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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 9, 2013 12:35am-1:35am PST

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and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh! thank you. welcome. that's a new york city crowd. very exciting. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." [ cheers and applause ] i am your host, jimmy fallon, and i hope that you're in a good mood because we could all be stuck here together for a few days. [ cheers and applause ] might happen. sleepover. it's a sleepover. >> steve: yay! >> jimmy: everybody's talking about this big winter storm that could dump three feet of snow on the east coast and knock out power to 24 million people. to put things in perspective, that's about six beyonce halftime shows. [ laughter ] the storm is a big deal.
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in fact, i heard the weather channel is expecting totals of 12 to 20 viewers. [ laughter ] >> steve: that's a lot. >> jimmy: that's what i heard. it's a lot. that's right. the northeast is bracing for an historic winter storm this weekend. so, we went to the streets to find out what people are doing to prepare, and it seems like everyone is taking the necessary precautions. check it out. >> what are you doing to prepare for the winter storm? >> i'm stocking up on canned goods in case the gas goes out. [ laughter ] >> i bought some batteries and a few flashlights. [ laughter ] bottled water. definitely stocking up on bottled water. taxi! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i don't think no one cares. no one looks -- no one looks at him like that was weird. that dude -- was like, "that's cold, man." >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, man. >> steve: oh, gosh. >> jimmy: here's some entertainment news. it was just announced that a third "night at the museum" movie is coming out.
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[ cheers and applause ] you can tell they're running out of ideas because it's called "night at the museum 3: maybe go to the museum during the day?" [ laughter ] you guys hear about this? idaho congressman raul labrador -- [ laughter ] -- has fired his spokesman for tweeting, quote, "me likey broke girls" -- [ laughter ] -- from his official account during the super bowl. and this is the worst thing that happened to raul labrador since his parents named him raul labrador. [ laughter ] awful story. [ cheers and applause ] awful story. >> steve: awful. raul labrador. >> jimmy: yes. listen to this. a new survey found that 45% of americans believe in ghosts. doesn't seem that weird, does it, abraham lincoln? [ light laughter ]
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[ laughter and applause ] wow. for a second, the audience were ghosts. >> steve: thank you, no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: yeah, whoo! >> jimmy: that's a good way to kick off the weekend, yeah. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: it's like a shot -- >> steve: start it early, man. >> jimmy: shot of espresso right there. [ laughter ] a big clam of a joke right there. [ laughter ] [ talking over each other ] i'm just going to give this away. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ there you go. take it. congratulations. ♪ >> steve: woohoo! [ applause ] >> jimmy: all right. we can recover. >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm like denzel in "flight." i'm going to pull this through. >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: get this, you guys. a man in florida was arrested for drunk driving on a motorized shopping cart at a walmart. [ laughter ] it wasn't good. in fact, i heard he led cops on a chase that reached 90 aisles
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per hour. [ laughter ] and finally, snoop dogg, now known as snoop lion, just released the music video for his song, "here comes the king." [ laughter ] the video tells the story of a controversial king in a war-torn country -- just kidding. it's about smoking weed. [ laughter ] we have a great show tonight! give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome, everybody! before we get going, i want to say congrats again to the roots for getting nominated for best rap album at the grammys. [ cheers and applause ] this sunday is the grammys. you're gonna take it. you're gonna win, guys. i know it. i can feel it. also, i should say, i want to thank you. i'm up for the best comedy album for my album, "blow your pants off." [ cheers and applause ] i, however, will not win.
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>> steve: what? >> jimmy: i don't think i'm going to win. but this is the part that i'm -- i'm enjoying this part because now i'm nominated, and that's -- i feel good. and on monday, i'm just going to be a loser. >> steve: right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so, i have the weekend to really milk this. >> steve: just enjoy it. >> jimmy: a grammy-nominated artist. >> steve: yeah, you're grammy-nominated. >> jimmy: thank you. and on monday -- >> steve: bleh. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] meh. >> steve: plus, it makes you feel -- >> jimmy: yeah. we have a fun show tonight. we love it when this guy stops by. he's a great actor with a cool new movie. jason schwartzman is here! [ cheers and applause ] he's a great -- he's a great guy. from the new movie -- very scary movie -- "dark skies," the lovely, the talented, keri russell is stopping by! [ cheers and applause ] and we have great music from night beds tonight. oh, man. [ cheers and applause ] good band. you guys, today is friday, and that's usually when i catch up
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on some personal stuff. i check my inbox, return some e-mails and, of course, send out thank-you notes. [ cheers and applause ] now, i was running a bit behind today, so i thought, if you guys wouldn't mind, i'd just like to write out my weekly thank-you notes right now. is that cool? is that okay? [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much. james, can i get some thank-you note writing music, please? ♪ wow. were you sleeping? [ laughter ] ♪ james? yeah, there he is. >> steve: aw, look how cute he is. [ laughter ] ♪ you missed it. [ laughter ] look how cute! what? aw. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, meteorologists predicting that the new york area could get between 3 and 36 inches of snow, for being mother nature's way of saying, "y'all don't know me." [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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thank you, the diagram of chocolates on the inside of the whitman's sampler box, for being like treasure maps for fat people. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. no, i'm joking. i already ate that one. ♪ thank you, cheese nips, for being a delicious cracker and not the name of a strip club in wisconsin. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: or is it? >> steve: is it? i think it has to be. >> jimmy: or is it, yeah. >> steve: it has to be. >> jimmy: it has to be one, right? >> steve: come on. two for one. ♪ [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you, flowers, for being the perfect way to say, "my love for you is beautiful and will die very soon." [ laughter ] [ applause ] ♪
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[ laughter ] thank you, lottery scratch-offs, for basically saying, "hey, you wanna throw away your money and make a mess?" [ laughter and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] i like those things. ♪ thank you, soccer players who do flips to celebrate goals, for making me feel like i'm watching a real life game of foosball. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ thank you, subs, for either being a sandwich, a battleship or a teacher who just shows movies all day. there you guys go. those are my thank-you notes. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with more "late night," everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i -- i got it, i got it made
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at ♪ you! get k-y yours + mine and a gift card to ♪ he can talk to china, mongolia and all the koreas and he eats velveeta shells and cheese. so who are you calling amateur? liquid gold. eat like that guy you know. that's all i know.onal. prior to joining h&r block... i was a cfo for 25 years. we know and we understand... tax laws, tax theories. this is my dream job. this is my favorite thing in the world to do. i've done 25,000 tax returns. you might say i've had some experience. i will back you up. bring it on.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] thank you for coming, gentlemen. let's get started. five years ago this sunday, this foundation gave the albuquerque medical research center a grant of $18 million. today, we're happy to have the center's founders and co-directors, dr. anthony tinsley and dr. jonathan wexler, here to tell us what they've accomplished with that grant.
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doctors. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, dr. lang. and thanks to all of you for your foundation's generous support. without you, the work being done in albuquerque would surely not be possible. over the last five years, our team has had one simple but ambitious goal -- to cut off a man's head with a knife -- [ light laughter ] -- and stick that man's head onto a pig's body. [ laughter ] and for that head to keep working like normal. [ laughter ] first slide. >> in 2008, as soon as your check for $18 million cleared, we began. [ light laughter ] we knocked out a man and a pig, and then tied them down with belts and sheets. on the count of three, we sliced through both of their necks, shoved the pig's head onto the floor, put the man's head onto the pig's body, and sewed it up. >> jimmy: now, just to be clear, for the purposes of this research, we don't care whether a pig's head could survive on a man's body. [ light laughter ] it'd be great --
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[ laughter ] -- but that's not what we're doing. [ laughter ] our goal is a man's head, alive, on a pig's body, walking around on all fours. [ laughter ] here a pig. [ laughter ] here a pig. [ light laughter ] everywhere a pig. [ laughter ] here, a man's head -- [ laughter ] -- which would talk, eat and sleep like normal. man head, pig body. [ laughter ] >> now, the first time we tried it, it didn't work. [ laughter ] the man's head died right after we cut it off with a knife and all of the blood fell out of the neck. [ light laughter ] our director of hematology, dr. jacobson, had the idea to do it faster, so that less blood would fall out of the hoses of the neck. so, instead of walking with the
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head from one operating table to the other, we started jogging. [ laughter ] unfortunately, even the jogged heads died, and the same thing happened when we threw them. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: in fact, we found that no matter how fast we moved those heads, the blood sloshed right out like so much cranberry juice. [ laughter ] but we kept at it because we figured it was partly a numbers game, and that, eventually, one of those heads would keep talking, eating and sleeping just like our heads do, except that the whole time, it would be powered by the body of a fat, fat pig. [ laughter ] so that, if it were to wear a business shirt, out of the back you'd see a pig's haunches and a curly, curly tail. [ light laughter ] and coming out of the sleeves would be pig's arms -- smooth, with hooves at the end. [ light laughter ] cufflinks. [ light laughter ] and then, coming out of the
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top -- a man's head, which would say normal things, like -- >> "take a left." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's what we're shooting for. >> but instead, all the heads kept turning off the moment the blood shot out of the neck hole, and they would not turn back on. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: by 2012, when after 79 long years we had yet to accomplish our goal, we were beginning to lose hope. until last spring, when the results of one particular attempt surprised us all. >> it started out completely normal. we cut off a man's head and put it on a pig. the blood fell down and made a puddle. >> jimmy: we slapped the head around a little to try to wake it up. >> and we were about to throw it all in the trash compactor when, suddenly, we thought we heard something. everybody froze. [ laughter ] "shh!
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turn off that radio!" >> jimmy: we gathered around the severed head of a 29-year old man, stitched loosely onto the still warm body of a fully grown pig. we leaned in close, and we looked into his open eyes. and i said, "did you say something?" >> at first it didn't respond, so i said, "hey head, i'm talking to you! are you still alive? are you still going? did this work?!" >> jimmy: although it did not respond, we're pretty sure that it did say something that first time. [ laughter ] so, consider your $18 million well spent. [ laughter and applause ] >> ah -- i just realized that we haven't been advancing the powerpoint presentation. let's go through it quickly. next slide. next slide. next slide. next slide. next slide. next slide.
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next slide. next slide. [ laughter ] next slide. next slide. next slide. next slide. [ laughter ] next slide. next slide. [ laughter ] next slide. next slide. and done. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you for your time. [ cheers and applause ] >> very well. very well. just lovely. ♪
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but that doesn't happen much anymore. the creative process never stops. and songwriting is so hard, but i love it. these days, i guess i just don't want to miss a thing. [ laughs ] i miss you guys. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now get a windows phone 8x by htc for just $99.99 at verizon.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: our first guest is a funny and talented actor who stars in the new film, "a glimpse inside the mind of charles swan iii," which is in select theaters today and available on itunes and video on demand. please welcome back to our show, our friend, jason schwartzman. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jason, welcome. >> hello. thank you. hi, everybody. >> jimmy: jason schwartzman, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] did you see those scientists? >> yeah. scientists, doctors -- what were they? >> jimmy: are they doctors?
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>> i don't know. i mean, it's your show, so, obviously, i'm gonna defer that question to you. [ light laughter ] what were they? >> jimmy: i don't know -- i don't know what -- who they -- they had to be doctors, right? >> well -- >> jimmy: to receive that much money as a grant. >> yes. i think there's no question that, to receive that kind of money, you are -- you are interested in the advancement of medical health, so my question was -- as i was watching it was, are these human doctors or veterinarians? [ laughter ] who are they -- who are they studying for? >> jimmy: that's a good -- that is interesting, yeah. >> it was amazing, though. i was -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> -- and i think that -- >> jimmy: they're very dry lips. >> i noticed that. [ light laughter ] i wonder why that is. i don't know if that's because -- >> jimmy: yeah, i don't know why. they were almost like they weren't taking it seriously. [ light laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: why were they listening to the radio during one of the experiments? >> yeah, i know. 'cause i've heard like, it's like, you know -- having music on in the operating room has been a tremendous advancement in people, you know, loosens them up. but this felt like it was really loud. >> jimmy: loud music. >> they couldn't hear anything. >> jimmy: loud radio. >> i mean, they might've missed
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a huge scientific breakthrough because the music was too loud. the guy might've said something, but they missed it. >> jimmy: you said guy? would you call it a guy? >> i don't know. at that point, that's a hell of a question. [ light laughter ] it's a -- a mig? >> jimmy: a mig? >> a mig? a mag. >> jimmy: yeah. >> a pam. >> jimmy: a pan? >> a pan? a pan? >> jimmy: that's it. that's a good one. >> i don't know. that's who it is. >> jimmy: yeah, it's a pam. [ applause ] >> but it was beautiful. no, i'm glad -- you know, every time i come on your show, i'm always exposed to, like, great -- >> jimmy: great new words? >> -- great new people who are really working on new things i've never, you know -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> so eye-opening. >> jimmy: so fun. well, we love having you on here. how is everything over in l.a.? how's it going? >> oh, everything's great. in fact, i had something happen to me that i couldn't wait to tell you about. and i thought right when it happened, i thought, "i gotta -- i gotta tell jimmy." it's the ultimate l.a. story, probably the greatest thing that's ever happened to me in los angeles, and i'll share it with you. i went out to dinner with a
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young actor named b.j. novak, who you might know from "the office." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very talented. >> we were working on a movie together, and we play brothers. and i thought before we go to make the movie we should go out and get to know each other. have a bite to eat, have a drink, converse. so, we go out to this -- this restaurant that's in a hotel that i really like. we go there, drop off the car, walk in, have a meal, eat food, wave to some people, leave. when i walk out to where the valet area is, it's a lot of hustle and bustle. very packed. lots of people honking. they're very frightening. >> jimmy: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> and the head of the valet, whatever that is, and i'm sorry i don't know the exact title of that. >> jimmy: the pam, i think. >> the pam. yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's what they call it. >> the pam of the establishment, the prime minister -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> -- of advancement of motor vehicles -- >> jimmy: -- of motor vehicles, yeah.
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[ laughter ] >> -- tries to -- he just gets me in the car. he says, "please get in the car. we have a very big line." i get in my car. it's a black prius, and that's -- that's -- anyway. [ scattered cheers ] that's not the end. trust me, that's not end of the story. >> jimmy: if it was, we'd be happy with it. >> i know, and thank you for that. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so, this is just gravy from here on out. >> jimmy: absolutely. >> okay, so i get in the car, and b.j. and i are talking about how excited we are. we drive all the way home, about 45 minutes -- 30 minutes, 45 minutes. i get to his house, i drop him off. "pleasure to meet you, can't wait to work with you." i leave. about 30 feet from there, i kind of pull over and plug in my cell phone to the car. i notice it's not connecting. it's broken or something. kind of made me mad. so then, i go, "huh?" so then, i go to put on some music, and i notice that several of my pre-set radio channels were all different. and it was very odd, and it kind of made me think like, "what happened while i was gone?" it's not good. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so then, i'm like, "hmm. well, guess i'll just throw in a cd."
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i hit the cd player, and mind you, this is early august, and christmas music starts blasting. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ and i'm like, "that's not right." i don't have this in my car. and i go to turn on the light, but the light switch isn't where it normally is. i find the light switch, turn it on, and lo and behold, i'm not in my car. [ laughter ] i'm in -- i'm in another black prius. i immediately did laugh thinking, "this is insane that i've driven 45 minutes in someone else's vehicle." and then, as i kind of went back and thought about it, i realized if there was some things like my car is not messy, by any means, but i'm a man. i'm a normal man. i'm a human. and i do -- there are some things in it -- like, for instance, if i stop at a red light, maybe something rolls afterwards in my car. like, i stop, and there's a bit of a buh boom. and i noticed nothing was rolling while i was driving or making turns.
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i'm like, "god, this sounds like a cleaner car." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it sounds like it's not my car, yeah. >> it sounded so nice. anyway, i'm like -- i don't know -- i'm so embarrassed, i don't know what to do, so i call the hotel. i say, "can you put me through to the valet department, please?" they put me through, i talk to the pam, and i say -- [ laughter ] i say, "hi, i -- don't know how quite to put this, but i've been in someone else's car for about 45 minutes now." and the guy says, "excuse me?" just in the background, i hear somebody say, "this isn't my car." [ laughter ] and then the guy goes, "is this mr. schwartzman?" and i say, "yeah." and he goes, "oh, oh gosh, i'm so -- i'm so sorry." i can hear him, like, trying to -- and so then, he says, "well, could we bring you the vehicle?" i said, "no, no, no, i'm already on my way and this is okay. it's kind of funny, and i'll be over there in a little bit." i pull back up to the restaurant. i get out. the other guy, this guy's car it is, comes out. now, he is like -- he kind of like insulted me, like joking. but he was like, "i knew that wasn't my car. yours is filthy." [ laughter ] and i was like, "that's not nice." >> jimmy: yeah, come on.
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>> so then, anyway -- [ light laughter ] he gets in his car and leaves. the guy -- the guy that, you know, he said, "i'm so sorry about this. please don't tell anybody." so, here i am not following those orders. [ laughter ] so anyway -- so then, they pull up my car, and, again, it's not my car. another black prius. i need a new car. [ light laughter ] so then, i'm like, "you know what? that's not my car." and he's like, "we'll bring it up." i said, "okay, be right back. gotta go to the bathroom." go to the bathroom, come back, my car's there, i get in and realize my phone is not there. my wallet is not there, and my doggie bag of food is not there. it's all in the first car. [ audience groans ] so then, i say to the guy, "i don't know what to do now. we are both really having a crazy night, and you got to somehow find that guy." he's like, "oh, thank god. well --" i think his name was like roxy, or something or desi? roxy, yeah, anyway. >> jimmy: common name. >> yeah, common name. and so, they say, "oh, well, he's a client. he comes here a lot, and we know his number." so, they call him, and i can tell the guy's like, "okay, have him meet me at the liquor locker on sunset boulevard. [ light laughter ]
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so it's this liquor store. so, i'm like all right. so now, i'm driving down sunset without my wallet, and i'm driving -- i pull up into this parking lot. i wait next to my black prius. then, another black prius slowly rolls in. as it gets closer, i can hear he's, like, blasting like -- ♪ rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ had a very shiny i'm like, "oh, god, here he comes." so, like, he pulls in. he rolls down the window. he gives me my stuff, and he's like, "okay, here you go." and i'm like, "thanks. thanks, roxy." put my stuff in the car. i go into the liquor locker. i buy some stuff. i put on the counter hall's, gum, bottle of tequila. i buy it. i move my stuff to the side and start putting everything in the pocket. then, the guy behind me puts down hall's, gum, bottle of tequila. i look up. it's roxy. [ laughter ] so then, roxy says to me, "we've got to stop doing this." [ laughter ] and it really hurt my feelings, and then, i just said to him, "you gotta stop getting your music wrong for the seasons because you cannot be listening to christmas music." this is insane. and i said, "please, just get away from me. [ laughter ]
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you're following me and i don't like this and you're freaking me out." and i got in my car, and i texted my wife, "you won't believe what happened." and then, i wrote this story down to tell you. so, that's my story. >> jimmy: that is an amazing, amazing story. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for telling us. >> it's a long one. it's a long one, but it's worth it. >> jimmy: it's crazy. >> it's unusual. >> jimmy: it's unusual. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i love that story. thank you. >> yeah, only in l.a. >> jimmy: thank you so much. can you -- let's change subjects. can you explain to me, who's this guy? >> okay. so, first of all, that's me. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but i'm playing this character named kirby star. i'm in a new movie called "a glimpse inside the mind of charles swan iii" with charlie sheen. it's out today, as a matter of fact. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> and i play his best friend, kirby star. i'm a stand-up comedian and all around entertainer. and yeah, that's my look. >> jimmy: is that real hair, real beard? >> well, it might be hard to tell the nuances of it, but this is real -- >> jimmy: uh huh. >> --and then, that's all fake. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah, yeah. so it's, like, both.
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it's half -- my facial hair is real. it's a wig, but it was awesome. i loved having that beard. i was on your show when i had the beard. as a matter of fact, like, i had just finished the movie and most times when i've worked with actors that have facial hair, they can't wait to shave it off, you know, when they're done working. but i was so excited, i'd worked so hard for it. it was like sit-ups. i had gotten that far. i didn't want to let it go. so, i grew it out even longer, and my wife is from alabama. i was going home for the holidays, and i have seven nieces and nephews in alabama -- little ones -- and i thought, "you know what? i want to go home, and i want them to shave it off my face." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: that's so fun. >> yeah, see, thank you. it is -- i think it's fun. i'm from california. i want to be the fun guy from california. i had fun uncles and cousins who did memorable things. so, i got some clippers -- they were about the size of this microphone. and we went outside, i plugged it in and i let all the little kids shave my beard off, which was incredible. the hair was so thick, it, like, literally made a sound when it hit the ground -- [ laughter ] but, like, i think three of them
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loved it, three of them indifferent and one cried. >> jimmy: really? [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. but it was so fun. >> jimmy: i'll take those odds. yeah, that's good. that's fun. >> yeah, i'll take those odds. yeah, it's good. >> jimmy: it's hard to explain this movie, but it's very fun, very quirky. >> yes. >> jimmy: written -- is it directed by roman? >> yes. >> jimmy: roman coppola. >> yes, written and directed by him. >> jimmy: written and directed by that guy who is brilliant. nominated for an oscar -- >> yes, he's nominated for an oscar for "moonrise kingdom." >> jimmy: so, it's -- yeah, he's a good man. [ cheers and applause ] it's a very fun movie. >> yeah. >> jimmy: great look. >> yeah, i mean, charlie sheen plays this, like, super -- sexy, amazing graphic designer who goes through a terrible breakup, and, you know, he kinda -- as he's going over the pieces of his broken heart, you know, he kind of refuses relationships and flashbacks and fantasy sequences. and it's totally wild and insane and so funny. >> jimmy: great. you, charlie sheen and bill murray, too. >> yes. yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: that's awesome. i would love to be on that set. that would be so fun. >> yeah, i know. >> jimmy: how's charlie sheen? >> oh, he's so cool. i love him. >> jimmy: he's a blast. >> i love him. i love him. i mean, like, i was nervous to
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work with him because i'm such a fan of his, but, you know, he was really kind. and i just like the way he speaks and talks and says stuff. like, one time we were sitting there, he's like, "what's your favorite drink, man?" and i said, "i like gin." and he goes, "gin? last time i drank gin, i did a back flip off -- and headed to mexico." [ laughter and applause ] and i thought -- i thought, "you are so amazing." >> jimmy: i would give that a standing ovation. what does that mean? >> and i told everybody that. i tell my friends, "he did a back flip. like, i don't know if he's being literal or completely surreal." >> jimmy: it's so good. >> it could go either way. i know. >> jimmy: i want to show a clip. here's jason schwartzman with charlie sheen in "a glimpse inside the mind of charles swan iii." take a look. >> you've heard about the battle of the sexes, and this is it. >> you seeing what i'm seeing? ♪
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is she looking at me or you? >> howdy, lady. ♪ >> isn't that weird to get clean in such dirty water? ♪ [ native americans yelling ] ♪ >> go, go, go, go, go! ♪ [ horse galloping ] [ bleep ] i'm running fast. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jason schwartzman. "a glimpse inside the mind of charles swan iii" is in select theaters today and available on itunes and video on demand. keri russell joins us next. come on back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ go!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a golden globe award-winning actress who stars in the new fx series, "the americans." she also has a new movie coming out called "dark skies." it opens in theaters on february 22nd.
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ladies and gentlemen, please welcome keri russell. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ keri russell keri russell ♪ ♪ ♪ keri russell >> jimmy: perfect. that is perfect. that was beautiful. we got to do that. you're so smooth. oh, my goodness. thank you for coming out in this crazy snowstorm. >> i know. i'm so excited for it sort of. i mean, i know -- i know it's scary and the power outages, but i guess i spent so long -- i grew up in arizona, and i was in l.a. for ten years. and i like the snow. >> jimmy: yeah, i like it, too. >> this is the first real snow we've had. >> jimmy: i know, it's great -- all i can hear about. >> i'm ready for it. >> jimmy: i mean, roker keeps calling me up going, "here's what's happening in your neck of the woods." [ laughter ] i go, "al, you got to lose my number, buddy." [ laughter ]
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but you're out there. here's what's so cool. >> what? >> jimmy: you have an ice skating rink in your backyard. >> this is what's going on in brooklyn in my backyard right now. >> jimmy: it's for your son. >> this is my 5-year-old, and his dad made an ice skating rink in our backyard. >> jimmy: how cool are you? >> he flooded it. yeah, look at this -- river's ice rink. [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: aw, he's a cute kid, too. >> hockey gear, hockey gear. >> jimmy: that's so awesome. my parents made an ice rink like that in my backyard once. >> did they really? >> jimmy: growing up, but it was -- >> where did you grow up? >> jimmy: saugerties, new york. upstate new york. and it was so lumpy. they don't know how to make an ice rink. [ laughter ] it was lumpy, and it was just awful. and -- and you couldn't skate on it at all. yeah, it was like -- and i fell and almost cracked my head open. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and that was the last year we did it, yeah. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: last year. my very overprotective family. i had to wear a football helmet when i was skating. >> well, i mean, come on. that's a hockey helmet, basically. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i mean, look at that. >> jimmy: but he looks cool, though. [ laughter ] i don't know what i looked like. i had a football helmet on and mittens, and just skating around
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and i fell on my head. moron. >> oh. >> jimmy: i found a really cute picture of you -- which is not hard to find -- but look at this. you were in the mickey mouse club. >> i was. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: were you? >> oh, i'm sorry. i'm the one doing the very awkward pose right in the center. [ laughter ] as if this photo in itself wasn't awkward enough. >> jimmy: yeah, you're the only one posing, yeah. >> like, you know i think i'm cool right there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you do. well, you are cool right there. >> i'm like, ooh, you know what would be really cool? like, this pose. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it was cool. >> oh my god, it's so bad. >> jimmy: can you point out -- i mean, there's other fun people in this. >> yeah, so justin timberlake. [ cheers ] britney spears. [ cheers ] christina aguilera. [ cheers ] oh, wait a second. someone else doing a pose. >> jimmy: yep. >> ryan gosling. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] he's definitely doing a pose. what's that pose? he's going like -- [ laughter ] >> classic. >> jimmy: you better ask
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somebody. >> classic. and my favorite -- this is one of my best, best girlfriends, alana, who's about to have a baby, and it's a snowstorm. and she's just texting all of us going, "please let this baby not come right now." >> jimmy: yeah. >> "please let this baby not come." >> jimmy: all right, we're going to send vibes right now. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it will wait a couple of days. >> i'm so excited. >> jimmy: absolutely. thanks for coming on because there's a lot to talk about. "the americans" -- it's everyone's favorite new show. congratulations. >> okay, good. >> jimmy: it is. >> thank you. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's very cool. everyone's talking about it. everyone loves the show. >> oh, thanks so much. >> jimmy: it's set in the '80s? >> it's set in the '80s. lots of high-waisted jeans and banana clips. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's good. high-waisted jeans. >> that's good. >> jimmy: that's fantastic. >> so, it's sort of a spy show, but it's -- that's, like, what it's pouched in, but it's really a show about this very interesting, complex marriage of these two kgb operatives, and they're living in suburban d.c. and, you know, to me, it's really a show about a complicated marriage, but they do do all this cool spy stuff.
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>> jimmy: do you like doing that stuff, the action? >> yeah. i mean, it's a little horrifying at times, too. the first episode, i have to kick a guy's head through the wall. and, you know, the stunt guy, sam, who's amazing, looks at me and is like "keri, look, you've just got to do it. i mean, seriously. i know you're afraid to kick my head through anything" as he puts a mouth guard in. and he's like, "but do it hard once because if you miss, you have to do it twice." [ laughter ] i'm like, "oh!" >> jimmy: yeah, get to the point there. kicking his head into the wall. so, what did you do? >> i [ bleep ] -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right -- all right now. everybody calm down. everybody calm down. >> well, i did. >> jimmy: all right. you went to a dark place right there, keri. >> i'm sorry. [ laughter ] i'm sorry. >> jimmy: get out of it. snap back out. >> i'm collecting myself. >> jimmy: but anyways, it's a fantastic show, and everyone's raving about it. and now you have a movie, as well. you're doing -- busy, busy, busy. >> well, they didn't shoot all at once. you know how it works.
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doesn't it just come out all at once? but yeah, so the movie is this really thrilling, scary kind of poltergeist-y family thing, and it's called "dark skies." >> jimmy: "dark skies." i want to show everyone a clip of it. it is spooky and scary. you'll see. here's keri russell in "dark skies." [ crashes ] [ screams ] [ laughter ] [ crashes ] [ screams ] >> oh! >> jimmy: the whole audience is -- [ cheers and applause ] >> good, good. >> jimmy: that looks awesome. keri russell! "the americans" airs wednesday at 10:00 p.m. on fx. [ cheers and applause ] "dark skies" in theaters february 22nd. night beds perform next. come on back, everybody. ♪
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and he eats velveeta shells and cheese. so who are you calling amateur? liquid gold. eat like that guy you know. liquid gold. i played a round of in the last five hours? then i read a book while teaching myself how to play guitar; ran ten miles while knitting myself a sweater; jumped out of a plane. finally, i became a ping pong master while recording my debut album. how you ask? with 5-hour energy. i get hours of energy now -- no crash later. wait to see the next five hours.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guests just released their first album, "country sleep." and we're thrilled to have them here tonight to make their national tv debut.
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performing the song, "ramona," please welcome night beds. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ come on ramona it's getting harder hidden and guarded i know you feel so alone ♪ ♪ oh lord come on ramona naked with nothing praying for something ♪ ♪ i know you feel so alone oh lord
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with a heart that always fails ♪ ♪ my love's gone off all the rails i'm like a ship without a sail ♪ ♪ sinking underneath the waves ♪ ♪ ♪ come on ramona church bells are ringing everyone's singing why do we feel so alone ♪ ♪ oh come on ramona make it your mantra what they taught ya ♪ ♪ take back the life
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that they stole oh lord ♪ ♪ with a heart that always fails my love's gone off all the rails ♪ ♪ like a ship without a sail drowning underneath the waves ♪ ♪ yeah with a heart that always fails our love's gone off all the rails ♪ ♪ i know that blindness has a way to lead us back to faith ♪ ♪ that never works never that never that never ♪ ♪ never
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will sever oh ♪ ♪ [ rhythmic clapping ] ♪ ♪ we garner our dreams in the darkness through the orchard ♪ ♪ my chest fide this love it's yours we garner our dreams in the darkness ♪ ♪ through the orchard
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lilt my chest fide this love it's yours ♪ ♪ we garner our dreams in the darkness through the orchard ♪ ♪ my chest fide this love it's yours ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: night beds! check out the album, "country sleep." see them live monday in st. louis. that was fantastic. we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to jason schwartzman, keri russell, night beds! [ cheers and applause ] and the greatest band in late night, the roots, right there. stay tuned for carson daly. thank you for watching. have a great weekend. hope to see you next week. buh-bye! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ captions paid for by nbc-universal television captions by vitac ♪ >> carson: hey, everybody. carson daly here to guide you through yet another edition of "last call." we're at the roger room for night two of sundance week, during which we're dedicating our "spotlight" segment to films featured at this year's sundance film festival. tonight, it's all about a documentary 13 years in the making, the story of "american promise" is coming up. our music tonight is great. we turn the lear


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