government to do about this. it certainly seems like a bad day for this driver. >> but he gets lucky, twice. >> how some sharp dressers save the day. you always want to get rescued. plus, the great "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. we've got the money buzz word
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and wing suit video, the high-speed journey that will blow you away. dash cam video being released by charleston, carolina, police shows how a panty raid ended in a high-speed chase. >> a panty raid? >> yeah, i'm calling it a panty raid, because three women from miami are suspected of hitting multiple stores at several malls, ending up with 675 pairs of underwear, gallons of perfume that they allegedly pilfered from these stores, all in one day. this video picks up in north charleston after the women already allegedly hit three malls. >> you wouldn't think there was a black market for panties. >> they were not any kind of underwear. they hit three victoria secret. one officer spotted them at the mall. she got some cuts and scratches.
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she'll be okay, but the chase continued. >> i can't say this is the most high speed of chases. >> korgtd police, they went in emergency lanes, reckless driving, sometimes only do 70 miles per hour, sometimes doing 110 miles per hour. this chase lasted 20 minutes, so there was some of everything going on until they finally stopped as the women crash into a garage in somebody's yard. that person's home. >> then police come. watch him, he's got his gun out. pulls her and her weave to the ground. >> oh, my goodness. >> her hair came off! >> all three suspects are in custody. two of these women have been arrested for ripping off retailers, allegedly, in miami. court papers say when they went to their motel room, they found $15,000 worth of underwear, perfume, and other items.
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a man named ryan lorio, who you're seeing in this video, achieved a pretty amazing feat. >> i lost 210 pounds. i went from 386 to 175. >> he did it all just with a gym pass. no crazy supplements. here's ryan at 386 and here's at 175. >> same guy? >> same guy. looks amazing. did it in only a year and a half. but now, ryan is up against another kind of challenge. >> i'm currently in the process of trying to get skin surgery done. however, in canada, the government considers skin surgery to be cosmetic, even if you have an incredible amount of excess. myself, i have about 20 pounds of excess skin. >> he believes that he has the medical grounds for this in canada and that his insurance should cover it. this surgery is going to cost somewhere near $25,000. he's not putting this out there to ask people for money, he's
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putting this out there to show people his skin. watch this. >> this right here, that's the excess skin, and what ends up happening is it pulls my body forward and it can cause back problems. >> wants to raise awareness. he feels that in extreme cases like his, laws should be changed to help out a guy like this. s that he did is the most talk about how heavy this extra skin is and that it does end up causing things like back problems for him. >> i don't think insurance should cover it. i think it's great what he did, but it's going to sound terrible, wouldn't need the surgery if he didn't let himself get to that point to begin with. tense animal video time. this first one from illinois may be a little bit difficult to watch for some animal lovers. what we're seeing in this video is two white-tail male deer,
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who, obviously, were going at it, bucking heads. their antlers got intertwined, and as you can see, one of the deer is dead. >> geez. the other one can't get away from it? >> yeah. as you can see, their antlers are completely locked together. do we know how long he was down there like that? >> we don't know exactly how long the deer were locked together, but a conservation police officer, steve belltran, was dispatched to help with the situation. he's got this -- >> saw for branches, trimming branches and stuff. he's trying to reach in and cut the antlers. >> that's exactly what he does. the first antler he does seems to be a clean, quick cut, but then he has to start sawing at the other antler that's intertwined. eventually, the deer seems to calm down a bit, almost as if he knows this guy is trying to help free him. notice the deer is pretty calm,
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then breaks free and runs away at high speed. >> oh, boy. that's got to be a huge relief, man. now, this next video is pretty intense because it's a close encounter with a bald eagle. listen to the guy behind the camera. >> ten bucks to fly your way on camera. ten bucks and a doobie. >> he's wanting good video. >> and a doobie? >> eagle is ready for his closeup. >> wow, that's bold. this looks like some sort of ad for america. makes you want to sing god bless america or something. >> america, yeah. unch o ip minis in the weeks ahead. get ready for your chance to win. >> monday's buzz word coming up soon. you have to be 18 years or older to enter for your chance to win.
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>> stand by for monday's buzz word. good luck, everybody. time for your daily dose of dash cam double feature. clear roads, weather conditions, sees a car, swerves, and -- oh, boy. flipped over right at the right time. >> flipped over, the car we're ridings in just scoots by without slamming into the side of that thing. minor injuries, believe it or not. if you're the driver in this, you saw a multi-car pileup with a truck flipped over and keep going. you look in your rearview mirror, is that really happening? >> moving on, this guy has a plain old bad day, but gets lucky twice. snowy, slushy road. that guy up ahead gets out of shape. >> he missed it, went on the side. >> spins out, slides, goes off the side of the road, doesn't hit anything. but now he's stuck. gets even luckier. couple of good samaritans pull
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over in a big rig, tie his car up, pull him out. that's good luck. didn't have to call an expensive tow truck. i have a feeling it's not going to be this easy, though. it's not. what an idiot. >> wow. >> see them start to react, start to point, they all run out of the way. from behind, this car smashes itself right behind the truck. >> these guys in their lavender jackets are quite sharp. >> quite the team. >> you always want to be rescued by guys in lavender. it's the business guy versus the reporter. >> he punches the guy right in the face, knocks him over. all caught on camera. >> see who throws the punch, next. big waves, big speed. looks like wake
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welcome back to the show, everybody. don't forget to check out
2:11 pm >> got your camera, huh? >> don't touch me, sir. >> only cost $20, $35 to bust this man in the mouth. >> who are you? >> when you're an investigative reporter, you want to make sure you get the story. this guy got something different, he works for cbs atlanta. >> sir, who are you? >> none of your business. >> this is in gainesville, georgia. jeff is investigating a businessman. that business is run by a man named david wilder, who is a convicted felon. this man is apparently his father, richard. >> your son is facing serious charges. >> you saw that coming a mile away. >> don't you dare tempt to go in my business. >> he cold cocks jeff, jeff goes
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in the dirt. >> you better get that gone before police get here. >> i would be ducking and running out of there and throwing the microphone. >> we reached out to a number of different police organizations. so far, no word on whether charges have been filed against this man who calls himself richard wilder. >> you just punched me in the face. >> yeah, and i'm going to punch you again. ♪ this is network a's latest video. check it out. typically, a wakeboard is towed behind a board. these guys, professional wakeboarders, they grab a tow rope attached to a jet ski. they get whipped into the waves. >> it's like wakeboarding/surfing/snow boarding on water. >> i like that. combines all the different
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elements of those sports. >> that second wave was so big. >> getting that tow in gives them added boost, man. they can hit those waves and go flying. this is done off the beach in australia. summertime down there right now. i'm not showing you a video, i'm showing you a blog. the reason it's called sobbing on fists is because the ladies who claim to be sisters say they were born into an affluent family, born with a silver spoon in their mouth. they had everything they could possibly want a driver, they nil polish, but one day dad said enough is enough and took it all away with the exception of insurance and minor things here and there. >> that's a good dad, knew the value of a dollar. >> if you are brought up living large and it gets taken away from you.
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>> they look at expensive items in store windows and are crying because they can't have them. i do that, too. last year they started this blog where they talk about beauty and fashion. they tell us how this blog works, we have sutton and asper via skype "right this minute.mi" what's it like being deprived of such greatness? >> it's hard. the blog is helping us. >> what made dad say, girls, you're on your own. >> i think there was a lot of straws before we got to the last one. we knew it was coming, but he had to draw the line. our mom is into fashion. once each line went to stores, we'd follow up with designers and get these amazing things. there's certain things we save up for.
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there's a lot of amazing places online and on our blog. >> do you respect your father for his decision? >> absolutely. >> we love daddy. >> get this. there is a speculation this whole thing might be a hoax. i'm glad you guys are joining us, because i need to ask you, are you really sisters and were you really cut off? >> we were really cut off. it was awful. >> this whole story and the blog and everything is real? >> of course. >> how do you pay the bills? >> we work. sadly, we work. you can keep some money in the bank. there's such a thing as a savings account. >> who knew? >> the girls say it's true. some people say it's not. head over to and tell us what you think. it's video of a penguin highway and traffic is heavy. >> i love the one that just stops. >> really good job at merging with each other. >> meet the unexpected world
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traveler who shot this video. and still to come, this zebra is attacking. >> you think you can contain me, i'm busting out of this joint. >> once the zebra is shot with a tranquillizer, there's a stick or pole. >> the story behind the bizarre zebra i do interior decorating
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and styling for bars and restaurants. [ male announcer ] whenever a business switches from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it -- the powerful difference 100% fiber optics really makes. i got it the first time i uploaded these massive design plans. it was kind of mind-blowing because it happened so fast. [ male announcer ] now do more business per second with the speed and reliability of verizon fios for business. get internet and phone for just $94.99 a month when you sign up online with a two-year price guarantee. plus, get a $200 verizon visa pre-paid card. verizon.
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you know, when you work at a zoo, you have to go through all kinds of safety protocols, and that includes training for when an animal escapes. >> oh, brother. again. >> not again. >> yes, again. this is the tama zoo in japan, and here they are training in case one of the zebras get away. >> and if the zebra gets away on two hind legs, standing upright. >> once the zebra is shot with a tranquillizer, there's a stick or pole she's poking at it. if you're a real person, you don't want to be poked by a pole. >> no, see, i would love to be the zebra and take it as a challenge. you think you can contain me, i'm busting out of this joint. >> you're the only one who wants the job. he talked about how he got the job and feels about it. >> since i was the new guy, i was the one who had to do this. if i had to say something to whoever does it next, i'd have to warn them that inside does indeed become a bit stinky with
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sweat. >> you remember last year when we watched this. >> paper mache. >> the real rhino is going to be stopped by the thin netting surrounding him. >> you're right. it would be fun. give him the old shoulder. >> i love the real zebra standing there like, that is so not how we react. come on, get it right. >> if you notic they turn thir butts ound, too. this is at we think of it. ladies, you're kind of used to being a slave to fashion. now the men are getting in on the action. this is in nigeria where a new tattoo is the new fashion trend. ink tattoos on your lips. nigerian men are getting their bottom lip tattooed pink. >> just the bottom one? >> just the bottom lip.
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it's a fashion trend apparently sweeping through nigeria. the woman that shot the video says none of the men would tell her why they are doing this. >> it's a trend. it's just that, it's a trend. a tattoo is permanent. fashion trends come and go. a tattoo is forever. >> does it stay that pink? >> let me show you how pink it is. >> no, this can't be real. no way. >> that looks awful. >> this literally is a trend. the guy in the shop here says he's seeing at least ten men a day. >> a day? >> a day. and they are all paying about $30 to get this done. okay, everybody, it's monday buzz word time in our "rtm" ipad mini give away. >> anybody can win, but you need to be 18 or older and you need the buzz word. >> all you have to do is head over to our facebook page. if you're using a mobile phone or tablet, head to the first
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post and tap on the mobile link. >> monday buzz word is puppy. get over to >> enter monday's buzz word, puppy, for your chance to win an ipad mini. good luck, everybody. wing suit video so good it's almost like a dream. >> every second of this is mind blowing. >> looks li
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this is an aerial view of bear pass in british columbia, and this line here is the highway. >> wow. >> look at the avalanche they were able to produce. >> wow, that's it. >> see that whole thing? that is the avalanche and the cloud it is forming. they also give a shot from the ground up from a safe distance. look at the avalanche just take over that highway. this is a controlled avalanche, so they blocked off a stretch of highway for this purpose. >> so intense, it looks like it's alive and growing. it doesn't look like snow. >> they do say it takes just seconds for the snow to travel from the very top of the mountain, which is about 2,500 meters high, down to the valley. they detonated 1.2 million cubic meters of snow. feature 480 olympic swimming-sized pools. they say picture 100,000
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elephants. >> i prefer to picture 100,000 snowmen. seems more appropriate, doesn't it? >> except snowmen don't weigh what elephants weigh. puppies versus the cat. ♪ >> if you love the chills and thrills of wing suit flying, this video doesn't get any better. this is yuke summer. we've had him on the show before. this is a 16 1/2 minute video. every second of this is mind blowing. >> ready? >> yeah. >> three, two, one -- >> it's still the old three,
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two, one, to launch yourself into space in your wing suit. they call this proximity flying when a group of guys are flying in formation. in certain shots, they have four or five guys coming through these narrow cannons at the same time. they fly in switzerland and france. he enery is stunning, the ying like before. >> like an accident. >> every second it looks like an accident, but they never have one. it's all done professionally. guys flying side-by-side, through canyons, whipping through trees. sounds like a pack of jets flying over your head. >> they are inches away from, like, these rock formations and the tops of trees. >> if you've ever wondered what it feels like to do this, this guy has an analogy. >> love it. it's like french kiss.
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>> not what i expected him to say. you're going to want to see this entire video. click on best of "rtm." that's going to do it for this edition of "right this minute." thanks for joining us and we'll minute." thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time. -- captions by vitac -- and styling for bars and restaurants.
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[ male announcer ] whenever a business switches from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it -- the powerful difference 100% fiber optics really makes. i got it the first time i uploaded these massive design plans. it was kind of mind-blowing because it happened so fast. [ male announcer ] now do more business per second with the speed and reliability of verizon fios for business. get internet and phone for just $94.99 a month when you sign up online with a two-year price guarantee. plus, get a $200 verizon visa pre-paid card. verizon.


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