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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 20, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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>> ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> tonight we are tracking snow. the region bracing for another shot of winter weather and road crews are once again gearing up for a storm. a live look now at storm scan3. you can see the system highlighted on your screen as it starts to develop in the upper midwest. the question is when will it get here and how much snow will it bring. good evening i'm jessica dean. chris may is on assignment. meteorologist kathy orr is tracking the snow and the trouble it could cause on the roads tomorrow kathy. >> once again we're not talking about a lot of snow, not a heavy snow but it's all about the timing again. we've seen a lot of these systems this year, clippers, fast moving systems that will drive toward the philadelphia area. this is going to redevelop off the coast which could enhance the moisture in some spots and that will be determined by the exact spots that that second low develops. we know the timing of this clipper. right now on schedule it will snow between about 12:00 p.m. 13:00 p.m. across the delaware valley, light snow begins in the west and travels to the east. by 3 o'clock pretty much everyone seeing the snow. the heaviest steadiest snow will go between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. right in the middle of the afternoon and evening rush and then after 9 o'clock
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it will come to an end. by midnight it will be dry everywhere. we have a winter weather advisory in effect for counties to the west of philadelphia. it will be colder here and it may start on the early side in these particular communities. as we look at the future snow amounts you can see to the west of philadelphia some higher amounts and then developing some higher amounts to the south as well along the i-95 corridor, not seeing as much. i do think we'll get over an inch here but you can see these two bull's-eyes expo to speak where we'll see more than 2-inches in some spots because of some enhancement with a secondary development avenue low. a few quiet days after this event a-weekend storm possible and more snow next week. i'll be back with more information coming up jess. >> kathy thank you. penndot crews are getting the roads weather for this latest blast of winter. take a look at the schuylkill expressway. chopper three overhead as the crews brine the pavement today. penndot says all prep work is complete. they'll be monitoring road can conditions with the help of cameras. >> plan will be to position our trucks on the highways loaded with salt so that when the snow begins to fall they'll be salting the roadways, keep the roadways wet, plow as necessary and the timing of the storm is obviously a concern because looks like it appears it will be extending into the evening rush hour. >> penndot wants drivers to say at least six car lengths behind salt and plow trucks giving them the room they need to do their job. stay with "eyewitness news" for the latest on this storm. we're on tomorrow morning starting at 4:30 on our sister
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station cbs3. then flip over here to the cw at 7 o'clock. right now in washington, president obama is delivering the state of the union address. this marks the first time in his presidency that he sits before a republican controlled congress on capitol hill. president obama urged congress to build on economic gains by raising taxes on the nation's wealthiest to pay for reductions for the middle class. he called for the can country to turn the page after a lengthy economic down turn and more than a decade of. >> america for all that we have endured, for all the grit and hard work required to come back for all the task that is lie ahead know this: the shadow crisis has passed and the state of the union is strong. (applause). >> and for the first time the white house released the speech to the public before the president spoke making it interactive. for those who followed online the speech was complimented with graphics and stats related to the president's mark. people could also tweet favorite lines. five republicans are expected to issue a response to that address tonight. the official response will come from freshman iowa senator joni ernst. wealthier response on "eyewitness news" at 11:00 on cbs3. tonight pennsylvania officially has a new governor. tom wolf takes center stage for his inauguration. >> i to me what is wolf. >> the 66-year-old democrat stressed the importance of bipartisan during his inauguration in harrisburg. after that ceremony governor wolf signed executive orders reforming the gift band and policy on legal contracts.
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"eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco is live in hershey where the governor and his supporters are celebrating tonight. diana. >> reporter: jessica, as you can see this party has started. we are in the middle of a packed ballroom here in hershey. the new governor made his entrance just a short time ago. he said that it is about the families now in pennsylvania, time to put them first but tonight, it's all about the celebration. >> the 47th governor of pennsylvania, tom wolf. >> reporter: governor tom wolf escorted into the great american ballroom for the let's started inaugural ball. >> the expectations on us are reallily really high. >> reporter: earlier in the day with his hand on the bible, the new governor took office his wife at his side. the democrat said education must be the highest priority. >> nothing is more essential than working together to make sure that every child in pennsylvania every child has access to a great education. >> reporter: while protesters could be heard yelling ban fracking now wolf ran on a campaign promise of using a 5 percent tax on gas extraction to help fund school. not an easy move with a republican controlled legislature an looming budget deficit. tom ridge says he's got his work cut out for him. >> legislature as priorities and the governor has priorities. how do they sit down to accommodate each other's interests and what do they do to get those things done. >> reporter: tuesday night for many the night was about celebrating new leadership in harrisburg. wednesday morning it will be time to roll up the sleeves
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and get to work. >> we've got to actually deliver on that promise. that's when the hard work really begins. >> ♪ >> reporter: tomorrow is day one for this administration. tom wolf has gained a reputation as a businessman for getting things done. the question is will that translate to the political arena? we'll live in hershey pennsylvania tonight, i'm diana rocco for "eyewitness news" on the cw filly. >> diana thank you. and you can watch governor tom wolf's entire inaugural address on our web site at just in now to "eyewitness news." jurors just finished deliberating in the tile of former tv sportscaster don tollefson accused of skimming hundreds of thousands of dollars from people in the name of charity. "eyewitness news" reporter is live in doylestown with these late night deliberations. justin. >> reporter: jessica the jury had this case for sh some five hours and it was very clear there were no near making a decision in the tollefson case. throughout deliberations they had several questions most recently asking about the days of certain eagles games as well as asking for financial records of certain victims in this case as well as requesting more details on witness testimony. throughout the trial they've watched tollefson represent himself against charges that he fleeced his victims of $340,000. that money paid to charity for sports outings benefiting kids. most of those events never happened. prosecutors say tollefson used that money to bank roll his own lifetime. tollefson has admitted responsibility for doing so but said he never set out to scheme his customers. instead he said he was just a
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bad businessman. now, deliberations are set to resume tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. here at the courthouse. if tollefson is convicted he'll face 37 years in prison. and we are live at the bucks county courthouse, i'm justin finch, "eyewitness news" on the cw philly all right, justin, thank you. serving charges against a bucks county man accused of inappropriately touching two girls at his daughter's sleep overs. david spunt is live in bensalem with more on what he's learned tonight. david. >> reporter: jessica, david hips is behind bars right now a $750,000 bail. detectives tell me this case is far from over and they're actively seeking out the public for any more alleged victims. 36-year-old david hips said nothing as bensalem police officers walked him to the back of a squad van. he's accused of inappropriately touching two 10-year-old girls at his daughter's sleepovers. >> it's very scare tree have that happen so close to home. ann-marie lives across the street from him right across from the house in which police say the alleged touching happened. on two separate occasions. >> my daughter's only four, she's not sleeping over anywhere yet. makes me make sure i want to know the parents well. "eyewitness news" spoke to another neighbor who asked her to hide her identity. she says he's well known in the neighborhood. >> i'm shocked bite whole thing, just totally shocked. it seems unbelievable to me. >> reporter: bensalem township public safety director fred herron says the parents of one of his girls recently came to his detectives. the alleged abuse happened over an 18 month period behind this door. >> just a horrific acts by
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this creep and i don't know what more you can describe to have a 36-year-old man sexually molest two girls. >> reporter: hips' attorney says his client will have his day in court. >> he's innocent and i think the facts will bear that out when we have an actual hearing and we hear the accusers under oath. >> reporter: hips' attorney nick man's seen knee is going ask for bail reduction hearing later on this week. meanwhile mr. hips is charged with obstructing and corrupting of a minor. we're also told he is charged with several counts of indecent sexual assault. we're live in bensalem, david spunt, "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. jessica. >> thank you. the woman charged with murder for setting her newborn on fire went before a judge today. hyphernkemberly dorvilier appeared via video. she was arrested friday night. police say she left her pemberton home after giving birth in a bathroom. then investigators say she drove the baby a couple miles away to a dark road where she killed the newborn. according to documents she had a can of wd40 an lighter on her. new tonight philadelphia police are searching for as many as five suspects who robbed and tried to abduct a man at gun point. this is new surveillance video from the crime scene on south seventh street. the victim says they approached him from behind and hit him in the head with a handgun they also tried forcing him into a car. but when a nearby woman screamed she sent the attackers running in a different direction. hear from the off duty officer who jumped into action saving two lives after sunday's deadly clash on the blue route. kathy. >> a clipper is on the move
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and that means snow during the afternoon, the evening rush as well. we'll talk about how much snow to expect and a few more chances of it in the seven-day forecast. >> could fill's famous love park be changing? we'll have the latest on a proposed redesign. plus, the dover police officer who has become a viral sensation talks about his video that has taken the nation by storm. we'll be right back. >> ♪ thank you for being a sailor and my daddy. thank you mom, for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are thankful for many things. the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. our world-class service earned usaa the top spot in a study of the most recommended large companies in america. if you're current or former military, or their family, see if you're eligible to get an auto insurance quote. ♪ >> a hero has emerged from the tragic events on the icy roads in our area over the weekend. radnor township rookie officer james gallagher arrived on the scene of that accident on the blue route. jason anderson was on his way home to dover with his family. their car slammed into a tractor-trailer and got wedged underneath and gallagher went into triage mode. >> the operator wasn't responsive at all. there's a female passenger who is -- she can hear me, she can respond to me. she starts to scream her baby. i went to get the back door of the car opened and chairs a child in the car seat. >> officer gallagher used a knife to cut that car seat out of the wreckage the the baby and mother survived. 33-year-old anderson was killed in that crash.
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philadelphia archbishop charles chaput reveals more details about pope francis' visit to philadelphia in september. "eyewitness news" caught up with the archbishop as he launched the 2015 catholic charity appeal today. chaput who is hosting the pope says he has three items on the tentative agenda. >> sure, i know that he's going to be at a stadium visit with young people and grandparents, there's going to be a festival of families on the parkway on saturday night and there's going to be a mass on sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. >> archbishop chaput says he's heading to rome in two weeks to meet up with the -- with the pope to firm up the agenda the pope will be in philadelphia september 26th and 27th. new tonight, the public gets another chance to weigh in on plans to redesign philadelphia's love park. the city recreation department hosted its final informational meeting tonight: the love statue will remain the heart that of park. input gathered at the meeting will be shared with the design team. a dover police officer has become a viral sensation. he was caught on dash cam rocking tout a popular -- out to a popular song. >> ♪ >> that throughout is master corporal jeff davis from the dover police department doing his best taylor swift. his 10-year-old daughter is a taylor swift fan. he says that's how he knows all the towards shake it off. so far this video has been viewed 18 million times. so, why did he do it? >> shows that we're human and to put a little light on everything that's been going on in the news now.
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>> even taylor swift herself has seen the video. she tweeted lollol, the sass. >> you got to love that. taylor swift even weighing in on that. we are talking about some snow moving toward the delaware valley. it's a big deal because of the time of day it's coming, rights in time for the afternoon and evening commute. not expecting a lot but it will be that wet slushy heavy snow. take a look outside where we did have some snow, okay, it's man-made but still looking good at jack frost/big boulder you can see a few skiers a-few snowboarders still out there enjoying the evening mainly man-made snow but mother nature will provide tomorrow. storm scan3 not seeing much of anything right now. mostly cloudy but dry overnight and then we'll be seeing changes moving our way by tomorrow afternoon. the poconos not expecting a lot but at least we'll see some accumulation. our eyewitness weather watchers are checking in with temperatures that are mainly in the 30's. we do have some 20's to talk about. take a look at these numbers. right now it is 26 degrees to the north, chuck in perkasie is saying, yeah its cold. it's usually cold here in perkasie. it is again tonight with a mainly clear sky. it's 26 degrees. in delaware looking at a temperature of 33 degrees being reported by tyler. he's in bear, delaware. tyler, he should be getting to bed pretty soon, it is a school night and let's take it further to the west for lancaster county where we do have some partly cloudy skies and john is saying in millersville the temperature 27 degrees right now, there is a light wind. elsewhere around the delaware valley, in the city of philadelphia we're at 37 degrees it's 34 in dover
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30 in reading, 22 in the poconos. good snow making weather but here comes a clipper. the poconos will see about an inch of snow. elsewhere 2 to 3 inches with this area of low pressure. so you have the clipper coming down from the south redevelopment off the coast to enhance that moisture. the snow comes in during the afternoon and we are going to be seeing it generally between 12:00 13::moving across the region. but as one area of low pressure fades out and another one develops off the coast it's going to shift some of the energy and that will determine who gets the most snow but where you see this about 8 o'clock some of the heavier patches generally about to 3-inches of snow. here's a look at what to expect. as i mentioned 1 to 3 inches interior south jersey and possibly through reading wilmington chester county on the higher end with that i-95 corridor about an inch or two and you can see a coating to an inch right along the shore line as we do anticipate a little bit of mixing with some rain. overnight tonight mostly cloudy and chilly, low temperature 28. during the day tomorrow the light snow begins in the afternoon mixes with rain far to the south and east. the high temperature 34 degrees. and this is what it will be like for that evening commute tomorrow. the rain and wet snow showers reduced visibility because this will be the steadiest snow. the roads will be wet, slick. take it slow 'cause even rain showers slow things down, so snow showers will slow them down even more. then another system sets. an area of low pressure, a coastal low moves up the eastern seaboard saturday. another low to the north. these do not come together or phase so this is not a major storm but it could provide some snow, some sleet or freezing rain and rain and that would be saturday into
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saturday night. we'll keep you updated on this one and then another chance of snow next week. it's getting busy around here. on the seven-day forecast, thursday is quiet friday quiet, saturday all eyes on that coastal threat. sunday looks nice, monday chilly and then tuesday potential for another system to bring a chance of snow and it will be cold enough tuesday, so this might be just a general snowfall. still, a little ways out. that is the very latest. of course, more details coming on "eyewitness news" at 11:00. >> a lot to keep your eyes on. >> getting busy. >> beasley reece. a little hockey to talk about. >> it was quite a game. the most passioned the most physical play that i've seen in a good time. >> good. >> fans saw more fights, more passion than at any point during the seasonally we drop th >> flyers and penguins at the wells fargo center. the fans must have really enjoyed this onely they clearly don't like each other. let's pick up the action in the first period no, score the pens with the turnover and the flyers zone, luke schenn first shot find the back of the net. orange and black took the lead. later in the period zach rinaldi crushing chris le tang likely suspension from the league. jake voracek dropped the gloves. and luke schenn did a number on his former teammate steve downie, fights all over the place and pierre dropped bobby fornham. flyers down two to one when chris vandevelde scored.
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now they're in overtime tied at two. sixers tomorrow's home game versus the knicks. here they are at practice. midpoint of the season the record is eight and 33. coach brown with the mid season report. >> our defense has been really good. we're moving in the direction we want. we still have to continue offensively to pass the ball and share the ball so much better. i think that we're getting there. sometimes it gets deflating when we don't make shots at the end of those good passes but i see it being that mostly as a team and i'm thrilled with the development that the guys are making. >> yesterday lost by 35 to the wizards. michael carter-williams struggled scoring just seven points. after the game nerlens noel voiced his frustration over not getting the ball. >> that's something that he said and, you know, i'm not sure that i need to do a better job getting guys touches. >> obviously anybody could get more touches. i thought, you know, the ball, it was just stagnant. >> i don't care if they're happy. i don't even care 'cause they have to make themselves happy. you know it comes with -- just as a team. communicating with the team, it's a family figuring stuff out all by themselves. >> the nfl's man of the year was in town. charles tillman of the chicago bears spoke to kids at urban promise in camden. he has nothing to do with this area but comes back often has no ties, gives money and time. that's why he's man of the year. we'll be right back. >> >> got a story you'd like us to investigate? e-mail your ideas to i-team at
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>> thanks for watching "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. for kathy beasley and all of us here, i'm jessica dean. have a good night. we'll see you at 11:00 on cbs3. >> ♪
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